Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series)

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Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series) Page 6

by Sanderson, Danielle

  "Everything ok?" Ruk asks looking around the room.

  Sallack watches my face fall and comes to my side to comfort me. Lacing his arm over my shoulder, he squeezes gently and kisses the side of my head.

  "We're fine, what was the banging about?" He asks them.

  "Oh sorry, we thought it came from here, we will have a look around. Zara, when's Dallah getting here?" Julian asks with a sweet smile, knowing nothing.

  Looking to Sallack for help with the answer, he holds me tightly whilst replying for me.

  "She said she wouldn't be long, I'm sure she will be..."

  "OH GODDESS!! I'm sorry, I tried to find..."

  "Dallah, Julian was just wondering where you were," Sallack stops her in her tracks. Then before we know it, Angus rushes into the room and takes me in his arms lovingly.

  "Where did you go? Where were you?” He asks the Brothers’ with anger in his tone.

  "What's going on?" Den asks suspiciously.

  Lacing my arm around Angus’s middle, I smile at them and say, "nothing. I think these two stopped off at a bar!" I fake laugh, but Dallah and Angus look on at me and Sallack with confusion.

  "Ok, you guys can go, I need to talk to Angus and Dallah for a second, we will be out to join you soon," Sallack tells them as Alpha, and they do as he says, but with whispered words and frowns of confusion between them.

  "They think you two are still together?" Dallah shrieks,"

  "Yes, but it gets better Ruk’s in love with Mary and about to be mated with her, and before you ask yes the same Mary he killed back at the Dark Coven. That’s it, we know nothing else, for all I know me and Sallack could be living together," I tell them with a shake of my head.

  "Sweetie, you can do this, he will remember you. The love you feel for one another is stronger than this." Dallah explains gently.

  My mother has already spoken with Sallack, Dallah and Angus, telling them this is of Lucifer’s doing, and my deal with him for Ruk’s life. However, I don’t think they know that Richard is back. That story will have t be told later, I can only cope with one thing at a time, and right now my mind is on Ruk.

  "No, he would never hurt the one he thought to be his mate," I tell her in a cry.

  "Not unless it were for the love of his true mate, you. You did it once, you can do it again," Sallack tells me with sad eyes.

  "But he thinks we are together," I reply with a sigh.

  "We need to think about this properly. Today we will spend the day together, and tomorrow we will make something up about why we shouldn't be together."

  "Oh great, why don't you sleep with Mary, again!" Angus barks with spite.

  "Angus! Don't take it out on him. Ruk is alive! He is here with us. Think of that, we lost him, I lost him, and because of that, I made this happen. But I won't regret it, even if I lose his love forever." I tell them bravely.

  "You did something you shouldn't have didn't you, and let me guess, you can't tell us?" Sallack asks.

  Looking down at the floor, my head whips up when I hear the door creaking open, and there stands Mary with a vile sneer on her horrid face.

  "You bitch!" I go to attack her but Angus holds me back.

  "That's not wise Zara," Angus whispers in my ear.

  "Look I'm here to have my life back. If I mate with Ruk, then I get to keep this life, but if you somehow succeed in taking him away from me then I return to hell and that aint gunna happen! He’s mine now, and forever, so back the fuck off!"

  Angus grip loosens on me, allowing me full movement, and that’s what I do, I move so quickly that she doesn't know what's going on until I have smashed her face against the door for the third time.

  "He will never love you, whatever is making him feel this way will fade, then he will kill you again, then I will drag you back from hell and kill you again!" I spit with rage before slamming her head against the door one last time.

  Watching her stumble away, still with a smile on her lips, I look at Sallack, Angus and Dallah, and speak with power.

  "He is mine; I will get him back or die trying. Let’s go find out what has become of our lives so far," I tell them before walking into the bar with my head held high.

  The Brothers’ sit around a large table talking in hushed tones until they see the four of us approach. Sitting down, I see Ruk smile sweetly at me, which I return with love clouded in my sad eyes.

  The Brothers’ look at Sallack and me suspiciously.

