Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Collection

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Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Collection Page 28

by Laurie Anne Marie

  Charlie had jumped down from her cabinet in the bathroom onto the floor. He came running up to her with his tail puffed. His eyes were wide. He stood at her feet as still as a statue. She picked him up and hugged him.

  “Charlie! I wish you could talk. What happened? Where’s Susie Q?”

  Charlie struggled to be put down and then walked slowly into the bedroom. He went over to the bed and yowled. Ashley dropped to the floor and saw Susie hiding under the bed. She reached in and pulled her out and hugged her too.

  Who had been in her place? She started to shake. The nightmare was happening all over again. As soon as she could, she was going to move out of here.

  She called Detective Thompson with shaky hands.

  “Nate? Hi. Sorry to call you at this hour. I came home, and everything seemed fine at first, but it’s obvious I scared an intruder as my couch had been slept on and my bedroom window was open, and the screen was bent. Whoever it was must’ve gone out of it in a hurry and then dropped to the ground and took off.”

  “I’ll be right over to dust for fingerprints. Anything stolen that you know of?” Nate asked.

  “I don’t know; I haven’t had time to look. My cats are pretty scared too. They were hiding.”

  “Ok, I’m on my way,” Thompson said.

  Even though the detective was on his way, Ashley called Sean. She needed him. Sean and Detective Thompson arrived at almost the same time. She looked out her window and heard them both walking up the stairs. Mrs. Norris’s lights went on, and Ashley could see her peering out up at Ashley’s unit. Mary Gilden had wandered out of her apartment and was standing in the courtyard looking up as well. Ashley hoped that no other neighbors were going to come out and stare too. The last thing she needed was everyone standing around gossiping.

  “Ashley? Are you ok?” Sean asked, nervously. He put his arms around her. Ashley put her head on his shoulder.

  Thompson cleared his throat. “I’ll start looking around if you don’t mind.”

  “Thanks,” she muttered.

  Thompson’s jaw was clenched as he quickly dusted the couch and door for fingerprints, then went into the bedroom to check the window. Ashley followed him.

  Just as he started to examine it, Thompson shouted to them. “Get down!”

  A shot rang out from the back of her unit.

  Thompson saw two figures in back, and then they ran off.

  “What the--?” Sean said as he pushed Ashley to the floor.

  “Stay here! Some guys are in back,” Thompson ordered. He ran out the door. Ashley could hear him on his radio to the police department.

  Charlie hissed and took off to hide under the bed.

  Ashley and Sean slowly got off the floor. The room felt like it was spinning. They both kept away from the windows and sat still on the couch. Ashley wracked her brains thinking about who had been in her place and who was outside now. They must be connected. This neighborhood was changing. She’d be sorry to leave, but it was time.

  “I’m moving,” she said, aloud.

  “I would too,” Sean replied.

  “’I’m starting to pack soon,” she said.

  “I’ll help you.”

  “I’ll live with my parents until I find something.”

  “Or, you can stay with me.”

  Ashley sat still. It seemed life was running ahead, and she had to decide to run with it or risk being left behind. She turned and looked at Sean.

  “I can be messy,” Ashley said.

  He laughed. “Who are you talking to?”

  She finished her thought. “But my kitchen is usually clean.”

  Sean agreed. “Mine too.”

  Just then, they heard another shot from the back of the unit and sounds of running and more yelling.

  Ashley heard Thompson yell.

  “Freeze!” he shouted.

  Police sirens could be heard in the distance.

  By now, all the dogs in the complex as well as all over the neighborhood were barking and howling at high decibels. The residents were definitely up now and had their lights on. The apartment complex would be buzzing come dawn.


  Ashley and Sean waited for Thompson to show back up. Ashley was antsy to get outside ad see what was going on, but Sean wouldn’t let her. She paced and then decided to make coffee. No one was going to get much sleep tonight. Here she had a catering interview tomorrow and would have to put a game face on. She’d just have to have more coffee in the morning.

