Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 17

by Jodie Halliday

  “Then you get the house to sell?” asked Jessica.

  “Yeah, but what I have done once or twice is notify someone that the furniture is going for nothing and they can organise to have what they want removed before the vultures arrive.”

  “Oh yeah!” said Holly. “Do you have any like that now?”

  “No, but I get maybe ten or twelve properties a month, and one or two of them will be part of an estate. If I got one you’d need to move fast. Organise transport and movers for the following day. It’s all very possible.”

  “So how much would it cost?” asked Holly.

  “Maybe three hundred for the movers, same for the owners. That’s it. No use to you until you have your house though unless you wanted to put the stuff in storage for a month.”

  “How much would that be?”

  “A month? Maybe a hundred, hundred and fifty depending on the condition of the storage facility. Plus another moving fee from storage to your house.”

  “Huh, that would be good,” said Holly.

  Jessica nodded. “Might be some stuff that I could use too.”

  They chatted about the town, the university, some terrible properties that Neil had been forced to take onto his account and some dreadful owners who had demanded unreasonable services for their fee.

  “But, I have to say, the weekend at your house Jess was the most amazing, wonderful and unexpected in my entire life.” Jessica leaned over to him and kissed his lips.

  “It was pretty good for me too!” she said. She kissed Holly’s lips for good measure and Neil sighed with approval. At around eight thirty they got up from the table and fed the dishwasher, then sat back in the lounge, finishing wine or drinking tea. Jessica leaned back against Neil and sighed as he wrapped his arms around her. Holly looked at them from the easy chair, deciding they were already a couple and that was perfectly fine. She had no reason to be jealous and with Ricky back on Wednesday life would be good for her as well. Just after nine Holly said goodbye to Neil, checked her pocket one more time and walked over to her car. Jessica ran upstairs to change and emerged five minutes later, looking decent and smelling of toothpaste.

  “Cypress Drive?”

  “Yeah, ‘fraid so.”

  Holly and Jessica waved goodbye to Neil and drove off into the night, chatting about the evening but it was mainly Jessica gushing about her few hours at the house and what a thrill it had been. They were half a mile from Jessica’s house when she pointed to a darkened point in the road between two feeble street lights.

  “Stop there Hol!”

  “Huh? Your place is up there, isn’t it?” said Holly.

  “Yeah,” said Jessica, undoing her seat belt. She leaned across to Holly and kissed her neck. Holly pulled over, switched off the engine and undid her own belt then grabbed Jessica and kissed her hard on the mouth.

  “Oh god Jess!” gasped Holly, her head swimming with delight.

  “Hol, you’re not forgotten, you know!”

  She kissed her again, gazing into those beautiful eyes. She caressed her hair and nodded. “Ricky’s back on Wednesday and I’d would so like him to meet you two.”

  “But you can’t, right?” asked Jessica, cuddling her.

  “No, how could I explain what happened between the three of us, especially while he was away on business?”

  “What would he do?”

  “I don’t know. Jess, it’s not the first time, sorry.”

  “With another girl?”

  “No, I mean a man and a girl. But last time it was sort of forced on me. This time I wanted it.”

  “But you made love to Neil because you reminded him of his wife.”

  “He told you all that?” said Holly, shocked.

  “Sure. It’s OK Hol, you kicked off a huge change in his life. And you did the same to me.”

  “Because you’re wonderful.” She took her hand and kissed her lips. “And I adore you.”

  “Hol. You completely changed my life, well, you and Neil. We’ll find a way that he can meet Neil and me.”

  “We’d better get you home,” said Holly, pulling her close and kissing her lips very gently as a parting gift to herself. Jessica nodded and they finished their journey. There was no curtain-parting from her parents when they arrived and Jessica just walked to the door, turned her key and went in after a final wave goodbye. She thought this might be a good sign, that maybe her parents were downstairs and were no longer clocking her back in or interrogating her. Holly saw the bedroom light come on and pulled away, pleased with their chat between the street lights but no closer to a solution to the problem she had created.

  Chapter 9

  Holly left work slightly early the following Wednesday and drove home before the rush hour traffic started to build. She showered before making coffee and a quick snack with some sliced beef from the fridge and bread which would need to be finished or thrown out the next day. In her bedroom she shed her dressing gown and stood naked at her wardrobe, confirming the clothes once again that she would wear for his homecoming. Her white, virginal La Perla underwear would get its first use that day and jeans would be fine, along with a sporty shirt where should could roll the sleeves up, making her look like she was ready for action. Her jeans were tight but fit with a sympathetic hug around her pussy that wasn’t going to make her sweat or chafe. She stuffed her phone in her back pocket to draw attention to the tight fit around her little buttocks and set off with a spring in her step.

  Ricky’s flight landed on time at five past six in the evening and he was through customs and immigration half an hour later. He emerged from the international arrivals doors, saw her immediately and smiled at her. With his wheeled suitcase in tow and a laptop bag over his shoulder he approached her, kissed her lips briefly then guided her to the car park. Holly knew something was wrong and her gut churned. The quick kiss, avoidance of almost all eye contact and the brisk walk wasn’t like him, especially after six weeks of absence. Her senses sprang into overdrive, measuring their walking speed, his minimal contact with her arm, his look straight ahead, their silence between the rows of parked cars.

