Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 5

by Jodie Halliday

  Holly smiled, pleased with the outcome and the fact that it had hurt nobody. “Hey, what about showers? There should be enough hot water, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah, but not for three, we always have to wait for it to heat up after the second shower,” said Jess.

  “Oh, let me ask Neil about that.” Holly opened the door and shouted, aware that Jess was right behind her. “Jess says enough water for two showers, not three!” Neil appeared in the dim light and nodded.

  “Oh, really, must be a small tank then. You two go ahead, don’t worry about me.”

  “No, what if Holly and I share?” suggested Jessica. Holly’s eyes darted back and forth between Neil and the bathroom door, wondering whether Neil would catch Jess’s true intentions.

  “OK, that would work I suppose,” said Neil. “I’ll keep an eye on the fire Holly while you two shower.”

  “Hmm, well OK then,” said Holly. She could see Neil glancing between herself and what she supposed was Jessica behind her.

  “We’ll leave the plug in the bath so if the water did turn cold then there would be some warm stuff for you to use,” said Jessica, turning back to her room. Holly followed, noting that Jessica had panties on but nothing else. She hoped that her long blonde hair had covered her breasts during that brief conversation but Jess was becoming increasingly confident in her abilities to charm.

  Jessica reached for her bra and began to put it on, which seemed sensible to Holly. She sat on the bed, waiting for her but was surprised to see her pick her jeans off the floor and step into them.

  “What are you doing,” asked Holly, bemused.

  Jessica looked at her, pouting a little. “Just getting the same number of things on as you have. So we can undress each other.” Holly nodded a little at her reasoning, knowing that Jessica was going to treat the shower as another life lesson. She also realised that if Neil had the master bedroom door open then any crying, wailing and general thrashing around that Jessica might indulge in would be easily heard. Maybe she would have to hold her head under water until she stopped screaming. Jessica turned to her as she pulled her jeans over her thighs, the indentation of her pussy lips very obvious though her panties.

  Jessica carried the candle and two towels into the bathroom and Holly shut the door. It was warm in the room, possibly because it was most central to the house and Holly felt at ease in the confined space. Jessica turned to her and grinned. They looked at each other silently for a while before as though on cue, they both extended their hands, smiled and slipped into a gentle hug. Holly though wanted more than a hug. She felt almost duty-bound to give the girl as much experience as she thought she should have at the age of nineteen and if they had less than a day together then they would have to move quickly.

  “Arms up!” said Holly, grabbing the bottom of the girl’s sweater. Jessica laughed with a sense of relief as the fun got underway. With her arms up high Holly peeled the sweater up and over her head, dropping it by the door. Without prompting, Jessica got to work on the buttons of Holly’s blouse and it was then that she noticed that two were already undone. It was something that Neil was sure to have seen when she laid down on the edge of the bed in the master bedroom. She grimaced a little, knowing that while the buttons could be undone, her wardrobe malfunction couldn’t. Jessica undid her cuffs for her and then carefully folded the shirt on top of the sweater. As she stood again her gaze was locked onto Holly’s firm, up-tilted breasts, captive in her black bra and straining for release. But Jessica simply returned to take Holly in her arms and looked up for a kiss. She touched the girl’s lovely face and kissed her lips, immediately feeling the surge of pleasure which seemed to awaken her pussy. Jessica’s hands slid up her back and fumbled with the bra strap, making them both smile. Eventually she got it undone and the material fell away and Jessica gave out a high-pitched sigh as she took one of the breasts in her hand, weighing it and squeezing it as she absorbed new information. Holly pulled her t-shirt up over her head and guided her so their breasts touched which caused Jessica to sigh again in wondrous amazement.