  Charlie peeked out from around the corner of her bedroom. He was clearly agitated and gave her a look as if to say, ‘if only I could figure out what I needed to do to get some sleep around here,’ and then tiptoed into the kitchen to beg for treats after all he had been through. Ashley gave him some soft cat nibbles. He gobbled them up, then ran to Sean and jumped on his lap.

  “Hey dude ‘bro, how’s it going? Too much excitement, huh?” Sean said, to Charlie.

  Charlie started to purr in Sean’s lap. Ashley brought coffee from the kitchen. If you didn’t know what had just happened, you would’ve thought it was the perfect domestic scene.

  Just then, Thompson banged on the door.

  “Hi, I kept it locked in case someone tried to run in,” Ashley said. “What happened?”

  “Rounded up a guy who apparently was doing a drug deal out back with someone. He might’ve been the guy who broke into your apartment. Squad car took him in for questioning. But one of them got away.”

  Just then, there was a knock at the door.

  Thompson answered it, and a shaking Mrs. Norris was outside.

  She peered in at Ashley. “Is this ever going to stop? What is going on here? I don’t know how much more I can take of this! Once upon a time we had a quiet apartment complex. Now it’s like a den of crooks hanging around. Shots fired outside in the alley! Unbelievable! My hair has gone gray in the last several months over this.”

  She kept glaring at Ashley.

  “Mrs. Norris, I’m sorry. This has upset me too. I didn’t ask for this,” Ashley said. She was tired and nervous and sad all at once, and she didn’t need Mrs. Norris grilling her.

  Sean jumped in. “Ma’am, I can assure you Ashley has nothing to do with this.”

  Thompson chimed in. “Ma’am, the town is changing, like towns everywhere. Crooks seek out small towns now to do their dirty business in so they’ll be out of the glare of the bright lights of the city. Unfortunately, Ashley has been targeted, but she is doing everything she can to cooperate with the investigation, and we’re keeping a good eye out for trouble. One of the perpetrators has been taken to jail.”

  Mrs. Norris sighed. She pulled her bathrobe in tighter and slumped over. She had tears in her eyes. For a moment, Ashley felt sorry for her. She knew that Mrs. Norris hadn’t signed up for this when she became a landlady. She got up and hugged her.

  “I’m sorry. I really am, but I’m moving. I’m giving you my notice tonight. Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon for you.”

  Mrs. Norris gasped. “I didn’t mean to drive you away. I’m only concerned for all my residents, you understand.”

  “You’re not driving me away. I’m leaving because it’s the smartest thing to do. Thanks for always watching over the place. Now try and get some sleep,” Ashley said.

  Mrs. Norris stood up straight. She looked positively elated and had a hard time concealing it.

  “Well, in that case, we will miss you dear, but I’m sure you will find another nice place to live. I should be able to get a good price for this unit. Finally, I can raise the rent!” she exclaimed.

  She then quickly looked at all three of them.

  “A reasonable amount, of course. Well, good night.”

  They heard her practically skip down the stairs.

  Sean laughed. “Well, tonight turned out to be a happy night for her at least.”

  “Yeah, maybe she’ll stop examining my life every minute now,” Ashley said, ruefully.

ere are you moving to?” Thompson asked.

  “Uh, not sure yet,” she said nervously, glancing at Sean. He gave her a half smile.

  “Smart decision. Too many creeps are coming at you here,” Thompson replied.

  Ashley sighed. “Yeah.”

  “Well, time to get back. We’ll be questioning that guy some more. Try to find out who the other perp was out back. Night,” Thompson said.

  “Good night, Nate. Thank you for everything,” Ashley said.

  “Hey, always here to help.” Thompson nodded at Sean and strode out the door.

  Ashley could now hear the quiet pounding in her ears. She gave Sean a slight smile and collected the coffee cups and took them into the kitchen. She heard him go to the bathroom, and then the sound of water running. She stood at the kitchen sink and meditated.