  "What?" Sallack asks with annoyance.

  "Nothing man," Den answers with a shrug of his shoulders.

  "So, what's happening tonight?" I ask with a fake smile.

  "You forgot already!" Mickey asks in shock.

  "Um.. yeah. Sorry," I say then look to Dallah who rolls her eyes at me jokingly.

  "It's Supernatural night!" Mickey delivers with a snort of disbelief.

  "What?" Dallah asks with a laugh.

  "Have you guys been drinking, or smoking," he raises his brow, "it was you girls idea, you know, at the club?"

  "Oh yeah of course, the club, tonight," she nods in false understanding.

  "That's better. We gotta be there to set up at 8, don't be late. Shame you won't be there but I'll look after Zara," he winks at me mischievously.

  "No, I'll be there, change of plans," Sallack tells him with a smirk.

  "Cool, ok guys, Dom and me have things to do, see yu in a bit," he says whilst he and Dom get of their chair and leave through the door.

  "Ruk, how long has it been now, you know, you and Mary?" Dallah asks with a fake smile.

  "Uh, about a month, whys that?" He questions suspiciously.

  "No reason, you just don't suit, have I ever told you that?

  "Only daily Dallah. Right I have to get back to things to," he tells us with a weak smile.

  "Can I have a word, in private?" I ask calmly, begging my hands to stop shaking.

  "Yeah sure," he looks around at the four of us watching him closely.

  "Use my office," Sallack's tells us kindly.

  Walking into Sallack's office with Ruk behind, I turn to him and almost bump heads. Shutting the door, I step up to him so close that I can feel how nervous he is.

  "How have you been?"

  "Zara? What has got into you, are you in trouble?" He asks sincerely.

  "No. I just wanted to speak with you."

  "Ok, well since I see you yesterday, I'm doing good," he laughs.

  "Good, it's so good to see you standing here," I nod at him wanting to control my tears.

  Taking me in his arms, he holds me high against his chest for a wonderful moment, which ends so soon.

  "I got stuff to do, and you know what Mary's like," he jokes, but I don't find it funny, I find it heart breaking.

  "Ok," I tell him, but stare into his stunning eyes, gaze at the sexy stubble across his chin, and the shine of his golden brown hair.

  "Ok," he laughs, which makes me smile widely.

  After seeing him murdered in such a horrific way, I thought I would never have a chance to see him smile or hear him laugh again.

  Stopping at the door on his way out, he turns to me with a serious face and watches me closely. Has his memory been jogged, does he remember that we were meant to be together.

  "Sallack's good for you, he will never hurt you Zara, and you are perfect for him," he tells me with sorrow laced in his tone, but be wears a smile.

  "We'll there is a lot you don't know," I blurt out, and instantly regret, damn it!

  "You're so funny sometimes. Ok, see you tonight," he grins before walking away from me.

  Rushing to the door to watch him leave, my eyes fixate on his firm butt, the way his jeans brush up...

  "See you then!" He laughs.

  I didn't even realise he had turned back to look at me.

  "Uh, yeah, see yu," I smirk at him.

  He must be thinking I'm mad, all this weird talk, watching him so intensely, and then perving over him, all while in a serious relationship with hi
s best friend, his Alpha.

  Walking back into the bar, I instantly notice Candy sitting on Dens lap rubbing her belly. I had completely forgot about Den being a dad, this deal I made with Lucifer could have taken away his fatherhood. How could I be so stupid not to think of something so important to him, thank god I hadn't taken his chances of being a father away.

  "You coming home beautiful, I have something I want to speak to you about. Hey Angus, Dallah, why don't you come with us, we can head over to the club together tonight?" Sallack asks them, but actually insisting.

  "Great idea lets go now," Dallah replies and jumps out of her seat, biting nervously on her finger nail.

  "I'm in," Angus announces in the same manner.

  Standing with Sallack, the four of us make our way out of the bar, and bundle into his truck. Making a speedy get away from the bar, we drive up to the Brothers’ mansion.

