His Woman

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His Woman Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re moving too fast. We’ve been dating a month, and I’ve agreed to marry you because I want to, but I don’t want to rush into this marriage.” There, she let the words tumble out.

  They’d gone from being married that morning to talking about anniversaries and babies. She wasn’t ready for babies. Marriage, yes, babies, no.

  Drake stared at her for several minutes. “You’re angry.”

  “I’m upset and hurt. I thought we would be arranging our own marriage. If this is going to be something your mother arranges then I want no part in it.” She pressed fingers to her lips as the words spilled out.

  The hurt in his face was easy to see.

  “Rachel, honey, what’s going on?” her father asked, coming toward them.

  “I don’t know.” She stared into Drake’s eyes wondering what her problem was. “I’ve got to go.” Spinning on her heel she made her way into her home and charged up the stairs toward her room. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she sank her nails into the bed sheets. What had she done?

  Sitting in Drake’s home had been great, but having her wedding planned around her had put her on edge.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed before her father was knocking on her door.

  “Honey, let me in. You know I don’t like not knowing what’s going on.”

  Closing her eyes, she counted to ten and called for him to enter. She didn’t have a lock on her door.

  Her father entered, pausing as he caught sight of her death grip on her bed.

  “Has he gone? I didn’t hear the truck leaving.”

  “No, he’s not gone. Drake is enjoying a nice cup of coffee while I come and test the waters with you.” He stepped into her room, closing the door behind him.

  Tears filled her eyes as she thought about what just happened. “He asked me to marry him last night, Dad. It was perfect. Everything was perfect, and when he asked I was on cloud nine.”

  “What changed?” he asked. “The girl I saw climbing out of the truck was not the girl I saw leave last night.”

  “We went to his parents’, and his mother started organizing the wedding.” She focused in front of her as her anger spiked. “She wants me to get a dress fitting. I’m wearing my mother’s wedding dress. She would have wanted me to wear it.”

  He sat beside her, and she moved her hand out of the way.

  “Your mother wouldn’t be hurt if you want to have a new dress.”

  “It’s not about that,” she said. “I want to wear her dress, and she’ll be with me in some way on the day. This is my special day, and she’s not going to be there, and I want her there, Dad. They shouldn’t be organizing everything. This is my wedding.” It should have been mine and Mom’s day.

  He wrapped his arms around her. “I miss her, too, honey. I’ll be out in the fields and I’ll think about coming in and seeing her. I struggle to breathe it hurts so bad.”

  “I’m going to get married, and she’s not going to be there. Mommy’s not going to be there, and I can’t—it hurts, Dad.”

  “Do you want to get married?”

  “Yes, I love him. I love him so much, and it’s like a dream come true. He’s a great guy, Dad, and I just hurt him. God, I’m an awful person.” She dropped her head in her hands and whimpered. “He’s going to hate me for this.”

  “He’s still here, and he loves you, honey. I know he’s a good man. You can make this right, and he won’t hate you. I’ve been working with him for the past couple of years. Talk to him, tell him what was bothering you,” he said.

  She turned to look at him. “You accept him?”

  “I’ve got no choice. You’re in love with him, and he’s one of the good ones. I can tell. I’m an awesome judge of character. Any man who is prepared to face a shotgun to get to your girl is worth marrying.”

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  “I did it with your mother. I saw her in high school. Color has never been a factor to me, and when I saw her, I fell and I fell hard for her. At the beginning she wouldn’t give me the time of day. I chased her, Rachel, at every turn. She kept me at arms’ length.”

  She saw he looked down at the carpet. “What, Dad?”

  “In Crest Hill it wasn’t much heard of with, erm, mixed couples. God, I don’t want to sound racist or shit.”

  “You and Mom were the first interracial couple in Crest Hill?”

  “Yeah. Your grandfathers wouldn’t have any of it. They didn’t want us to be together. I fought tooth and fucking nail to get her to be with me.” She watched as he rubbed at his eyes. “For two years I planned. I didn’t want to get her pregnant because I wasn’t going to ruin her reputation. Then I decided if we couldn’t be together in Crest Hill I was going to find somewhere who’d take us. I’d travel anywhere to be with her. Your mother hated the idea, but I was determined.”

  Rachel knew most of the stories with regards to her parents, and she guessed it had been a struggle for them. Her father had never opened up to how bad it had been with their own parents, her grandparents.

  “I arranged for them to meet us together, and I brought her home.” He smiled, lost in the memory. “They were glaring at each other across the table, and I told them. I told them that I was going to take her away and wouldn’t be coming back. After two days I packed up my bags, and I told your mother to pack her stuff up.”

  “You didn’t leave?”

  “No, I didn’t have to. They gave in, and we were married within the month. Never left Crest Hill and I fought any man and woman who would hurt my woman. Your man, Drake, is going to fight everyone to be with you. He loves you, and if you want to arrange this wedding, then you arrange this wedding.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck letting loose all the pent up emotions she’d been keeping locked up tight.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “I’ll be the one walking you down the aisle. You’ll get everything you want, and I’ll do my damned best to give it to you.”

