Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series)

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Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series) Page 2

by Sanderson, Danielle

  "Zara?" My mother asks with a sad smile.

  "What is it; do they know I'm here?"

  "No darling no one knows you’re here, but will soon find out. You have visited me 5 times in the last 2 weeks, it's dangerous," she explains with need for me to understand the danger.

  "I'm sorry, I don't want to get you in trouble, I just wanted to see you," I tell her with a tear of my own.

  "You love him dearly; it's ok to love so deeply. Have faith my daughter." She says, knowing how I really feel inside.

  "I wish you were with us, with me."

  "I'm always with you, just not in human form. Now tell me what your father has done now?" She smiles.

  "He gave me 5 million pounds, but I don't want it. Where is he?"

  "Oh that. That is money for you, it is yours. Why do you want to know where he is, do you want to give the money back, or do you want to see him?" she asks, but already knows the answers.

  "I want to give it back to him, I have no use for such a great amount of money, but I want to see him, is that wrong of me, after what he did to me and Ruk?"

  "That money is a gift from us both, I asked him to arrange it when you were just a newborn, it will help you in life, let us do that for you. Now listen, he is your father, no matter what happens you will always love him, and he you. I think you should see him, now that there is no rage in your heart. Forgive the old fool for interfering so stupidly."

  "Thank you, but I don't need it; it's too much, far too much. Where is he?" I ask again.

  My father may have deceived me in a terrible way, but now that I am home with my mate and family, I feel like I can forgive him for his actions, I spoke harshly to him. In some horrid way he thought he was doing what was right for me, only it wasn't right, nor his decision to make.

  "Go child, quickly!" My mother tells me with a tremble of fear in her tone. Seeing the fear in her eyes I quickly wake myself from my dream like state.

  Sitting up in bed I rub my eyes before looking around the room nervously. Someone's here, I can feel it, watching me, laughing at me.

  Chapter 2

  Walking down the hallway to the stairs, no other than Candy stands there, looking at me from head to toe. Not wanting to start a row with her, I just ignore her glare and barge past her, heading down stairs.

  As I step on the first step, I feel her hands come out and shove me hard, forcing me to take a vicious tumble down the stairs.

  Landing at the bottom of the steps, I get up slowly and full of anger when I see the smug expression on her nasty face.

  "What was that?" Dallah half screams from the kitchen.

  "Nothing, just had a stumble," I shout back, but keep my eyes firmly fixed on Candy.

  Walking up the stairs slowly, whilst trying to keep my anger under control, I come face to face with her.

  "Put your slutty hands on me again and I will rip you apart," I spit at her.

  "Keep your slutty eyes of my man then, bitch!"

  Losing control, I slam her body up against the wall, my fingers biting into her shoulders.

  "You should go! Never come back! No one wants you here!" I seethe at her.

  "So you can have Den to yourself, yeah right, take your hands off me!"

  "You stupid whore, I don’t want Den, but you don’t deserve him, and I will make him see that, we all will. Don't come near me again candy, I mean it, you lay one finger on me and I will show you what a bitch is!"

  This is when the stupid girl brings up her knee and connects with my stomach.

  Suddenly I feel what I can only explain as a feeling of evil curses through my veins, I want to place my hands on her neck and break her, that is what my fingers itch to do, never have I felt this way, but it feels right.


  "What!" I shout in a tone I do not recognise.

  "Zara!" Sallack calls to me again before pulling me off Candy as if I am a rag doll.

  Taking my face in his hands, his mouth opens slightly and his eyebrows nit together before he speaks gently to me, "go cool off."

  "NO!" I scream.

  "Now!" He shouts back, all the while Candy watches us with a look of fear in her eyes.

  "I'll get you back!"

  "Sweet, come with me," Angus's lovely voice jolts me from my evil state.

  Looking at him then back to Sallack, I decide to walk away from the heated tension, which is a wrong idea because she lunges at me again, causing me to stumble down the stairs again! However, with Angus having quick reactions, he catches me in his arms.

