Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 8

by Jodie Halliday

  “Please!” she hissed, trying to reach out to his buttocks to pull him in. She had no idea what was happening to her mind and body but she had an absolute craving for his cock.

  “Pull your legs back, all the way back!”

  She gripped her legs, not willing to argue. Her leg muscles strained but her running regime helped. Her knees were level with her breasts and her pussy and anus were obscenely exposed to him. He rubbed his cock over her pussy, infuriating her but once again she put up with it rather than have him walk away. She felt her teeth biting her lip and had no idea she had been doing it even though it seemed to dull the desire from her pussy. She was soaking now, dripping with expectation as he once again positioned himself at her tiny entrance. She whimpered, hoping he could see the agony he was causing. He felt bigger this time, more confident, a take-no-prisoners attitude. Holly gripped his arms beside her, digging her nails in with her frustration and as she opened her mouth to whine again he thrust hard into her, filling her completely.

  Holly screamed in pain, scared that she was trapped underneath him, her limbs locked and jammed up. He withdrew and thrust again and she screamed, sobbing with a mix of pain and absolute fullness. The third thrust came with a stinging sensation and thereafter she seemed to become numb to everything except the fabulous feeling of his expert, regular rhythm.

  “Fuck!” she shouted as he banged into her. The fire crackled and wafted, smoke billowing out momentarily before returning to normal. His eyes were closed but the fire lit him like a demon monster. Her head snapped back and she closed her eyes as a little orgasm flashed through her. She rode out the peak of sensitivity and joined the escalator up to the next level. The fire crackled again and she looked over, making sure coals hadn’t jumped out. She turned back, looked up at him and noticed a splash of gold on the bed. The escalator was working nicely and all she had to do that night was to lie in front of the warm fire and get serviced by this professional fucking machine. The gold flash moved and Holly strained to look up. Her heart leapt and she cried out.


  “Come for me baby, so close!”

  “Neil, no!”


  “Neil, it’s Jess!”

  “Huh?” he said, looking round. “Oh fuck!” he said quietly. He pulled out of Holly and she whimpered then squealed as he ripped the towel up off the floor and draped it over Holly and his cock.

  “Jess?” said Holly, “what are you doing?”

  “I heard a scream so I thought there was trouble. I’m sorry.”

  “What did you see?”

  “I saw.”

  “I’m so sorry Jess,” said Neil.

  “It was cold in my room too.”

  “Come and sit by the fire,” said Holly, offering her hand. She slid off the bed and came to rest against Neil. He looked at Holly and she smiled, understanding that it was most likely he that she had come to see anyway. He nodded back at Holly and pulled Jessica up against him as she wrapped her gown about her body.

  “Oh that’s so nice. My parents never light the thing!”

  “It works well, certainly keeps this room warm,” said Holly, rubbing the girl’s foot. Jessica giggled and Neil squeezed her affectionately.

  “Hol, Neil. I have to get out of here. Not tonight I mean, but having you here has opened my eyes.”

  Holly looked up and Neil and then back at Jessica. “Sweetie, whatever you do, make sure it’s for the long-term. I mean, if you leave you’ll want to be able to talk to your parents and see them, however you feel now. Don’t do something that would preclude that.” Holly pulled the towel about her to preserve the tiny bit of modesty which remained.

  “Holly’s right. If you have a logical plan that’s thought through then it will be much harder for them to argue. Your age is on your side too, they can’t lock you up in here.”

  She nodded and looked at Holly, smiling and almost fawning over her. “Hol, when I watched you there just now I thought how terrible it would be if I never felt that, being loved by someone.”

  “Jess! I’m just sorry it happened like that!”

  “Oh Hol, don’t be. I could see the look on your faces. It was so gorgeous! I can’t be denied it just because it doesn’t fit with my parent’s beliefs!”

  Neil shifted a little, pulling Jessica onto his lap. Holly understood the reason and grinned at him with a look of pretend displeasure. Jessica leaned back against Neil then with sudden disbelief at Holly, who nodded back at her, knowing what the girl had just felt beneath her.

  “Holly?” asked Neil.