  He kissed her head and stood. “I’m going to let your man up here. No hanky-panky or I’ll shoot him.”

  Wiping at her eyes, she started chuckling. “Okay, Dad.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Drinking his third cup of coffee Drake glanced up at the ceiling wondering what was going on between father and daughter. He couldn’t believe she’d gotten so emotional, but walking away was not an option for him. His love for her was not going to go away because she didn’t agree with wedding plans.

  Half an hour later Bishop reappeared running fingers through his hair.

  “You can go up. She wants to marry you. Rachel loves you, Drake. This is all a very trying time for her.”

  “Why? She’s planning a wedding. It should be the best time of her life.”

  “Her mother’s not here to celebrate it. You’ve got all of your family, but her mother’s not going to be there to make the dress or write out invitations. Before she died they planned her wedding, and she’s not going to have that, Drake. Give her time.”

  Feeling like the worst bastard in the world, he turned away from Bishop to stare at the sink. He should have known there was a reason behind her sudden change in mood. His mother was arranging everything, opening up wounds that had been closed for a long time.

  “I didn’t even think about it.”

  “Then you need to learn to think about it. Rachel is a dear. She’s my one and only child as we couldn’t have anymore. Whatever happens in this life she will always come first for me.” Bishop took several steps toward the door. “You can go and see her and make it up. No sex or I will shoot you.”

  The door closed behind him leaving Drake alone in the kitchen with his woman upstairs. He left the room and made his way toward Rachel.

  Drake found her sat on the bed with tissues in her hand wiping at tears.

  “I’m ever so sorry for shouting at you, Drake. I want to get married and build a life with you. I don’t want you to hate me.”

didn’t say any words. Going to his knees before her, he wrapped his arms around her and brought her tight against his body. Drake rocked her as the tears fell.

  At that moment talking was unnecessary. All she needed him to do was hold her, and he did exactly that.

  “I love you,” she said. “I want to get married and spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “We’ll do that, but only we’ll be the ones to organize this wedding, you hear? You and me, no one else. We’ll deal with the dress, the cake, the invitations, and we’ll build this together like we will everything else.”

  Drake hadn’t the first clue about organizing a wedding, but he’d do whatever it took to make this a happy experience rather than a sad one for his woman.

  “You’d do that.”

  Tilting her head back with a finger underneath her chin, he stared into her eyes.

  “When are you going to realize I will do everything for you? You’re the love of my life, the reason I want to continue living. I will do this for us.”

  “I love you.” She straddled his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry.”

  “We’re only hugging. I’m not going to risk getting shot, and I forgive you.”

  “Dad won’t shoot you.”

  “Yes, he will. I’ve heard he learned from the best. He’s going to shoot me if I overstep the line. You’re his little girl, and until I get a little girl of my own, I’ll never know what he’s going on about.”

  She laughed then pressed her lips to his. “I’m sorry for freaking out.”

  “Don’t be. You should have told me, and I was a hard bastard not to see the truth. I’m sorry.”

  Pushing her hair out of the way he leaned in close and kissed her neck. She moaned, tilting her head to the side to expose more of her flesh.

  “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  “Wedding is still on?” she asked.

  “It’s going to take a lot more than one argument to put me off.” They held each other for a long time. He didn’t know and care how long it was. Drake would spend the rest of his life holding her if it made her feel better.

  She pulled away going to her feet. Rachel took his hand and led him downstairs.

  “I’m going to have to go home.”

  “Will you come and pick me up tonight?” she asked.

  His cock thickened at the thought of last night.

  “Sure, get a few more clothes. You’ve got a wardrobe to fill.” He kissed her head and left her alone to finish with her cooking. On the way back home he stopped into his parents.

  “Hey, son, how are you?” his mother asked.

  “I’m good.” He saw she had several wedding magazines open and numbers written down. “I’m going to need you to stop and pass me all these books and catalogues,” he said.

  “What? Why?”

  He explained what had happened with Rachel, the emotions and the pain of her loss. “We’re going to arrange this wedding together. She needs this.”

  “Oh, poor girl. I didn’t even think about what she went through without her mother being here. Sure, I totally agree. If you ever need me just give me a call. I’m more than happy to help you out.”

  Drake loved his family and their total support.

  Back at his place he put the books on the table and then headed out to finish his day’s work. His thoughts were on Rachel and the night they’d shared. Taking her virginity had opened up something inside him. Seeing the small specks of blood on her thighs had struck a chord with him. He’d claimed her innocence, and now her life was in his hands.

  When the day came to an end, he took a shower and headed toward her ranch house. She was standing on the porch with two bags packed. Bishop was behind her watching them.

  Rachel kissed her father’s cheek then ran toward him. Picking her up, he nodded at her father then secured her in the truck.

  Holding her hand, he drove back toward home. Inside, she turned and wrapped her arms around him. “I love you and missed you.”

  “Come on, I’ve got something to show you.”

  He led her toward the kitchen where he put the books.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “This is everything we need to know to organize our wedding. Mom is happy for us to come to her when we need.”

  She left her chair and went to his lap. “How did I get so lucky?”

