Dragon's MatchMate Agency: A Paranormal Romance Boxset

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Dragon's MatchMate Agency: A Paranormal Romance Boxset Page 44

by Maia Star

  “Where did you go?” he asks, his green eyes making my heart lurch even more. I had no idea one of my kids could be so cute.

  “Um, I came here! To San Francisco! Your mommy came here without knowing I was here, too, so we met up sooner than either of us imagined we would. Which is great, because now I get to see you.”

  Now Kai seems very skeptical.

  “Hey, want to see something cool?” I ask, trying to get him to smile.


  Angling my head up, I feel the fire spreading in my lungs, and a second later, I’m spewing a small torrent into the air. It doesn’t go far and burns out instantly. When I finish, I glance back at Kai, expecting a wide grin...but instead, I see him quivering.

  And then he bursts into tears.

  The door slams open, and Scarlet stands in the doorway. She glares down at me. “Breakfast is ready.”

  I stand, seeing Kai’s crying all but stop. All his attention is on Scarlet now as she stalks back to the dining table near her kitchen. I walk out with Kai in tow and we all take our places at the table. In my eyes, we look like a real family as we pass around the eggs and plate of bacon, even if we’re silent. Kai seems to have forgotten all about me and is just digging into the food.

  It’s...quiet. But a decent kind of quiet. It’s the kind of quiet I’ve been craving.

  Once we’re finished, Scarlet ushers Kai off to get dressed for the day, and then she turns to me, still sitting at the table. “I heard what you said to him.”

  I grin shyly. “I couldn’t help myself.”

  She sighs. “It’s...fine. I didn’t really expect you not to tell him, I suppose.”

  Rising from my seat, I see that Scarlet is still exhausted. “Listen, I’m gonna go home. Leave you guys alone. Try to get some rest today, okay? You deserve it. You’re a good mother, Scar.”

  She smiles weakly at me. “Thanks, Arthur.”

  Stopping at the front door, I wave at her. “Just call me if you need anything...and when you get a new door, I’ll pay for it since I’m the one who broke it.”

  “That would be great.”

  We stare at each other for another few seconds before I turn and walk out.

  Chapter Seventeen


  It’s been days now since I found out Arthur was a shifter.

  It’s hard to imagine that happened the same night as the break in. So many thoughts and emotions raced through my mind that day: anger, guilt, worry, sadness, plenty more that I just can’t think of at the moment. It was so much that I’m still feeling the effects now.

  Both mentally and physically, I’ve been struggling. I’m sure it is because of that night. So much changed, and so much didn’t. Secrets were revealed, secrets I’m still coming to terms with.

  Arthur is a shifter. I can’t genuinely picture him turning into a dragon yet, even if I’ve seen him do it. It’s just not wired into my system to just suddenly be aware of his shifter qualities. Shifters have never been around me my entire life...as far as I know. The closest I’ve gotten to most shifters have been at a literal and mental distance. I tried to stay away from most of them because I was raised to think of them as monsters.

  But Arthur isn’t a monster...not in the way most people mean it. Sure, he can shapeshift into a hulking, powerful dragon that could melt my apartment with one breath...but he doesn’t use that power for evil. Not to be cliché, but from what I’ve seen, he uses it for good. He only shifts when he needs to, or when he needs to let out steam. He’s not even flaunting it.

  Yet I still hesitate. It was easier immediately after I revealed to Arthur that Kai was his son, and it was easier the next morning to deal with him in person. But now, those old fears are coming back to haunt me. They won’t go away so easily.

  Kai pops into my mind, and as I watch him sit on the couch, his thumb in his mouth, staring at the cartoons on screen, I feel the urge to cry. Kai’s a shifter too, and despite being his mother, the thought crossed my mind over the past couple days.

  What if Kai grows up to lose control? What if he goes feral? Commits crimes? I’ve heard shifters can go crazy if certain conditions aren’t met as they grow up. Is it possible for that to happen to Kai? Is not having a father figure a reason he could go wild? Right now, he’s too young to understand most of this, to fully grasp everything that’s going on, but...in a few years' time?

