Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series)

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Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series) Page 12

by Sanderson, Danielle

  "How did you get me here," I ask, but I still cannot see him as we are in the middle of the woods, and the moon only shines through tiny gaps of the tree branches.

  "No questions," he speaks in his thick Italian accent, longing out every word as it rolls graciously off his tongue.

  Keeping my mouth shut and squinting my eyes to see better, I slowly start to see a large form walking towards me.

  "You have something I want," he tells me with excitement laced in his tone.

  I keep myself from speaking, so that I can use every bit of strength I have to beat the bastards arse when he comes close.

  "I want you to gift me as you did my children, Parrise and Angus, so I can walk in the daylight, to feel the sun warm my skin.”

  Losing all ambition to concentrate on hurting him, I let my mouth fall open and spit words at him courageously.

  "You fucking prick! How dare you do this to me and expect me to 'gift' you! I will watch you burn for taking my mates life!!!"

  "Tut tut such language is not lady like! He is back, is he not, this mate of yours?" he asks angrily.

  "No thanks to you!"

  "Calm Bella, you need your strength," he tells me arrogantly.

  "Fuck you!" I twist and turn in the restraints, and suddenly wonder why I have been so stupid to have not tried transporting.

  So with everything I have I transport myself from the chair, to right behind him. Throwing my hands around his neck, I squeeze until I have no feeling in my hands.

  "I hate you. You will have to kill me before I help you!" I cry at him in rage.

  Twisting against my hands, his face comes down to mine and he smirks evilly before speaking harshly, my attack obviously lacking strength.

  "How about I kill you after you have done what I ask of you?"

  "No!" Pulling back my head I head butt him as hard as I can nearly knocking myself out.

  However, that doesn't stop me from hitting my hands against his chest with the raw hate I have in my heart and that burns in my eyes.


  "Never," I yell back matching his power.

  "Your life is useless; no one cares for you now. I will take you back with me and I shall allow you to be my personal pet until you do as you’re told."

  He has to be joking. Does he not see the anger in my eyes? I hate this man with a passion! I will die before I’m forced into serving him and I’ll never give him the pleasure of the sun unless to roast him alive.

  Standing face to face the both of us breathing heavily for very different reasons, mine is murdering my Ruk, and his for me refusing him the power to day walk.

  "I will take you back to my home, you will gift me, then I will allow you to live?"

  "I will gift you with death.” I swear with a smile on my face.

  His hand raises high to hit my face when he suddenly stills, bringing it down slowly and rests the back of my neck, changing his approach.

  "I will look after you Charmer, you will feel no more pain," he tries to convince me.

  "You cannot be serious. I will not go anywhere with you, EVER!"

  "I have no time for these games," He speaks though gritted teeth.

  And with no warning, a hand touches my shoulder, and I'm standing with Demitri, and the homeless looking woman, who I'm now aware of being a Witch.

  As Demitri turns away from my glare, I do a quick take of the room before looking back at him.

  There are couches as big as beds, drapes in every corner, all red and black. But more eye catching are the naked women that lay on the couches, touching their breasts and calling his name in a seductive tone.

  "What is this?" I ask in disgust, no longer able to look at him as my eyes fly back to the sad sight of these poor women controlled through him addicted to his bite.

  "Your new life," he says coldly laughing at me.

  "No, I would rather die," I tell him truthfully.

  "I spoke harshly, you mean too much to me. I will not allow harm to come to you while here, you will be treated like a princess," he tells me warmly, but I can see the lies behind his warm words.

  "I will not stay here, and I will never help you," I spit at him appalled by his statement.

  "How dare you!" he barks before hitting me with full force across the face.

  Wiping my mouth with the back off my hand, I look at the smear of blood then to him with a curled lip. Ignoring the pain that shoots across my entire skull, I return his hit with one if my own.

  "You do not scare me!" I scream at him and push my hands out, wanting to lift and throw him across the room, but I can't, my powers do not exist here, where ever here may be.