  “It’s OK, Neil, really it is. Love her.”

  Jessica nodded and exchanged glances with Neil, who sighed, smiled and then leaned in to kiss her lips. Jessica responded immediately by putting her arm around his neck and pulling him a little closer as the gown opened to reveal her little breasts. They kissed gently and Holly thought about leaving, maybe lying up on the bed, even watching as Jessica had done. She shifted to stand but Jessica reached out to her indicating that she wanted her there. They smiled at each other and Jessica went back to kissing her man. Holly leaned against the warm bed and watched the two lovers, but it was when Jessica pushed her foot out and touched Holly’s leg that she understood better why she had wanted her to stay. She shuffled closer to Jessica to join in and tugged at the belt of her dressing gown. It tumbled further open, revealing her chest and her stomach. She pressed in between the two of them, kissing them both somewhat awkwardly before taking Neil’s hand and gently placing it on Jessica’ breast. He sighed with pleasure as Jessica pushed her chest out towards him and Holly ran her fingers all the way down the girl’s side and onto her smooth legs.

  She parted Jessica’s thighs and helped her to adjust her balance on Neil’s legs. She smiled at the two of them and then shook her head very gently at the sight of the girl’s lovely pussy. As Neil kissed her and caressed the little girl’s breasts Holly slowly sat back on her haunches and stared. She was supposed to be here looking at the property with a view to buying it, not encouraging a threesome with the agent and the owner’s daughter. Jessica was moaning, the man’s thick cock still hidden by her dressing gown but Holly could see the shape pushing against the material and she supposed that it would be inside the young girl within the next few minutes. It had escalated so quickly, from casual conversations with the girl to the shower and now this, the girl half naked, panting for release and being encouraged by two people who should have been advising her rather than licking and kissing her. The girl’s clit was just visible in the dim light of the fire but Holly reached out to pull her away from Neil, protect her, belatedly, from the world of sex until she was really ready. She took hold of her feet and felt their warmth, the little toes squirming in her hands before tugging. Jessica broke her kiss with Neil, looked over to her and grinned, then opened her arms and beckoned Holly closer. She swallowed hard as she considered the message she needed to deliver then held her breath as Jessica’s lips met her own.

  “Thank you Holly,” said Jessica, sincerely.

  Neil nodded and touched Holly’s cheek. “Yes, you’re an angel Holly.”

  She tasted the kiss and shook her head in disbelief as her intentions flew from her mind as if borne away by the howling wind. She took one last look at Neil and Jessica and knew right then, from their hands, their eyes and the way they touched that they had established a syntax for communication between themselves which was as advanced and as effective as Holly had with Ricky. They breathed together, moved in sync, smiled at the same unspoken moment of humor and so Holly knew that while she had been a catalyst earlier in the evening that her role would likely be relegated to a simple witness of whatever was to develop going forward. Jessica radiated charm on that frozen night, her hair shining golden and pure from the glow of the fire and her young body was open, exposed to everything but needing only one thing. Neil’s nervousness seemed to have disappeared and Holly was fairly sure that she had exorcised whatever demons had pla
gued him for the past two years, leaving him free to move on.

  She touched Jessica’s legs, the skin so very smooth and warm as her fingers trailed from her knees up to her sex. Without breaking her kiss, Jessica slid down on Neil’s lap, pulling him with her until he couldn’t bend any further. Holly parted the girl’s legs and kissed her inner thighs and as the fire crackled her tongue licked up over the girl’s warm outer lips. Jessica groaned loudly, gripping Neil’s arm while her head fell back over his thigh. Her back was arched, her breasts high up on her chest, nipples peaked and sensitive as Neil gently rubbed them. She moaned with each stroke of Holly’s tongue, a little louder each time the tip ventured into her vagina, teasing the flow of her juices. Although Jessica had seen Holly and Neil making love Holly was still concerned that Jessica had little understanding of the giant cock that was going to try to force its way deep inside her pussy. She didn’t think there was a maidenhead intact any more but the girl was going to get stretched way beyond anything her fingers might have achieved. Holly pushed her tongue deeper into Jessica and used her thumbs to squeeze her lips together before flicking at her clit. She was rewarded as Jessica’s head banged against the bedroom carpet. Neil cradled her gently then pushed her gown aside, revealing the whole of his length as it towered up from his balls and would have seemed to have been enormous from where Jessica was lying.