  I rip the bag of noodles and dump them into the pot. I’ve found myself cooking more lately to deal with the stress. It does help. Except for this time, I suppose, since I’m trembling like crazy.

  Gripping my wrist, trying to calm myself down, I glance at the clock. Cindy’s supposed to be here any minute now to watch Kai while I go out for groceries. If I’m going to head out into the world, I need to calm myself down first. I glance briefly at the new front door that was installed yesterday. I don’t have to worry about strangers walking past our apartment now. Kai won’t notice if I slip away for a few minutes…

  Leaving the water to heat, I march silently back to my bedroom, still clutching my shaking wrist. I can’t seem to stop trembling as I shut my door.

  As I walk over to my bed, I find myself wanting just to sit down. So I do, except as I go to sit on my couch I miss the edge and slip and hit the floor. At first, my butt stings, but then I’m laughing quietly. Well, that was embarrassing! My balance is off.

  That laughing slowly becomes jerkier, my vision blurring. I realize that I’m crying now. Drawing my knees up to my chest, I wrap my arms around them and I put my face in between, pressing my forehead on my forearms. The tears come easily, and so does the runny nose. I wipe my nose on my arm constantly until I’m forced to crawl over to my nightstand and pull down the box of tissues. It’s like everything that’s happened to me over the past couple weeks is coming to a head.

  It’s like an endless wellspring of fear, shock, and worry. What will happen next? Will I find out that I’m the descendant of some famous shifter king or something?

  The thought makes me laugh. No, no. I’m only human. That’s all I’ll ever be. I’m a human woman and mother, trying to create a happy life for myself. Maybe I overthink a lot of things.

  Just then, I hear a knock at the front door. It’s Cindy for sure because she walks right in without needing to be invited. “Hello! It’s Cindy! Miss Martinez?”

  “I’m in my bedroom!” I call, forcing my voice to steady itself.

  “Cool! Oh, hi, Kai! Still watching Scooby-Doo, huh? You know, that was my favorite as a kid…”

  I quickly drown her voice out, burying my head in my arms again. I need to clean myself up before she sees me like this. How embarrassing would that be?

  “All right, so I’m going to see your mom for a sec, okay, Kai? I’ll be right back to watch with you!”


  Rising to my feet, my mind still whirling, I dust off my clothes and wipe my cheeks as quickly as I can. I have no idea how I look, but my crying can’t be that noticeable, can it?

  Cindy knocks on my bedroom door and then opens it. She peers inside with a smile that quickly drops upon looking at me. “Oh, Miss Martinez! Are you okay? Have you been crying?”

  I smile. “So it’s that noticeable, huh?”

  She walks in and gently shuts the door behind her. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

  “You don’t need to hear my sob story, Cindy. It’s all right; you can just go watch Kai. I’ll head out soon…”

  But Cindy doesn’t do that. Instead, she frowns and storms over, grabbing my arm and tugging me over to sit on the edge of my bed.

  Cindy’s gaze pierces mine. She’s completely turned towards me, giving me her full attention. “Spill the tea!” she says. “Tell me everything!”


  “I’m serious! I like you a lot, Miss Martinez. You’re beautiful, strong, raising a kid by yourself—” she counts off her list on her fingers “—you’ve got gorgeous men after you, you work as a secretary full time, you’
ve super nice...did I say you were beautiful already? Cause you are. I’m like, so jealous of you!”

  It feels silly to rely on a teenager for moral support, but I can’t help but smile. “That’s sweet of you, Cindy. That means a lot.”

  “So, are you going to tell me what’s on your mind or not?”

  I laugh. “Oh, fine, but try not to get overwhelmed, okay?”


  So I spin off into my tale, from the first moment I got to San Francisco to the events from the night of the attempted robbery she wasn’t already privy to and the morning after. I even tell her about four years ago, when I first met Arthur. She’s so engrossed in what I’m saying that the words just tumble from my mouth. It’s oddly cathartic, listing off my fears, stress, and worries to a girl who hopefully won’t have to deal with most of this for a long while yet. She’s attentive, quiet, and relaxed, a soft smile never leaving her face.

