Escape the Island of Eldritch Lust

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Escape the Island of Eldritch Lust Page 6

by Amanda Clover

  None of this penetrates your thoughts, and then they are obscured, and Salara’s dark breast fills your vision.

  “Drink, Croaha,” she murmurs. “Drink, my goddess.”

  Instinctively your lips latch onto her nipple and suckle. Warm cream bursts onto your tongue and you swallow her mother’s milk instinctively. One taste demands another and you begin to suck hungrily. The woman closes her eyes and hums with pleasure as you drink. Her milk is warm. The sound is soothing. Your eyes begin to slide shut, and once more, darkness claims you.


  Leave Alyssa and continue on your way

  You know your mother is right. The drider that created this trap could be back at any moment. You’re not even certain you could free Alyssa from the web given an hour of guaranteed safety. As much as you hate to admit it, you have to leave the beautiful succubus behind. With an apologetic look on your face, you begin to back out of the clearing.

  “Wait!” Alyssa cries out. “You can’t leave me here like this! I don’t want to be a meal for some giant spider!”

  It’s too late for her. You back out of sight, mouthing the words, “I’m sorry.”

  “You bitch! You can’t leave me like thiiiis!”

  You hear her wailing behind you as you begin to run away from the sound. Your heart hammers in your chest and your stomach tightens at the thought that you are abandoning your companion to this horrifying fate.

  "Do not feel troubled, my sweet girl," your mother's voice sweetly soothed. "She was a danger to you, a dagger poised behind your back, and best to let her meet her fate being slurped dry by a drider."

  "She was kind to me," you say mentally, fighting back your revulsion. Kindness is not quite the truth about your feelings for Alyssa. It is more a deep attraction that you know is at least partially colored her seductive succubus nature.

  "The Great One will shower you with kindness when you arrive in Rhilath. So be quick about it, Penny, my sweet."

  "Yes, mother," you mutter aloud.

  Your mother's presence leaves you as you reach the road and continue on your way. You experience a dreadful sense of emptiness without your mother's voice hectoring you or Alyssa by your side. Considering how far you came on the island without the help of either, it is disconcerting how much you had come to rely on them both. You want to call out to your mother mentally in the hope that she will answer, but you are angry with her for gloating about Alyssa's demise.

  You are startled by a flock of pheasants suddenly taking flight from the forest beside the road. You watch them rise through the trees and into the afternoon sky. A gust of perfumed wind stirs your hair.

  "Going somewhere?" The question is asked from behind you and there is no mistaking the voice.

  "Alyssa!" You cry as you turn around.

  The succubus stands before you nude, her horns revealed, her purple wings spread wide and showing the lighter inner flesh, her eyes glowing violet with demonic magic, and her perfect body splashed scarlet with blood. Her right hands hold the still-beating heart of the drider. A wide, bloody slash mars her luscious breasts, but the wound begins to close before your eyes. She tosses the heart aside and strides towards you. Her wings folding closed against her back.

  "You look like you've seen a ghost," says Alyssa, a cruel smile curling her lips.

  "I just... I didn't know how to save you, Alyssa," you say. "Please, forgive me, I didn't want to see you get hurt."

  "Which is why you left? Because you did not want to watch as that creature tried to drink my blood?" She circles slowly around you, her spicy perfume tinged with the smell of burnt metal.

  "No... I mean, yes, I could not bear to watch you suffer, Alyssa," you say.

  "Thankfully, you will not have to bear that, because the drider is dead and I am free," she says.

  "I'm so relieved," you say. "Please, forgive me for abandoning you. It won't happen again."

  "It will not," agrees Alyssa, lifting her chin and standing so close to you that her breasts press against your bodice. "A different question troubles me now: what do you intend to do to deserve my forgiveness?"

  The hostile look in her eyes makes you tense. You resist the urge to place your hand on the grip of your sword and say to her, "I will not fight you."

  "I do not want to fight you, Penelope," she says, teasing your white lock of hair with her fingers.

  You hear a strange sound and feel something press at your thigh. You gaze downward and your eyes widen as you see that Alyssa's cunt has been replaced with a huge, veiny, purple cock. The fat tip glistens with precum and a pair of enormous bollocks dangle beneath it. The succubus's cock twitches and smears its leaking juice against your dress.

