Rock Heart

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Rock Heart Page 5

by K. Webster

  Is that Ryan?

  “Ryannnnn?” I murmur to her.

  The blonde’s eyes widen once she realizes that I’m talking to her. “No, I’m Kris,” she says quickly.

  “Don’t fucking lie, Ryannnnnn. I heard you talking to your boyfriend. We were supposed to hook up. What the fuck? And my stupid ass still wants to f-f-fuck you!” I snap.

  Donnie’s hand grips my shoulder. “Dude, time to go home.”

  I shrug him off and push the brunette out of my lap. “I don’t want you. I want Ryannnnnn,” I spit out, pointing to the blond.

  Fear fills the blonde’s eyes as she stumbles backwards in her too-fucking-high heels. “I’m not Ryan,” she tells me urgently as she backs away.

  “More fucking lies! Is every fucking woman a liar?” I demand.

  This time, Donnie jerks me away forcefully. “Cut the shit, asshole. We’re leaving.”

  In what seems like slow motion, I try to punch him, but he clocks me hard and fast between the eyes. Everything goes black, and I hit the floor.

  I’m holding baby Sutton while June and Bobby went to ‘shower.’ He’s so cute with his chubby cheeks and drool. My heart is aching.

  “You’re so sweet,” I whisper and give him a little tickle. He rewards me with an adorable giggle.

  My mind drifts back to earlier when Chaz and I kissed. God¸ that kiss was so hot. That man twists my mind and confuses me. When I took the call from my asshole ex, he stormed off, assuming the worst. Well, he can rot in hell for all I care. I didn’t get rid of one jerk to jump right into the arms of another.

  Bobby and June enter the kitchen with huge grins on their faces. She walks over, scoops Sutton out of my arms, and blows raspberries on his cheeks, causing him to squeal in delight. My heart aches because I want a family of my own like this—one where the man actually enjoys both the child and the woman. They’re so happy.

  “I wonder what sort of trouble those two idiots got into after they left here. I texted them earlier, but neither of them replied. My guess is they went man-whoring around now that Chaz is single,” Bobby chuckles.

  I frown at the idea of Chaz banging some random chick.

  Thankfully, after they left, Neve and David quickly packed their things and took a cab. The bus that was once full of people seems so empty.

  “I’m going to get ready for bed,” I tell them and hop up from the couch. The last thing I want to hear about is their night of debauchery.

  Bobby waves and says, “We leave early tomorrow. We’ll have a full day on the road.”

  I nod and leave him with his perfect family.

  After I change into some cotton shorts and a tank top, I scrub my face, brush my teeth, and crawl into my bed. The first thing I do is check my phone. When I see the picture on my screensaver, I start to cry. God, I miss him so damn much.

  “What the fuck happened?” I hear Bobby yelling at someone from down the hall.

  There’s a huge commotion, so I jump down from my bed to see what’s going on. Donnie is drunk, but Chaz is three sheets to the wind. His eyes are black around his nose and Donnie is practically dragging him inside the bus.

  “This asshole took something and nearly got us kicked out of the bar,” he grumbles.

  Bobby gets on the other side of him, and together, they tow him to the bunks. I stand out of the way as they deposit him onto the bottom bunk that used to be Neve’s.

  “I’m fucking beat,” Donnie groans before crawling onto his bed, leaving Bobby and me to stare wide-eyed at one another.

  Bobby shakes his head and walks back to the kitchen. Chaz appears to have already passed out. I’m silently thankful that he probably didn’t get an opportunity to sleep with anyone. Ugh, I shouldn’t even care about that prick. I step onto the mattress near his head and am about to heave myself up when a strong hand grips my ankle.

  “Ryan,” he says softly.

  I sigh and climb back down to kneel in front of him. “What?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, me too,” I whisper and start to stand.

  “Wait. Please, Ryan. Come lie beside me. I just need a…a friend right now. I’m sorry I’ve treated you like shit. That ends now.”

  Something about the way he tells me this makes me want to believe him. I huff in resignation and crawl over him into the tiny bed. He pulls me into the crook of his arm and inhales my hair. It causes me to shiver, so I slide my arm across his chest for a little extra warmth. Tomorrow morning, I’ll regret this, but right now, it feels right. I reach over him and quickly shut the curtain before falling asleep in his warm, strong arms.