  Ashley gave thanks for her health and safety after this spooky night, her parents, her friends, and for her pets, not to mention for all the good things and good people and good experiences in her life. She felt a surge of gratitude that was so powerful it took her breath away.

  The door to the bathroom opened, and she heard Sean go into the bedroom. She walked in and saw him lying on the bed, fully dressed. She lay down beside him and put her head on his chest. He put his arm around her, and they lay there for a moment quietly. Charlie was on the bed with Susie Q, and they were both purring. Soon afterward, they all fell asleep. Just before she drifted off, Ashley gave thanks for Sean.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ashley’s alarm went off early, and she jolted awake. When she glanced at the time, she groaned. She stiffly got out of bed and looked around. She could hear the shower going, and neither of the cats was in the bedroom. Her catering appointment was today, and she had to get changed out of last night’s clothes and somehow pull herself together. She was exhausted. It wasn’t going to be an easy day, but she was feeling okay nonetheless. She had decided to go to Babycakes with Sean and have breakfast.

  Sean peeked around the corner with a towel on. He smiled. “I was just going to wake you. Your turn!”

  Ashley grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the shower. Sean gave her a quick kiss.

  She showered and changed and put on a little makeup and blow-dried her hair. Ashley stood there for a moment and really looked at herself in the mirror. For the first time in a long time, she liked what she saw. She admired her head of long brown shiny hair. She had always loved her hair, no matter what. Her skin was clear and her features were soft and appealing.

  She wasn’t skinny like so many women aspire to be, but she had grown to love her curves. They were feminine, and she could still enjoy food without starving herself. All in all, she apprised herself as being attractive. Just even thinking that made her blush. Then she reminded herself that so many years had passed where she had beaten herself up over her appearance, never thinking she was pretty enough.

  Apparently Sean thought she was attractive. She smiled to herself. She was thankful that her eyes were finally opening in realization.

  “Ash? Ash? We should get going. I still have to stop home and change quickly before I get to the bakery,” Sean said.

  “Coming!” She finished picking out a nice pair of flats and a matching purse.

  Susie Q was in the bottom of her closet, rolling around in a scarf.

  “Susie, did you pull down my scarves again?” Ashley asked.

  Susie gave her a rascally look. The kitten had captured her heart, even when she was wreaking havoc on everything. Susie loved drapes and towels and scarves. Ashley noticed the scarf had the right colors for her outfit.

  “Hey, thanks, I’ll take that.” She gently rolled Susie out of it, then gave her another one to play in. She left the closet door cracked open for her and headed to the kitchen.

  “Wow, you look great,” Sean said.

  “Thanks. I thought I’d get a professional look going. It still feels funny not to put on a cook’s uniform every day, though.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. I don’t know what I’d do if I had to make clothes choices every day. I’ll go put on my usual black pants and a dark shirt, then cover it all up with a baker’s apron,” he joked.

  “Oh, I’ve seen you clean up well,” she said.

  “I can. When I have too. Special occasions, like weddings and stuff.”

  She blushed at what he had said.

  “Ready?” she asked.

  “Let’s do it.”

  They walked out, but not before Ashley had checked that everything was locked up tight. Charlie looked at her and seemed to say, ‘no more creepy guys and cop cars tonight,’ and Ashley petted him.

  “Bye Charlie, guard the house.”


  They headed to their cars and agreed to meet at the bakery. Out of the corner of her eye, Ashley saw Mrs. Norris smiling out her window at her, and then Mary Gilden came out of her apartment and waved. Ashley waved back.

  She’d miss Mary, but Mary may not miss her after all the incidents at the complex. Surprisingly, Mary had never mentioned them or gossiped about anything. It was refreshing.

  Meanwhile, Ashley saw Mrs. Norris continue to smile wide and wave too, so Ashley waved back as well. The landlady had never been so happy to see her now that she knew Ashley was going.

