The Witch

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The Witch Page 53

by V. A. Lewis

  Kindness, Xavier thought. It was always taught in schools and by the Church. Such was an important quality for the existence of society. And yet, why were the heretics never treated the same?

  He shook his head. "Saint Theron was the one responsible for slaying the Fiend, was he not? Did he not report the existence of the Fiend’s daughter to the Church?"

  "He did not, your majesty," Justin said. "I have spoken to him after I heard of Saintess Lilith’s message, but he claims to have been unaware of this girl."

  "And what if he is lying?" Xavier asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Justin frowned. "I don’t believe he would, your majesty. Saint Theron is a devout member of the Church and the best Saint I know. Keeping such an important piece of information for himself— or rather, not seizing the girl and bringing her to Xanderia? That does not seem like him."

  "Perhaps." The Emperor lowered his head and placed one hand on his chin. "However, do you believe Saint Theron has been acting like himself ever since he returned from his mission?

  "I have received various reports— mostly complaints— coming from the nobility. They are unhappy about the boy he had brought back with him from the Rem Republic. They believe it is only because of Saint Theron’s influence that the boy was admitted to the Academy, and they wish for me to take actions against the Church for it."

  "I have looked into the boy— Adrian— and he is very much qualified to be in the Academy, your majesty."

  "That does not matter." He sighed and turned to Justin. "The issue comes from Saint Theron— has he ever done something like this before?"

  "I don’t believe he has," the older man said. "However, coming from an orphanage himself and losing out on opportunities as a child, I don’t see how this is out of character for him. He has helped plenty of children before find homes in Xanderia— especially those living near the Gates of Hell who have lost their towns and villages."

  "But none were ever brought to the Academy." Xavier crossed his arms. "That is different. By exerting his influence to do so, he jeopardizes his rank by bringing the nobilities ire towards the Church. It is too much risk for a random boy, no?"

  Justin cocked a brow. "What are you implying?"

  "Nothing of the sort that you’re thinking about," Xavier said. "Just that it is an unusual thing to do. Tell me, Justin, what has Saint Theron been doing in over the half year that passed since he returned?"

  "He has taken a step back from his duties as a Saint," Justin replied slowly. Creases formed in his brows as he considered this. "He has spent more time studying and in temples than before, citing a desire to repent for his failure to protect the Inquisitors under him."

  "And has he ever done that before?"

  "He has mourned for everyone who he has failed to protect— but no, never to this extent." He pursed his lips and turned back to Xavier. "What are you thinking, your majesty?"

  "I’m not sure either," the Emperor said. "But perhaps Saint Theron saw something. Perhaps he saw something that made him seek repentance. And maybe that’s why he spared the Fiend’s daughter and chose not to tell us about her."

  "With all due respect, your majesty, that is impossible. You know as well as I do that magic is heresy. The Shadow’s Evangelium nearly succeeded in assassinating you. They destroyed cities and towns. Bringing justice to a heretic— especially one as vile as the Fiend— is not something he would ever need to repent."

  "Maybe not."

  Perhaps he came a little too forward to Justin. Someone who had fought against the Shadow’s Evangelium for the entirety of its existence wouldn’t have the most positive opinion of spellcasters. However...

  "But something did happen. Something that made Saint Theron choose to show… kindness to the girl. So shouldn’t we take that into consideration and do the same?"

  Saint Justin considered this. He slowly nodded his head in agreement. "It would certainly be unfair to hold this girl accountable for her mother’s crimes. And yet, Saintess Lilith calls for aid. She believes that she needs help to capture this girl. To a certain extent, she has to be a danger, your majesty."

  "What do you suggest, Justin?" Xavier asked. "The Grand Inquisitor and the nobility would certainly press me to fulfill her request. What can I do to ensure real justice is carried out? What happens if this girl is not even related to the Fiend, and is falsely killed?"

  "Saintess Lilith requested for Inquisitors. However, the Church is stretched too thin as of late due to the Abominations. And especially considering what happened to the last team of Inquisitors that accompanied her— I don’t believe that can be done, even if the Grand Inquisitor would insist it’s possible."

  Certainly, the Grand Inquisitor would try to have his Inquisitors sent out in this mission. Doing so would only increase his influence, after all. And in light of recent events which diminished the Empire’s entire standing in addition to the nobility incessantly clawing away at his power? The rank of Emperor held less power now than it ever did ever since the Empire’s very formation.

  "But if I refuse to hear answer the Saintess’ call for assistance and demand her return, I would be accused of being incompetent— they would paint me to be a bigger fool than they already have."

  Justin spoke reassuringly. "So you give both the Saintess and the nobility what they wanted," he said. "Don’t send Inquisitors. Send your Holy Knights.

  "Ever since the Cult brought the Abominations to Vitae, somehow— for whatever reason— the hordes of Abominations coming from Hell have decreased, have they not? That was why we felt it was not a risk to take Saintess Lilith out from guarding the Gates of Hell. It wouldn’t be a risk to call back some Holy Knights as well, no?"

  Xavier considered this with a nod. Then snapping his fingers, he exclaimed. "And if I handpick the Holy Knights who have previously worked with Saintess Lilith, they would be able to manage her better. Prevent her from acting out of line— prevent her from escaping and from unnecessarily killing the girl."