  Holly smiled and went back to work, using her fingers to push inside the little girl, opening her and preparing her as best she could for the assault. She felt Neil move as Jessica slid a little closer to Holly. She sat on her haunches and watched in delight as Jessica caught sight of the man’s throbbing cock. The veins stood out, dark as they threaded around the skin. His foreskin was pulled back revealing a knob that Holly thought was surely bigger than when he had slid it so delightfully into her. He took hold of it and pushed it towards Jessica’s lips, nodding at her as she gazed lovingly into his eyes.

  “Suck it baby, take it in your mouth and get it really wet,” he said, touching her cheek. He nodded again and as she closed her eyes he positioned it against her lips. She gasped a little, licked both her lips and his cock then allowed it to slide in slowly. “That’s it Jess, just lick it.”

  Holly watched them for several minutes with no feeling at all that she might be intruding, but did glance down when Jessica came up for air and noticed a very small dribble of white lubrication flowing from the girl’s pussy and down to her anus. With every minute of attention that she gave to Neil’s cock so the dribble became a small stream, then a constant flow of her juices in anticipation of having sex for the first time. Holly spread the juice back up over her vagina and clit, rubbing gently before pushing two fingers inside her. Jessica’s buttocks rose slowly up off the floor and with Neil’s cock still in her mouth she bucked slowly back and forth, claiming the fingers that had got her so very ready. Her hand wrapped around the base of Neil’s cock but Holly could see that there was no way the fingers would meet her thumb, the gap was simply too large. After some time Jessica opened her eyes and looked up at Neil, getting his attention by sliding his cock from her mouth and flicking it with her tongue. He looked down and smiled, guiding her head round close to Holly’s knees. They all shuffled towards the fire and as Jessica lay down again, Holly placed her head on her thighs as she once again sat on her haunches. The girls little breasts seemed to disappear as she stretched her neck back and looked up at Holly above her, grinning.

  Neil parted Jessica’s legs and stared at her. “You’re so very beautiful Jess!”

  “Thank you Neil!”

  He leaned forward and kissed her lips, groaning very quietly as she took his face in her hands. “Neil,” she whispered, “it’s safe.” Holly took great delight in arranging Jessica’s golden hair so that it lay over the carpet and shone with its natural beauty at a safe distance from the fire. Neil moved forward, clearly touched by the golden aura that surrounded Jessica’s beautiful face and as he penetrated her a little more Jessica gasped, grabbing his strong arms.

  “Oh god yes,” she said, her mouth open in wonderment and her eyes locked on his. Holly touched the side of her face, unsure if she should stay or, as she had thought earlier, get up onto the bed to watch. She got the answer as Jessica reached back for Holly, arching her back so she could touch Holly’s breasts. She sighed loudly as she took them in her palms just as the first inch of Neil’s cock rippled her little inner lips and sank inside. He paused, waiting for her breathing to slow and the gasps to quiet down, then pushed again. He took infinite patience with Jessica, entering her very slowly and allowing her to provide assurance that she was coping. To Holly it looked excessively big and what struck her almost abnormal was the width of the man’s cock against the width of Jessica’s thighs. There just didn’t seem to be enough of her to accommodate something quite so wide, even though she herself had managed a little earlier. He leaned forward, half way inside her and kissed her neck.

  “OK, sweetie?”