  Alyssa's angry smile widens and she yanks painfully at your white lock of hair. "I intend to fuck you senseless, little girl. It's the only way I'll forgive you."

  Her overpowering scent and the wild look in Alyssa's eyes makes you want to give in to the demoness. Would it be so bad getting fucked by that huge, magical cock? No, not bad, but dangerous. Your good sense keeps you wary.

  "Well, what will it be, Penelope," says Alyssa. "Shall I throw you down here in the road or will you bend over and have me plunder that plump ass with my cock?"

  What do you do?

  Let Alyssa fuck you

  Apologize on your knees to Alyssa

  Beg for her to punish your ass

  Take the man

  You look down at silver hair just visible between your legs. The thought of corrupting something of such purity. Of fucking raw a being of a heavenly host is so deliciously sacrilegious you practically cum all over its face right there.

  “A man,” you whisper in delight. “I want to ride him until I break him.”

  Alyssa smiles knowingly. “Mmm. I love the way you think. Turn around Penny dear. Let’s make him a man.”

  You twist about, careful to keep your cunt firmly pressed against his face. You shiver and grin as you feel his tongue struggle against your heated flesh, and with a different sort of delight, you scoot forward, burying Gallatha’s face under the plump cheeks of your bum.

  You lean forward, your breasts coming to rest on its golden stomach. The purity of its flesh tingles through your shirt and sparks against your nipples, hardening them like diamonds. You hiss with pleasure as you drag them across his flesh and bring your mouth over the runed circle.

  You examine the design Alyssa has sketched, then press your lust plumped lips to it.

  A brilliance shoots through your mouth and into your head. Your body vibrates like you’ve kissed a lightning bolt. You gasp, but the sensation is far from painful. Nor is it unpleasant. You moan and wriggle, grinding Gallatha’s face beneath your cushiony rear. You clutch its thighs and press your lips harder against its glorious flesh.

  You feel Alyssa’s fingers on your head. “You know what to do,” she croons.

  You realize you do. Some dark depth of your soul does. Some part of you that delights in this corruption. Of turning a being of such love and purity to something dark and sinful. You feel the corruption which crawls in your soul and across your skin. You gather it in your stomach, and breathe.

  The tingling beneath your lips cools. Gallatha thrashes in sudden desperation but you merely lift your bum a little and then slam it back down on its face, all the while deepening the kiss. You feel the flesh beneath your lips bulge, and begin to push back.

  Your fingers dig into Gallatha’s golden thighs as its – no, his! – phallus fills your mouth. The tingling of his flesh dances across your taste buds as his cock stretches, hardening against your tongue. It stretches into your throat and you eagerly suck on it, bobbing your head against the heavenly being’s delightful cock.

  Gallatha has stopped struggling beneath you. You feel his lips move against your skin, mouthing wordless gasps of sudden pleasure.

  Alyssa slaps your plump bum with delight. “Move Penelope! I want to hear him moan!”

  You realize you do too. You hu
m about his cock and then lift your bum, delicately shifting about. You feel his breath gasp against your tender mons, washing against the Great One’s mark and sending a pulse of indescribable pleasure through your core.

  “O-oh! Ah! Wha…what are you doing t-to me!” Gallatha moans.

  Alyssa looms over his face, her grin fierce. “It’s called pleasure lovely. And isn’t it grand?”

  Gallatha grits his teeth and stares hatefully at Alyssa. “S-shameful whore! You will s-suffer eternally for this! BEGO-“

  You slap your bum down on his naughty face before he can finish the spell. You press down again on him, delighting in the helpless mewls he mouths against your crack. Suffocating a being of such holiness with your ass. It’s too good!

  Alyssa giggles at your efforts. “Here.” She produces from a fur trimmed sleeve a burgundy collar of leather. “Raise your ass a bit, Penny, love. Let’s make sure he doesn’t say any other naughty things. Well, aside from what we want him to.”

  You nod your bobbing head and lift your bum again. Gallatha sputters, blinking his brilliant white eyes. Before he can open his mouth Alyssa clamps the collar about his throat.