  Saint Justin appeared to be slightly apprehensive. "Your majesty, if I may ask, why are you so adamant on ensuring this girl doesn’t die?"

  The Emperor paused. Something flashed in his mind. Anger. Pure rage.

  Words that forever haunted him from that day onwards. Why do you oppress us? Why can you live in peace while we must die in suffering? Xavier felt a shiver run up his spine as he tried to compose himself. Clearing his throat, he skirted around answering the question.

  "Because it is the right thing to do, Justin," he said. "The court decides what justice is to be delivered on a person. Whether or not they deserve death— they should always be tried."

  "I see." Justin nodded his head. "I apologize for my questions. I may be a Saint, but I am not perfect. I simply wanted to understand your perspective, your majesty."

  Xavier waved a hand dismissively. "There’s no need to apologize. And do call me by my name for once."

  "I don’t believe that would be possible, your majesty."

  He snorted. "Fine." He shook his head, then his eyes glinted. "But if you can at least do me another favor— there’s another reason why I came to see you."

  Justin looked at him inquisitively. "And that is?"

  Emperor Xavier smiled slyly. "I require some assistance for a meeting later on…"

  Truth be told, while Xavier was probably the most important single person in the world, he sometimes felt like he was also the most powerless. As Emperor, he was supposed to hold the supreme power over the entire continent of Soli. And yet, he often found his hands tied whenever the Church or the nobility objected to a course of action he proposed.

  It was exemplified in the current scene. The Grand Inquisitor stood in defiance against him, trying to force him to let the Church deal with the Fiend’s daughter and Saintess Lilith— it was their responsibility after all!

  "Emperor Xavier, while I understand your logic, I would like to dispute your claim that the Church is overspending its resources. I can assure you that our I
nquisitors are perfectly capable of handling this Abomination problem while dealing with these heretics in another continent. If you would just leave this minor problem to me and take care of more pressing matters—"

  And past that greedy man seeking to only increase his power were the masses of greedy men and women trying to only increase their wealth and influence. Most of them could not care less about this issue. In fact, they probably would not have even gathered here if they weren’t asked to by the man leading them

  The main heir to the Corinna Dukedom brought a hand down to the table, protesting Xavier’s decision while riling up his supporters. Well, they were only supporters in the sense that they saw this as an easy opportunity to cozy up with the man who wanted to protect his family’s reputation for when he became the Duke.

  "Your majesty, this girl can not be allowed to live. She is the daughter of the Fiend! Such a vile, evil creature must be slain at once! No need for trial. No need for leniency. The safety of the entire Empire depends on it!"

  Such were the objections Xavier often heard. And while such objections would typically force him to comply with their demands, Xavier instead found himself standing his ground. Because for today, he had allies.

  To his left stood the Archbishop and Saint Justin. The Archbishop came at Justin’s request— which in turn came from Xavier’s request. While the Church was probably the most powerful institution within the Holy Xan Empire— it was not a united institution. The powers at the top of the Church were split between the Archbishop and the Grand Inquisitor.

  And while Justin was a Saint, he did come from a noble family. He might not be the heir to his house, but he was still certainly influential within it. And it wasn’t just a regular noble family— it was the Livius Dukedom. So with these two equalizing powers to the opposition, Xavier managed to pass his decree:

  The Fiend’s daughter is to be brought back to Xanderia alive, where she will then face trial for any crimes or acts of heresy she may have committed. Saintess Lilith will be accompanied by a retinue of Holy Knights to accomplish this mission.

  It was not much, but Xavier felt content. Perhaps he could have tried to do more to ensure the girl wasn’t unfairly killed— but too much would have raised some questions. Questions he would not be able to answer.

  But he did his good deed. He was not a monster— many people within the Holy Xan Empire and the Church recognize that indiscriminately killing heretics was not right. It took a while, but that was why he overturned his mother’s law that dictated all heretics— noble or commoner— were to be executed for violating Holy Law.

  Small acts. But eventually, Xavier hoped it would accumulate. That maybe actual change could be brought forth— that heresy wasn’t treated as the most evil thing in the world to be killed for, but to be renounced and forgiven.

  He just hoped that this girl— whoever she was— would somehow know that he was trying to help her. And him sparing her life would not come back to bite him in the future.

  Author’s Note:

  Thank you all for reading!

  I hope you enjoy the story thus far. I am aware that Melas started to act a bit too brusquely in Part Two of the book, and that was entirely intentional. I wanted to emphasize the consequences of what she had experienced in Book One.

  Oftentimes, characters who experience trauma brush it off rather quickly. I did not want that to happen with Melas. Sure, it would have been far easier to write this story if she were perfect— but that’s just now who she is. She’s imperfect. She’s a normal girl.

  If she were special, she would have immediately become a hero upon being reincarnated into another world. But as the fake god says: she was nothing special.

  Maybe, if you continue to follow her journey, she can eventually become and grow into something truly special. We shall see!

  Join my patreon to support me at to read rough first drafts of the latest Melas Book Three chapters as it is being written.

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