Black Widow, The: How One Woman Got Justice for Her Murdered Brother

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Black Widow, The: How One Woman Got Justice for Her Murdered Brother Page 6

by Lee-Anne, Cartier,

  ON MY WAY TO WORK on Monday I spotted Roger’s work truck parked outside Subway at Currimundi, so I parked and waited for him. Mum had called Roger the previous week to tell him the latest on Phil’s death, but he had been adamant that I was wrong. Now was my chance to get through to him.

  He came and sat in my car and we talked for nearly an hour. By the end he was agreeing with my theory, and starting to take a different view of events he’d encountered. He remembered phone calls to Phil with Helen yelling out things in the background, making allegations of Karen making abusive phone calls and other problems with her. None of these things Karen was being accused of were ever witnessed by Phil, however. Ding ding! I think the lights were going on in Roger’s brain.

  We had agreed that Mum and Dad would play along with Helen’s grieving widow act, with Dad emailing Helen with friendly chat and still signing off ‘Love Yvonne and Jim’. I was so proud of them; this was so much harder for them than for me. It’s hard to describe, but at this stage I felt I had become emotionally detached from what had happened. This was just my way of getting through it, and still is. Of course I have had the odd small breakdown, but I view getting to the bottom of Phil’s death as a job, something I had to investigate to gain closure.

  Helen was telling Mum and Dad that she was going to have to sell the house, because she said Karen was making a claim on behalf of Ben for 33 per cent of Phil’s life insurance and 33 per cent of the house. She also said that the letter from Karen’s lawyer claimed Ben had not received any of his belongings, including the stuff that Andrea and Paul had collected. At this point she also threw in that there had been a downturn in business at her work and that she was about to be reduced to part-time hours. I could almost hear the violins as I read the email. She then stated, ‘I have since received a letter from Karen asking me to stop lying to everyone about her and Ben and to stop harassing them by phone, text and email.’ Interesting.

  In an email to me, she said she was having some issues with Barry; that because she wouldn’t let him financially support her he was going to shift back to his bach permanently. (The violins were being played so hard the strings were about to snap …) She then said her lawyer, Graham Coumbe, was trying to help her put together a case to show that she wasn’t living with Phil for more than 18 months after a recent break-up, ‘but as Phil never changed his address with banks or IRD it’s going to prove extremely difficult to do.’

  With my reply I took the opportunity to play her back. In the middle of friendly chat I brought up a recent funeral I had attended and said it had really upset me, bringing up memories of Phil’s.

  I was trying to tell the girls about the reading I did and thought if you don’t mind would love a copy of the card I read and Phil’s last message to keep. Ended up in tears at the RSL State of Origin night talking about it, it was the nicest card and because I read the note so quickly and was so shocked I can’t remember what it said, but remember it saying you’d be dealing with shit from her [Karen], he was on the mark there.

  Helen replied:

  I will send you a copy of the card and Phil’s note — what’s your address?

  She then went off on her usual sympathy train of Barry issues and Phil ruining her life.

  I emailed her my post office box address, as I didn’t want to remind her exactly where I lived. One day justice was going to bite her on the arse and I didn’t want her to be able to take out retribution on my family.


  Keeping Up Appearances

  Later that week I had an appointment with Katrina Rose, a psychic medium. She told me Phil was there, but due to it being so close to his passing the communication wasn’t very clear.

  What she did get through scared me: she said Phil had started to wake with his tongue feeling strange but couldn’t wake up enough to do anything and just slipped away into unconsciousness and died. Phil also communicated with her that he didn’t send the text or write the typed letter.

  Katrina Rose suggested that Phil might come through better in a little more time, so I made another appointment and continued my investigation.

  ON TUESDAY, 7 JULY HELEN sent an email to Mum and Dad. It read:

  Hi Guys

  Thought you would like to know I put the house on the market at the weekend. Got an offer yesterday, not as much as I would like, but a starting point.