  When I finish, I sigh and meet her gaze. “So, overwhelmed yet?”

  “Not at all!” she says, perking up. “Wow! Your life is like a romance movie! I mean, not to trivialize what you’ve been through since you’ve been through a lot. But, hey, you’ve got a lot on your plate.”

  “Yeah...I’m not sure what I’m going to do now, you know?” I say, leaning back and looking up at the ceiling, watching my fan spin. “My main worry is Kai. I know practically nothing about shifters, and so I want a partner that can help Kai when he gets older.”

  “So why not Arthur?” I glance over at Cindy. She’s twirling a lock of her blonde hair around her finger. “I mean, the issue isn’t whether or not you like him, or whether or not you trust him anymore, right? It’s clear you have feelings for him, and it’s clear he has feelings for you! It’s romantic!” She whistles. “Besides, he’s like, so hot! I’m surprised you can resist him!”

  I chuckle. “It’s a bit more complicated than that, but yeah.”

  “Plus, he’s Kai’s real father, right? He probably already will do anything to get closer to his child. Plus, he’s said he wants children, right?”

  “You remember a lot of details after only hearing a story once, huh?”

  “Oh, I’m used to it. My friends have new drama on a daily basis.” She taps her head. “Gotta have a quick mind to keep up. Anyway, I think you should get together with him. I don’t see the reason why you can’t or shouldn’t now. If you both still love each other, what else is there to do?”

  I watch Cindy as she watches me, her voice radiating in my mind like a heartbeat. She’s making so much sense. What am I really worried about anymore? If Arthur and I were to officially get back together, all of my problems would be gone. He’s proven himself to me, and I still love him. Plus, Kai would get his real father. Cindy’s right. What am I waiting for? Who cares if he can turn into a dragon or not?

  My smile goes wide and I rise to my feet. “You know, I never thought a teenager would push me in the right direction, but hey, I’m learning new things every day! Thanks for listening, Cindy. I’m gonna go talk to Arthur, and I’m not sure how long I’ll be, so would you mind staying for a bit longer than usual?”

  Cindy grins. “Of course! You go do whatever you need to do.”

  Bursting out into the hallway, I fetch my purse. “Kai, sweetie! Mommy’s gonna go get some groceries and go talk to Arthur. You’ll be okay with Cindy, right?” When I don’t get a response, I peek over at the couch, and then glance at the front door ajar.

  Blinking, I hurry over to Kai’s room. “Kai, you in here?” But when I open the door, I don’t find my son inside.

  My heart is pounding like crazy.

  “What’s the matter?” Cindy asks, following me out. “Can’t find Kai?”

  I shake my head. “No...can you check the bathroom quick?”

  Cindy jogs over, opening the door. “Nope! He’s not here.”

  Panic fills my lungs as I choke and dash for the hallway, swinging open the new front door. I glance out and see no four-year-olds huddling in the hallway.

  My heart shoots up into my lungs. I can’t speak.

  Kai is gone.

  Chapter Eighteen


  For the past few days, I’ve done barely anything except think about Scarlet and Kai. I can’t help but wonder how they’re doing or what they're thinking.

  Like, what’s been going through Scarlet’s mind since we last spoke? Is her silence an answer as to whether we’re going to get back together or not? Or is she still thinking things through? I’m not exactly sure what else I can do. If I keep pushing her, that could border on harassment, and unlike many of my shifter brethren, I’m not one to force a lady into making a choice.

  Then I remember that fiasco at the mall when I confronted Scarlet and I cringe. Damn it...maybe I do have some of those tendencies.

  But either way, I’m not going to force Scarlet to make a decision. Not now. She’s got Kai to look after and think about. If it were just her, maybe she wouldn’t think so hard about this. But she needs a father for Kai...and damn do I want to help raise our son.

  Sitting up in bed, unsure of what to do while I wait to hear back from Scarlet, I sit and go through the apps on my phone, looking for a game to play or something. While I do, however, a call comes up. It’s her, and I pick it up instantly.

  “Hey, Scar—” I try to say.

  “Shut up and listen to me, Arthur! Kai is missing.”