  Jessica sank to her knees and looked back up into Holly’s eyes, her face alive, expectant and her smile slightly naughty. Holly’s zip came down in Jessica’s fingers with ease and the skirt dropped to her feet. She kicked it away but Jessica grabbed it, folded it and laid it on the growing pile by the door. She looked so submissive on her knees as her golden hair shone in the candlelight and her face pressed once again on Holly’s thighs. Then her head brushed over Holly’s panties around her pubic bone and the smooth skin above her pussy, suggesting and requesting with her movements before she looked up with pleading eyes at Holly. The girl looked tiny down by her feet, her breasts almost indistinguishable from her chest. Holly touched her golden hair, her face and then nodded very slightly. With great care Jessica gripped the waistband of Holly’s panties and pulled very slowly, noting immediately the bare skin above her clit. Holly held her hands still, seemingly teasing her but she needed to briefly feel her nails. They were short and smooth.

  Jessica gasped as the shape of her lips came into view, mesmerized by what she saw and the panties remained halfway down her thighs. Holly watched her with lust, this perfect little girl who had now seen her first pussy. She took her face between her hands and held her steady, allowing her to look straight ahead only. After a short pause she felt Jessica trying to move forward, saw her mouth open in anticipation but continued to hold her there, teasing, sensing her increasing need. She moved her an inch closer and the girl winced.

  “Take you jeans off,” said Holly.

  “What?” cried Jessica, so close to her goal.

  “Jeans, then panties.” Jessica struggled while Holly held her head, facing her pussy at all times. The jeans were the hardest item and required both hands and some kneeling and sitting to get it accomplished. “There’s a good girl Jess.” She pulled her back into the kneeling position and held her there again as she slowly parted her legs. She desperately wanted the girl’s tongue on her, to feel how she would lap her for the very first time as a virgin lesbian. “Are you wet?”

  Jessica didn’t question her this time but simply nodded. “Use your fingers Jess, let me taste you.” Jessica slipped her right hand down between her legs then held it up in the air, unable to see exactly where Holly’s mouth was but knew she had been successful as Holly’s tongue licked her fingers.

  “Oh god, yes, good girl Jess.” Holly pulled her all the way between her legs and felt the first tentative flick of her tongue on her lips. She looked down with delight as the girl gripped her thighs and with eyes closed extended her pink tongue again. She parted her legs a little more and pulled Jessica hard against her pussy, feeling her nose rub against her clit. “Pull my stockings down Jess, get me naked.” Jessica obeyed, rolling each stocking down to her feet them helping them off and onto the pile. She looked back up with her beaming face and seemed to be short of breath.

  “You’re so smooth Hol, everywhere!”

  Holly grinned, nodded and pulled her back between her legs. The girl licked again and the feeling seemed to be intensified now she was naked. Holding Jessica’s head in place she put her foot up onto the Formica surface which made her far more confident that her juices would be spread all over Jessica’s little face. She knew she wouldn’t orgasm where she was standing. It wasn’t so much the position, which was precarious to say the least, but Jessica’s tongue was flying everywhere, intent on covering ground rather than getting her off. She looked down again, trying to commit to memory the vision of her loveliness, the blonde innocence, her little pink tongue, her desire to please and the tiny nipples which she glimpsed on occasions. She took Jessica’s face once again in her palms and slowly lifted to her feet.

  “Did I do it wrong?” asked Jessica, disappointed in the change of scenery.

  “No, I want to taste it!” said Holly, kissing the girl and then slipping her tongue between her lips. “Mm, we taste the same, right?”

Jessica nodded. “You look like me too, I think.”

  “We should shower, Neil will think we drowned or something!”

  “Oh shoot, I forgot about him!” Jessica turned on the shower and stepped into the bath. As Holly joined her she pulled the shower curtain around and they shuffled about, trying to get wet as quickly as possible. Holly grabbed the soap and turned off the water.


  “Turn and face the wall,” said Holly, guiding her gently. With soapy hands she washed Jessica’s back, massaging her shoulder muscles and down her spine. She quickly washed her arms, hands then the backs of her legs, kneeling to get down to her shins and feet. She looked up briefly and saw the girl’s pussy, open, inviting and hairless. She nudged the girl’s legs apart and with more soap gently touched the inside of her thighs, brushing against her pussy to the absolute delight of Jessica who gasped and giggled, then sighed as Holly’s palms slid between her soapy wet lips.

  Holly put one hand on Jessica’s hip to steady or catch her in case she fell, then as she massaged the little girl’s pussy with her palm, she circled her anus with her thumb. Jessica shrieked and her knees gave way, buckling as he head banged against the wall.