  My eyes flutter open to realize that the bus is moving. It’s early and quiet—everyone still must be sleeping. Then a groan from beside me startles me. I roll over to see Chaz’s arm thrown over his face as he sleeps. A whimper escapes me when I notice that, sometime in the middle of the night, he took off his jeans and his shirt, which means he’s only sleeping in his boxers. My eyes peruse his tattooed, chiseled chest, and I bite my lip. God, he is so sexy. I could stare at his body all day. And when I see his thick cock at rest inside his boxers, I feel my panties dampen. He’s huge now. I can only imagine how big he is when he’s aroused. The thought sends a million dirty thoughts running through my mind.

  When I sigh, he pulls his arm back and peeks at me through squinty eyes. “Ryan?” he asks hoarsely.

  My heart pounds because I realize that he doesn’t remember asking me to sleep next to him. How incredibly embarrassing.

  “Uh…I… You asked me,” I stammer and start to make my escape from his bed.

  He grips my ass and hauls me back over to him. “Stay,” he orders in a way that seems like a plea.

  I nod reluctantly and settle my head back down in the crook of his arm. His hand gently rubs my back while the other one finds my hair, stroking it slowly. It feels so right—so comfortable in his arms. Minutes later, we both fall back asleep.

  The next time I wake, it’s much brighter and I can hear voices. I yelp when I notice I’ve got my leg stretched across his waist and I’m practically on top of him.

  “Shit,” I hiss out, making the mistake of dragging my leg across his now hard cock. And yes, it’s fucking huge just like I imagined it would be.

  “Where are you going, baby?” he chuckles.

  I make such quick haste out of the bed that I fall to the floor on my ass and then haul butt to the bathroom. After I safely lock myself inside, I pull my hair back in a ponytail and splash cold water on my face. What am I doing? I hurry and brush my teeth before exiting the bathroom to join the others. Then I practically run past the bunks and slam right smack into Donnie.

  “Ry-Bear!” he laughs and pulls me into a bear hug, knocking the breath out of me.

  “Hey, Donnie,” I say into his chest.

  “Running away from a certain dickhead? Did he not satisfy you last night? You know I’ve got special moves. Just ask June. I’ve seen her twat—had my hands all up in that thing,” he teases.

  “I WILL kill you, Donnie!” Bobby hollers out from the kitchen, sending Donnie into a fit of hysterics.

  I’m about to push away from him when strong hands grip my waist and pull me away backwards. Shit—Chaz. The one I was trying to escape from.

  Donnie passes us and heads for the bathroom. When I sneak a glance down to see if Chaz is wearing pants, I’m slightly disappointed to see that he’s wearing jeans. He’s not wearing a shirt, and I have to fight the smile that tugs at my lips. His hair is a mess, and I feel like running my fingers through it.

  We hit a bump and I fly right into his arms. He gazes down at me and peers straight into my soul. The look he gives me is sweet and caring. The asshole from yesterday is long gone. His hand makes its way to my cheek and he strokes it softly with his thumb.

  “You’re so goddamned beautiful, Ryan,” he tells me as if it’s an absurd notion.

  “And you aren’t so bad yourself,” I tease him.

  He dips his head
down and presses his lips to my forehead. I can’t help but close my eyes and sigh. He mesmerizes me.


  “Yeah, Chaz?”

  “What’s your story?”

  I frown. My story doesn’t fit with this one. There’s no way. But somehow June’s story works with these guys. Why wouldn’t mine? I quickly push that thought away.

  “I’m not ready to tell you,” I tell him honestly. He hasn’t earned my trust yet. The man has more mood swings than any female on her period.

  He grunts in disagreement, but I quickly push away and scamper into the kitchen to see if I can help June with anything. When I make it into the kitchen, I realize that she can’t really cook while we’re on the road, but there’s a box of donuts sitting on the counter. I grab one and plop down in the booth. Seconds later, Chaz scoots in beside me.

  “I can’t escape you,” I half-laugh.

  He grins at me and tickles my ribs, causing me to throw my donut across the table.