  My jaw dropping, I hurry to my window, where I overlook some of downtown. “What do you mean he’s missing? Did the thieves come back?”

  “No! No, I think he just got up and left. Cindy came over, and while she and I were talking in my room, I think he slipped out. I don’t know why, but I don’t think anyone kidnapped him. No, no, no...that couldn’t be, could it? But even if he wasn’t kidnapped, he still could be if he’s walking around on his own.” Her breaths are ragged, hurried, as if she’s sprinting a marathon right now. “Please, Arthur, help me find him. Help me find our son!”

  I’m hyper-aware of the city before me, staring out at all the buildings and people and cars driving by. I grip my phone tighter, and my inner dragon rages. I can’t imagine the reason why Kai would leave, but I know there’s just no other course of action.

  My son is lost. So I’m going to find him.

  “He’s only four years old, Scar. He couldn’t have gone too far, could he? Have you checked close by?”

  “I have, and Cindy’s looking too. She’s calling the police.”

  Laughing, I scratch at my cheek, grinning to myself.

  “Why the hell are you laughing?” Scarlet screams on the other end. “Do you think it’s funny to be worried about him?”

  “Not at all,” I say. “It’s just funny that you have Cindy calling the police. We won’t need them, because now that I’m on the case, Kai’s as good as found.” She’s silent on the other end. I don’t know whether to take that as a good or bad sign. “I’ll find our son, Scarlet. It’s a guarantee. You don’t have to be afraid while you’ve got me, okay?”

  “Yeah...thank you, Arthur.”

  “No problem. I’m leaving now. Once I find him, I’ll give you a call.” And with that, I end the phone call. Rolling my shoulders, I gaze out at the city, looking in the direction of Scarlet’s apartment. There’s no way Kai would have run too far from his home. For all I know, he could be walking in circles right now, lost in this giant city. Sooner or later, someone will find it strange a four-year-old is walking on his own. I’d be surprised if someone hasn’t tried to help Kai already...or worse.

  Grimacing, I march out of my apartment and to the roof. This ritual will never get old, bursting out onto the roof, stripping down and stuffing a backpack full of my clothes and wallet and phone. Chucking the backpack high into the air, I leap off the edge and shift, my heart rumbling with the desire to find Kai before something unthinkable happens to him.

  Catching my backpack in my mouth, I fly off towards Scarlet’s apartment building.

nbsp; It takes no time to get there, considering I’m pumped up on adrenaline and flying as fast as possible. I manage to make out Scarlet below, running frantically around, stopping strangers to probably ask if they’re seen a little boy walking on his own.

  I know I was talking big back on the phone with her about not needing the police, but I wasn’t just talking out of my ass. I know I’ll find my son, with or without the police’s help. I don’t care how long it takes me, or how much of the city I need to scour to find him.

  Circling, I also spy the babysitter running around, looking for Kai. Leaving those two to search, I go in the opposite direction to cover more ground.

  Kai can’t possibly get far on his own. And even if he does, he’ll get lost quickly and probably break down. Someone will find him. So I need to be looking for adults hovering near children.

  Every second drags on as I search, my gaze looking over every nook and cranny of the world below. Despite my cool and calm demeanor earlier, I’m beginning to get a bit frantic. I’m flying faster, getting closer to the ground. Bystanders are beginning to notice me, with many pointing up at me, wondering why I’m flying so close to the ground.

  Eventually, I’m so close I nearly crash into a building while I’m not paying attention, but I manage to avoid it by rolling away.

  After I dodge the building, I look down to spy an elderly woman carrying a small kid. The kid has blond hair, and he looks about the right size to be Kai. I can’t afford to pass this up, so I land in the middle of the street, shaking the ground and startling everyone around. I shift, seeing the elderly lady and the kid look back at me. The boy’s green eyes fixate on me, and they widen.

  It’s Kai, one hundred percent.

  Unable to stop myself, I smile and sprint forward, causing the old lady to flinch.

  “Kai!” I yell. “Thank god you're safe. What were you thinking, running out like that?”

  The old lady is glaring daggers at me, keeping her eyes far above my waist. “And who are you?”


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