  Laughing evilly he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight.

  Thrashing my body against his, I pray to god in my mind, begging him to give me strength.

  "Your power has no use here. No one can come here, to my home and use their power against me; the Witch has cast a protection spell no man can break!" He angrily speaks into my ear, whilst I kick against him.

  His skin against mine makes my blood boil, my heart ache for help, and my eyes weep with sadness and desperation.

  “Your answer?”

  “No,” I breathe out in a ragged breath and shake my head sorrowfully.

  “Then I will take away your fee will.”

  I scream as his fangs painfully sink into my neck.

  My body no longer feels like my own as the pain has gone only pleasure curses through me. He sits down pulling my willing body onto his lap, I try to fight the pleasure, pushing firm against his chest saying no repeatedly. My hands have a will of their own as they have stopped pushing him away and began stroking his chest. A whimper escapes me as he takes my top in his hands and rips it apart. His hands are on my breasts kneading them through my bra, as fingers pinch and roll my sensitive nipples between them. My legs start to tremble as the first wave of my orgasm vibrates through me. I hear myself begging for more, my sex is aching for his touch, then he stops and withdraws from me as I let out a moan “please don’t stop.”

  “That was so much easier than I thought it would be, hardly a fight, my sensual little Charmer” loud laughter followed from him mocking me, shock and horror hit me as I shamefully pull my ripped shirt around me, disgusted with myself for what I’d done.

  “Ah Bella Donna, just a few more times and your be begging to gift me.” He was still laughing as he disappeared finally leaving me alone and ashamed of how weak I was. Feeling so drained after the blood loss I lay back on the couch; too tired to think how to escape I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

  Waking up to breakfast smells my tummy let out a growl, looking around me not recognising my surroundings, it hits home, I am Demitri’s prisoner!

  One of the women from last night nervously approach’s me with a plate of food, too afraid to look me in the eye. I finally got her to speak with me, not that sge gave much away.

  She has been with Demitri for 3 months, where he had taken her from her home town, capturing her on her way home from work one night. The other 3 women have been here a little longer but none longer than 11 months, it seems he gets bored easy. They are all totally obedient to him and live for his visits. He treats them well with plenty of food, clothing, DVD’s, and books he even has a pool they can use. The only thing their afraid of is Raynor, his Witch slave who can be very cruel to them, beating them if they argue, and starving them till they do as there told.

  Etta, the girls name, has told me there is a bath prepared for me and fresh clothes laid out in my new living quarters, which she has lead me too. My mouth drops open in shock when I see an indecent tiny scrap of silk and worse no underwear, for my change of clothes.

  I will not stay here, addicted to his blood. Somehow I will fight him. I cannot be here when I’m needed by so many. My destiny is not to be his whore!

  “No way am I wearing that.” I shout out in anger “Do you hear me Demitri!”

  Angrily I stomp back to the bathroom to get my clot
hes, ripped or not, better than wearing that skimpy thing. “Shit shit shit!” No my clothes have gone, I could cry! I’m left with no two choices, naked, or slutty dress!

  Walking in behind me, Etta stops and watches me with a light frown.

  “You will be fine Zara,” she tries to comfort.

  “Does this look fine!” I ask holding up the skimpy piece of silk.

  “You won’t be here long, he only keeps us a year,” she smiles, “listen they will be here soon to put you to sleep, I’m sure you will need the help.”

  “Sleep! Why?”

  Can this girl really believe the lies that have been feed to her!

  I feel sick; I can’t believe I have once again got myself in a huge mess. Does anyone know where I am, even still alive?

  I have no powers here; I have no way of communication, the more I try to communicate with someone telepathically, the more tired I grow.

  “You will need your energy for tonight,” she beams, and with that a hideous woman walks through the room, waving her hand before me, and my body shuts down, holding up no fight.