  “Long flight?” she asked.

  “Yeah, not much sleep either, so tired Hol.”

  He was going to dump her, she was sure. The absence hadn’t made his heart grow fonder, just cooler. He pulled her forward with his pace.

  “Still want to go to the apartment?” she asked.

  “Yes, if you’re OK with that?”

  “Sure.” So she would drive him there, his car was there, she would have to drive home after he broke the news. A lump formed in her throat and her breathing began to suffer. Perhaps he had found out about Neil and Jessica somehow, someone from town had spotted them and told him? Everyone one at work would find out that the CEO’s son had dumped her. She hugged him tighter as he pulled his suitcase.

  “You OK?” she asked.

  “Yeah, course, long day at work and then the flight but now everything is fine!” His forced smile and monotone response suggested otherwise.

  They put his luggage in her car and she drove out of the parking space, paid at the ticket booth and joined the highway. She gripped the wheel tightly, her attention on the road but also on his every movement, how his head turned to watch the scenery, other cars and pedestrians but not her. The conversation stuttered into life, revolving around his work, then her house hunting, the timing of her moving and her work at Millsum’s. Holly relaxed a little before they got to the apartment as he was still talking to her and using words as he had always done but there was something very wrong and she still felt in her heart that she would be sleeping alone that night.

  They went up in the elevator in silence, both staring at the numbers as the floors slid slowly by. She felt unprotected, defenseless against whatever was about to happen, as though the time for preparation had long passed and it was only his words that governed her future happiness. She had no idea where to find someone like him again and in fact wouldn’t know even
where to start. In five minutes she could be back in the elevator, alone, crying her eyes out as the numbers counted down and she was left with zero.

  In the apartment Holly placed her laptop and overnight bag neatly in the corner on her side of the bed while Ricky unpacked what he needed for the evening and then joined Holly on the sofa, sipping the wine that she had found in the fridge. He pulled her close to his side and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her. It reminded her of Neil as he lay next to her crying and she had an inkling of what might be about to happen. The hug suggested she wasn’t being thrown out that night. He flicked on the TV and the local news came on.

  “You OK babe?” asked Holly, looking up at him.

  He shrugged. “Sort of.” He paused and drew in a deep breath. “Hol, something happened in Switzerland.” There, she knew it, and the next line would tell her if he was sorry and asking for forgiveness or if she had been replaced. He hugged her again. “We were working stupid hours, like seven in the morning through to eight at night, then an hour for dinner, then again from around nine until well past midnight. I can do that for maybe four or five days but after that it’s just deadly.”

  “Poor you. Weekends too?” Holly was still not sure but at least he hadn’t said yet that he had found someone else. She settled closer to him, sympathy at the ready.

  “Yeah, such tight deadlines and if we missed one the whole project would most likely be cancelled. So we were a team of eight, me from here and others from around Europe. But after dinner many of the European folks seemed to drift away, leaving me and one other.”

  Holly hugged him tighter, hoping to squeeze out of him what she now sensed to be a confession. She would get some of the detail as evidence after which then she could confess a tiny bit herself and everything in the universe would be back in equilibrium again. She would be staying in the apartment that night, that was for sure.

  “Hol, one night after dinner we decided that we’d had enough. This other person was a girl from France, a lawyer. Spoke English, single, our age. We went to my room to review a legal document and one thing led to another and we ended up in bed.”

  “You made love to her?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Hol, I’m so sorry, it was just a release of tension, of needing it. It was over in a few minutes, sex rather than love.” He kissed her head and looked into her eyes.

  “A few minutes? What about her?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Was it good for her? She was taking a big risk, right? A few minutes just seems so quick.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” he said, genuinely confused by her statement and defense of the woman involved.

  “Ricky, baby, I forgive you, but was she satisfied?” Boys were so dense sometimes, Holly thought.

  He shook his head. “I don’t think so, not the first time. The second time, yeah.”

  “Two different nights?” asked Holly, knowing now that his transgression was pretty much equivalent to her Neil and Jessica adventure since two equaled two.

  Ricky looked away, unprepared to have admitted that this wasn’t a one-night stand. “Yeah. First night was just for me. It wasn’t like you and me that first time, nothing like that Hol, just me taking from her. The second night we took more time and she got off two or three times.”

  “Good, I’m glad for her.”

  He pushed her away a little so he could look at her. “Hol, sometimes you amaze me. Most girls would go berserk.” Holly shook her head and stared down at his lap. “Hol?”

  “Ricky, I trust you one babe, hundred percent to do the right thing, believe me. I know these things can happen to anyone, at any time.” She touched the buttons on his shirt and smoothed her hand over his chest. Those ten seconds of silence gave his brain time to reengage.

  A game show started in the TV and he brought the volume down to a background mumble. “What are you saying Hol?”

  “Ricky, something happened to me too.”