  Drake laughed. “I’m going to warn you that I’ve never organized a wedding, so this is going to be an interesting event for us.”

  “We’ll get it done. It’ll take time, but it’s going to be the most amazing experience.” She kissed his neck, which made his cock hard. “Take me upstairs, Drake.”

  Not needing to be told twice, he picked her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs.


  After the emotions of this morning, Rachel didn’t think she was going to be in the mood to be with Drake tonight. He’d gone and made everything perfect by agreeing to organize the wedding with her. Now, she was so happy, and the only thing to make it perfect was to feel Drake inside her.

  Kissing his neck, she sucked on his pulse, and he groaned, putting her to her feet inside the bedroom. Tearing at his clothes, she needed him to be naked underneath her hands.

  He took over, pulling his shirt over his head to reveal his hard body.

  Unbuttoning her shirt, Rachel struggled as her hands shook.

  “Baby, let me deal with this.” Drake gripped her shirt and pulled it open sending buttons all over the place.

  Chuckling, she circled his neck, moaning.

  “Fuck, baby, I need to feel your cunt wrapped around my cock.”

  Fingers loosened the button of her jeans. He knelt before her and pushed them down her thighs to land on the floor. Stepping out of them he removed her underwear quickly until she stood naked before him.

  “Now, lie on the bed and open those sweet thighs.”

  Keeping her eyes on his, she spread her thighs, embarrassed for him to be looking at her.

  “You keep those eyes on me at all times, baby.”

  He unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down. His cock stood out in front of him, long, thick, and hard.

  Drake crawled on the bed, moving up between her thighs.

  “I can smell your need. Have you been thinking about me?” he asked.

  “All day.”

  “Did you think about us together last night?”


  He opened the lips of her sex, and she watched him lick from her clit down to plunge inside her. The instant shot of heat surprised her.

  “You’re soaking wet, baby. Do you need my cock?”

  “Please, Drake, don’t tease me.”

  “I’ll do what I like.”

  She could only scream as two fingers slammed inside her as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Arching up against his mouth Drake gripped her hips to hold her steady.

  She grabbed the sheet for something to hold onto. Drake didn’t give her chance to get used to his touch. He licked her clit, slammed inside her pussy then pulled back again.

  Every touch set the fire aflame in her bones.

  His fingers were so tight on her hips she knew he’d leave bruises where he held her.

  “Fuck, baby doll, you taste so fucking juicy.”

  Eyes closed, she screamed at the lust spiraling in her body.

  “Come for me. Let me hear you scream my name.”

  As her body coiled tighter than a spring, the pleasure hit a peak, sending her over the edge into heaven. Drake sucked on her clit, thrusting fingers inside her. All the time, she held onto the bed to try to ground her body.

  Before she came down from the peak, Drake took a condom, slid it over his shaft and thrust inside her.

  Their moans mingled together once again. His hands banded around her body, and he spun changing their positions. She stared down into his eyes.

  “I want to see these tits bounce above me. Fuck me, Rachel
. Show me how much you want this cock.”

  Lifting up, she glanced down at where they were joined. His cock was swollen with need. As she sat down on his cock, the sound of their flesh slapping together filled the room. She moaned as his shaft went right up inside her on the point of pain. Closing her eyes, she bowed her head, thrusting out her chest.

  “Fuck, look at those beauties. They’re so round and full.” He pinched her nipples, cupping her breasts together. Looking down, she wondered when he was going to use her breasts the way he wanted and asked him.


  She rode his cock, no longer embarrassed by the size of her breasts bouncing above him.

  Drake gripped her hips, helping her to take all of him. Breathing heavy, Rachel leaned down to kiss his lips. Pressing her tongue deep, she fucked his mouth the way he fucked her pussy.

  His hands moved to her ass, squeezing the flesh.

  “So fucking tight and hot. Fuck, baby doll. Fuck me.”

  Rachel increased her thrusts, going down over and over on his cock. Perspiration covered both of their bodies. She didn’t care. The only thing she wanted was to feel him explode within her body.

  “I’m not going to last. Touch your clit. I want to watch you come apart.”

  Leaning back, she slid a hand down their bodies and stroked her swollen nub. He cursed, taking over the thrusts.

  Caressing her clit, she opened her eyes watching him struggle to hold off his release.

  “Come for me,” he said.

  She stroked her clit, staring at him thinking it was impossible for her to come a second time. There was no stopping the pleasure. Crying out, her orgasm took her completely by surprise. He slammed inside her twice more before growling as his cock jerked within her.

  Collapsing over him, she felt his heart racing and his cock pulsing inside.

  “Fuck, baby doll, I love you.”

  Rachel murmured a response. Her body had given up on her. There was nothing for her to say.

  He stroked her hair, running his fingers up and down her back.

  “Do you have any regrets?” he asked.

  Looking up at him, she shook his head. “No. I want to be with you, Drake. At first, I didn’t think I wanted to.”

  “I gave you no choice but to love me.” He chuckled. They both groaned as he pressed inside her. Her pussy clenched around his shaft. “Fuck, we’ll be at it again in no time. Your body is perfection.”


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