Sons of the Falcon (The Falcons Saga)

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Sons of the Falcon (The Falcons Saga) Page 67

by Ellyn, Court

  Her Dardra (Moon Guard)

  Captain Cheriam and her lieutenants: Tréandyn, Ruvion, Lasharia, Solandyr, Elyandir, Murienna, Branedyr, Thrainor, Maliel (deceased)


  Laniel Falconeye, captain of the Dranithion Quethiel, or Guardians of the Northern Wood, Thorn’s friend

  Lyrienn, his sister, Lady Aerdria’s companion

  Iryan Wingfleet, captain of the Dranithion Uthiel, Guardians of the Southern Wood

  Tíryus, commander of the Avidan Regular Army, or Regs

  Aegulon, Keeper of Civil Order

  Saeralín, Keeper of the Veil

  The Naenion

  Lothiar, the Exiled

  Paggon Ironfist, chieftain of Storm Mount Clan

  Fogrim, of Dragon Claw Clan

  Korax Elfbane, of Black Marsh Clan

  Lohg and Screamface of Sky Rock Clan

  The Histories

  Dorelia, first Lady of the Elarion, who led her people across the sea to Dwinovia

  Amanthia, Aerdria’s sister, deceased. Ancestor of Kelyn and Thorn Kingshield

  Bhodryn the Great, the last powerful king of a united Westervael, whose grandsons split the realm into Aralorr and Fiera

  Tallon the Unifier, who joined Evaronna to Aralorr

  Appendix B

  Elaran Glossary, Abridged

  Ada / Anda = (adj.) strong. And= (n.) strength. As in andyr.

  Alas / Elas = a journey. (pl. alasion). From verb Elar, ‘to travel;’ lasí = wandering, traveling (adj.). The elves call themselves Elari (pl. Elarion), meaning ‘traveler.’ Their language, spoken and written, is Elaran.

  Alva = river. As in Alvávidan.

  -an / -en /-in = pluralizes, as does ‘-ion.’ As in Thyrnoran, ‘Silver Mountains.’

  Ana = mother. Used in conjunction with Forah, forms the name for the creative force of the universe, Ana-Forah. Zhianese, and other paternal peoples, reverse the elements to Forana, ‘Father-Mother.’

  Ara = favored, beloved. As in Aralorr, ‘favored jewel.’.

  Arga = Blessed (n. and adj.). Arghel = a blessing.

  Asa / As = (adj.) new, fresh. As in Dan-Ora’as, ‘home of new beginnings.’

  Ath / Eth = red. As in Forath, ‘red father.’

  Aurien = friend. (pl. aurienen). Aura = friendly, kind. (Note: words that begin with vowels and are preceded by a word ending in a vowel, are written and pronounced with an ‘h’ in order to separate the vowels’ sounds.)

  Avë = implies magic, powers, elemental forces. As in Avidan and avedra.

  Azeth = the indwelling soul or life-energy. As in rágazeth, the Soul Snatcher. (compare Yr/Ir)

  Azhdyr = an exile, or the exiled. (pl. Azhdyrion) From Ashter, ‘to exile.’ As in Azhdyria (Land of the Exiled).

  Baer / Ber = (n.) iron. As in baernavë, ‘iron of un-magic;’ Baerdwin, dwarf, literally ‘man of iron’ (pl. baerdwinion).

  Bazan = to be (irreg.)—vi’e (vië), vil, bi’ev (biëv), vayan, vailan, baizan. Imperative form—vilë, ‘you be,’ vailanë, ‘you all be.’

  Bryn / Bren / Bran / Bram = falcon. As in the River Bryna, Brengarra, Bramoran, Brynduvh.

  Chequar (one of the few ‘ch’ words pronounced as ‘church’ rather than ‘Bach’) = to scar, mark, brand. (irreg.)—jheqi, jeqil, jeqin, jhequan, jeqlan, jeqiven. Cheq = (n.) scar, brand. As in keldjeq, ‘warrior’s mark.’

  Chinál = method, way

  Dal / Del, Tel / Tal = star. Della / Dalla = (adj.) ‘starry.’

  Dan / Don / Dun = home. As in Avidan.

  Dath = thorn. (pl. dathan; adj. thorny is ‘datha’) As in Dathiel, ‘one who is thorn.’

  Dorreah = Goddess. Literally, ‘moon lady.’

  Dra / Dri / Dry = guardian. From Druhan, ‘to guard, protect.’ As in shaddra, avedra, Dardra, and Dranithion.

  Dragar = to fly. Drag = flight. Draghí = f lying (adj.) As in Drakhan.

  Dren = fang, tooth. From Drenar, ‘to bite’; pl. Drenilion. As in Mount Drenéleth, ‘stone tooth.’

  Duinn = (n.) dark. From Duinar, ‘to darken.’ Duina = (adj.) dark. As in duinóvion, ‘humans’ (see ‘Ova’)

  Elari = see Alas/Elas

  Eleth = stone (n.). Adjective form is eletha.

  Eshel = fire (compare Val).

  Forah = father. As in Forath. (see Rea and Ana)

  Frinach (sometimes vrinach) = storm.

  H’ = added to the front of a word that begins with a vowel if that word follows another ending in a vowel. See the note following ‘aurien.’

  Har / Her = sun. Hara, ‘sunny.’ Harsha, ‘sunlight.’ Harshava, ‘sunlit.’ As in Harac, Harena (The Desert), Heret (Land of First Dawn).

  Ils / Is = corruption of ‘elves.’ As in Ilswythe, Elves’ Meadow.