  Gallatha bucks from the shock, a cry escaping his lips as runes about the collar flash with a crimson light. He falls, twitching, but grimaces, fighting through the pain. “BURN!” he cries.

  You pause in your sucking, tense. Waiting.


  Alyssa throws back her head and laughs in terrible triumph. Gallatha stares, horrified. “Be gone! Burn! Be-“

  You silence him with your ass once more. He sobs against your bum. A sound of such anguish to break any heart. But to you, it’s a wonderful music. A sound that sends such a trill into your aching cunt you resume your sucking with a will, driving him wild beneath you.

  You feel his cock twitch and know he’s on the verge. Poor innocent thing. He has no idea what’s coming. You drive down your mouth. Your nose brushes the runes on his groin, and you lift your lips, dragging your tongue against his glans. Twice is all it takes for the poor thing, and then he is lost.

  His orgasm is thunderous. He shudders, his scream of despair and hopeless lust vibrating up your bum and into your body. You shudder at the feeling of his orgasm, of what it means for you and him. He cums, and oh but it tastes good! He spurts helplessly into your mouth and you eagerly drink it all down. His cum is sweet like sugar and has an unusual metallic taste, almost like blood. You giggle at the thought of popping his cherry.

  Your own is hardly less fierce. As he cums so do you. Your inner walls clench. Pleasure explodes behind your eyes and sings through your body. You groan and cum against Gallatha’s face, your juices squishing between you and he.

  He comes down from his orgasm, falling limp and trembling beneath you. You remove your lips from his cock and sit back up, humming, eyes shut as you bask in the afterglow of your orgasm and your deed.

  Alyssa immediately grabs you by the shoulders and drags you into her embrace. Her lips lock with yours, and you melt before the furious heat of her lust. Her tongue drives into your mouth, writhing as it desperately tries to catch every drop of cum left. You clutch at her, rejoicing in the utter depravity of the scene. A messenger of the goddess of virtue crushed beneath your ass while you kiss and grope a succubus atop him, licking the last of his heavenly cum from your lips and mouth.

  At last Alyssa breaks the kiss. A thin strand of saliva joins your puffy lips to hers like a silver chain. You and she stare into each other’s eyes adoringly.

  “You’re amazing,” you gasp.

  Alyssa titters. “Oh, Penny. Believe me, I know.”

  She draws you up and you rise willingly. You feel a moment’s hesitation before looking down at Gallatha on the ground, but quickly see he is in no state to do much of anything. He lies limp on the ground, twitching feebly with lips parted, face shining with your cum. Overloaded by the wicked pleasure he could never before have imagined.

  You, naturally, are far from such a state. You exchange a glance with Alyssa, who twines an arm about your waist and draws you against her. Her naked flesh burns and your own soaks in her lustful heat like a sponge. You nod towards his still rigid cock. “Your work?”

  Alyssa giggles and squeezes your bum. “Well, we couldn’t have him giving up before we’ve had all our fun.” Alyssa laughs, the sound mocking and cruel. Then, she kisses you again, and you eagerly reciprocate, practically tasting the horrible smile upon her lips.

  It is Alyssa who ends the kiss. She draws back, her hands on your cheeks. “Don’t stop.”

  Your mind hazed by lust, you don’t understand her at first. “Hm?”

  “Don’t stop,” Alyssa whispers, one of her hands groping your breast. Her nails dig into your bountiful flesh, dragging out a surprised gasp. “Let’s finish him. Drag him down from the heavens and make him mine.”

  You purr as she crushes your full breast in her grasp. “Mmmm. You can do that?”

  “Oh yes.” She tweaks you nipple causing you to arch “I can enslave him. Do you have any idea what kind of a prize he will be in my harem? I’ll be made a demon queen for the mere chance of a Pit Lord to fuck him! One of his kind haven’t fallen in millennia! And to take one. To turn them through lust into a helpless thrall. Enslave him with pleasure. It’s…”

  Words fail the succubus. She shudders and her fingers twist your nipple until you yelp. She abandons it, only to crush you in her arms once more. “Help me Penny. Help me take him. Make him renounce his goddess and swear to be mine.”

