Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Collection

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Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Collection Page 30

by Laurie Anne Marie

  Ashley smiled at Stephanie. “Lovely. I’m going to enjoy working in this room.”

  “So glad you like it. Any questions?”

  “Not that I can think of right now. I’m sure I will have some, so just give me time to leave, and then I’ll probably call you right away on my cell,” Ashley joked.

  “Sounds like me,” Stephanie laughed.

  She walked with Ashley to her car. “Thanks again, we’ll talk soon.”

  “Bye,” Ashley said, as she drove off.

  She glanced around at the beautiful scenery as she went down the hill. She had a good feeling about this upcoming event. Stephanie seemed like she would be great to work with and the energy of the place was wonderful. And it would be a wedding! Those are always happy times. It would certainly be less stressful than the party at Hartman’s Autos was.


  Just as she drove down around the third bend in the road, a car came hurtling out of a dirt lane and sped after her. The next thing she knew, she had been rammed from behind on the right side, and her car went over the edge of the road.

  She held on tight to the wheel and screamed as the vehicle bounced down the side of the gully. It crashed into the side of the tree on the passenger side, and her airbag inflated. She was stuck behind it and tried to reach over and open the door. Soon she could hear a voice above her and desperately tried to get out of the car.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Are you ok?” someone said, from above on the road.

  Ashley gasped. She finally wiggled herself free from the airbag and squeezed out of the car. She stood there for a moment and then started to feel herself all over. Nothing seemed to be broken. She felt her neck. It was sore, but that was to be expected. She bent down and looked in the rearview mirror. No blood that she could see. She called 911 and told them she had gone off the road near Meeter’s Inn and begged them to get there immediately.

  “Miss, are you ok? I’m coming down,” the voice said.

  Ashley looked up and saw a figure walking down towards her. The late afternoon sun was very bright through the trees, and it was hard to focus. Just then, a fierce headache came on. She leaned over and threw up in the leaves.

  A man with a very concerned look was peering at her. “I came around the corner and saw you flying off the side. Why don’t you let me check you out?”

  “I just called an ambulance,” she said, weakly.

  He stared at her. “You’d better sit down. It might take them some time to get up here.”

  “Am I bleeding anywhere that you can see?” Ashley asked.


  “Did you see a car hit me from behind?”

  “No. Someone hit you from behind?”

  “Yeah. I may not be the world’s best driver, but I tend to stay on the road. I had a little help trying to fly for a minute there,” she joked weakly.

  She noticed him intensely staring at her.

  “Sorry, a little black humor. I was really scared, and now I realize that I could have been really hurt, and I’m kind of a mess at the moment.” Ashley started to shake. Her eyes welled up with tears.

  “That’s all right, I totally understand. It’s ok. Now, sit down, here by the trees. Let me get a better look at you.”

  He walked closer to her with a strange look on his face.

  As soon as he said that, they could hear the sirens in the distance. Thank goodness for a prompt response in these little towns.

  He looked up nervously towards the road and then backed away.

  “Well, you’re in good hands. I better get going. I’m late for my appointment,” the man said.

  “Thanks, but can you wait and talk to the police?” Ashley called.

  But the man scrambled up the hill.


  The EMT’s came running down to the crash site and started taking her vitals before they loaded her into the van. For a minute, Ashley felt really silly. She didn’t feel that bad.

  She smiled weakly. “Thanks guys, I’m sure I’m ok. Just have a big headache.”

  “We’ll just take you in to have you checked out and confirm you’re ok,” one EMT said.

  A second wail of a police car was off in the distance. By the time they got her to the top of the road, the cop was approaching the ambulance.

  “Hey, Miss Crane. How are you? How did this happen?” the policeman said.

  Ashley recognized him from the last case. He was one of the nice cops who had watched over her family. She gave him a weak smile.

  “Seems I put myself in front of a car that wanted to give me a rocket boost off the road.”

  “Well, we will check into that. I’ll get the tow truck here, and we will examine your rear bumper to get paint samples and keep an eye out for front end damage in another car. You go and get checked out; then we can take a report.”

