Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 1

by Jodie Halliday

  Holly Heats It Up


  Jodie Halliday

  Published by Jodie Halliday

  Copyright 2017 Jodie Halliday

  All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  The characters and events portrayed in this work are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Contains adult material that might not be suitable for all audiences. This work is a fantasy; in your own life be sure to follow safer sex practices.

  Also from Jodie Halliday

  Shake That Tree

  Holly Gets a Ride

  Events Out of Control

  Lauren’s Love Lessons

  Walking Wounded

  Please remember to leave a review for my book at your favorite retailer

  Chapter 1

  For one month of the year the room was so hot at night that even with the windows open it was unusual to get more than three or four hours sleep. For one other month of the year it was so cold that sleep was not a problem but getting out of bed required guts and determination. Holly had neither that Saturday morning and sneaked her hand out from under her duvet down towards the floor. She found the switch on the power extender and flicked it, grinning to herself at the thought of outwitting Mother Nature. With the duvet around her neck she watched as the two electric elements of the heater started to glow.

  It was beautifully warm between the sheets, proving her point to anyone who might listen that pyjamas or any form of clothing were unnecessary in bed. She slept naked, just as she had done from the first night in the dorm at university, five years ago. Her roommate Chloe, an Asian beauty, had been converted before the first Christmas and the novelty of their nakedness had lasted no more than a couple of days before both girls had adopted it as standard practice to undress before showering for bed and to dress again when leaving for class. Between those times both girls were happy to see each other nude and the stage of gawping at each other lasted no more than a day. From that time on, each girl looked at the other with as much attention as one might regard the weather forecast while making dinner.

  The room had warmed slightly over the past five minutes but Holly wasn’t ready to make a grab for her dressing gown. She rolled onto her side and slipped her hand between her legs as much to reward herself for making it through the night as to check that nothing had changed since she last touched her pussy. She had been shocked the day she realised that Chloe was masturbating in the bunk bed below her. She could hear little squeaks from the mattress and springs which for several weeks she had thought were the result of Chloe stretching or toning her muscles. It was only when she made the same noise one night that it dawned on her that she was not the only one to need relief. Her analytic mind considered the one hundred and twenty girls in the dorm, and thought that if they were all like her and got off every other night then at any one time there might be around twenty girls with their fingers swirling around their clits if they all went to sleep at a sensible hour. She had laughed out loud at the calculation and Chloe had asked her in a concerned voice if she has OK.

  Chloe and Holly had other things in common beyond their long dark hair and pert little breasts. And while Holly’s had gentle curls and Chloe’s was straight and shiny, boys for both of them were not high on their list during her first year. Holly’s total exposure to the opposite sex had been a grope behind the Student’s Union building after a concert and a very passionate kiss from a boy who was in her Business Analytics class when the university broke up for Christmas. Holly was unsure if she was the cause but he didn’t return in the new year. But now, five years later, Holly had graduated, found a wonderful job, met a great man and saved enough money to think about buying a property.

  Her lease would renew at the end of March which gave her about two months to find something suitable. She had narrowed down the area which she would consider, knew she needed two bedrooms and a bathroom and anything else would be a bonus for now. The economics of renting were clearly not in her long-term favor and it was time to move. She closed her eyes and sighed at the feeling of the baby-soft skin of her pussy. It was only in the past few months that she had got rid of the hair and couldn’t understand why she hadn’t done it sooner. It required a two-minute swipe of a razor every three or four days and felt so very clean and healthy that sometimes she felt like squealing with delight. More to the point, Ricky, her boyfriend, had made a similar noise when he first saw it and his face had been a picture of lust and hunger. His tongue convinced her for evermore. Regrettably though, Ricky would be in Zurich for the next three weeks so she would be house hunting and pleasuring herself alone.

  This Saturday was going to be a busy day. In the morning she needed to go to the supermarket and get her shopping for the week, then get to the gym in the afternoon and do some serious running. Finally, she would meet the man from Gascoine’s Real Estate broker in the late afternoon at one property which had appeared on her list of interest. She had discussed it with the Connie at Gascoine’s but she was just about to give birth and so the branch manager had agreed to show the house to her instead. Two bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms plus a basement which Holly had no use for and she wondered what lurked down there. The house was somewhat remote although Google showed there were some neighbors and it was close to a Junior School so there might be some people of her age in the area. If she was going to have breakfast, shower, wash her hair after the gym and do all her odd jobs plus get to the house on time she needed to get moving. Her middle finger slid gently over her pussy and teased her clit, circling slowly, replacing the thought of the supermarket meat counter with Ricky’s generous portion of manhood. It had been either Monday or Tuesday since she last got herself off. After her evening shower she had dried off but left her pussy still wet. She had run upstairs, slid into bed and enjoyed the jump start as she entered her fantasy land with Mike, the bartender at the Red Lion up the road. He had yet to find out that he was the mainstay of her solitary sex sessions and was also unaware that he would sometimes tie her to beer barrels, spank her and have rough sex with her while customers looked on.