  Sitting on the large couches in Sallack bedroom, we try to work out what has been going on, and where our life's has taken us if Sallack and I had never broke.

  "Ok, so you live together, sleep together, but we know a mating hasn't been arranged for you both, but why?" Dallah asks

  "I can't get my head around it all. The Brothers’ instantly saw the confusion on our faces, they are smart, they will work it out, I know they will," I tell them with hope but also fear of them knowing the truth.

  "You need to get him away from Mary, she could do some series damage to the pack, she needs to go," Angus adds.

  "We can't kill her, Ruk would never forgive us. I know this is hard for you Zara, trust me I know, but Ruk will not betray her so easily, he would have to know for sure you are the one," Sallack tells me in a sorrowful tone.

  "I agree," I nod to them, but lose myself in the memory of his life being taken from him in such a horrific way.

  "Sweetie, we were there, we feel the same. Demitri will pay for this, but when the time is right. When and if he comes we will be more prepared," she tells me strongly.

  "My mum and dad know of this, so if they visit, you can trust them," I tell encase one of them show up to check on me.

  "He really bought him back?" Sallack asks with a plea for the truth.

  Nodding my head to him, Dallah’s question soon hits my ears,

  “What deal did you make?”

  Shaking my head no, I close my eyes and visualise the image of Richard when I found him. That's what she is asking for, what I gave Lucifer in exchange of Ruk's life.

  "Oh goddess," she breaths out and stands to her feet in shock.

  "You are safe, I know you are," I tell her honestly, and push that on to her.

  "Me! I don't give a shit about me! I know it is not me he wants! It’s you! Oh Zara," she throws herself onto me and cries into my neck.

  "This is driving me crazy, take us away and tell us, we need to know what we are up against," Angus insists.

  "Yeah I think that's for the best, come," she stand before them and holds out her hands, which they willingly place their own hands in hers and disappear from the room.

  Chapter 6

  After spending hours upon hours of listening to Dallah, Sallack and Angus tell me how foolish, but also how brave I was to make a deal with Lucifer, we find ourselves at the club, surrounded by two hundred supernatural beings. Werewolves, Witches, Warlocks and Vampires have come to meet and greet one another, I can't believe this was my idea; it's terrible, there is bound to be fights all night.

  We are over two hours late, as our conversations were more important than decorating the club for tonight, even though I feel guilty as it was important to them all. Nevertheless, unfortunately the Brothers’ have no idea what has happened, so for now we must tell lie upon lie.

  "Babe, you look amazing as ever," Den complements me before kissing my cheek.

  I have come to the conclusion that Den has not told me of his love for me, and that I never blurted out my dying love for him, that's one plus side to this.

  "Thanks, you look great too," I tell him with a smile.

  "Where are Dallah and Angus?" He asks scanning the room.

  "They will be here in a moment."

  They decided that they needed to meet up with my father to find out what they could not from me, as I am not to utter a word, so I won't.

  "Cool, I'm gunna find Candy, see you guys in a bit," he hollers over his shoulder as he walks away.

  "Just you and me then," Sallack jokes.

  "Yeah, looks that way," I smile at him sweetly, "I don't know why you remember everything, but, god, I'm so glad you do Sallack," I tell him honestly.

  I think that Dallah and Angus remember what happened on our mating night because of the connections we hold, but Sallack is a mystery. Why him, but not the Brothers’?

  "Me too beautiful, me too," he tells me lovingly.

  "Right, let’s have a drink, this is going to be a long depressing night," I tell him before walking over to the bar and plucking two glasses of champagne off a tray.

  "Hey!" A woman's voice screeches from behind me.

  Turning to face the woman with a raised brow, she almost faints as the blood rushes to her head.

  "I'm so sorry Zara, Alpha, I didn't realise it was you," she tells us nervously.

  Sallack who now stands at my side laces his arm around my waist and watches the scared girl with me.

  I have no idea who she is, and by Sallack's loss of words, neither does he.