  Once the house is sold and the life insurance comes through, it will have to be divided up amongst the boys and myself. Am now looking for a small flat/apartment to rent as I will not be able to buy again. This means I will probably have to part with the cats as most rentals do not allow more than one cat.

  I went back to my Dr last week as have not been coping too well, he has given me a couple of weeks stress leave. Our office manager today emailed me a redundancy notice, effective immediately. I will now be going to Work and Income to see what help they can give me until I find another job.

  I got a letter from the Crematorium the other day about Phil’s ashes. It would seem that Karen had tried to collect them on Ben’s behalf and they now want an urgent decision to prevent any further issues. Are you guys okay with my idea of the Memorial Library. Graham (my solicitor) has said he will pay the cost and deduct [it] from the estate funds before distribution.

  Other than this life is just carrying on as usual. Greg [Helen’s eldest son] called in on Friday night, I think he was gathering information for Adam and Karen, so I was careful about what I said.

  Hope you are all well,

  Love Helen

  Karen and I had a good laugh over Helen’s paranoia when I read it to her. What was she trying to hide from them, anyway?

  IT TOOK EXACTLY A MONTH for Coumbe to reply to Ben’s lawyer’s letter that requested Ben’s school and sports team photographs, a signed Daniel Carter poster, approximately $100 Australian (money from my parents — part of which Helen had tried to give me that night in Christchurch) and documentation for Ben’s ASB bank account. This letter had also asked if Ben was a beneficiary of the estate, as Helen had said to Karen at the funeral that Ben was entitled to 25 per cent of Phil’s life insurance policy.

  Coumbe stated that Helen claimed all Ben’s property had been returned. He also wrote:

  We regret to advise that Ben is not a beneficiary under the life policy. The owner of the policy and the sole beneficiary is Mrs Nisbet. A copy of the letter from AXA is attached for your reference.

  He added that there was another small policy but it wouldn’t cover the debts of the estate. It appeared that both the lawyer and Helen had been aware since mid-May that the policy was owned by Helen and would not have to go through the estate.

  After Karen forwarded me this information I immediately called the senior claims consultant who had signed the AXA letter. I alerted her of the situation and the current ongoing investigation, and she immediately flagged the policy not to be paid.

  We discussed what would happen to such a policy in the event that the policyholder was charged and convicted with the insured person’s murder and she assured me in such an instance the policy would then become payable to the insured person’s next of kin, which in this case would be Zak and Ben. It was a giant relief knowing that Helen wouldn’t be getting her hands on that money any time soon.

  ON MONDAY NIGHT THE FAMILY all came to my house for dinner. It was a bit like a team briefing and strategy meeting. I updated everyone on where things were at, who I’d spoken to and what had been said.

  After dinner I broached the subject of Phil’s ashes, stating that Helen, being his wife, had full control over what happened to them. She had already been making up lies about Karen trying to pick them up, so I was worried about what she might do with them to spite the family. I suggested we ask for half of his ashes to come to Australia, on the grounds that Mum and Dad’s health would most likely hinder them from returning to New Zealand to visit a memorial there. This way they could have a memorial here that they could visit any time, especially on his bi
rthday and anniversary of his passing.

  Andrew thought it would be a waste of time — that Helen wouldn’t agree to share the ashes. I pushed the ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’ line. Explaining how I had already asked for a copy of the ‘suicide note’ and the card I had read at the funeral, I asked Andrew and Dad to call Helen and ask about the ashes. I felt it would be pushing it for me to ask for anything else. I also said for them not to mention we were all there together.

  Andrew and Dad came back into the room after the call with the good news that Helen was happy for Mum and Dad to have half the ashes. Twenty minutes later Helen texted, asking me to call her. She was oblivious to the fact we were all together and wanted to tell me my parents had requested the ashes and she was going to hand them over.