  Ashley laughed to herself as she drove to the bakery. Even after all that recently happened, she felt a quiet satisfaction deep inside. Her personal life seemed to be taking a turn for the better. Now if the murder case could just get solved and crime would leave Comfortville.

  She noticed the cop car following quietly behind her. “Thank you, Nate,” she thought.



  She walked into the bakery packed with early morning townsfolk. The place smelled of cinnamon sticky buns, donuts, croissants and ham and eggs. The counter was packed with people sipping coffee and eating Sean’s great food.

  She heard a server yell to the back. “Four ham and egg biscuits to go!”

  Ashley’s stomach rumbled, and she decided she was going to eat for the ages. Sean flew in and out of the kitchen, giving her a quick wave, then tending to customers.

  She took a seat at the counter as all the tables were taken. She had to wait a minute to get served; everyone was scrambling. She looked around at the hungry crowd. She zeroed in on a skinny man with glasses at the back. Was that Noel White?

  A server interrupted her thoughts. “Thanks for your patience. Busy morning! Do you know what you’d like?”

  “Yes, I’ll have coffee, a ham and egg biscuit, and a buttermilk donut,” Ashley said. “Oh, and a fresh squeezed orange juice.”

  Sean waved at her again. He was running in high gear. She peered around slowly again and looked towards the back. It was Noel.

  The server came over with a plate heaped with the ham biscuit and the donut. She put down the coffee and orange juice and Ashley’s eyes lit up. Ashley sighed as she bit into her biscuit. It was loaded with flavor. The sweet and salty ham, the buttery cheddar cheese, and the flaky biscuit made for a perfect breakfast. The coffee was strong and rich, and she chased it all down with the fresh orange juice. She decided to save the donut for later. It would make a good stress snack.

  She turned around slightly and noticed Noel on his phone. His face got red, and he started to talk hurriedly, and then he ran out of the bakery.


  Ashley craned her neck to look out from the window. Noel got into a car and screeched out of the lot. Ashley stared wide eyed.

  Sean got a quick break and came back to say hello.

  “Did you like the ham biscuit?”

  “Love it! And I also just saw Noel White here eating, but he got on his phone and started talking to someone, then ran out.”

  “The salesman from Hartman’s?”

  “Yeah. Something else is going on. Gotta figure out how it all adds up.”

  “Well, at least you got to eat,” Sean said.

  “And eat well I did. I’m a li
ttle piggy now. So delicious,” she said.

  “Thanks. What time is your catering interview?”

  “At three. I’m going to stop in at my parents, and then meet Lara for lunch. Gotta go. Thanks for breakfast. I owe you.”

  “No, you don’t. It’s for the cause to clean up Comfortville. Tell Lara hello. Hope she’s doing ok. See you later. I gotta go, too,” he said, as he jetted back to the counter.


  Ashley went out to her car. She looked up and down the street, but of course, there was no sign of Noel White.

  Whatever was going on with him, hopefully she would figure it out soon. She pulled out of the parking lot and headed to check in on her parents. Then she hoped to convince Lara to help her again on this new catering job.

  Hopefully, it would help take her mind off Will. She wanted to cheer her up most of all and focus on the engagement. It should be a time for celebration even though the timing was awkward. Things didn’t always work out the way you wanted them too. She sighed and thought how complicated everything had gotten again in Comfortville.

  Then she noticed that the cop car wasn’t following her. Where was it? Not that she probably needed it during broad daylight, but this was strange.


  Ashley headed to her parents and turned on the radio.

  “A news flash just came in. Will Longley has just been charged with the murder of Bob Hartman. Officials say the twenty-one-year-old admitted to the crime under heavy questioning. We will provide you with more information as soon as we can follow up on this breaking story,” a Radio Anchor said.

  Ashley gasped. Were they kidding? Will may have been involved with drugs, but there was no way he could have murdered anyone! Had he been coerced or had he been set up? She felt her teeth grind. This was turning out to be a nightmare. All she could think of just then was her friend and her family.


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