The Pregnancy Proposition

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The Pregnancy Proposition Page 8

by Andrea Laurence

  Paige was startled from the sensation by his bold question. “Um...” She didn’t know what to say.

  “If I could see them, I wouldn’t have to ask. Tell me, please.”

  That was true. She needed to open up so she could share every aspect of this moment with him. “Dark pink. Almost a dusky rose, I guess.”

  Mano nodded slowly, biting his lower lip with his eyes closed as though he were picturing them in his mind. Bending down, he took one into his mouth. His tongue flickered over it, making Paige squirm beneath him. The moist heat of his mouth on her skin coaxed pleasure that made her core tighten and pulse around him.

  He hesitated only for a moment and then he redoubled his efforts to pleasure her. His hips moved in a more circular motion, making his pelvis grind against her sensitive nub. He timed the strokes with the hard suction of her breast until Paige was a gasping, writhing, moaning mess beneath him. She’d never allowed herself to unravel like this before, but she could do it with him and not feel self-conscious about it.

  “Are you close, pulelehua?”

  “Oh yes,” she whimpered. “So close.”

  “What do you want me to do?” he asked.

  “Love me harder,” she demanded softly. “Fill me and don’t be gentle.”

  Mano made a growling sound deep in his throat before dropping onto his elbows on each side of her. He buried one hand in her hair and the other gripped her shoulder tight. He thrust hard once, making Paige cry out loud. He followed it with two more hard strokes, then he seemed to let go of whatever restraint he had left. He pumped hard and fast into her body, holding tight as his hips pounded into hers.

  Paige’s cries escalated from soft gasps and whimpers to loud screams as he unleashed his passion on her. “Yes! Yes!” she shouted, loving every minute of it. She loved the feel of his skin, slick with sweat against her own. Her cries echoed in her own ears, their scent growing stronger the harder he loved her. Her every sense was overloaded, pushing her closer to the edge as he climbed there himself.

  Then it hit her. Her release was punctuated with a sharp cry of pleasure she couldn’t hold in. He continued to thrust into her as her internal muscles tightened and fluttered around him. Before her last gasps faded, he finally gave in to it and poured into her with a loud groan of satisfaction.

  Paige welcomed him into her arms as he collapsed, spent, against her. Finally rolling to her side, Mano sank into the pillows. With one hand curled over her left breast, they fell asleep together with her heartbeat serving as the soothing rhythm that lured them to sleep.

  * * *

  Paige woke up in the night practically starving. She never woke up to eat in the middle of the night, and she’d had plenty to eat at dinner. The pregnancy books she’d read said that once she reached her second trimester, the cravings would begin in earnest, and that must be what was behind it. Why did this have to happen when she was naked and in the bed of a sexy hotelier? He probably didn’t have much food in that kitchen. Of course, she didn’t have any in her suite, either.

  As quietly as she could, Paige peeled back the covers and slipped from bed. With her only option being her red gown, she considered just going hunting for food in the nude. No one would see her but Hōkū, anyway. But propriety got the best of her and she found Mano’s robe hanging in the bathroom like the one in her own suite. She wrapped herself up in it and padded barefoot through the bedroom into the living room area.

  Hōkū was asleep on his pillow, but his head popped up when he saw her. He got up and followed her lazily into the kitchen. He sat by her side as she opened the refrigerator door and frowned. Beer, water, juice and fancy dog food.

  “That’s no help,” she said to the dog, then turned to check cabinets for pantry goods. She found dog biscuits, some saltines and a box of Pop Tarts. Paige never thought of Mano as a Pop Tart guy, but she supposed everyone had their weaknesses. Unfortunately, that was not what she wanted. She got a dog biscuit out anyway and gave it to Hōkū. He happily wagged his tail and lay down on the floor to eat his treat.

  “We found something for you, but nothing for me. My dorm room in college had more food than this and I was broke,” she muttered.

  “That’s because your dorm room didn’t have room service.”