  "Oh, I'm Katie; I joined the pack with Alpha Theo. I volunteered to help out tonight. I hope I don't speak out of line, but you both look wonderful tonight, glowing," she tells us with a fairytale tone to her voice, how naïve.

  "Thank you Katie, and thanks for helping out, it was lovely to meet you," I smile at her sweetly, causing her smile to grow widely.

  "Thanks," she says shyly before turning around and walking away.

  "You're good with the pack, kind," Sallack tells me with pride as he kisses my head.

  "Yeah?" I ask happily, because knowing that he thinks this, makes me feel more a part of the Brothers’ life.

  "Come on; let’s find out where Dallah and Angus have got to?"


  "Take my hand, I don't want to lose you," he asks whilst offering me his hand.

  Placing my hand in his, our eyes lock and in his eyes see the familiar gold shine through with love.


  "Come on," he laughs and diverts his eyes quickly. What was that!

  Walking around the club hand in hand with Sallack, I bump into Ruk, literally bump into him.

  "Zara, you look stunning," he smiles, but the smile drops when we hear the low warning growl from Sallack.

  Whipping my head in his direction, my eyebrows pull into a frown when I catch his eye. He shrugs it off as if it were nothing, so I squeeze his hand hard in warning for him not to get carried away.

  "I was going to say the same to you," I smile at him with lust coating my eyes, which makes him a little nervous, but I can't help that.

  Since being with Ruk, we have been together passionately every day, and our hands always entwined.

  "Uh thanks Zara. Sallack, there is talk of the Dark Prince being here, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what he looks like,” he says more to himself than us, “watch your backs tonight," he informs us before turning to a waitress and speaking with her.

  "Oh shit! What do you think he wants?" I ask in shock.

  I can't believe he is here, why, to start trouble?

  "We will find out!" He explains before yanking me by the hand to follow after him, which is hard to do with his wide strides and my high heels.

  "Slow down Sallack!" I shout to him, whilst bending to take off my heels with one hand.

  Stopping and turning abruptly, I crash head first into his crutch and tumble to the floor blushing.

  "Sorry," he tells me in a whisper, smirking whilst gazing at my lips.

  "Don't do that, this isn't the time or place," I scold him.

fter being in a serious relationship with him for 3 months, I can see the signs of his wanting to devour me.

  "Yeah, well maybe it is, giving me another chance to be the man you loved so passionately." He say’s in all seriousness why helping me up.

  "Sallack, what the fuck! We have serious issues to deal with here, like right there!" I point to Richard as he stands laughing at us.

  Storming up to him, I stop only an inch away from his handsome face.

  His perfectly neat black styled hair, the same shade as his heartless eyes, he is scarily handsome.

  "Are you here to cause trouble or just to make fun of me?" I ask with an angry tone.

  His eyes soften while listening to my words and the smile fades into a light frown.

  "I'm here to see how you are, and I hate to miss a party," As he speaks he runs a finger seductively down my arm and winks at a steaming Sallack.

  Sallack throws himself forward and grips hold of his neck with both hands.

  "Go now, how dare you even look at her!" Sallack roars at a smug Richard.

  "Oh please," Richard remarks then throws his hand to the side, causing Sallack's back to slam into the wall.

  Rushing to his side, I check over his large frame for any injuries before facing Richard with rage in my eyes.

  "Go Richard! There is nothing for you here. Why must you cause trouble where ever you go? You have what you want."

  He steps up to me with a mischievous grin.

  "He came to me for a fight, that's what I gave him. I'm all about pleasing people," he remarks sarcastically.

  "You provoked him! Richard, don't do this here," I ask with an angry plea.

  "I'm staying here Zara, you owe me that much!"

  Fighting back my emotions, I turn back to Sallack and take his hand in mine, whilst looking him in the eye, silently demanding him to look at me and only me.

  "Please can we go? If he wants to stay then let him. I need you with me tonight Sallack."

  "Fuck it! But as soon as he looks at someone the wrong way, I will release my Wolf on him," he tells me with a wave of power.


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