Heart of Darkness - A Standalone Bad Boy Romance Novel

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Heart of Darkness - A Standalone Bad Boy Romance Novel Page 9

by Gabi Moore

  “Do what though? I already told that you that I won’t do this…” A third stroke came over my swollen clit, and my hips jumped and jerked with the pump of pleasure it sent through me. I giggled.

  “You bastard,” I said, the edges of my hair coming loose now and hanging low over one side of my face.

  The first time it happened was on the sofa. The first time we fucked, he has dug his thick, hard cock into me and forced out strange, new sensations, feelings that washed over me and melted me completely. He still liked to tease me about the carpet cleaner we needed to rent to get rid of the enormous mark on the rug the following day. The second time it happened was even more wickedly delicious than the first. He had thrown me down on the bed, hoisted both legs high up and held my ankles in one hand, split my pussy lips open and pounded me so hard I saw stars and squirted violently all over him.

  The third time, he was making a game out of ‘breaking me’. He knew precisely which buttons to press, and which pulleys and levers to activate to open my floodgates and have me a drooling, bumbling muddle within 15 minutes. Since then, I had lost count of the times we had played this game with one another. He seemed to know exactly what to do to me. And all I knew was that I wanted more and more.

  I thrust myself back into the surface of the fridge and tried to still my buzzing mind. But all at once I felt him sink one and then two fingers easily into my hungry little hole, driving them up into me right to the knuckles, so swiftly I couldn’t help but yelp with pleasure. But I couldn’t go anywhere except down, onto his fingers, and deeper into that delicious ecstasy. I was close now, so close, and I suddenly felt that familiar, watery bliss boiling inside me, threatening to break loose and drench us both.

  He momentarily looked up to me and smiled at my sweetly tortured face.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said.

  “What?” I could scarcely contain myself. My knees started to shake.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said, this time more firmly.

  “I’m… I’m thinking of…” I started to say, and felt my face blush hard.

  “Don’t be shy. Tell me. Fucking tell me,” he said again, this time jamming his thick fingers deeper into me, stroking my hot, twitching body towards its inevitable orgasm.

  “I…” I squirmed against the fridge, thrashing my head side to side, clutching down hard on his shoulders.

  “Say it.” His voice was dry and dark and deep and pushed me closer just as surely as his fingers did. My toes curled and clawed at the floor as the room started to spin.

  “Say it….”

  “I’m going to fucking come!” I screamed. “I’m going to come all over your face!” and the last thing I saw was the naked, knotted muscles in his bicep as he pulled my body down, hard, to stop me from bucking and jerking away from him. My eyes slammed closed and something from deep inside me swirled and spun and broke loose, and soon I was coming hard down on his fingers, trying to scream but my voice bubbling out in jagged rasps as I tried to breathe through each wave of a hot, juicy orgasm.

  He yanked out his fingers and I exploded, my hips curling up and sending a huge stream of liquid spraying onto his chest and chin. Before my eyelids flittered closed I looked down to see his naughty face, smiling back up at me with a wild expression of astonishment.

  He released me. I shuddered and cried out. Then with a long squelch my naked, sweaty back slid down the surface of the fridge door and I crumpled down into a heap on the floor, legs still convulsing. I heard his knees crack as he stood, his tall frame like a monolith over me. He had reached in deep somehow and found one single, glorious thread running all through me, a thread that started at my throat and ended at the little buzzing nub of my clit, and he had somehow pulled, and that thread came all undone, leaving me unseamed, orgasming so hard my stitches had come loose.

  Eyes closed, I reached out for him and my hand touched his hard, hairy shins.

  I opened my eyes to see him standing tall over me, his turn now to look down at me. I smiled, relishing what was coming, and tried to stand up. He easily put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me back down again.

  “No, you stay down there,” he mumbled, and then pulled down his pants.

  Chapter Fourteen - Zack

  Ben flicked his wrist and the fishing line glinted in the sunshine and went plinking into the pond in front of us. It was a fancy move, for a guy who never caught a damn thing.

  The late afternoon sun was hazy and golden; a kind of aimless day that made you overlook the fact that time was passing. A man could forget he had a past at all, with the light falling on the water the way it was falling just then.

  “It’s going to come and bite you in the ass is all I’m saying,” he said, chewing his lower lip.

  Man did I hate fishing. To make things worse he had already told me that same line three times already.

  “I know …but I feel like I missed my chance already, you know?

  “At some point, buddy, it’s just lying. You’re just straight up lying to her.”

  I hated it when he had a point. It was really inconvenient that a bonehead like my brother was right so often.

  “She’s asked me why I went to prison, so I’ve never told her. I didn’t think much would come of the whole thing anyway, to be honest. I thought she’d run screaming on the first date. I didn’t expect us to hit it off so well.”

  “It’s gonna bite you in the ass, Zack. You need to tell her.”

  “I wasn’t sure what we were even doing, you know? So I never went into detail. I’m not going to spill this big sob story to a woman I just met, you know? A woman I barely knew.”

  “But you know her now,” he said.

  “I know. But that means it’s even harder to tell her.”