  Startled, Paige spun on her heels to see Mano standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He had tugged on a pair of boxer briefs, but otherwise, he was still gloriously bare. Her heart was beating too quickly to appreciate it, though. “Lord,” she swore. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  “Sorry. Usually people are sneaking up on me, not the other way around.”

  She supposed that was true. “I was trying not to wake you up. Sorry.”

  “No worries,” he said, leaning against the wall. “I don’t sleep well. To me, it’s dark all the time, so my body never knows when it’s time to rest and when it’s time to wake up. What did you need?”

  Paige sighed and opened the refrigerator door again as though things would change. “I’m hungry. I shouldn’t be, it’s two in the morning, but the baby has other ideas.”

  “Tell me what you want and I’ll have it brought up.”

  “It’s two in the morning,” Paige repeated. “Doesn’t the kitchen close?”

  “Not entirely. There’s twenty-four-hour service for special guests, including the two penthouse suites. So, lucky you, you can have whatever you’d like.”

  That was tempting. Or it would be if she could pin down what she was after. The baby wasn’t quite specific enough. “Would you eat some of it?”

  “Sure.” He shrugged. Mano picked up his phone and dialed it. “This is Mr. Bishop,” he said after a moment. “Yes, I’d like to place an order to be brought up. One second.” He stopped and handed the phone to her. “Order anything and everything you’d like.”

  Paige felt like she was living out the Pretty Woman breakfast scene. Her brain wanted everything on the menu, but she held it in. “Hello?” she said.

  “Yes, ma’am? What can we get for you?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t have a room service menu.”

  “That’s fine. We can make whatever you’d like.”

  Paige could get used to this. “Well, how about a cheese and fruit plate with some crackers?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Anything else?”

  “A Sprite. And...” Her hungry brain started to spin. “A chocolate milkshake. That’s all.”

  “Very well, ma’am. It will be up shortly.”

  When she hung up the phone, Mano was smiling at her. “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing.” He took a few steps toward her and Paige closed the gap to walk into his arms. “You’re just adorable.”

  “Adorable?” she repeated. “I’ll take it, but it’s not really what I was going for.”

  Mano laughed. “Well, earlier, you were a wild sex kitten, if that makes you feel better. Right now, you and your food cravings are cute.”

  Paige leaned in to rest her head against his chest. “They’re cute now. They won’t be cute when I’m huge and home alone and there’s no room service to bring me what I want. Then it will just be sad.”

  Mano’s expression fell and his lips twisted in thought. “Are you sure the father won’t be there for you?”

  Paige’s mind drifted to the disturbing image of her sister in Wyatt’s arms. It was almost as awkward as talking about the baby’s father with her new lover. “Yes, I’m pretty sure. I’m also sure I don’t want him to be there for me. He was a bad choice. My biological and emotional urges overrode my common sense. At the very least, I hope the baby will take after him physically. The father is very handsome, if nothing else. I can raise the baby to be more kind and thoughtful than he was. That will be easier without his influence.”

  Mano’s furrowed brow didn’t disappear no matter how she tried to dismiss the father. “I don’t like the idea of you doing this alone.”

  Paige nearly snorted. Join the club! “Yes, well, things are what they are. Th
e baby and I will be fine on our own.”

  “What...what if you moved here?”

  Paige froze. What the hell did he mean by that? The expression on his face was perfectly serious, but that couldn’t be the case. “Moved here? I can barely afford a place in San Diego. I certainly can’t afford anything on Oahu.”

  “You wouldn’t have to,” he insisted. “I could get you a place. Make sure that you had everything you needed for you and the baby. You could work or not, whatever you wanted. Wouldn’t that make things easier for you?”

  “Sure, but what do you get in return? Am I your on-call piece on the side whenever you’re feeling lonely?”

  “What?” Mano looked horrified. “No! I’m just being nice. I’m not buying your affections like a common prostitute. There are no strings to this, even if we never slept together again. I asked for a week with you and that’s all I’d require.”