  However, the lies soon started up again. The next day, Dad checked his emails and found one from Helen that she had sent the night before — within minutes of her texting me to call her. It had also been sent to Andrew. The subject line was ‘Phil’s ashes’ and it said:

  Hi Guys

  Have been thinking about your idea for Phil’s ashes. I have left a message for Graham [Coumbe] and will ring the Crematorium tomorrow.

  To be honest, with the way things have turned out, I would be more than happy for you to arrange to have them all shipped over there. I’m not sure how much LeeAnne has told you, but I have found out that Phil has cheated on me almost from day one. Also on more than one occasion I had to call the cops when he laid into me and he put me into hospital on one occasion.

  On top of those I am now about to lose the house that I have put my heart and soul into so Ben and Zak can take their share, plus there are the loans Phil took out against my house, without my knowledge along with the Tax bill he never paid — $48,000.00.

  So I am in no position to pay anything else and really feel like my life might as well be over too.

  I will send the bereavement cards over to you shortly.


  Wow, the love was gone! No more signing ‘love Helen’. I guess she couldn’t keep that façade up for too long.

  Dad replied to her email, sympathising with her issues and stating that they would like the ashes and cards. He said they would pay to get them to Australia.

  Helen replied stating she would contact the crematorium with regards to the procedure and said ‘I will post the cards as soon as my first benefit comes through.’ Those little violins were playing again!

  I decided to ring the crematorium myself and explain our situation. They said Helen would have to contact them to give permission for us to pick up the ashes. I said I had concerns with Helen and that she was making out that someone else had tried to take the ashes, and they explained that on their computer system they kept a log of contacts regarding each person’s ashes. They confirmed they had sent Helen a general letter advising her the ashes were ready and asking if she could contact them regarding her intentions. They had had no other contact with Helen or anyone else regarding Phil’s ashes.

  After several phone calls to the crematorium over the following week they finally received confirmation from Helen that Phil’s ashes could be released to us. I let them know Lance would be picking them up, then rang Lance and made sure he picked them up that day before she could change her mind! I also booked Lance return flights to Brisbane for the end of the month to bring the ashes over.

  HELEN EMAILED ME THE DAY after the ashes conversation:

  Hi Lee-Anne

  Sorry I was in bed when you rang last night.

  The only thing I think I really need help with at the moment is finding how much Phil owed your parents. I have asked them, but they haven’t yet answered. As I said to them, the alternatives are that the money is paid to them from the estate before distribution or the amount can be split between Ben and Zak with their shares of the estate.

  I got another offer on the house yesterday — getting closer to the mark although the more it goes for the more the boys get …

  Basically, once the house has sold, I am intending to disappear and try and salvage my life — at least what’s left of it.


  I got Dad to email Helen with the amount Phil still owed on a business loan which Dad had made to him years previously. Helen replied with

  I will send as much as I can when everything is sorted. Have an offer of $310[,000] on the house. Phil’s life insurance claim has been declined as he was behind on his instalments. They are however going to pay out the $50,000 serious illness portion.

  There was the tax debt of $48,000, loans he took against the house of $105,000 (without my knowledge). The mortgages are hundred and $60,000 [$160,000]. His funeral was $8000 which I ended up taking a personal loan to pay. The legal bill is currently $2500 with having to deal with Karen’s/Ben’s claims. Car loan is $6000 (for the wee one). There will be the cost of collecting the ashes from the crematorium meaning there will be around $30,000 left of which I will be required to give Ben and Zak a minimum of $10,000 each, so I should be able to send you $10,000 and whatever I can get selling the cars and any chattels left.

  Basically, I will be moving into a boarding situation as there is no other option when I have lost absolutely everything!

  Now all niceties were gone: no ‘dear Jim’ or ‘love Helen’, just the bare ‘facts’.

  I had previously called Glenn to check if the funeral had been paid for and he confirmed ACC had made a lump-sum payment, so that was another lie. Maybe deep down Helen was scared she would be done for the murder and have to pay back the ACC!