  Ben chuckled under his breath. Not being completely honest with Maddy was eating me up inside. But the thought of telling her just how bad my past was felt even worse somehow.

  “You two both deserve each other, I swear,” he said. “She’s the monkey who doesn’t see, and you’re the monkey who doesn’t tell. You’re honestly telling me you’ve never even looked Maggie up? Asked around about where she got to and what she’s doing?”

  I shook my head.

  If daggers could kill, Maggie would be a deadly assassin. She had let me know in no uncertain terms that she wanted me out of her life.

  “I spent two years trying to forget about her, why would I go looking for her now? What would be the point?”

  “Because maybe she’ll come looking for you?”

  I watched my own line disappearing into the still water and frowned.

  “How’s ma?” he said casually, realizing my patience was wearing thin.

  “Ah, you know. Getting old.”

  “I know, right.”

  “She’s so forgetful these days. She used to be so sharp.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “She’s taking care of that little kitten I got her.”

  “Oh yeah? The one Maggie got her?”

  “Dude. It’s Maddy.”

  “Fuck, I’m sorry,” he said and caught my eye over the fishing line.

  “Forget about it.”

  “Hey Zack?”


  “You should tell her.”

  After it got dark we piled all the fishing stuff back into the truck and started to make our way back home.

  “Hey, how’s work man?” he said, and I realized that we probably hadn’t spoken for the last half hour at least.

  “Yeah, I’m looking into some new things, kind of a lot of prospects but none of them look appealing you know?”


  “This airport gig is killing me, though, no doubt about it. It’s enough to make me get itchy feet again, you know?”

  He turned to look at me, briefly taking his eyes off the road.

  “Don’t even joke, Zack,” he said.

  I didn’t respond.

  “Something el
se will come up. Make friends for fuck’s sake. Date around a bit.”

  “Well, I already told you, I’m seeing Maddy.”

  “Yeah but… just in case that doesn’t work out, you know? Nothing wrong with getting out there, keeping your options open, you know?”

  I looked at him.

  “You think I’m going to hurt her or something,” I said. He didn’t turn his head to look at me again.

  “Zack, what if I’m afraid that she’s going to hurt you?”

  Chapter Fifteen – Madeleine

  I watched him squeeze the blood out of his steak with the tip of his knife.

  I thought about how much that stupid steak had cost. About how someone like Alex couldn’t really afford it. Not like I could either, but whatever, it was ‘his treat’ and maybe I’d got some satisfaction watching him pay for it all, and try to apologize. Again. True, he had never put this much effort in before, but this dinner had all the familiar flavors of the I-swear-this-is-the-last-time type apology that Alex was so skilled at. Right down to me almost considering whether I should just go easy on him. Almost.

  “What’s so different about this course and the one you did the time before?” I said.

  He was dressed up nicer than I think I had ever seen him. Dark blue jacket with a collared shirt, his hair all combed back. He always did clean up nice.

  “Well, this course isn’t about anger management, it’s about understanding anger. You know, getting to the root of why you get angry and what to do about it,” he said, leaning in close like he had a secret to tell me. Or like he wanted to rope me in on a pyramid scheme. I didn’t lean in myself.

  “Well, that sounds great. I hope it works out for this time,” I said coldly, and looked down at my own steak. Even on that expensive china and with that ridiculous price tag, it was obvious that it just steak. Just meat. And it wasn’t even that good a steak, either. I pushed it around my plate.

  “Oh, it will work this time,” he said. “I just want your friendship for now. You can take as long as you need, I understand. But I mean it Maddy, I’m making important changes. Things are improving for me.”

  Since we had sat down here in this restaurant, his little speech had been suspiciously free of actual apologies. More like all the reasons why I should forget he had ever hit me, forget that he had barged into my house and got into a fight with …well, not my boyfriend, but with Zack. Whatever he was.

  “Well that’s great. You certainly do have a lot of improving to do…” I said, and pushed my knife and fork together. I wasn’t even hungry.

  He smiled a tight smile at me and shrugged.

  “I get that you’re angry,” he said.

  “I’m angry?”

  “I know. I deserve you being mad at me. I know. You have every right to hate my guts right now.”

  “Oh I do? How kind of you to tell me all the things I have a right to do.”

  His lips twisted a little.

  “Can you just meet me halfway, Maddy? Can you just acknowledge that I’m trying to apologize here?”

  I scoffed and pushed my plate away.

  “Oh, is that what you’re trying to do? Apologize? I hadn’t noticed,” I said. It was out of character for me, to be so bitchy. But all the things that were in character for me had never worked out for me, so why the hell not?

  His lips twisted a little more.

  “Maddy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what happened. I don’t know how many times I have to apologize.”

  “You can apologize as much as you want.”

  “And then?”

  “And then what?”

  “Do you… forgive me? Can you at least understand where I’m coming from? Christ, Maddy, you know what I’m asking you,” he blurted.

  The restaurant had those weird little pretend tea lights on the table, the ones that are just an LED light in a candle-shaped piece of plastic. They flicker quite convincingly, but when your hand goes over them, you realize they’re cold and fake. No flame there. I had spent the whole day helping others, giving to others, and now here I was with Alex, and, predictably, he wanted something from me too.