  Angus and I face Sallack and Candy with small growls, my anger taking away the wonder of why I have just growled!

  Without a second thought I am standing before Candy with my hands around her throat, my fingers pressing eagerly against her wind pipe. I want her dead!


  Releasing a petrified Candy, I turn to see Ruk watching me in disbelief, sorrow coating his handsome eyes.

  Down casting my eyes in shame, I storm past them all and through the front door onto the porch, to get some air and calm down. Seeing Dallah’s already out their sitting on the swing chair, I ask,

  "How long have you been out here?"

  "When I saw you trying to kill Candy. "

  Dallah isn't a horrible person, it's just that she can see into a person’s heart, see the real them, and she has told us on a regular basis that Candy’s heart is black, a kind of black she has not seen in a human. However, Den doesn't want to hear it, he wants to believe she is someone different.

  "What was that?" Ruk asks whilst wrapping me in his arms.

  "She's pushing me too far," I tell him with a fear for myself; I nearly killed her, if Den hadn't turned up when he did, she would be dead.

  "What did she do?" He asks me with his eyes glowing that magnificent gold.

  "It doesn't matter, just keep her away from me," I ask in a plea.

  "She pushed her down the stairs, twice!" Dallah explains.

  "Dallah no!" I scream.

  Before she can reply, Ruk has shifted into his wolf and bolted up the stairs.

  Running in after him, I see Sallack has put himself in front of a screaming Candy and Ruk in wolf form is growling a warning for him to get out the way.

  "Dallah!" Sallack shouts at her, wanting her to take Ruk away from the situation, which she does in a blink of an eye.

  Candy steps around Sallack to face him and wraps her arms around him, holding him tightly as if he is her life line, which he is, because without him she would now be dead.

  Angus nods his head to me before taking my hand and walking us into the kitchen. Taking a seat beside him he takes my hands in his as my eyes meet with his.

  "You're getting stronger every day; you need to learn how to control it sweet. The woman needs to go, she has had every man and woman in the pack try to kill her at some point, but she stays, Den allows it."

  "Yeah it's fucked up. I hate her Angus, she brings the worst out in me, it's as if she is goading me on," I tell him, wanting him to understand.

  "She pushes us all sweet, granted she is more trouble to you, but hang in there; she will leave one day, when Den opens his eyes and finally see’s what we all do."

  "I hope you're right, I really do. I need to go to Ruk, I'll see you in a bit," I tell him gratefully with a kiss to the cheek before heading out onto the porch, and transporting myself to the Brothers’ home where I know Dallah would have taken Ruk.

  Standing in the kitchen at the Brothers’ mansion, I smile to myself when I feel Ruk enter the room. Turning on my heel to face him, he scoops me up in his arms and holds me tightly.

  "I'm sorry baby,"

  "Why?" I ask in confusion.

  "For not being there, she has to go, or we will go, I won't have you around her."

  "I can deal with her, but you're right, she needs to go Ruk."

  "Come with me; let’s spend some time together before tonight?"

  "I would love to," I tell him with a gleaming smile.

/>   Walking up to his bedroom, he takes me in his arms again before laying us down gently on his bed.

  "I don't know what I'd do without you."

  "That's never gunna happen, I will always be here with you, at your side," he tells me meaning every word.

  "You been to see your mum again?"

  "Yeah, I wanted to see her before tomorrow, I wish she could be there," I tell him sadly.

  Running the back of his fingers down my cheek, he takes my lips with his and makes love to my mouth.

  This is what I want my life to consist of, me and Ruk, the two of us alone and in love, but I'm not deluded, I know that we have bad times coming our way once the other Supernatural beings find out of me being the Charmer.

  Ruk, Dallah and the Brothers’ are willingly taking on this life and we unite as a family, and as soon as Ruk and I are mated, we will be strong together, stronger then we are now.

  "Here you look uncomfortable," Ruk tells me mischievously whilst pulling the straps down on my dress giving me a wicked grin.

  "Yeah you too," I reply whilst pulling his shirt over his head and running my hand over his incredible abs.