  Evening arrives too quickly, as my Body awakens, at what time, I have no idea.

  I feel so vulnerable in this barely their dress which I’m sure is just what he wants so I’ll crumble before him. I keep trying to pull it down to make it longer as it barley skims my butt cheeks but then my boobs are falling out the top. That’s not the worst, no underwear and its white silk, completely see through! And clings everywhere that I may as well be naked.

  I’m getting really nervous now it’s getting close to the time for him to rise, I’ve got to fight him, giving in isn’t an option.

  “Mum, Dad please please hear me I need you!” I whisper gently in a prayer.

  “Ah Bella so sweet, but they can’t hear you, do not threat, you will forget about them soon!”

  “Monster, you will never make me forget! I will be away from you. I will never stop fighting!”

  “Oh you do entertain me, but I’m the King of the Vampires not one of your warriors, I’m impervious to you Charmer! I desire your body, come to me!”

  Scaring me into a state of panic, my body hovers towards him, and I stop only inches away from him.

  As his hands reach towards my breasts, rather than my heart beat rocketing, it slows down dramatically, filling me with strength and courage, more importantly breaking his hold on me. My hands reach his shoulders and push down hard as I bring my knee up with force into his balls.

  Making a grunt he drops on his knees gripping himself.

  “You’re not impervious to pain though are you!” I bite back in an irate tone.

  Jumping angrily to his feet, fangs bared, I’m terrified at his murderess look, stepping backwards as he lunges for me.

  “I’m going to drain you dry and rip your throat out bitch.” He shouts, as his nails dig in my arms drawing blood as I struggle, then his fangs tear through the artery in my neck, all pain this time as he gulps down my blood.

  The fight has left me as I’m feeling light headed, beginning to float away to oblivion when I swear I hear my father’s muffled voice.

  "Take your hands off my daughter!" My father bellows from behind me.

  Breathing out heavily, my heart fills with joy when I feel Demitri's arms slip from around me, freeing me.

  Falling into my father’s arms, I hug him tightly for dear life.

  "I'm here now child," he comforts and holds me close to him, his body shaking with rage.

  "How dare you take my daughter! I have warned you Demitri!" His voice thunders.

  "If I do not take her, then someone else will," he threatens.

  "Do not take me for a fool! Never come to her again, or so help me Demitri, I will burn every Vampire that exists starting with you! Do I make myself clear?"

  Never has anyone scared me so in my life, or my nightmares. I thought that Lucifer was fierce in his monstrous form, but my father, he has nothing on him.

  Seeing the change in Demitri’s stance and the fear showing clearly in his eyes, I realise the power my father holds.

  "Yes," he growls out and bows his head slightly.

  Watching each other closely, my father pushes out his chest in a fighting stance, causing Demitri to look down at the ground, rather than to the rage filled eyes of my father.

  "Child, hold on to me." He whispers lovingly, not that he needed to, I was holding on so tightly that I may have left finger nail marks.

  With that, we transport to his house.

  “I am sorry I scared you, you should not have seen me like that," he tells me full of sorrow.

  With a steady stream of tears, I squeeze him tighter as I feel I’m going to black out. Feeling myself being carried and placed gently down on the couch, I feel his healing hands on my neck as the pain goes.

  “Sorry child, if I hadn’t broken through his ward in time I could have lost you.” His shoulders stiff in fear of what could have been.

  "You did though, you found me, thank you, I love you, so much," I cry into his shirt.

  "Shhh, I know that child, and I love you. Wait here for me; I will be just a moment?" He asks cautiously.

  Nodding my head to him, he reluctantly slips from my grasp and stands with a weak smile before disappearing.

  Pushing my back up against the cushions, I run my hands over my face, and think of what could have happened to me at that place, and those poor women who are stuck there, addicted to his bite.

  When I let my hands fall from my face, no other then Richard stands with my father, both looking at me with concern.

  "Was it you, did you help him?" I ask Richard with a shaky breath, getting to my feet.

