Drawn to Her (Southern Heat #1)

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Drawn to Her (Southern Heat #1) Page 20

by Jenna Harte

  “My choice is to be with you, Oliver. Like or not, you won’t die alone.”

  He didn’t hide his disappointment before turning away.

  “If you really want to do something for Drake, end this ridiculous competition between him and Derrick. They both have the talent and drive to run the company. There must be a way to solve this without having a loser.”

  “My fixing the business for Drake won’t make his life right, Lexie, and you know it.”

  Claire poked her head in the door before Lexie could respond. “The doctor is on the phone, Lexie. He says he wants to give you some new instructions for Oliver’s care.”

  “This isn’t over,” Lexie said to him.

  “It will be soon enough.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  No matter what Drake did, he couldn’t shake her essence. It surrounded and permeated his senses. He went running through the park only to have the laughter of children remind him of her laugh. He showered only to be reminded of the dozens of showers he’d taken to cool the fire she ignited. The only option he had to settle his system and focus on his presentation was to see the one person who could remind him why love would never work.

  “Drake?” Sharon entered the parlor of the Carmichael home where he was waiting. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “I just dropped by.” He’d helped himself to orange juice from the bar. He briefly considered adding vodka, but since the sun was barely up, he decided against it.

  “I see.” Sharon glanced around the room. “Is your little nurse here?”

  “No, she flew back to Virginia. Oliver isn’t doing well.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t go with her. I got the impression you had something going on with her.” Her tone was disapproving, although he couldn’t be sure if it was over his having a relationship with Lexie, or that he’d be soft enough to let her convince him to return to Oliver.

  “Since when does my love life take precedence over business?” He drank the orange juice and reconsidered the vodka.

  “Since when have you ever had a love life?”

  “There was a time you and I—”

  “That wasn’t love, Drake, and you know it. That’s why you let your brother steal me. I will admit, it was a shock and disappointment you didn’t put up a fight, not even for Tad.”

  “Tad is the only reason I would’ve stayed, but I considered the loveless home Derrick and I grew up in and didn’t want that. Especially for Tad.”

  “He’s still being raised in a loveless home.”

  “That’s only because you and Derrick are so focused on what you didn’t get out of your ploy that you fail to see how perfect you two are for each other.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She turned away from him, busying herself adjusting framed photographs sitting on the baby grand piano.

  “You’re both mad I didn’t fight for you.” Drake shook his head. “The two of you never did understand me. I may care about people. Maybe I’m sentimental even, but I won’t be manipulated. That’s how it was with you, Sharon. Tell me the truth. You’re happy just to have one of us. It really wasn’t about me, was it?”

  She whirled on him. “That’s not true. I did care for you.”

  “You wanted the money and name.” He accused her harshly. “If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have married Derrick.”

  “I wanted you.”

  Drake laughed. “Then why were you sleeping with my brother?”

  “You son of a b—”

  “You’re right. That was low, but no lower than what you did. How long did it take to realize you could use a pregnancy to get one of us? It was perfect since a paternity test wouldn’t help.” Drake tried to hide the pain welling up. “How could you do that to us?”

  She shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. When she looked up, it was the first time Drake saw genuine emotion in her eyes. “I didn’t plan to get pregnant.”

  “The question I’ve never gotten answered was did you sleep with Derrick before or after our condom mishap? Were you trying to trap him or me?”

  “Is that why you came today? To attack me?”

  She looked stricken, and he bit down against the guilt for saying something so hurtful and reminded himself why he was there. “No. I came to get a reminder of why love is a waste of time.” Drake set his glass on the bar and headed to the door.

  “You do love her.”

  “I’ll get over it.”

  Armed with anger and the reminder he was a ruthless, capable businessman, Drake spent the rest of Sunday preparing for the board meeting. He’d show Oliver and Derrick he could be more brutal and coldblooded than they were. When he was done, they’d both be out. Drake pushed away the nag of conscience trying to creep in. He’d learned a hard lesson, one he thought he’d already learned. Now he knew for sure love was a waste of time.

