7 More MILF Stories

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by Sophie Sin

  Our streams cross. We coat her tits and her stomach. There's so much and it keeps coming. I bite my lip in pain when I shoot dry the last few times, but it isn't bad. This has to be hands down the best orgasm I've had from a woman's hand.

  She lets our dicks drop. We watch her. It's like the world is different now. Like somehow we lost something and gained something in this time. I don't know what it is that I might have lost, but it's different now. Things are different.

  “I think you two should go. I'll need to clean everything up before my husband gets home.”

  We nod. It's not hard. We pull up our jeans and pull down our t-shirts and stumble to the door.

  “I don't think I'm ever going to fuck that good again in my life,” Jack murmurs.

  And I know it then. You can take a man's virginity; you can take his heart; you can take a lot from him; but when a man knows that the best sexual experience of his life has come and gone, that's something else entirely.

  “I'm glad I did it,” I say when I get to the door. I'm so out of it that I don't know what I'm saying.

  At the door we find a huge older man with graying hair and a wolfish smile.



  It's Mr. Herbert Henderson and I can tell by his eyes that he saw it all.

  “Fucked her real good, boys,” he says cheerfully.

  “Sir! I'm so sorry about...”

  He puts up a hand. We are silent.

  “Don't be silly. I'm into watching. You put on a good show.”

  He slips through the door and turns. Both of us stare. Neither of us saw that he had his dick out, but now we do. It's fucking humongous – biggest I ever seen.

  “I should go finish off the good lady, but can we have you back tomorrow at 8pm? I believe something else needs painting and I do like to watch.”

  He turns a little then stops.

  “Oh, and a word of warning. If you think what just happened was crazy then you might want to stop where you are. Chances are, in this town at least, you are going to find more than a few of these older ladies aren't what they seem.” He grins very widely as a hand strays out from behind him and reaches down to stroke his absolutely insane cock as he speaks to us. “Just a thought.”

  He closes the door and I stand there with Jack and stare. Soon the sounds of some rather violent sex happens on the other side.

  “This is awesome,” I whisper.

  Jack nods.

  An older woman took our hope for anything better away. Yet an older, wiser, man gave us it back. The ladies of this town... They have it coming. I'm a convert. Older is really better.

  We leave them to their fun and say our goodbyes.

  I whistle as I walk.

  The world never seemed finer. Not one little bit.

  Big Mass

  Big Down There Series 4, Book 1


  The men stroll around like roosters preparing to fight. I watch them and wonder - just what is on their minds?

  This is the gym. It's not one of those standard aerobics centers, but a fancy upmarket place for guys who lift huge weights.

  One of them comes over and asks me for a date. I swiftly refuse him and move on with my work as a receptionist at the gym. All of these guys, as far as I know, are shooting up massive quantities of illegal chemicals. It's the only way that they can get as big as they do and get the money that professional body building pays.

  "You interested in..."

  I put up a hand. He stops talking and I point to the weights area.

  As I was saying, they are up to their eyeballs in hormones. That means they want to have sex 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even skipping a workout now and then to do their business.

  Of course, I am well aware of this. My boss, who is also a muscle head, told me about it on the first day here about 7 months ago. I asked him why the advertisement said 'beautiful people may not apply' and he explained. It took a few days on the job to get what he really meant at the time, but now it is crystal clear: The guys can barely think when I'm around. It means that I have to work to look intentionally less 'feminine' than I really am.

  Surprisingly, that isn't so bad though. While other women are dressing up to go to work, I can roll out of bed with no make up, throw on a gym shirt and tracksuit pants, which are too big for my slim frame, and tie my hair back like I'm about to clean a sink or something and go to work. Sometimes, I'll admit, I don't even shower before leaving the house. It doesn't stop the guys from asking me out (a testament to how much juice they are doing, I feel).

  I glance in the MASSIVE mirror that lines the wall beside the door. I don't look special. That's what I think when I see myself staring back. No one would know that I have a bit of a body going on. It's all for the good, I suppose. Looking less attractive makes my job easier and that's the trick to keeping sane in a place like this (considering that I get asked if I want to go on a date every 30 minutes - even looking like I do right now.)

  "You want to go on a date?"

  I put my middle finger out, but the guy asking just laughs.

  "Such a rude one," he says.

  I glance over. Ed is not like the other guys. He's half their size for starters, but his proportion and level of ripped muscle is the envy of all. The man also isn't juicing. I can tell because he doesn't spend any time hiding in the toilets injecting himself up to the eyeballs with various illegal, experimental substances like everyone else does.

  "Stop teasing," I tell him. "I'm try to balance today's payments."

  He glances over my work.

  "Do I owe you any money?"

  I check.

  "Not this week," I reply with a sternness that indicates he should be paying on time more often.

  "That's good. I am broke right now."

  "Really? What did you get up to this time?"

  Ed, just to clarify, is stinking rich, but has a bad habit of throwing away massive amounts of money on trivial things at a whim. He has a spending problem in my opinion, but, being a woman who likes to shop, I can relate to that quite well.