  “How?” you murmur.

  Alyssa laughs. “Between the two of us, he doesn’t have a prayer for his purity!”

  What do you do?

  Refuse. It is time to move on.

  Conquer Gallatha for your lover

  Queen of the conquered world

  Sea giants with rubbery gray skin and bulging black eyes stride among the burning towers of the old city of Akrane. Flames gust from the grand marketplace, where you once filled sacks with kettle fish and white apples. The bell tower of the Ninth Triumph rings a final time before one of the living catapults launches a swirling mass of slime at the tower. The glistening green wraps the tower and crushes the stonework. Slime and masonry crumble to the ground, crushing the remaining defenders of the Inner Keep.

  A tide of orcs, gertlings, baelbolds, and wugs streams through the broken gates of the city, smashing into houses, businesses, and the ruins of fortifications. Janine, your foremost general, rises from the surging horde and alights beside you on the ruins of a second-story building.

  “The Inner Keep will fall within the hour, my queen,” she says, bowing low and folding her bone-like wings.

  “You have done well,” you say. “Continue the attack, but do not put the torch to the Great Library. It has… sentimental value.”

  “Yes, my queen,” she salutes and takes wing once more to return to the battle.

  By the time night has fallen, the capital city of Heimsvak belongs to your forces. Nightmares caper in the sparks of burning temples. Creatures of twisted flesh, things you have seen born into this world, leap from shadow to shadow, preying upon the terrified human survivors. Trumpeters and drummers, playing discordant notes, march through the streets with ranks of your armored warriors. You stride at the head of this parade. Desperate humans emerge from the rubble and throw themselves before you to surrender. Some offer up their children in the hopes that you might spare their lives.

  “Feast upon the fathers,” you declare. “Send the mothers to the pleasure caravan! The children are not to be harmed! They will be raised to serve Zhibbareth!”

  The warriors cheer and set upon the families, hacking the men down and slaking their lust on the wailing women. You only laugh, far beyond anything like mercy. The handmaids scurry forth and collect the screaming children.

  “All hail the Great One!” Your voice booms over the din of the pillaging. “All hail Zhibbareth!”

  Your warriors, generals, and even the m
ost monstrous creatures echo this cheer. As if summoned by the cry, Zhibbareth manifests above the battlefield. Smoke and storm clouds swirl above the burning city and Zhibbareth’s baleful red eye gazes down at your conquest. Most of the creatures in the city below stop what they are doing and bow before Zhibbareth. Only a few generals and mindless beasts continue in their pillaging.

  You, on the other hand, look up and smile triumphantly at the familiar eye of the Great One.

  His voice speaks directly into your mind, “I will build a temple for you here, my queen. It will rise on the rubble of all those false temples you have toppled. You will be the last goddess of the humans. All of their other gods will be wiped from the earth and from memory and none will come after our eternal reign.

  “Yes, my love,” you gasp, tears streaming from your eyes.

  His pleased laughter rings in your mind as Zhibbareth’s seething mass of black flesh drifts upwards and disappears into the swirling storm cloud over Akrane. You stride through the ruins of the city where you once live as your monstrous army inflicts atrocities on the surviving inhabitants. You see a snatch of red hair and think for a moment that it might be Velora. No, only the dead body of a man with red hair. He looks as if he has been trampled.

  You arrive at the Great Library and approach the iron brass main door. With a simple wave of your hand you unleash a force spell that tears the door from its hinges and flings it out into the street. A single man steps into the light of the burning city, his white heard flowing in the wind and a chair leg grasped in his hands. The key to the forbidden collection still hangs around Grazmer’s skinny neck. He trembles in fear as he looks up at you, towering in your naked magnificence.

  “So long as I live, you will not enter the library,” he shouts.

  “Such a brave display, Grazmer,” you giggle. Your magic lifts him into the air and splays his limbs. You could pluck them off, one by one, finishing with his head. Instead, you gently lift the keys from around his neck. You pull him closer and gaze into his eyes, the golden power flashing in your gaze. He whimpers and piss runs down his leg. “You are wrong, Grazmer. You will not die. I will enter the forbidden collection.”


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