  “Fuck!” she shouted, gripping uselessly with her fingers on the white tiles.

  “Shh!” said Holly, laughing at the reaction.

  Jessica swallowed and gasped for breath. “You touched me there, that’s so dirty!” Holly held both her hips and steadied her, unsure if her legs were working again. Jessica slumped down onto her knees and rested on all fours, facing away from her.

  “Don’t you ever touch yourself there?” asked Holly, running soap over her buttocks.

  “No, only when I go to the toilet.”

  “Touch your pussy like I did, three fingers, nice and slowly.” Jessica bowed her head and pushed her hand between her legs, actually using four fingers to feel the slick soapy skin of her pussy.

  “Oh, that’s so great, so smooth.”

  “Keep going,” said Holly, massaging the girl’s buttocks.

  Holly slipped her legs either side of Jessica and pulled her closer. Once she felt that the girl was established in her rhythm she massaged her buttocks harder, pulling the cheeks apart gently, exposing her anus. It was a delicate pink, a tiny hole surrounded by smooth, gently puckered skin. Her thumbs pressed closer to her anus, suggesting what was about to happen but Holly wasn’t sure that the message had been understood. With the side of her palm she grazed across the hole, then again before dwelling there longer and making it the resting point of her soapy hand. With her left hand she gently touched the insides of Jessica’s thighs which seemed to delight her as she raised her buttocks higher in response. Her thumb came back over the little hole and stayed there, circling in time with Jessica’s hand before she very gently pressed against the opening. Jessica faltered, gasped and lowered her head onto the floor of the bath, consumed by the feeling and possibly confused how it could feel so good when it was so wrong. Holly pushed deeper so that her thumbnail disappeared inside and was pleased to see the hand sliding back and forth over her pussy. Once again she noticed the muscles in the girl’s legs trembling just as they had done earlier in her bedroom. Jessica’s blond hair fell over her shoulders and around her face, soaking up the water that hadn’t made it down the plug hole. Holly loved the sight of her, tiny, scrunched up and shaking gently in the dim candlelight. She pushed in further so that almost all her thumb was inside and Jessica let out a mixture of a groan and a squeal but continued massaging her pussy as Holly leaned down and kissed her buttocks.

  She knew she was going to have to disappoint her though and slowly pulled her thumb out and grasped her hips, signaling the end of that experiment. Jessica’s hand slowed and then stopped. She followed the gentle pressure from Holly’s hand and turned to face her, still kneeling with her head low. Holly lifted her chin to kiss her but Jessica flung her arms around her neck, pulling her close as little sobs seem to begin deep inside her.

  “Hol, I know nothing!” she said between sobs. “It’s like you came here and turned the light on for me!”

  “Shh, there there sweetie,” said Holly, kissing her neck and conscious of the fact that they had spent what felt like half an hour having a ‘quick shower’. She pulled her chin up, kissed her lips tenderly and helped her up. “Wash me now, Jess.” That seemed to cheer her up and she soaped her hands thoroughly as Holly put her arms behind her back and pushed her chest out in Jessica’s direction. The girl’s eyes grew wide as though she had been handed a new, life-sized doll for Christmas. Her fingers circled Holly’s breasts, sensing their shape, smoothness and firm texture. Her nipples came in for extra attention and were squeezed, prodded and soaped for quite some time before Jessica sank to her knees and ran the bar of soap across her pussy. It was a fabulous sensation which thrilled Holly but she was unsure just why it had felt so great since she had done it many times herself and it had hardly registered. Jessica copied Holly’s movements, turning her round while running her hands up and down her thighs, the back up to her pussy. Holly bent forward slightly, indicating that it was OK to explore her anus, and Jessica, to her credit, ran the soap between her buttocks. Holly rested her head against the wall, ready for Jessica’s next lesson and it came almost immediately as she pushed her finger inside her anus, rested for a few seconds then pushed as deep as she could. Holly knew she was trying hard but she was still in learning mode and needed to experience an orgasm with another person a few more times to understand what was required. She leaned up and slowly turned then pulled Jessica up with her.