  Jessica just nodded, still gripping Holly’s breasts. Her legs parted as wide as she could manage, her youth allowing her to rest her thighs flat on the carpet and slowly bring them together as Neil entered her. Holly covered Jessica’s hands, moving the girl’s fingers over her nipples which were now fully erect and sensitive to her touch. Neil leaned up and Holly saw again the huge cock which was now almost fully buried in the girl below him. He gave a final push and Jessica gasped then cried out more from delight than pain. Holly squeezed her hands to congratulate her for having her first man inside her. He looked down at her, his eyebrows raised in an unspoken question and Jessica nodded enthusiastically, smiling up at him with a look of pure lust. He withdrew almost all the way and then pushed in slowly again, deep inside her which seemed to deliver to her the true sensation of making love. Gone were the tentative steps, inching in to her. The smooth action of full insertion, withdrawal and the next thrust seemed to set off an animal instinct in the girl. She responded to the slow, predictable rhythm with her own contribution as her feet came up off the floor and slowly wrapped around his back. Holly was amazed that she had done this naturally, without being taught as though she was programmed to respond to him in that way now that the pain and danger had passed. The sound of the fat cock pumping into Jessica’s wet pussy began to fill the room, each thrust into her producing a healthy squelch which Holly found surprisingly erotic.

  Holly was reasonably sure that neither of them would last long. Neil had said he was close to orgasm when Jessica came into the room and the feeling on her fingers as she had pushed inside the girl earlier indicated she was more aroused than she had been in the bath.

  “Neil, oh, god, so beautiful!”


  Holly took Jessica’s hands and laid them onto her own chest then slipped out from under the girl’s head and stood. They didn’t need her at all now, it was their moment and it was far better for them to remember their first love making as a couple rather than with another girl attached for support. As she climbed back onto the bed and leaned over the side she decided that something wonderful was happening below. The whimpers from Jessica and groans from Neil summed up for Holly their attachment and while it wasn’t perhaps love at that moment it was certainly the foundation for a beautiful relationship. They were now moving faster, her little feet wrapped around the man’s back, pulling him deep inside as he stroked into her, crushing her lips and pumping out her arousal with each firm, punishing stroke. Jessica seemed to adore what had to be pain inside her and Holly noted the deep, white marks her nails were creating on Neil’s shoulders. She saw Jessica clench her muscles and limbs, shudder and gasp as she guessed a small orgasm had just rushed through her. Neil slowed but Jessica needed more and rode him with increasing noise and passion, swinging from his back, demanding that he resume the hard deep thrusting.

  “Gonna come baby!” shouted Neil. Holly could see his face screw up in pleasure as his orgasm gathered pace. Jessica looked at him with utter delight as she cri
ed out in a mixture of agony and terror with huge sobs coming from deep within her as she rode the man, bucking against him. “Jess!” he screamed and pumped remorselessly into her. It seemed to initiate her own orgasm as her screams mixed with his and as he continued to groan she fell silent and simply twitched all over as the force smashed through and crushed her tiny body with undiluted pleasure. Even as Neil slowed, the sounds of their combined juices pumping out of her pussy continued but Jessica was still silent, gripping him, rigid with her mouth wide open, seemingly unaware of anything as the immense release seized her. Eventually the force blasted out of her and a scream filled the room, followed by another and her limbs rippled again as she sawed back and forth with him, gripping every inch he could deliver. She swore, gasped and screamed, demanding that he continue to thrust into her as though this might be her one and only opportunity to sample the fruits of love.

  Holly was amazed at the sight, delighted for them but that very slowly turned to a feeling of slight jealousy. Their orgasm wasn’t just the result of two people having sex. It contained all the elements of ecstasy brought on by trust, love and understanding. She thought that she and Ricky had it, but these two most certainly did.

  Neil leaned forward and kissed Jessica gently, bringing her back to the present, the fireside and her parents’ master bedroom.

  “Baby,” he whispered.

  “Neil,” sobbed Jessica. She shook her head in disbelief. “I had ..!” She grabbed him and pulled him close as her feet unlatched and came back down to the floor. “Had no idea!” He shifted slightly but she grabbed his hips. “Stay inside for a little while longer?” He nodded and Holly rolled over onto the bed to face the door. A sliver of light was visible where the door met the carpet and she frowned. It could be the street lights were back on and shining through Jessica’s bedroom window, or she had left a candle burning, which would have been stupid. Holly slipped off the bed and opened the door. She heard the fridge. The bathroom light worked and she smiled happily. She turned back to the bedroom to give them the news but Neil was already peering up at her from the other side of the bed.


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