  Even so, when he entered the boardroom on Monday morning, he felt off his game. The boost he’d gotten during his visit with Sharon had weakened when he was alone in his apartment and unable to prevent thoughts of Lexie from entering his mind. He tried psyching himself up by arriving at the office early to review and practice his presentation, but as he prepared to go head-to-head with Derrick, he didn’t feel the kick of adrenaline he normally experienced. He talked himself into thinking it was lack of sleep and all he needed was coffee. Extra strong coffee.

  His assistant brought him a cup of dark brew and left documents for his signature. Rifling through them, he absently signed, waiting for the coffee to take effect.

  “Drake.” Derrick’s voice, so like his, yet void of affect, greeted him.


  Derrick assumed a position at the opposite end of the table, an adversarial position. “Shall we flip to see who goes first?” Derrick emptied his briefcase of folders and portfolios.


  Derrick’s eyes blazed, his body stiffened in preparation for the first battle.

  “You go first.” Normally, Drake would have wanted to, but the coffee hadn’t taken effect yet. He was relieved when suspicion darkened Derrick’s eyes. He didn’t need Derrick knowing he wasn’t mentally prepared.

  “Long night with the help?”

  Drake ignored the comment. “Did you get my message about Oliver?”

  “Yes. I’m surprised you’re here. I half expected you to go to him. I guess you haven’t softened as much as I thought.”

  “Taking care of family doesn’t make one soft. My business sense is as keen as ever.”

  “Hmm. You sound like Nurse Lexie. You know full well Oliver wouldn’t give a moment’s thought if the situation were reversed.”

  Drake would have agreed, except the old man seemed different now. It made him wonder: What would he regret on his own deathbed? Lexie. He swore under his breath. He didn’t need her muddling his brain. Not on the most important day of his life.

  “That’s why I’m here. My priorities are in order.” Although, he wasn’t so sure any more.

  The doors opened and members of the board filed in, wearing their dark power suits with red ties and stern faces. They looked like they’d never seen a happy day in their lives. All that mattered was money and power. And even though they all had that, none of them looked nearly content enough.

  In a move about power and control, Derrick stood and brought the meeting to order. As he went through the agenda, some of the members who supported Drake glanced over at him as if they wanted him to jump up and wrangle control from Derrick. Drake sent them a brief nod to let them know he knew what he was doing. And he did know; except, he wasn’t sure why anymore.

  The night he spent with Lexie had filled him with feelings he couldn’t describe. A fullness in his chest that had him breathless. He’d laughed. He’d played. As he sat in the boardroom, all the lightness and joy was sucked out of him. His life had always been void of happiness, which was probably why he never cared that life was as dull as watching grass grow and
only exciting when he was in a battle of wits with Derrick. As he listened to Derrick drone on and on about his ideas for Carmichael Corporation, Drake realized he preferred happiness and fun. His heart filled with dread as he came to understand if he won this battle against Derrick, the rest of his life would be just as it was at that moment. A dark suit, wheeling and dealing money, but void of life. Void of Lexie.

  But to take a chance on love? His meeting with Sharon had done a good job of reminding him why he’d given up on love. Everything about her had been a manipulation, although, admittedly, Lexie wasn’t like that. In all the times she could have been evasive or manipulative, she wasn’t. She was outspoken and honest, and he always knew what she was feeling. She believed that made her unappealing, but Drake found it refreshing and exciting. She brought fun and laughter to a life that hadn’t had either since he was six. She’d hurt him with her accusation, but he’d inflicted pain on her as well. In her case, she might be right. Had his life become nothing more than a contest to beat Derrick? To punish him for Sharon and Tad?

  Drake looked one more time at all the faces at the table. “Excuse me.” He stood and gathered his paperwork.

  Derrick shot him a deadly glare.

