Nothing Compares (A Bad Boy Romance Book 1)

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Nothing Compares (A Bad Boy Romance Book 1) Page 2

by Leigh Allen

  “Oh,” I manage to say.

  “I have to get back to the team, but I just wanted to meet you. I will see you around,” Talon says, before jogging back toward the field.

  I am left frozen in place, stunned by the interaction I just had. Seeing Allison making her way back toward me, I seem too awestruck to really speak.

  “I told you that new kid was looking at you,” she winks, as she grabs my arm. “Come on, let’s go,” she says, practically dragging me to the parking lot.

  We make it to my car and I somehow find a way to get out of my trance. As I drive Allison and I back to our neighborhood, I can’t seem to stop smiling. For the first time since Marcus broke up with me, I am excited to go to school tomorrow.

  Chapter 3

  Sometimes, life has a funny way of giving you just what you need. After Marcus dumped me and then began whoring himself out around town, I had never felt so unwanted and insecure in my life. However, Talon telling me I was beautiful had brought back a light inside of me that had dimmed.

  I walked into the school the next morning, feeling lighter and more confident.

  “Someone is in a good mood,” Allison announced, as she caught up with me in the hall.

  Moving to my locker, I smiled as I grabbed my books for the day.

  “Yeah, I have had an awakening. I’m not going to mope around anymore about Marcus,” I stated.

  “Good for you,” Allison cheered, pumping her fists in the air. “Now, we need to go out and enjoy being young and single,” she laughed.

  “I’m all about that,” I agreed.

  “All about what?” Hollis asked, entering our group. Her fiery red hair and green eyes made her stand out in most crowds, but it was her ivory skin that gave her a natural beauty most girls would die to have. Hollis and I had met in middle school and instantly clicked. The three of us were now great friends. They were my support system and I was grateful to have them in my life.

  “Mallory is ready to party and hookup with some hot guys,” Allison informed her.

  “That’s my girl,” Hollis yelled.

  “Who said anything about hooking up? I just want to be happy,” I said, rolling my eyes at my friends.

  “Whatever,” Allison mumbled. “I will see you bitches at lunch,” she waved, sauntering down the hall toward her class.

  I laughed as Hollis and I made our way to homeroom.

  Later that afternoon, I was making my way to the quad where we ate our lunch outside on nice afternoons. I was just about to open the exit door, when Talon approached me.

  “Hey,” he said, smiling as he stopped beside me. His friend Mike was busy texting someone on his phone and barely looked up.

  “Hi,” I beamed, like a silly schoolgirl.

  “Are you heading outside?” he asked, nodding his head toward the quad. It was more like a courtyard that was located behind the school. It had picnic tables and a small garden.

  “Yeah, I eat lunch with my friends Allison and Hollis.”

  “That’s cool. Maybe I can steal you one day for lunch,” he said. I had a feeling there was more underlining his words.

  “Maybe,” I said, playing coy.

  A couple of the guys from the baseball team walked past us and called out to Talon. He waved and told them he would be there in a minute. “I will find you later, ok?” he asked, starting to back up.

  “Ok,” I nodded.

  As he jogged away, I couldn’t seem to get rid of the smile that was growing on my face. It had been a while since anyone had made me smile like that and I wasn't’ sure what to do now.

  After school, I was excited to have a free afternoon. Soccer practice had been canceled due to a staff meeting for teachers and coaches. My friends were busy, so that meant I could hang out and chill while watching Netflix. Ever since Marcus and I had broken up, Allison hadn’t given me a moment to myself. My mom was busy working. So, today, it was just me. Or, so I thought.

  I reached my car and was just about to unlock the door, when Talon came jogging across the student parking lot.

  Seeing him caused butterflies to flutter deep in my belly and a wave of heat to warm me up in all the right places. I stopped and took a second to admire him. He reminded me of a Greek God, tan, muscular, and mouthwatering.

  Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, I smiled as Talon caught up to me.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” he asked, barely out of breath.

  “Just heading home. No practice today,” I said.

  “Oh, what do you play?” he asked.

  “I’m on the soccer team. But, practice is canceled. Our season is almost over and most of the girls have started getting jobs.”

  Nodding, Talon allowed his mouth to lift in a smile and again, I felt myself grow weak in the knees. Damn, how did he have this effect on me?

  “My practice is canceled too,” he said, winking at me.

  “Cool,” I added.

  Ugh, I was so lost on how to flirt with a guy. Is that what we were doing? Flirting?

  “So, I told you I wanted to hang out with you sometime,” he began, running a hand through his sandy hair. I was mesmerized by the simple action. I wasn’t sure how he could make something so natural seem so sexy, but damn if he wasn’t about to make my drool right here in front of him.

  “Do you want to go out sometime?” Talon asks.

  “I don’t know,” I say, hesitating for a moment. There is something about him that both terrifies me and intrigues me. He makes me feel things I have never felt before. But for some reason, he has an interest in me. Surely by now he has heard that I am a virgin. Now that the truth is out; guys who used to flirt with me, barely even look my way. Marcus made sure to make a fool out of me and it worked. I guess when everyone had learned that he had cheated on me, Marcus needed something to get everyone off his back. So, in pure coward form, he told all the guys in school that I was a virgin. He successfully broke my heart and shared my deepest secret to the world. I couldn’t believe I had ever loved him.

  “Come on, it will be fun. I promise you will have a good time,” Talon urges.

  As much as I want to say no, I just can’t.

  “Fine, I will go hang out with you,” I say, finally giving in.

  “How about right now?” he asks, his smile growing wide.

  “Right now?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” he says, moving closer to me. I lean up against my car, unsure of what to do next. No one has ever looked at me like this before. Like I’m their prey. “Do you have any plans right now?”

  I think about that for a moment. I don’t have soccer practice tonight and my friends are working. Honestly, I can’t think of anything to keep me from going out with him.

  “No plans,” I say, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

  “Perfect, let’s go,” Talon says. He slips my backpack off my shoulder and extends his hand.

  “Umm, what are you doing?” I ask, confused by his action.

  “Unlock your car so I can put your backpack inside. You are riding with me,” he says, more as a statement than a question.

  No one has ever talked to me like that before and I can’t help but feel a tiny thrill. If he thinks he can boss me around, he has another thing coming.

  “How about I put my backpack up. Why don’t you ask me if I want to go with you,” I say, showing him my stubborn side.

  Talon cocks his head back and a loud laughter escapes his thin lips. “I like you,” he says. “You are stubborn and sassy.”

  “Sure am,” I agree.

  I unlock my car and place my backpack in the passenger seat. Turning on my heel, I place a hand on my hip and face Talon. “Ok, now we can go,” I say.

  Talon grabs my hand and leads me to an old, beat-up Ford truck. He opens the passenger side door for me and as I get in, I notice the interior has been kept up really nice. A nice contrast from the exterior.

  Talon gets in and starts the truck.

  “So, where are we goi
ng?” I ask, raising my brow at him.

  Talon just smiles as he pulls out of the school parking lot. He turns onto the small country road that led to our school, but instead of heading for town, he drives toward the country.

  “It’s a surprise,” Talon winks.

  Sighing, I sit back and see where he could be taking us. After a few minutes, he pulls down a dirt road and I begin to grow a bit nervous.

  “You aren’t taking me out here to kill me, are you?” I joke, hoping I’m not about to live my own version of a horror film.

  Talon briefly unlocks his eyes from the road to glance my way. “Are you always this anxious?” he asks.

  “I am, when a guy I barely know, drives me out into the middle of nowhere,” I say.

  “Fair enough,” Talon says, but I hear a hint of laughter in his voice.

  He begins to slow the truck and we stop beside an open field where a creek runs through the land. It is beautiful and peaceful.