  “Oh god, like last time?”


  “Guy or girl?”


  “Good god Hol, where do you find these people?”

  “In that house we got stranded in, the ice storm house. There was a girl there, nineteen, naked when I found her.”

  “Naked? I don’t believe you!”

  “In her room. Honest! She didn’t hear me come in. She was the daughter of the owners. I scared her half to death!”

  “The guy?”

  “The agent showing me around. I need to tell you his story and what has happened since then.”

  “OK, but she was nineteen and naked?” he said, his lips curling into a slight smile.

  “And blonde, super cute. Ricky, just listen,” said Holly as she recounted her story of consoling Jessica, bathing with her, pretending to be Shelly and her hand-job and encouraging Neil to take Jessica’s virginity in front of the fire. She left out only that he she and Neil were having sex when Jessica appeared, and knew from his trousers that the story was being happily digested.

  “Why does this stuff happen to you and not me, eh?” asked Ricky, kissing her head. Holly ventured a touch of his bulge and was happy to note that he pushed his buttocks very slightly off the sofa towards her fingers.

  “Oh, I forgot to add that now Neil and Jessica are besotted with each other.”

  “Would you have told me anyway, even if I hadn’t done something in Switzerland?”

  She breathed deeply, shaking her head. “I thought about what might happen as I lay on the bed and Neil was crying. I had no real attraction to him but I knew I could help, so I went ahead. I just prayed you would understand and I knew I would have to tell you sometime.”

  “So they’re going to live together?”

  She pulled at his zip and he made no attempts to stop her. “She’s moving in to my place in Foley Road when I move out, then the dorms when school starts. She has a bright future, she’s exceptionally intelligent.” As she slipped his trousers to his knees she explained about Jessica’s home schooling, the published papers and her visit to the Dean. Her heart leapt as she felt his fingers running through her long, dark curls.

  “Oh, another Holly Craig good deed then?”

  She shrugged and slipped her hand under the waistband of his underwear as she lay against his chest. He was rigid, hot, slightly sweaty from the journey and another little tug at his underwear revealed her most valuable possession. She slid down closer and flicked the bulb and foreskin with her tongue, utterly delighted that even with that light touch he jerked up from the sofa and groaned. She wasn’t going to ask more questions about the French lawyer and certainly didn’t want to know what she looked like. With her silence she would provide tacit approval of his actions, which would be the license she needed if and when she got into these type of situations in the future. They would have an unspoken understanding that they had an open and honest relationship until it felt right to become exclusive. She pushed his underwear down a little further and it dragged his foreskin, exposing the dark red bulb of his cock.

  She turned round, lay her head on his thighs and sucked the end of his cock, gently, slowly, just as she had done in Atlanta with Andrew. Her tongue and lips provided a constant input of pleasure to him, hardening him further yet not enough to make him come. It was a message of ‘welcome home, you’re forgiven as am I for all past and future indiscretions’ and it felt fine. She held his hand, the time for him exploring her body would come a little later. This was just for him and she was content to lie there with him in her mouth as he relaxed and watched the television. It was some time before the commercials came back on and she felt him look down to watch her lips gently moving around the tip of his hard cock.

  “Shower time Hol,” he whispered, touching her face with his warm hand. She held it against her skin, feeling the contact and so very relieved that they were still together. She pushed his underwear up over his cock and swung round on the sofa, following him into the bedroom. The
thought of just stripping and walking in to the bathroom didn’t appeal to her at all and she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled him toward her, squeezing his buttocks, suggesting some fun before they showered. She felt she needed that interaction to further gauge whether she had been totally forgiven. She needed to see him smile at her like he had six weeks ago, to feel again the passion for her in his touch. He leaned towards her, squashing her nose against his waist and she knew he was going to lean down to kiss her lips.

  He held her shoulders and threw her back on the bed, making her squeal in surprise. His hand grabbed her hip and flipped her onto her stomach. She was breathing in for the second squeal when Ricky grabbed her ankles and pulled her halfway off the bed so that she now lay face down and across his lap. She felt her phone slip out of her back pocket and saw it land near the end of the bed. She squealed before the first smack hit her buttocks and the shock of the impact knocked the breath out of her as much as the smack itself. She had never been smacked across someone’s knee, not even as a child. He smacked her again, just as hard and she cursed the tight jeans.

  “Ow, shit!” she cried, reaching back to try to grab his hands.

  “Bad girl!” hissed Ricky, smacking her other buttock. She whimpered with the mix of pain and pleasure. There was something very elemental and cleansing about being smacked. Each smack pushed her forward on the bed a couple of inches, drubbing her nose and lips into the duvet before he hauled her back for the next blow.

  “Forgive me, Ricky. I sinned!” she wailed, hoping her use of the supplication might lead to a little mercy and forgiveness. She thought of Jessica and her pain but the thought was dashed from her mind with the next stinging blow. He gripped the back of her jeans at the waistband, holding her as still as possible and tightening the material over her buttocks. There was a pause while he remained still and Holly tried to look round to see what was happening. Another blow pushed her deep into the duvet and she wailed.


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