  "Uh, I have the hottest mate-to-be ever," I tell him in a sexually charged tone as he peppers kisses down my neck and continues to my breasts.

  "Oh shit! Uh my bad, I'll go," Mickey tells us after bursting into Ruk's bedroom without knocking.

  Ruk lays over me staring into my eyes while he speaks to Mickey,

  "You're here now, what's up?"

  "We need to get ready for tonight, and look good!" He tells him jokingly.

  "He always looks good," I tell Ruk whilst biting my lip and pressing myself closer to him.

  "Yeah you would say that, but you aint seen what I'm gunna wear,"



  "Go away," Ruk tells him with an eye roll.

  "Jealous much? Oh by the way, hurry the fuck up!" He tells him before walking out of the room and shutting the door happy to have has the last word.

  "God I'm gunna miss you," he tells me lovingly.

  "Me too. Don't go finding yourself a beautiful Werewolf tonight," I tease.

  "Never, I could never forget about you baby."

  Walking into the club 'Whites' with Dallah to my right, I turn to her with an infectious smile when I see lots of friendly and joyful faces.

  "Oh wow, it's brilliant!" I tell her excitedly when I see the hundreds of balloons and half naked men passing around glasses of champagne.

  "Glad you like, come on let's get to the table?"

  "Lead the way Princess," I laugh whilst taking her hand to follow her through the crowded room.

  She leads me straight to the VIP area where sits Abbey, and a few girls from the pack whom Dallah and I have become very close to, Sarah, Liza, and Lou.

  "Hey girls, this is amazing thank you so much," I tell them with a kiss to the cheek and a tight hug.

  "You are going to have the best night ever!" Abbey tells me with a grin.

  "Oh no, what have you done?" I ask suspiciously.

  "Nothing! Well nothing you won't love!"

  "Are you meant to be reassuring me?" I joke.

  One of the half naked men walk up to me with a tray full of champagne and a sexy wink.


  "Sure, thanks," I tell him gratefully and knock the glass back and take another.

  "Easy, the night has just begun," Dallah tell’s me with a laugh.

  "Yeah it has, let’s go then," I screech excitedly whilst taking her hand and dragging her onto the dance floor, followed closely by the others.

  Whilst dancing and having a wicked time, the music shuts off as does the lights.

  "What's going on?" I ask Dallah and soon stand in fighting mode.

  "Oh no, this is all good," I hear her snort.

  Suddenly the lights in the centre of the dance floor turn on and standing there is a hunk in a fireman’s uniform!

  Spinning to face Dallah with a look of promised death, she laughs so hard that Abbey has to hold her up, whilst laughing hard herself.

  Music starts to play as he takes a step toward to me. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

  "Come on, don’t be shy," the fireman teases and holds out his hand for me to take.

  Oh no, this is one thing I didn't want, a stripper, I knew I shouldn't have told Dallah that.

  Sitting on the chair and folding my legs as I have on a short tight black dress, I put my hands to my side and wait for it to be over. I'm not shy, defiantly not shy, I just really do not want a sexy naked man draping himself all over me, unless it’s my Ruk, which he most defiantly isn't.

  "Whoop, whoop! Go easy on her!" Dallah screams making the man smirk.

  "Dallah!" I screech through laughter.

  "I'll be gentle baby, sit back and enjoy," he whispers to me and goes to kiss my lips so I quickly move my head to the right so the kiss lands on my cheek.

  He straddles my lap while his butt grinds against me, I want to laugh along with the others, but I can't, I want him off me, like now.

  After the song finishes, he grabs another woman to rub up against, which she seems more then eager to take part in.

  "That was so not funny!" I screech at Dallah.

  "I know, but we enjoyed it... I'm joking, come on let's go back to the table and get a drink."

  I willingly head back to the table in the VIP section, and sit with the girls.

  "So how's Candy?" Sarah asks with a snort.

  "Don't, you know that bitch threw me down the stairs today."

  "Twice!" Dallah adds.

  "Shit! You ok. It must be like hell living with her," Liza says with sympathy.