  "I bet on a horse."

  "A horse? You were gambling?"

  He winks at me.

  "Yes, but it's not like you think. I didn't go down the races and throw away a brick of cash."

  "Then what happened?"

  Ed explains it. I can't stop from staring at him in shock as he does. Apparently, he visited one of his friends' farm and bet that a particular stallion, one with erectile problems, would be able to mate with a certain feisty mare given the right encouragement.

  "You feed a horse penis pills," I state.

  "They were animal tested. I figured that the thing wouldn't mind it."

  "So how does this end? Did he do it?"

  Ed flicks a pen around on the desk for a little. I sense something rather enlightening is coming.

  "He died."

  "Died? You killed him?"

  The big man puts his hands up.

  "He was old, good stock, but old. It was after he, ah, you know..."

  "He came?"

  "Yes, after that he fell over flat and we found he was dead."

  I stare.

  "He died during sex?"

  "As all men should."

  We watch each other.

  "Are you kidding?"

  "No. That really happened."

  "Then why did you lose the money?"

  Ed shrugs.

  "Someone had to pay for the dead horse. He was quite tasty."


  "I needed some protein. Horse meat tastes really-."

  I put a hand up.

  "Stop right there. I think I have heard enough."

  Ed gives me a grin.


  I shake my head.

  "No, shocked. I can't believe you ate him."

  "The meat was very tender - relaxed. He died well."

  "I bet."

  "Do you want ---?"

I look to the newcomer.

  "Seriously. Not now. I'm still processing the death by ejaculation to lunch cycle of Ed's story."

  The builder looks confused and holds up a tray of donuts.

  "I thought you might want one."

  I look at them and back up to the man.

  "Ok, but no date."

  He looks dejected. They always try to buy me off with the trashy food that they scoff down. When I look back to Ed he is gone - already talking to one of the other guys in the gym area. That man... I don't know what to make of him. Somehow that is one of his most attractive qualities.


  "So, how about it?"

  I put my pen down.


  "That date?"

  Ed stands there looking amused. Is he teasing me?

  "You know I am going to say no."

  "Maybe, but I thought the horse story might have got you interested."

  "Are you serious? I can't tell if you are kidding or not."

  He grins. The man has lovely white teeth.

  "What if I was serious this time? It's about time that I tried my luck."

  "What if I said no to your serious attempt?"

  Ed watches me. Damn him, I think he might actually mean it.

  "Are you joking?"

  "You asked that."

  "Ask me again."

  "Will you go out with me?"

  "And you are 100% serious?"


  He stops smiling. I gulp. His eyes are alight with something that I don't understand. They make my heart beat just that little bit faster.


  "Yes or no," he offers.

  I stare. What to do? I like Ed. He has an amazing body, great sense of humor and is attractive in a big but well rounded way. I also don't think that he is high or anything, which means his offer is sincere.

  "I don't usually date older guys..."

  "I'm 40. That's not old."

  "I'm 24. You were 16 when I was 1."

  "True. So?"

  "No..." He smiles sadly and turns to leave without another word. "Ah, hold on, um... shit... Are you serious?"


  "Damn it. Alright. Pick me up at 9pm around the corner. It would be bad if the other guys saw."

  Ed nods and throws his gym bag over his shoulder.

  "See you then."

  He walks out. I stare. Ed SERIOUSLY asked me out and I said yes. This is unprecedented. I think I might have post traumatic stress syndrome because I am feeling pretty weird.

  "Would you like...?"

  I jerk out of my contemplation.


  I only had one yes in me and I just gave it. Looks like Ed chose his timing just right. What am I going to wear?


  I rush out of the gym and around the corner. There's a big black SUV with tinted windows around the corner. I stroll past it, but the window rolls down. I find that this is Ed's car.

  "You looking for me?" he asks,leaning out the window and grinning as I check his car out from bumper to bumper.

  "This thing looks like one of those cars that rappers drive. Are you in the mob or something?"

  He opens the door and steps out. Ed is in a light blue patterned v-neck t-shirt, gray jeans and brown boots that match his wide buckled belt. The gray fake rolex that he always wears is on his wrist and his spiky brown hair is slicked back nicely.

  "I don't see what you mean. It was really cheap though. I bought it at a police auction."

  I give him a look.

  "You aren't going to tell me that you bought some gang banger's drive by vehicle, are you?"

  "Ok, I won't."

  Just another piece in the odd puzzle that is Ed. He helps me get in and I give him directions to my apartment, which is a 15 minute drive on the highway from here. We engage in casual banter until reaching my place. I get out and rush inside to quickly get ready. Today was one of those days that I didn't shower, so that takes first priority. I then rush into my bedroom, throw on the only date worthy dress that I have for a guy of Ed's level, which happens to be a black tight thing that shows off quite a bit more than I probably should, and put on my make up and do my hair.