  As he parks, I open the truck and don’t bother to wait for Talon. The sounds of the water moving over rocks sends a light melody into the air. A slight wind races through the warm, afternoon air and it feels refreshing against my skin.

  I feel Talon walk up beside me and it sends my senses into overdrive.

  “I come here sometimes to just chill,” he says, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

  “It’s so peaceful,” I sigh.


  We stand there for a few minutes, neither of us speaking, but the way I feel here with him speaks volumes. It’s comforting to be able to be with someone and not feel a sense of obligation to talk. I can’t explain it, but there’s a peace I feel.

  “You can tell me no, but I was wondering what happened with you and that guy, Marcus?” Talon asks, breaking the comforting silence I was enjoying.

  For a second, I consider telling him no, that it isn’t any of his business, but then I feel like I can be honest with him. Besides, by now I am sure he has heard some of the rumors floating around school about me.

  “I was in love with him, but...he broke up with me. There’s really nothing to say. We were together, but now we aren’t,” I sigh.

  It was the first time I had said the words aloud. And strangely, it didn’t hurt as bad as I expected it to.

  “Why did he break up with you?” Talon asked. He was abrasive and not at all filtered with his questions, but I respected his honesty.

  “To be honest, I’m still not sure. He said he wanted more than what I could give him. I’m a virgin, which he at first said he was ok with. I guess love just wasn’t enough for him,” I admitted. Tears began to fill my eyes and I instantly felt stupid. How could someone still have this power over me? I was mortified for Talon to see me this way.

  “Want my opinion?” Talon asked, wiping a tear away from my cheek. My skin tingled under his touch and my eyes shot up to his. We connected.

  Not sure why he asked, I had a feeling he would tell me anyway.

  “I’m sure I will regret this, but yes,” I said, slightly laughing as I fought the tears to go away.

  “Just stop crying, baby. If you let me, I promise everything will look better. It will all be alright, you just have to believe it,” he said.

  I couldn’t believe how kind he was. Here I was, sitting beside him crying over my asshole ex-boyfriend.

  “I’m so sorry. You would think I would be used to seeing him with other girls, used to talking about him and what he did. But, sometimes, it still feels like I am dodging bullets,” I admitted.

  My emotions were so conflicted.

  “That guy doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as you do. He fucked up the minute he decided to walk away from you. But, from where I am standing, it was my gain,” Talon said, his eyes taking me in.

  I felt my heart flip as he drank me in. I didn’t deserve his kindness and I didn’t understand what he saw in me, but something about him made me believe that everything could be alright. Maybe this was a sign of new times to come.

  Talon stepped closer to me and I felt my breath escape. “I think Marcus is an idiot. Anyone willing to walk away from you doesn’t deserve you,” he said, never taking his eyes off of mine.

  “How can you say that? You barely know me,” I whisper.

  For some strange reason, my words felt loud.

  Talon brushes his hand along my arm, causing goosebumps to appear. I watch as his fingers gently trail down my skin and it is the most erotic thing I have ever experienced. My breath hitches and I see a spark ignite in Talons’ eyes.

  “It only took once glance at you for me to know that you are worth fighting for. The second I saw you; I knew I had to have you. I need to get to know you, to see into your soul,” he breathed.

  “Talon,” I purred the words, unable to form a coherent sentence.

  “Tell me to back off and I will, but when I see something I want, I don’t back down,” he stated firmly.

  “I should probably tell you to give me space, but something tells me you wouldn’t listen,” I mused.

  “You are right,” Talon smiled.

  “I can be pretty stubborn,” I said, my mouth closing as I tried to fight a smile. He was painfully cute, and I couldn’t help but fall victim to his charms.

  “Yeah, well I can be pretty stubborn and persistent,” he countered, his cocky ego blooming.

  Normally, a guy coming on this strong would scare me away, but something about Talon intrigued me. It was like he had this weird effect on me that caused me to just want to say yes to everything he proposed.