  “Motherfucker!” I hiss and try to escape him, which is hard when I’m pressed against the window. I’m laughing too hard to get any more words out, but he finally stops and gives me a moment to catch my breath. He’s looking at me with an ornery grin, and I momentarily think of him giving me that look while he pushes that monstrous cock inside me. My cheeks burn with embarrassment as I try to break free of the grip he has on my wrists.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asks with a raised brow. But he fucking knows. It’s written all over his face.

  “Nothing. Let go of me,” I whisper.

  His eyes fall to my lips and my pussy actually freaking throbs. What is wrong with my body when I am around this man?

  “I don’t want to. In fact, I never want to let you go.”

  God, does he have to be so fucking swoon-worthy? My heart pounds almost right out of my chest.

  “Until you get in a bad mood and refuse to talk to me,” I tell him bravely.

  His features darken. I’ve pissed him off. Well, it’s the truth.

  “I’m sorry, Ryan.”

  Donnie enters the room and swats Chaz on the top of the head as he walks by. “Dude, stop trying to rape the bassist. Shit, that could be a song—Don’t Rape the Bassist. Bobby!” he hollers down the hall. “Get your ass down here. I have a new song idea.”

  Chaz releases me and tries to punch Donnie, but he hops out of the way. Slipping into the booth in front of me, Donnie flashes me a smile. How is this guy not already taken? I hope he finds a good girl one day.

  “Ry-Bear, want to play footsies?” he asks, wagging his eyebrows as he rubs his bare feet against mine under the table.

  I giggle and yank my feet up into the booth.

  “Is this a fucking donut stuck to my arm?” he asks in disbelief, pulling his arm away from the window, which is now smeared with glaze.

  Chaz and I start laughing until Donnie starts breaking off pieces and tossing them at us.

  “Hey!” I gripe at him.

  He chooses that exact moment to toss a piece right into my mouth and then one down the front of my tank. When he flicks a glance Chaz’s way and winks, I roll my eyes at their boyish tactics.

  “I can help you get that out of there,” Chaz laughs with one corner of his mouth turned up in a smug-ass grin.

  I playfully punch him before fishing it out. “No, thank you,” I tell him, rolling my eyes.

  He plucks the piece from my fingers and tosses it into his mouth. When he raises an eyebrow at me and that wicked throbbing for him begins again in my pussy, I know I’m fucking doomed.

  While the guys played a game of cards that afternoon, I managed to sneak in a much-needed call home. The phone call ended with me in hysterics. I tried to play it off that I had a headache and have spent the rest of the afternoon crying into my pillow. When my curtain opens up and someone climbs into my bed with me, I attempt to hide my face into my pillow.

  “Ryan?” Chaz whispers and strokes my hair.

  My heart aches, and his comforting touches do nothing to calm me. A sob escapes before I can stop it. He stiffens beside me, which only causes me to cry harder.

  “Hey, shhh. What’s going on?” he tries again.

  I attempt to calm myself, but I’m too sad. He yanks the pillow from my grip and pulls me into his arms. Now, I fully allow myself to break down in hysterics. This time, he doesn’t talk. He just holds me. And after some time, I finally manage to stop aside from the occasional hiccup. He continues to stroke my hair while we lie conjoined in silence.

  Eventually, he speaks. “Ryan, we’re all a part of a band. Manny kept secrets from us and now he’s gone. I can tell you’re holding something back. Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

  I sigh heavily. “I miss home.” It’s the truth. Just not all of it.

  “That’s natural. We’re your second family.”

  He’s worried about me. It’s nice for someone to feel that way about me. I turn my head to look into his dark-green eyes and study the features of his face. His eyebrows are furrowed as he watches me. He has a little bit of scruff on his face, which makes him look even hotter. My eyes fall to his lips, which are pressed together in a frown.

  I slide my hand to his cheek and stroke the prickly hair there, allowing my thumb to slide over his lips. When he grabs my wrist and opens his mouth, I let him urge my thumb into it. He sucks it gently, and I’m mesmerized, watching the way his lips go up and down over the knuckle.