  No matter how many words came out of his mouth, Paige didn’t understand what he was talking about. Why would a man offer to support a woman and another man’s baby with nothing in return? “Why would you do that? You hardly know me.”

  “I know enough about you. I’ve got more money than I could ever spend, and it sounds like you are in a rough spot. Let me help you out.”

  Paige’s eyes grew wide. “Oh no,” she said dismissively. “I’m not going to be a charity case. Thanks, though.”

  “I can’t win with you. Either I get something out of this and you feel cheap or I don’t and you feel like I’m pitying you. I wish you wouldn’t look at it that way.” Mano approached her and put his hands on her arms. “Let me do this for you. I want to. And you could use the help if you’d just admit it. At least think about it.”

  The doorbell to the suite rang and Paige was grateful for the interruption. “I’ll get it,” she said, pulling away from his touch.

  Paige opened the door and room service came in with a cart. “Where would you like it?” the man asked.

  She motioned over to the dining room table. “That’s fine.”

  She was handed the room service receipt, but the total was blank. The perks of owning the hotel, she supposed. She filled out the tip generously and handed it back. The man quickly disappeared, leaving her alone with a delectable chocolate milkshake and an uncomfortable conversation.

  Paige opted to ignore their previous discussion and focused on her food instead. Under the lid was a beautifully arranged platter with at least five or six types of cheeses, an assortment of crackers, strawberries, grapes, pineapple and apple slices. It was just what she’d been wanting.

  “Would you like to eat on the balcony?” Mano asked.

  “Actually, if it’s okay, I’d be happy just to take it to bed. I eat in bed a lot at home.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Paige gathered up her tray and carried it into the bedroom. She placed it on the foot of the bed, moving her drink and her milkshake to the nightstand. She stacked the pillows high behind her and curled up in the blankets. Mano joined her, snuggling to her side and thankfully not bringing up their earlier discussion.

  They chatted about harmless things and nibbled on the food. Paige fed Mano grapes and even shared her milkshake with him. It was an easy, fun moment together in the middle of the night. She hadn’t had many experiences where sex was followed by conversation and cuddling. It was nice. Being with Mano was nice.

  But when the food was gone and they’d opted to go back to sleep, Paige couldn’t turn her brain off. Thoughts swirled through her mind faster than she could process them. She lay there amongst the pillows with Mano snoring softly next to her. It felt amazing to be here beside him. Wonderful. She enjoyed spending time with him more than she ever expected to.

  And maybe that was the problem she had with his offer. He didn’t ask her to stay because he loved her. They’d only been together a few days, so she’d wonder if he was insane if he did. He didn’t ask her to move here because he wanted to be with her for more than just a week. That might even be different enough for her to consider it. Instead, he was just trying to solve her problems and help her take care of her baby, which was noble, but it wasn’t what she wanted from him.

  Raising her baby alone would be hard. There would be long hours with day care or a sitter when she worked nights. There would be miserable sleepless days where they would both be cranky and exhausted. But there would also be the two of them together like peanut butter and jelly.

  Paige had wondered often if she would spend most of her life alone. She’d never been in a serious enough relationship to imagine herself getting married or having children. She feared she might become one of those lonely spinsters who talked to cats. She liked cats. But she didn’t like the idea of going through her whole life on her own.

  Wyatt was a first-rate jerk, but he had given her something she never expected to have. No matter what, she would have this baby and she wouldn’t be alone. It wasn’t the same as having a partner in life, but it was something. There would always be a little part of her out in the world that loved her unconditionally, gave her sweet kisses and remembered her birthday. She looked forward to handmade construction paper and crayon cards, and jewelry made of macaroni and glitter.

  And maybe one day in the future, instead of cats, she would have grandchildren to love and dote on. She couldn’t ask for anything better than that.

  No, as generous as Mano’s offer was, she couldn’t accept it. Paige would do this on her own.


  “You work too much, Mano. I called you last night at nine thirty and it rolled over to voice mail.”