  "Yeah it's shit, but life's a bitch, or so they say," I wink at her to lighten the mood.

  "Talk of the devil!" Dallah shouts over the music while pointing to the dance floor where Candy is sat in the chair rubbing her hands over the fake fireman’s chest.

  "What the fu..."

  "Just ignore her, it's what she wants, for us to kick up a fuss," I tell them hoping they understand my point of view, which they do, being good friends.

  Nevertheless, we can't take our eyes of off her; she is so desperate for attention that I almost feel sorry for her, almost.

  "Right, so what are you wearing tomorrow?" Liza asks to get our attention off Candy.

  "I have left that down to Dallah, but I know it will be amazing," I tell them whilst giving Dallah a warm grateful smile.

  "How lovely, I can't wait to see you in it," Abbey tells me with a bright smile.

  When the fireman has finished his routine the music and lights come back on, so now we can get on with our own dancing.

  After doing two rounds of shots I decide to get up on the table, as the girls jump on the rounded sofa chair dancing along with me, all laughing and enjoying ourselves. Bending down to get my drink, my head springs up when I hear Ruk in my head talking to me telepathically.

  "A stripper, really?" He laughs.

  "Where are you?" I ask excitedly.

  "Behind you."

  Spinning around so quickly that I stumble off the table, before I fall I’m in the safe strong arms of Ruk. Breathless as I look up at him through my lashes a gleeful smile covers my face as I lock eyes with him.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask stunned.

  "I wanted to see you, and we got kicked out of the club we were at," he tells me with the most infectious smile. He is so irresistible.

  "Oh, Mickey or Den?"

  "Both," he rolls his eyes.

  Placing me on my feet and standing to my side, but keeping an arm around me, we face the girls who are now surrounded by the Brothers’, Den, Mickey, Angus, Parrise, Theo, Sallack and Dom.

  "So you're joining the party?" I ask with a grin.

  "Hell yeah, this is some party, are we the only men?" Mickey asks with excitement in his eyes whilst he takes in all the scantily dressed women.

  "You are now, the stripper just left," I
tell him with a snort as his head whips around to scan for the stripper.

  "You should have told me Zara, I would have been happy to help out," he tells me with a cheeky smile.

  "Mickey, I think you’re needed," Ruk points to a group of women that are eyeing Mickey with open mouths.

  "I'll see you in a bit!" He yells before walking their way.

  Mickey is so flirty, not just with me but with EVERY ONE. We all know what he is like, no one takes notice when he flirts with Dallah or me.

  "Hey baby, what you doing here?" Candy screams, and throws herself on Den.

  "Get out!" Ruk shouts at her, whilst I struggle to hold him back.

  "Ruk! What the fuck man!" Den asks with a frown.

  "Get. Her. Out. Now!" Ruk warns.

  Sallack and Dom come to my side to help me hold back a fuming Ruk.

  "Candy here!..." Dallah speaks up, while pointing at a frightened Candy, "...tried to kill Zara today, didn’t you candy? You want her dead don’t you?"

  "No! She tripped. Don't listen to them Den, you know I would never do that!" She tells him with tears in her eyes.

  "Of course I know that babe," he tells her gently as he lifts his fingers to brush down her cheek.

  What the fuck has got into him is he really so blind!

  "You think I'm lying, you take her word over mine?!" Dallah asks full of rage.

  Oh shit! The last thing we need is an angry Dallah.

  "Dallah, don't," I ask with a plea.

  She turns around to face me with a shocked look on her face.

  "This has gone too far!" She tells me in frustration.

  "Den, Dallah is telling the truth, you know she is," Sallack tells him whilst getting angry at Den’s stupidity.

  "You are all jealous of what we have! She is having my baby!" Den yells at us, shocking the shit out of every single one of us as we all look at him with blank expressions.

  "She can't be, she is not your mate," Sallack asks in confusion.

  "It doesn't matter; she is carrying my child, so she stays. I have told her what and who I am, she except me, so I want you to except her," he tells us sorrowfully, and wraps his arms around a smug grinning Candy.


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