  AND THERE WAS ANOTHER ISSUE that Karen brought to my attention. Karen was unaware that Phil had opened an account for Ben at the ASB Bank until Ben had listed the account passbook as an item of his he wanted back from Phil and Helen’s house. After hearing nothing from Helen’s lawyer for two weeks, she proceeded to the ASB Bank at The Palms Shopping Centre with Ben.

  They sat with the bank manager explaining the situation. While he was looking through the computer records, Ben piped up that someone had stolen $200 from his account. He said when Phil had looked into it, the bank had traced where the money had gone and it had been repaid.

  The bank manager took particular interest in this and looked deeper into Ben’s account. He printed off for Karen the two withdrawals that were made over the internet, one $150 on 7 August 2008 and another for $50 on 11 August 2008. On both withdrawals the other party was named as Mum, with the reference Mum Mum Mum.

  The manager also found Phil’s enquiry results, that showed the money had gone into an account in the name of Helen Milner. Dated not long after this was a deposit back into Ben’s account for $200, with the other party being named as H E Milner. Ben explained that at the time they noticed the money was missing Phil and Helen had said that his mother (Karen) had been the one who had stolen it.

  I felt this just showed what kind of a person Helen is, using the reference ‘Mum’ to convince Ben his mother had stolen from him. I felt so sorry for Ben that he had to go through this. Throughout my investigations, Karen was often the spark that ignited various lines of enquiry. We talked for hours and hours, discussing anything and everything to do with Phil’s life that we could remember. Karen, like me, is very factual and likes to back up what she is saying with evidence.

  Without Karen my investigations would never have got as far as they did; her input was invaluable. It was also a healing process for me getting to know more about Phil.


  Losing It

  On Thursday, 30 July, it had been a long and stressful 51 days since my moment of clarity on Phil’s death. I don’t know how I didn’t totally lose my sanity over those seven weeks of playing the supportive friend to the woman who had killed my brother. I’d often get off phone calls with Helen and throw the phone at the couch or my bed and scream abuse at it. Reading her emails I always gave myself a running commentary of ‘bullshit’ and ‘you think I’m that dumb?’ type comments. Thankfully I had Karen to vent to
and strategise with.

  The girls were at before-school care because I needed to leave early to get to the airport. Lance’s flight was landing just before 8 a.m. I took a mate Gary’s Holden SS ute for a run, which had its funny side: Phil’s ride home to the family would be in a Holden, when he was such a Ford lover. The Ford–Holden controversy had been a big thing between my brothers since as far back as I can remember, with Phil being the only one into Fords. I remember Roger’s mate Wayne turning a Ford poster around on Phil’s wall and writing ‘Get a real car, get a Holden’ on it, when they were teenagers.

  Lance was happy to be back in Australia — and to be scoring another 21st party there. He laughed when he told me that on his flight he was sitting next to a guy who he knew, and had shocked him by saying Phil was in his bag above them. Lance was always about the shock factor.

  While we were driving I received a text message from Helen about the condolence cards:

  Sorry only just got message. Spent last five days in hospital. I guess Lance was on early flight 2day

  I faked a concerned:

  Shit are u okay what’s wrong

  She replied:

  Stress. Body shut down completely. Kidneys has packed up. Start dialysis next week

  I couldn’t believe she was telling more lies, and wasn’t ready to indulge her with my reply.

  We took Phil to Mum and Dad’s and had a drink there. Lance chatted with his grandparents while I analysed the messages and thought through my reply.

  When we got home, I called Karen to discuss Helen’s latest line. She gave me Adam’s number so I could sound him out about what she might be up to.

  I called Adam, acting concerned for his mother’s health without saying too much. When he told me that Helen had swine flu I just about choked. I called Karen back and we talked about how funny it was that she had come up with the swine flu story. I had recently told her in an email that Aaron had been tested for swine flu as he had been so sick, and Dad had also sent her one in which he’d mentioned that they were coming up to look after the girls while I worked one day, as the girls’ school was closed down due to a case of swine flu.


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