  “Aloha to you, too, Kalani,” Mano responded to his brother’s phone call. As much as he’d hated to leave Paige asleep in bed, he needed to get some work done today. He’d slipped downstairs early in the hopes he could perhaps take a half day. He liked playing hooky when Paige was involved, but he did still have a hotel to oversee. “What makes you think I didn’t answer because I was working?”

  “Is there another option for you?” Kal asked with a chuckle. “I mean, it’s not like you were with a woman.”

  Mano grinned silently and waited for Kal to piece it together.

  “You were with a woman? That’s a welcome change.”

  “Shut up,” Mano chastised. He didn’t feel much like getting ragged on by his brother today, but he should’ve thought of that before he answered the phone. “It’s not as though it’s my first go out the gate. I’ve been with plenty of women.”

  “Oh sure. There was that belly dancer from Qatar, what, six months ago?”

  “Five.” It was just like his brother to keep track of his sex life just so he could rub it in his face.

  “And the Australian opera singer? That was before Thanksgiving, I think.”

  He had him there. “Probably. You know how I am. Once or twice a year, if I’m lucky, I find a lady with whom I’m interested in spending a little time. It just so happens, I’ve found one to be with this week.”

  “What’s this one? A Brazilian bikini model? You seem to be trying to cover every continent.”

  “You’re one to talk, Kal. I can’t help it I live in Hawaii and run a hotel. I’m surrounded by tourists. This time is no different. But no, she’s not a bikini model. She’s actually a nurse from San Diego.”

  “Interesting choice. So, what drew you to this one? It couldn’t be the accent this time.”

  “Actually, no. It was her scent. And her total and complete awkwardness. It was charming.”

  “I have to say, I’ve never chosen a woman for being clumsy, but more power to you, man, if it gets you away from your desk for a while.”

  Mano smiled. Paige had certainly done that. “I took yesterday off to spend the day with her.”

  “Really?” He could hear the disbelief in Kal’s voice. “I don’t recall you doing that for Miss Qatar.”

  “That was because she was with a couple of friends that went out during the day. Paige is here alone.”

�What kind of person comes to Hawaii alone?”

  Mano sighed. He didn’t really want to get into Paige’s story with Kal. “The kind of person that could use a vacation and a knowledgeable tour guide.”

  “What good are you as a tour guide if you won’t leave the property?”

  “We left the property!” Mano snapped at his older brother. Kal always thought he knew everything. He was older and wiser, while Mano was just the baby. It had only gotten worse after their parents died. At that point, Kal decided he was the head of the family and needed to not only run the show but care for Mano as though he were still a child. Never mind he was nearly eighteen at the time he lost his eyesight.

  “Okay, okay,” Kal said. “How long is the nurse from San Diego in town?”

  “Until Friday afternoon.”

  “That’s a shame. I’m going to just miss her.”

  “How’s that?”

  “I’m flying over on Sunday for Tūtū Ani’s birthday. You didn’t forget about her party, did you?”

  Yes. “No,” Mano insisted. “I wouldn’t forget our grandmother’s birthday. I just thought you’d be too busy to come.”

  “You’re the workaholic, little brother, not me. Of course I’m coming. After a week with your friend, I expect you to be in a good mood when I arrive.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up on that. You know those big family gatherings always make me tense.”

  “Your family should be where you feel the most at ease,” Kal argued.

  “Yes, well, I only feel at ease at the Mau Loa. So unless they’re having the party here and neglected to tell me so I could book the ballroom, I won’t be having much fun. But I’ll go for Tūtū Ani’s sake.”

  Honestly, it wasn’t just the location that stressed Mano out. The large crowd of family, the well-meaning but pushy aunts treating him like an invalid, the kids running in front of him and unnerving Hōkū all added up to an afternoon he’d sooner do without. He hadn’t really even enjoyed the gatherings when his parents were alive and he could see.

  “You know they’re having it at Aunt Kini’s place. It’s the only place we can bury the pig.”


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