  But it was light in her room, and she realised that the street lights outside were brighter than normal because they reflected off the snow, their yellow sodium glare penetrating her thin curtains. She needed the toilet and coffee, and in that order. An exploratory arm outside the warmth of the duvet confirmed that she wouldn’t die of frostbite and so she swung her legs out and made a dive for her dressing gown, pulling it tight about her petite body before she opened the door and went downstairs, barefoot. She passed through the kitchen, sniffing her fingers as she made her way to the bathroom which contained the only toilet.

  After breakfast she returned to her room, dressed, checked email and IM then drove to the supermarket for her weekly food. The roads were quiet but in bad condition and she barely drove over 15 mph the whole way. It looked like a snow plough had made a pass at some time during the night but the snow must have partially thawed and frozen again as the roads were rutted, with icy channels offering the only relatively safe driving surface. Her heart beat furiously as she returned to her house and she took enormous care while driving, praying that she wouldn’t slide into parked cars. After unloading her sh
opping she checked the weather forecast and learned of a snow storm approaching later in the night.

  After lunch she walked to the gym up on the university campus and was surprised to see Suzy and Kathy in there, together of course as always. For whatever reason she had thought they were still back at the house but it was good to see them and they chatted happily for a while. Once again Holly had the feeling that Kathy watched her with a look that conveyed both interest and affection. It had been like that the very first time they met, as Holly exited the bathroom with a short towel around her and Ricky followed close behind. Kathy’s lingering handshake, the warm eyes and the genuine smile had all contributed to a projection of immediate affection which left Holly a little breathless. Girls, at that time, were not on her radar. She had yet to tell Suzy that she was considering moving out as that would mean that a new tenant would need to be found. It was a reasonable rental property, the landlord was attentive to any issues and it was close to the university so there wasn’t likely to be much of a problem.

  Holly went upstairs to the treadmills and continued her warm-up. She started her watch to record her run statistics and then set the speed to 7 mph. She watched the silent news on the hanging TV screens then noticed Suzy and Kathy on the machine for toning buttocks. Suzy was using it while Kathy stood next to her, chatting. Holly was amused then almost shocked to see that while Suzy sat there, opening and closing her thighs against the weights, Kathy would sometimes lean down to change the weight setting for her. While she moved the peg with her left hand, her right hand would land between Suzy’s legs and move against her pussy. This might last five seconds, after which Suzy would begin the exercise again and unless anyone was looking closely their actions would be regarded as innocent. They carried out this secret stimulation with delight and many passionate glances at each other. Holly smiled at their little game then turned her attention to her run and cranked up the speed.

  Chapter 2

  After showering back at her house she checked her phone, the weather forecast and the location of the property. It was about ten minutes from where she lived under normal conditions but with the icy roads and gathering darkness she pulled her coat on at four-thirty and set off for her five o’clock meeting at 15, Cypress Drive. She arrived at five past five after waiting for almost fifteen minutes for the road to clear after a car had slid into oncoming traffic. The snow was falling hard by the time her GPS told her that she had five hundred yards to travel and as she took the last turn the road began a steady incline and her wheels slipped. Holly had no experience in these conditions although she knew to keep steering movements to a minimum and to apply power gently and smoothly. But the car had other ideas and for safety she slid to a stop a few hundred yards from the house, locked the car and started walking. She debated in her mind whether to call Neil and reschedule but as she approached she saw a man standing by a car outside the property and, not wanting to annoy him she waved, smiled and kept walking with her head down to avoid the worst of the snow. There seemed to be ice mixed in with the snow, stinging her cheeks and removing any charm that the snow might have delivered.

  The wind picked up as she approached the house and to keep on course Holly had to look at the part of the pathway to her right where the concrete met grass or driveways. She glanced up occasionally to see the man with his arms wrapped around his waist, clearly taken by surprise by the intensity of the weather.

  “Holly?” he shouted. She walked on another twenty yards and nodded.

  “Yeah, Neil?”

  “Yes, come on, we ought to get inside, this is much worse than what the forecast showed!” he said, indicating the path to the front door. Holly glanced at the house but the snow and sleet gave an impression of a swirling whiteout which quickly found the way down the back of her neck. She was annoyed that she had brought no scarf or gloves because scraping the ice off her car in half an hour would be no fun at all. He pulled two keys on a ring from his pocket and tried the first then the second, which thankfully worked. Neil held the door open for Holly and she entered the small vestibule as he closed the door behind him. The house was wonderfully warm, dry and smelled welcoming.

  “This is a nice little area to take shoes off and hang coats, right?” said Holly, turning to him.