  “I’m sorry, Derrick, and the rest of you, but I can’t stay here. I received word that Oliver is failing and…well, his time is short.”

  The board members looked at each other in surprise.

  “I’m sure Oliver would prefer you take care of business,” one said.

  “You’re probably right, but he’s dying and even someone like Oliver doesn’t deserve to die alone.” He handed copies of his proposal to all members. “I’d be grateful if you at least consider this proposal as it will boost profits in the stores in question and thereby preserve the jobs of many loyal Carmichael Corporation employees. A test run on social media marketing is showing very good results, but I’ll defer to whatever decision you make.” He turned to Derrick. “Congratulations. It’s all yours.”

  Derrick’s face darkened, surprising Drake with its hatred. But Drake couldn’t be bothered. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket as he headed out of the boardroom. “George, get a plane ready to go to Charlotte Tavern, Virginia, right away. I’ll meet you at the airfield.”

  Lexie wasn’t sure how she survived the next day. Guilt at what she’d said to Drake about Tad wouldn’t leave her alone. She’d lashed out in anger, and it wasn’t fair. Yes, Drake had his priorities mixed up, but his intensions were good. He hadn’t known or believed in love, but he cared about and was loyal to the people who worked for him. To Lexie’s way of thinking, that made him a better man than his brother or even Oliver. But despite Oliver’s attempt to make Drake rethink his priorities, old habits died hard.

  Oliver survived the night without incident, but he looked frail and tired, even more so than when she first came to him. She knew, as she suspected he did, he didn’t have much time left.

  “I have to run some errands to pick up things your doctor ordered that I couldn’t get yesterday. Will you be alright for an hour or so?”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You’ll call me if you need anything? Or have Claire call.”

  “Yes. Yes. But before you go, just in case I check out, I need to you to promise me something.”

  Lexie wasn’t sure she wanted to hear it, but she agreed.

  Oliver took her hand, clasping it in both of his. “Promise me you’ll contact Drake. Don’t give up on him.”

  “I don’t know what you expect, Oliver. There’s no future with Drake and me.”

  “No, God dammit, Lexie, don’t play dumb.” He nearly growled with frustration. His eyes pleaded for her to listen to him. “Stay in touch with him even if it’s to be his friend. Don’t let his spirit die. Don’t let it be me who killed his spirit.”

  Oliver’s plea tugged at her heart. “Okay. I’ll be his friend.” She wasn’t sure how she’d manage it, but she’d try.


  “I promise.” She pulled his covers up and kissed him on the forehead. “Now, you need to rest.”

  He nodded as his eyes closed. Lexie watched him for a moment. There was a lesson in Oliver’s dying; to grab life. To do whatever you could to make the most of what you had. Deep down, she’d always known it, which was why she’d flitted from job to job. She knew she could be more, do more. That she could have success and happiness. No one got that about her. No one except Drake.

  She’d settled on the idea that she and Drake had no future, but if she’d truly learned the lesson Oliver was teaching, she couldn’t go on without seeing Drake again and spilling her heart to him. At least she needed to apologize. He’d probably tell her to forget him. Lexie rubbed a hand over her heart, anticipating the pain she’d feel when he did, but she had to risk it.

  “How’s Oliver?” Drake asked as Claire let him in the door.

  “He’s resting in the back.” Her voice wasn’t as terse as usual, and yet, she still regarded him with critical eyes.

  “I was worried when he wasn’t at the hospital.”

  “He was insistent about dying at home.”

  Drake shuttered. “Is it … imminent?”

  “I don’t think so, but he does look worse.”

  He had time. He wasn’t sure what he could accomplish with Oliver or Lexie in the time he had, but he was determined to fix all that was wrong in his life. “Is Lexie with him?”

  “She had to run out to pick up some supplies.”