  30 minutes later, I rush back out and find that Ed is snoozing behind the wheel.

  "Someone could car jack you like this," I tell him as I get in.

  He opens one eye. I note a little shock in it that makes me feel a very nice sense of pleasure.

  "No one is silly enough to jack a car like this. You never know who the owner might be."

  Ed turns the key and pulls out on to the road. I note that he can't seem to keep his eyes off my body. I wonder if I am that much different from the girl that he teased so often at the gym. I suppose he never thought I would look quite this good.

  I run my hands over my hips and pull my dress down a little over my lightly tanned, slim thighs. I am a small girl and always have been. Ed is probably 6 foot or over and I am about 5 foot 3. My body is slim until you get to my chest, which nature has given me an unproportionate amount of size for my frame. Luckily my hips are a little wide too or I'd look like your typical plastic blonde.

  "Do you like steak?" Ed asks as we turn out of my suburb and into the next.

  "Sure. Where are we eating?"

  He grins and says nothing.

  "What?" I ask.

  "I was going to take you to a diner, but I don't think that is what I want to do anymore."

  "Oh, what do you want to do?"

  I blush after asking. He gives me a look that strips me naked. I stutter something. Men don't look at me that way even when I am dressed up like this. The heat of those two brown orbs of his is enough to fry planets. What have I got myself into?

  "Conversation and a good time."

  Turning onto the highway, he drives for a bit in silence.

  "Where do bodybuilders usually eat?" he asks after taking an off ramp into a richer suburb near mine.

  I already know the answer. Doing Ed's membership fees has made me well aware of where he lives.

  "At home..."

  We pull into his driveway. The house is small but very tidy. I sit there as he looks over my way.

  "I can really cook," he tells me, "But I also won't make you uncomfortable. You have my word that I'll be a gentleman."

  My eyes travel to his door. This is really too much, but I trust Ed. If he says that he'll be good then I believe him.

  "It's ok. Let's eat here," I decided.

  Getting out of his SUV, we walk to the front door and he lets me in. Inside it is comfy and well furnished. He has a medium sized pool out back and a lot of pictures on the walls and around the place.

  "You have a nice house," I compliment.

  He leads me into the kitchen and sits me down.

  "Relax and I'll get things cooking. The food is preprepared, so it won't take long."

  Ed heads over to the fridge and I watch him pull out various labelled containers, putting them on the wide wooden bench next to his rather expensive looking chrome steel stove.

  What to make of this situation? I feel like I should be more concerned about what is going on. I hesitate to admit it, but I haven't been into a man's house since my ex-boyfriend, which was months ago in April. That's not to say I haven't 'played' a little, but I'm no bad girl. I don't think, in recent memory, that I have been to a man's house on the first date. Probably, I shouldn't be doing this.

  "How do you like your steak?" he asks, pulling some meat packs out from the fridge.

  "Well-done," I say, eyeing up the meat.

  He gets back to cooking and I admire him at it. There is just something really sexy about a man cooking for me. It's weird to think that, but I shouldn't really be surprised that a bodybuilder can cook. These guys probably think about nothing else but food, muscle and... oh, I forgot - sex.

  The thought makes me blush. He glances over his shoulder just as I do.

  "Thinking about it?"

>   "What do you mean?"

  "Being here in THAT dress."

  "Not really. This is what I always wear on dates."

  Looking me over from head to toe, I get the feeling that he is judging whether I am lying or not and finding me quite the fibber.

  "Whatever you say."

  Putting a big plate of salad down on the table, he puts a steak in front of me and a glass of red wine.

  "It helps the taste a little. The meat is a week old."

  I take a sip. That meat doesn't look that old. I think Ed might be trying to get me drunk or hide the fact that this is probably horse meat.

  We eat for a bit and chat about regular people things. He makes no moves on me as we talk and I find myself, oddly, wanting him to. I guess that Ed is the only one at the gym that I am actually attracted to. That he isn't playing any kind of games with me is frustrating because guys my age are ALL about games. Talking like normal people - a new thing.

  Finishing our meal, he shows me the backyard and takes a seat next to the pool with me.

  "You are more beautiful than I thought," he says quietly after sipping on his beer for awhile.

  "I am? Which me do you like better, the one at work or this?"

  "Both are nice. I didn't ask you out because of your looks."

  "Why did you? We've known each other for months. I didn't think you were interested."

  He shrugs.

  "Took me awhile to decide I wanted to ask. It's not every day that I go out on a date."

  "Taking a girl to your house isn't a date, Ed. You are trying to get into my pants," I accuse.

  Ed leans over and runs his finger down my thigh. I shiver in the moonlight.

  "So what if I am? Isn't that what we men do?"

  "I suppose, but I'm no one's prize."

  His hand runs up my inner thigh. I want to stop him but don't. Those eyes of his have me paralyzed like a deer in the headlights of a large black SUV, possibly a ex-gang banger's.

  "You are a prize, but I agree you are your own woman. What would it take to make you mine?"

  I grin.


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