  He seemed to gasp a little and almost reached out to hold onto the door before recovering. Holly glanced down, wondering if he had got his foot caught or something when he had entered the house. He batted his eyelids several times as if he was trying to restart his thought process. “Yes, um Holly, it is. Most of the properties in the area are built like this. This one is about forty years old. Two bedrooms, kitchen, living and dining together and basement. One and a half bathrooms. Where do you want to start?”

  Holly walked into the kitchen, removed her coat and hung it on a stool. The back garden was simply a white sheet with dark rose bushes and a couple of conifers with the ice and snow pouring into her field of view from the right. She didn’t know what she would do out there in the summer but the fence looked in reasonable condition. She was about to comment on the waste disposal unit when a blast of sleet or ice flashed across the window, light reflecting off the tiny shards in a dazzling display.

  “Oh wow, serious stuff tonight!” said Holly, looking at Neil for a little encouragement. He seemed to be in his late thirties, maybe early forties, tall, very fit with a kindly face which smiled without being patronizing.

  “Yes, did you get here OK, I saw you walked the last part, um, Holly?”

  “Yeah, I haven’t driven much in ice and snow so when my wheels started spinning I decided to walk.”

  “Hmm, good idea. So this is the kitchen, as you can see. Gas cooker, the fridge stays.”

  “Wow, are you sure?”

  “Yes, it looks like it’s about ten years old so I expect they’ll get a new one when they move. There are often other things that people will leave for a small sum. Maybe the dining room table for example. Sometimes people have been meaning to get rid of things for ages and this presents a good opportunity.”

  “Oh, that would be interesting. I have no furniture.”

  “You’re renting now, right?”


  “These people are moving to be closer to their daughter’s university.”

  “That’s a nice idea.”

  “Hmm. And this is the dining and lounge area. Quite a nice flow from the kitchen out to here and good separation between dining and lounge.”

  Holly looked out of the lounge window and couldn’t see the street any more. The window seemed to be totally covered in ice and she wondered how long they could really spend in the house before they had to make a move. She didn’t want to be scraping her car when it was dark and her hands were frozen.

  “Didn’t you say there was a basement?”

  “Ah yes, it’s off the kitchen, this way.” Neil turned back to the kitchen and opened a door which Holly had thought was a walk-in pantry or store cupboard. He clicked on the light and they descended a flight of wooden stairs. “Well, it seems to be warm and dry down here, no smell of damp.”

  Holly looked around. It had been fitted out with three fluorescent strip lights and in one corner was a treadmill.

  “Oh wow, looks like they work out down here!” she said, examining the device. “You think they might leave this?”

  He smiled, taking a little longer than she would have expected. It wasn’t a creepy smile but one of momentary absence. She looked back at the treadmill. That would be just her luck, trapped by some psycho in a basement during a surprise ice storm.

  “They might. Best to make a list of things that you’re interested in and let them put prices against those that they’re willing to possibly sell to you.”

  He seemed to have recovered and Holly nodded happily, thinking that a treadmill at home would remove all excuses about not working out.

  “Oh, do you know where the nearest gym is?”

  “Probably Slim Gyms, about half a mile
back towards town.”

  “Why is there a fireplace down here?” asked Holly, peering up the chimney.

  “I don’t know to be honest. It joins with another one in the master bedroom. Many of the houses around here have them too. Perhaps at that time people built out their basements as a recreational room or second living room.”

  Holly liked his honesty and, as he turned back towards the stairs, she also liked his butt. He clearly worked out and his black trousers were nicely filled with muscle. She thought he now exuded an expensive look, just like Ricky’s father had when she first met him. He was confident, in control but not domineering. His black and grey hair suited him and she wondered what it would feel like if she ran her fingers through it. He motioned for her to take the stairs and she was on the second step before she remembered that for some ridiculous reason she had worn a skirt that afternoon. The reason wasn’t actually that obscure; she had wanted to impress Gascoine’s that she wasn’t wasting their time. She had savings and a very good income and wanted to move. Jeans would have conveyed a sloppy approach to the potential purchase but in this weather they would have indicated far more common sense than a skirt. By the fifth step she heard him begin to climb and wondered what he could see. Certainly well above her knee but with the light level Holly thought he would see the shape of her thighs and then just a black space where her stockings disappeared from view. She stumbled on stair seven and grabbed the handrail tighter.

  “Careful now!” said Neil, his steps regular, dependable.

  Two inch heels didn’t help either. What on earth had she been thinking, she asked herself as she entered the kitchen again and walked over to the sink. The kitchen window was now blanketed in snow and ice. The conifers had disappeared as had the rose bushes. She stretched and gathered her hair behind her head. She heard a little wail from behind and turned part way, stopping herself for fear of embarrassing him. Whatever was wrong with him seemed regular yet transient and something he recovered from relatively quickly.


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