  “Time to rinse off, then one more thing!” said Holly. Jessica turned the shower back on and both girls screamed as freezing cold water hit them. They jumped up and down, giggled and shivered as the water very slowly warmed up then rinsed off all the soap which had been so thoroughly applied. Holly shut off the water and lay down in the bath. Jessica looked at her quizzically and waited for some sort of guidance. Holly turned her so she faced her feet and pulled her down slowly and carefully. With some shuffling of limbs they managed to squeeze into position with Jessica’s pussy directly over Holly’s mouth and her own sex wide open for Jessica’s immediate attention. The young girl understood immediately and even knew to lock her arms behind Holly’s knees and brace her as she stared down at the bald pussy and grinned.

  Holly sighed with delight at both the sight inches above her face as well as the feeling of the girl’s young fingers on her inner thighs. This was the position that she needed right now, where she couldn’t see anything except the girl’s sex and her senses were locked onto her pussy and the attention it was getting. She lapped along the length of Jessica’s open pussy, hoping that she would copy the speed and pressure on her own. Jessica was spotlessly clean and the taste of her arousal returned, thrilling Holly as she moved her tongue around her mouth, spreading the taste for maximum effect. Holly jerked as Jessica copied her actions, teasing gently along her inner lips but stopping before she reached her clit. The girl’s hands held onto her buttocks and Holly prayed that her fingers would latch into the cheeks at some point and even thrust inside her butt. She closed her eyes, reveling in the feeling of the little tongue on her pussy and the smooth, slick skin that her own tongue found above. She pushed a little harder knowing that her nose rested against the girl’s anus but unconcerned as her tongue pushed inside her vagina, teasing the little folds of skin and awakening the girl’s orgasm. She flicked at her vagina again, noting how her tiny little hole contracted even further in time with her tongue. Jessica copied her, pushing slowly into her as her fingers inched closer to her anus.

  Holly’s head dropped back to the floor of the bath as Jessica started up her own rhythm, licking and sucking at her vagina in a manner that suggested she was one of the best students there could ever be. She dug her fingers into Holly’s buttocks, pulling and tugging as her tongue travelled from just below her clit down over her vagina and perilously close to her anus. The sheer n
ovelty of this new girl, her inexperience and youth thrilled Holly and she felt the beginnings of her orgasm announce itself. Holly gripped the girl tighter, signaling her excitement and she once again sensed the trembling in the girl’s limbs. Her tongue flicked across Jessica’s clit then lapped all the way down and for the first time, poked at her anus. Jessica flinched, cried out but held on, shaking with the sensation and copying Holly with her tongue. Holly groaned, again delighting in the feeling of being wide open for the girl as she teased her anus with her fingers, gripping close and pulling her open for her tongue. A shot of lust raced through Holly and she very gently lapped at Jessica’s clit and then collected more juice that now seemed to be flowing steadily in a pure white stream from inside the teenager.

  “I’m gonna come, Jess!” gasped Holly, instantly feeling the girl’s tongue sweep between her clit and down over to her stretched anus. “Oh fuck Jess!” She sucked at Jessica’s clit, her whole mouth locked over it as her tongue swirled slowly and gently, sending tremors through both of them. Jessica seemed to need no more guidance and Holly tried to concentrate on the girl above her, the tiny vagina, the swollen pussy lips and her little anal opening. She kept her mouth locked on her clit which seemed to directly affect Jessica’s ability to breathe and scratched her anus with her fingernail. Holly knew she was well on her way and felt Jessica’s fingers stretch her even more, opening her for the little pointed tongue which tried so hard to lick her. Holly groaned at the feeling and felt her orgasm approaching rapidly, coaxed on by the wonderful tongue from the little blonde above her. She locked onto Jessica’s clit once again, licked her continually and scratched her harder, continually. They both shrieked out within seconds of each other, Jessica wailing in surprise and delight while Holly muffled her cries by pulling Jessica tight against her mouth. They shook, trembled and cried out as they both rode their wave of pleasure, calming slowly as they relaxed their tensed limbs and breathed almost normally again.


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