  “You should want to be a better person whether I forgive you or not,” I said. I don’t know where that came from, but it was the right thing to say. I wouldn’t put it past him to lose his temper in a public place, but I sensed I had a long way to go before he was angry enough to make a scene. And so I was safe. And so I kept talking.

  “And just because everyone understands you and sees where you’re coming from, it doesn’t mean that you didn’t do what you did, right?”

  The look on his face was stony.

  A year or two ago, I would have bought all of this hook, line and sinker. I would have eaten up his story of contrition and redemption, and been more than happy to welcome him back into my life, thrilled, even, that I got to be the special woman that he’d wrestle his demons for, that he loved me, that none of it was his fault anyway.

  But today, I could see it for what it was. An expensive restaurant and a nice-looking jacket didn’t hide that fact that it was the same old bullshit story as always. He leaned back in his chair and eyed me with something close to exasperation.

  “Is it the other guy?” he said at last. I had been waiting for him to mention it. So far, he had said nothing. Pretended that he hadn’t had his ass handed to him just a few weeks ago and that Zack was just some inconvenient ghost that would evaporate now that he was sorry enough and promised he’d never, ever be mean again.

  I returned his stony gaze.

  “Is what the other guy?” I said. I thought about getting dessert, and adding it to the already bulging bill that I knew he couldn’t really afford. I hadn’t come out here with any intention to be vindictive, but something about the way he was pressing on that steak with his knife made me want to stop being so damn sweet and nice for a change.

  “You know. Is he the problem?”

  The cheek on this guy.

  “The problem is that you’re an asshole, and so we broke up,” I said. Inwardly I winced a little, my body trained to cringe after saying something like that, used to the fact that a slap would inevitably follow. Instead, he stared at me hard, nostrils flaring.

  “We’re on a break,” he said quietly. “Who is he anyway? Are you… are you seeing him?”

  Oh, I was seeing him all right. Seeing his brains out on the regular, and I loved it. I was seeing him so often and so hard that some days it hurt to walk. I smiled inwardly at what would happen if I told him any of this. If I told him that Zack was better in bed, much better, that his cock was like a magic wand and that it had been teaching my body to do things I never even thought were possible. But it was my secret. One I liked keeping to myself.

  “That’s not really any of your business.”

  “Maddy, the guy hit me. I could press charges for assault for what he did.”

  I said nothing.

  “I’m serious Maddy. How would that look, especially for a guy with his history? I could go to the police station right now and I could press charges of assault for what he did.”

  “And I could press charges of assault for what you did,” I spat. I hated the fact that the bruise on my cheek had already faded before he had the chance to actually see what he had done.

  “Look, let’s not fight, OK? I’m here to apologize, I was wrong, I’m sorry. OK?”

  “OK,” I said.

  “OK what?”

  I wanted to hit him myself. He was pathetic.

  “OK. I’m glad you’re on the road to healing or whatever, and I sincerely hope you get your shit together, and OK, your plan sounds great. So what? What do you want from me?”

  I loved the fact that he couldn’t yell in the restaurant, or reach over and pinch my arm to get me to shut up.

  “I love you, Maddy,” he said, and I nearly laughed out loud at the way he said it. Not as a vulnerable, sweet admission. Not as a confession. Not as a platitude. But something like a weapon.
/>   How many bruises had I already gathered because he loved me so much? How many stitches? How many nights had I cried away because of his stupid love? I knew what his love meant, and I didn’t want it anymore.

  “Ok, but we’re not together anymore, Alex. Nothing is going to change that,” I said. That really was the end of it. I was getting the feeling that this dinner needed to be over sooner rather than later. Why had I even come? A moment of stupid weakness. Zack didn’t know, and all of a sudden that felt like a bad mistake to have made. Alex knew how to make me crazy. But he hadn’t won this time. I had won. The angry look on his face told me that I had won, and he hadn’t expected it at all.

  “So it is him then. You know, you could have just said so. Here I am making an ass of myself trying to win you back when you’ve already decided you’re going to go with some meathead…” he smirked dangerously and pushed his own plate away. Ah. This was the Alex I knew.

  “Don’t call him that…”

  “Where you cheating on me? Huh? How long have you been seeing this idiot for?”

  “Alex, we’ve been broken up for months, I’ve never cheated on you, please, don’t raise your voice.”

  “Who even is this guy?” he said, his voice louder than ever. The people at the next table looked over at us.

  “Alex, calm down. Nobody cheated on anybody.”

  This had been a bad idea, I could see it clearly now. Slowly, I was learning to deal with Alex, but one lesson I still hadn’t learned: there was no engaging with him at all. No apologies. No new leaves. Just the same old story again and again and again. The same ugly old leaf turning over and over forever.

  “Where did you meet him? At work or something? You never go anywhere so where did you meet him. Huh?”

  I was starting to get angry myself. I tried to breathe. Tried to remember that he was sick. That I didn’t have to listen to what he said. I tried to remember the little light in the dark.

  “Answer me when I fucking speak to you,” he hissed, and all at once the façade was off and the Alex I knew and hated was there, in full force, only a restaurant table away from me.


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