  Kaem = ridge.

  Kal / Kel = warrior. As in Kelyn, keldjeq.

  Kantav = bridge; also denotes ‘passage across,’ as in Kantava Islands and Kantávlea, the ‘Sea of Crossing.’

  Kir / Kier = shield, from Kírer, ‘to shield from.’

  Kulyah = head. (pl. kulyanen)

  Lassar = to grow, increase. Lashí = (adj.) growing, increasing. Derived is Duinlas, ‘growing dark’ or twilight; Shalas, ‘morning.’

  Lau = (prep.) down.

  Lea / Lia = sea, water in general. As in Leathyr (silver water), Leania (land of water)

  Len / Linn / Lyn = beautiful, fair. As in Kelyn, Rhoslyn.

  Ler / Lir / Lor = jewel, gem. As in Aralorr.

  Lesha = melody.

  Leth = land.

  Lethryn = earth, globe, planet entire.

  Liethan = to praise (irreg.)—liethi, liethil, liethiv, lithyan, lethilan, lethivan

  Loth = ash (pl. lothen). As in Lothiar, ‘like ash.’

  Luin / Lun = tower. As in Lunélion.

  Mar / Mor = fortress, stronghold. Seen in countless names of strongholds across Dwinovia, like Bramoran, Athmar.

  Mith = peace, quiet (n.). From Mithar, to grow peaceful, quiet. Mitha = peaceful (adj.). Mithilë! = Peace! (command).

  N / Na = signifies negation. Also ‘no’ or ‘un-’

  Na’eth = shadow. Na’etha = shadowy (adj.). As in Nathrachan, Nathryk.

  Na’in = ogre. (pl. naenion)

  Nethai = brother.

  Nith / Nyth = forest, wood, and the singular tree. As in Avidanyth (Avidan Wood), Nithmar.

  Ora = beginning (n.). From Oren, ‘to begin.’ As in Dan-Ora’as.

  Ova = a community, clan, people, gathering place. From Ovan, ‘to gather.’ As in Sýnnova (‘safe place’). Duínovë, meaning ‘dark person,’ the Elaran name for a male human, while Duínova is a female human. Duinóvion is the plural for many humans, while Duínovan is the adjective denoting anything of human make or design, including their language. Dwinóvia, ‘Land of Men’

  Quethia = north. Quethiel = northern.

  Ran / Ron / Ren / Ryn = royal. As in Kieryn, Bramoran.

  Rava = pearl. As in Rávalin, one of the Pearl Islands.

  Rea = lady or queen, or any highly placed female.

  Rek / Rik / Ryk = king. As in Rhorek, Shadryk, etc.

  Rhithio = west. Rhithiel = western.

  Rhos = flower.

  Rith = wing (pl. rithion). As in Goryth, and Avarith, lit. ‘magic wing’ or ‘wing of avë’ for dragon (pl. avárithen).

  Sha = light. Seen in ‘shaddra’ (Guardians of Light, the monks dwelling in the valley of the same name)

  Shath = day.

  Slanta! = Greetings!

  Tav = joy. Tava = (adj.) happy. From Tabar, ‘to be joyful, happy’

  Thall / Thell = Bay, cove. As in thellnyth tree.

  Thassan = to forgive, pardon.

  Thevríl = the Veil, and the spell-word used to conjure it around oneself.

  Thyn / Thyr = silver (n. and adj.). As in Thyrvael, Thyrra.

  Ter / Tír = arrow. As in Tírnan, Tírandon.

  Tran / Tryn = ford. As is Galantryn, the Great Ford.

  Trechan = to teach (irreg.)—trechi, tr
echil, trechiv, treyan, trechilan, trechiven

  Ula / U’alu = (adj.) long. As in Ulmarr.

  Uthia = south. Uthiel = southern.’

  Van = song. From Vanar, ‘to sing’

  Val / Vul = fire (in liquid form). As in Valrosk and Galvalia.

  Valav = (n.) balance. Navalav= unbalance.

  Wyr = moor, heath. As in Wyramor, ‘fortress of the moor.’

  Wytha = meadow, valley. As in Ilswythe.

  Whenda = windy. As in Helwende.

  Yr / Ir = life; spirit. From Yran, ‘to live, have spirit.’ Yri, adj. ‘living.’ As in Iryan.


  Oa/oän = I/me

  Ola/olahn = you/you (pl.)

  Eä/eär = She/her

  Eö/eör = He/him

  Ië = it

  Yo/yora = We/us

  Elan/eran = They/them


  Ta/atta = My/mine

  Tae/attae = Your/yours

  Tas/attás = Her/hers

  Torr/attor = His/his

  Ti/atti = Its/its

  Tann/attán = Our/ours

  Taena/attaena = Your (pl.)/yours (pl.)

  Tash/attash = Their/theirs


  And = tha

  But/however = vae

  So/therefore = yn

  For/because = qua


  The = er

  A = ya

  An = yan

  That = as

  This = al


  -Prepositional ‘of’ is absorbed, understood, as in Welsh.

  -Possessive ‘of’ is expressed as ‘-d’, ‘-ad’, ‘-da’ at end of a word or amid a compound word such as Brandrith, ‘falcon’s wing’; bathda’sha, rainbow (lit. ‘rain’s light’= Buadd da sha).


  Court Ellyn began writing historical fiction when she was fourteen, but her preference slowly gravitated toward the fantastical. Now, somewhere between dragon dens, haunted forests, and battlefields strewn with otherworldly foes, she moderates the LegendFire Creative Writing Community at

  Connect with Ms. Ellyn:





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