  "No," he says strongly shaking his head, and as soon as he speaks, I know it is the truth, I can see it in his face.

  "Why is he here?" I ask my father sounding depressed but more so confused.

  "Come to me child," he calls lovingly.

  Walking into his arms, I suddenly feel safe again, loved.

  "Zara, are you ok?" Richard asks in a tone I have not yet heard coming from him.

  "I'm fine," I reply, but the tears stains on my cheeks are not missed by him as he scans my face.

  "Child, I have to go away for a few days, it's something I have to do," he tells me sadly, "I know you are strong, I see it in your heart, but I need to know you are safe, and with Ruk..." He stops and sighs before continuing, "Richard is a powerful man, strong and wise, he knows the enemy, he is the enemy," he says directly to Richard, getting a wink in return, "I have asked him to be at your side, you are strong together," he nods at me thoughtfully.

  "You don’t need to worry. I know what I’m up against with him, I know that he has deadly power. I will not seek revenge until I have matched strength."

  "All the same, for my peace of mind, you’re precious to me child so please. I know you have your differences, but you work well together," he confesses.

  "You agree to this?" I ask Richard wondering what’s in it for him.

  "I do, for my own benefits of course," he smirks.

  "Just until you get back?" I ask my father sceptically.

  "I promise. Your mother and I think it is for the best, he is the only one we trust."

  "Trust?" I ask in amazement, making Richard snort a laugh, and my father stare daggers at him.

  "He knows what will be lost if he deceives us. Please child, this shall be all I ever ask of you. You can both stay here; no one can enter who is not invited by me and only me. You can come and go as you please, just stay together," he asks in desperation pleading with his eyes.

  "Do you know something?"

  "Don't fret child. That man will not come for you as long as I live." He states as a fact, "we shall get revenge for what he did, but the time is not right, you must trust me?"

  "I do, I promise," I tell him, then look to Richard to hear his thoughts, but he looks down at the floor.

  "Stay here tonight. I will tell Dallah you are with me, safe."
r />   "She won't believe you," I say with a raised brow, making him smile sweetly.

  "She will," he winks and kisses my head before scanning my face and speaking gently.

  "I love you child, you are my life, my whole life."

  "I love you dad," I kiss his cheek and smile up at him proudly.

  When my father transports out of his home with a small suitcase, I feel sad to see him go.

  Great left alone with Richard who seems to be watching me intensely.

  "Where were they?"


  "Your friends, your lover, when Demitri took you where were they?"

  "I...don't..." I can't finish, I don't want him to ask questions.

  "Ok. Know this, I made a promise to your father, and no one can make a promise to Eric and fail him. I will be here for you, watch your back, but I will not wipe your tears or be your councillor," he speaks slowly so every word is understood.

  "I didn't want you here Richard, and understand that I do not need your shoulder to cry on,” I tell him with my head held high.

  "Good. Where shall I sleep?" He asks arrogantly.

  "Where ever you like," I tell him and walk out of the dining room and up the elegant stair case to my bedroom, but instead of looking calm and controlled like I’d hope, I look like an idiot. I’m wearing a tiny amount of material, no underwear, and walking up the stairs with my hands covering my exposed butt and crutch. Damn it. If I had the strength, I would wrap a robe around me with magic.

  Slipping into my huge bed, and sweet smelling sheets, I snuggle against the pillow and close my eyes to the nightmares that wait for me so cruelly. The life I was so close to living. Never will I forget about the small amount of time I spent with that monster.

  Waking in the morning, I reluctantly leave my comfortable bed and step into the amazing shower that adjoins my room. Languishing under the warm sprays, so relieved to be free again.

  Opening the door on my bedroom wardrobe, I’m amazed to see it full of coats and footwear, dresses and jeans. My mum must have had a hand in helping my dad find all these things for me, then it actually hits me, I have parents that love me, a family.


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