  Drake swallowed. He’d been terrified to walk in the door and face her. Now it looked like he had time to regroup. He quietly entered Oliver’s room and, pulling a chair close to the bed, he held Oliver’s hand. At one time, his grandfather seemed larger than life. Looking at the frail, wrinkled hand in his, Drake wished he had more time to make things right between them.

  Oliver’s eyes opened.

  “I’m sorry I woke you.”

  The joy in Oliver’s eyes was quickly replaced with a hard, disapproving stare.

  Drake sighed. “I know you think I’ve made a bad choice. Business first. But I couldn’t, Oliver. I couldn’t sit in that meeting and pretend all there is in life is money and power.”

  “Derrick will…”

  “No, he won’t. I conceded.”


  “I’m sorry. I can’t live that life. Not anymore. I don’t want to come to the end of my life and…”

  Oliver eyed him knowingly. “And end up like me?”

  Drake dropped his head. “I know I’ve disappointed you. I’ve tried my whole life to meet your expectations and the truth is, Oliver, I can’t.”

  “Haven’t you heard a single thing I’ve told you over the last few weeks? Didn’t I say you should consider another life?” Oliver’s graveled voice chastised Drake.

  “I thought you were testing me.”

  Oliver gave him a pained look. “I did wrong by you and Derrick. Money and power can do bad things to people. I don’t know where your compassion came from…maybe from your father. Hell, maybe from my mother. The thing is, Drake, I’m proud of you.” Oliver squeezed his hand.

  “Then why do you look disappointed?”

  “Because I believe you can have it all. You can have a full life, a fulfilling life, even in the business. You should’ve fought for that. Those stores were counting on you.”

  The guilt built again. “I left my proposal and asked the board to take a look, but—”

  “What if that’s not what I want?” Oliver asked. “The company needs you.”

  Drake shook his head. “I don’t want it. Derrick is hard, but the truth is, he’s a good businessman. Lexie was right. This is all about sibling rivalry. He can have it. I don’t want it.”

  “What do you want?”


  Oliver’s brows lifted in surprise. Drake understood his reaction. They’d never talked about relationships or love before. “I’m sorry but—”

  Drake held fir
m. “No, you can’t control me or my life anymore, Oliver. I came here to—”

  “Wait a minute, boy. I’m not trying to control your life. I wanted to say I can give you a lot, but not that.”

  “I know.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Drake shook his head. “I don’t know. Beg?”

  Oliver laughed. It was the first time he’d ever seen his grandfather laugh. At least like that, free and light.

  “She’s not here now, so how about a game of cards while we wait to see what my future holds?” Drake suggested.

  Oliver’s eyes glittered with happiness, something else Drake had never seen. “It’s your money.”

  When Drake first started spending time with Oliver, it was odd. But now, the two of them playing cards, discussing nothing of importance, felt natural. He would have missed this, if not for Lexie. He once believed spending time with Oliver wasn’t important, but deep down, he’d known it was a lie he told himself so he could focus on business. But family, even a difficult family like his, was important.

  “What the hell is going on?” Drake jumped in surprise as Derrick and Sharon walked into the room.

  “Rummy!” Oliver laid down his cards.

  Drake frowned. “I hope you’re leaving me a good inheritance because I’m broke now.”

  Oliver cackled then started to cough. Although he didn’t feel as steady as Lexie looked when tending Oliver, Drake tried to be calm as he got Oliver’s water and helped him sip from the straw.

  “Drake!” Sharon said. “How can you talk like that?”

  “Never mind that.” Derrick cut in. “Even a thousand miles away and dying, you still have the power to screw up a good business deal.”

  “Shut up, Derrick.” Drake put Oliver’s water on the table. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was summoned.” Derrick glared at Oliver.

  “What are you talking about? I walked away.”

  “I still don’t understand that, but it doesn’t matter. Just after you left, Mr. Chase showed up saying the board could only vote on your proposal because Oliver had just redone his plans for the company. Then I was to come immediately to Nowheresville, Virginia. I don’t know what you two are up to, but I’ve worked too damn hard—”


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