  “So, what does this mean?” I ask. “I mean, you barely know me, yet you are telling me that you won’t take no, as an answer.”

  Talon grabs my hand and places a kiss to my palm. A shiver races down my spine and my eyes shoot up to meet his. “This means, I’m going to show you that I’m worth getting to know. That you should give me a chance,” he says, his voice soothing me.

  I wasn’t sure what had come over me, but the moment I saw Talon, I knew he was different. My body reacted to him in ways I had never dreamed of. While this was still foreign to me, I felt compelled to see where this could lead.

  “Ok, let’s see where this goes,” I say.

  Beaming, Talon grabs me and pulls me in for a kiss. The moment our lips lock, sparks of electricity begin to flow through me. His soft lips caress mine as his tongue brushes over mine. Closing my eyes, I placed my hands on his hard chest and allowed him to deepen the kiss. His hands roam to my waist, pulling me closer to him. It’s like we can’t seem to get enough of one another. In all my life, I had never been kissed like that before. Like someone was hungry for me.

  As we break the kiss, we are both left panting and smiling.

  “I just wanted a taste,” he says, licking his lips in the most seductive way possible.

  My insides flutter and I have no words to give him back.

  It was at that moment that I knew my life would never be the same again.

  Chapter 4

  Talon dropped me off at my car sometime after dark. My mom would be working late, showing a house to a few of her clients, so I knew it wouldn’t matter how late I got home. My dad hadn’t called in years, so I was basically raising myself.

  We were quiet on the way back to the student parking lot, only allowing the sounds of the radio to fill the space between us.

  Hopping out of the truck Talon surprised me by opening my door. I wasn’t used to guys being so chivalrous, but I had to admit, I kind of like it.

  “Thanks,” I said, as I slipped out of my seat and went to unlock my car door.

  Talon hoovered close by as I fumbled with my keys. “Be careful going home,” Talon said, opening my door and holding it open as I sat down.

  “Are you real?” I asked, partially giggling as I stared up at him.

  He held one hand on the door while the other rested on the roof of my car. Leaning in, His smoky eyes seemed to call to me, and I couldn't seem to look away.

/>   “In the flesh,” he laughed. Then, he leaned down and placed those magnificent lips on mine and the world stopped.

  “You taste just like cherries and summer,” he sighed.

  I breathed him in, allowing my body to memorize his scent. I wanted to remember everything about this moment and how Talon made me feel. Because, if it ever ended, I never wanted to forget just how amazing I felt right now.

  Closing my door, Talon stood back as I began to pull out of my space. I watched him from the rearview mirror as I slowly made my way out of the parking lot and back onto Main Street.

  Walking into my house, sometime later, it was dark and silent. Sometimes, I enjoyed the peace that my house brought, while other times, it made me feel lonely knowing there wasn’t going to be anyone to share my day with.

  Kicking off my shoes, I made my way to the kitchen. Grabbing a bag of chips and a bottle of water, I shuffled down the hall to my room.

  Just as I fell into bed, preparing myself to spend the night watching movies on Netflix, I heard my phone ring in my pocket.

  Glancing down, I saw a number I didn’t recognize.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “What are you doing right now?” a familiar voice asked.

  Sitting up quickly, I was beyond shocked to hear from Talon so soon. Even dating Marcus, he was never into spending too much time together. He had once told me he didn’t want a clingy girlfriend, so I was cautious not to call or text him too much.

  I let a small laugh escape, as I lay back down on the bed. “Actually, I was about to eat a bunch of junk food and watch movies,” I admitted. “How did you get my number?” I asked.

  “Sounds awesome. I had Mike ask your friend Allison for it. I wanted to make sure you got home alright,” Talon said, his voice deep and melting my heart.

  “I made it home safe and sound,” I sighed.

  I could hear the air flowing through his car windows and the soft beat of his radio still turned down from when he had dropped me off.


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