  He pulls it out and flashes me a sexy smile. Before I can think things through, I tilt my head to him and kiss him on the lips. In unison, we open our mouths and taste each other. He grabs my hips and pulls me over so that I’m straddling him. I can feel his hard cock through my yoga pants. When he sucks on my lip, I grind myself against him and we both groan together.

  “God, woman, you’re killing me. I want you so badly,” he growls and nips my lip.

  I whimper and press my pussy against his throbbing cock again. “I want you too, Chaz.”

  He smiles at me before attacking my lips again. When he rolls us over closer to the wall with him on top, I let out a giggle.

  “That laugh—it does things to me,” he murmurs against my lips.

  I tighten my legs around his waist as he dry-humps me hard. The way his cock rubs me through his jeans has me quickly reaching a long-overdue orgasm. When he thrusts against me just the right way, I cry out as shudders quiver throughout my body. I’m embarrassed at how easily I came for him.

  “That was hot.” He winks at me.

  My face burns from embarrassment, but it was hot. Now, I want more of him. All of him. He starts inching my shirt up when the curtain flies open and Donnie smiles at us mischievously.

  “Sorry to cock block, dude, but Bobby wants to rehearse that song some more,” he laughs. Clearly he takes great joy in messing with his bandmate.

  Chaz shoves his middle finger in his face. “Next city, I’m getting a hotel room.”

  Three days. Three long fucking days of Donnie’s cock-blocking ass. I don’t know what his play is, but I’m about to throttle him. At least I’ve managed to coax Ryan into sleeping curled up next to me. She’s so soft and beautiful. I love having her right up against me. But this fucking bus—there’s not one single bit of privacy. I can tell she wants more than the over-the-clothes touching. Fuck, so do I, but any time one of us makes any sort of sexual peep, Donnie’s idiotic ass interrupts.

  We’ve played one show since the last in Kansas City. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a hotel room near the venue we played at, so it was more trouble than it was worth. Ryan played perfectly and I was so fucking proud of her. Tonight, we play Chicago, and I’ve already scored the penthouse suite at the hotel right next to where we’re playing. I’m going to finally get some alone time with Ryan.

  Even though it feels like we’re teenagers in our fucking parents’ house, I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve been able to spend with her. Neve and I, even in our early times, never had playful, lighthea
rted moments. One of my new favorite things to do is to pin Ryan down and tickle her until tears stream down her face. Then I slowly kiss them all away and taste every corner of her mouth. She’s quite addicting.

  I’m still troubled by her home life. She keeps that shit under lock and key. There are times when she takes secret phone calls and looks so fucking sad. It breaks my heart, but I don’t press her about it. I’m hoping that, after tonight, she’ll finally open up to me.

  “Ready?” she asks, snapping me from my thoughts.

  I look down at this beautiful, tiny little thing. She reminds me of a little rock-and-roll fairy. Glitter around her eyes and pink strands of hair help solidify that image. All she’s missing is a pair of wings.

  “Are you ready?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  Her cheeks turn pink and I laugh. She’s so fucking cute. Any time she thinks of something sexual, her cheeks give her away.

  “Ugh. I hate you,” she pouts and playfully punches my belly.

  When she turns to walk away, I pull her back to me and kiss her deeply on the lips. “I don’t hate you. Not one single bit.”

  I start kissing her neck when a pair of drumsticks slap my ass. Fucking cock-blocking Donnie. Releasing Ryan, I spin to face him.

  “What’s your angle, Jennings?” I antagonize. He hates it when I call him by his last name. I dodge his drumsticks when he swats them at me.

  “My only angle is that you don’t hurt her, Montgomery,” he replies. Unlike him, I don’t hate my last name, so it doesn’t have the same effect.

  I’m about to profess that I won’t, in fact, hurt her because I like her too fucking much when Bobby steps between us.

  “Assholes. Stage. Now,” he orders.

  Donnie ruffles his hair before running out onto the stage. The roar of the crowd lets me know we’re at another sold out arena. Bobby pats Ryan on the shoulder before trotting out there to join him.

  “Ready?” I ask and walk over to her.

  She’s nervously chewing on her lip. It took a long time for me not to have a damn near anxiety attack every time I took the stage, so I know she’s struggling. Pulling her to me, I capture her lips with mine. After a quick kiss, I pat her ass.


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