  “Thanks. Oh, and that nice man was the one who stopped and came to help me,” she said.

  The policeman looked around.

  “What man?”

  “He was just here,” she blinked. “He came down the hill to help me, then walked back up.”

  They saw a small gray car heading off in the distance away from town.

  “Did he see anything?” the policeman asked.

  “I don’t know; we didn’t discuss that,” Ashley said. “But he came down right after the accident and said he was there to help. At least that’s what I remember. My head hurts.”

  “Ok, we’ll talk later. Take her away, folks.”

  The EMT’s shut the back of the van and drove her to Comfortville Hospital. On the ride there, Ashley laughed. An EMT looked at her in surprise.

  “Just thinking how fragile life is,” she mused. “Not that this accident is funny. I think that’s a nervous laugh. Or, maybe it comes from the bang on my head.”

  “No need to explain. You have no idea how much I agree with you. Especially when you see what I see on this job,” he agreed.

  Ashley thought about how she was going to explain all this to her parents. She had withheld some information up to this point because of how scared they got last time when she was threatened. She knew she’d have to come clean now. With Sean, too.

  She had to really tell him how serious everything was. He needed to come and stay with her. Even though her head was throbbing with pain, she smiled at the thought. More than ever now, she knew he was the man for her.

  Funny how something like that made her realize what your priorities were. She thought about people everywhere who found themselves in terrible situations, how they must think of their loved ones at that time too. It was human nature. It was all about love. That was all that really mattered. She wanted to be home safe and sound and with everyone around her. She was tired of being a tough guy. Or a tough girl for that matter. She just wanted to be her. And the best person that she could be.


  The EMT’s pulled into the hospital and unloaded her quickly from the van. The doctors gave her a thorough checking out, and some MRI’s to be on the safe side.

  “You seem to be fine. Nothing was broken. No concussion. But the moment anything feels funny, please let me know”, the doctor said.

  “I will. I just need to get rid of this killer headache,” she said.

  “That’s a normal reaction to an accident. But if it gets worse, let me know about that too.”

  “Thanks for everything doctor,” she said.

  “You’re welcome. You need to go home and rest after this. Take care,” the doctor replied.

  Ashley called Sean from the hospital. She explained everything and that her car was being towed to be examined.

  “I’ll come right over and get you. We’re just cleaning up. See you soon,” Sean said.

  Then, she called Thompson. She had a backlog of news to go over with him.

  “Nate Thompson here.”

  “Nate! I’ve been trying to tell you about a lot of things going on, but you’ve been busy, and now I’m in the hospital afte
r getting run off the road. They’re towing my car to be examined, and I need to file a report. Can I please come and see you?” Ashley said.

  “Slow down. First things first. Were you hurt?” he asked.

  “No, I’m ok. They just examined me. A huge headache, though, but some aspirin and a good cup of coffee should do the trick. We really need to talk. Can I come in?”

  “Come over as soon as you can. I’ll make the time.”

  “Ok, see you soon. Sean is driving me over.”



  “Glad you’re ok,” he said. His voice quavered.

  She smiled as he hung up. What a softie.

  Just then, she realized she’d forgotten to ask Sean for coffee! A few pastries wouldn’t hurt either. She dialed him quickly.

  “Sean, have you left? I forgot to ask you to bring coffee and a few sweets.” She rubbed her throbbing temples.

  “Don’t worry, got you covered. Double espresso, two pieces of pound cake and two cannolis.”

  “Oh, thank you, thank you. See you soon.”


  Ashley sat down in the lobby and looked for Sean’s car. She started to call her parents and tell them what happened, then thought better of it. She decided to wait until they were sitting down together. Otherwise they would panic and call off their cruise trip plans, which was the last thing she wanted.

  She noticed the trees started to rustle with the early evening wind coming up. People were coming and going as they picked up patients. How many of them had a brush with death? Or, a disease that threatened their lives? In her heart, she wished all of them well and safe journeys home. She was tired, but she had to go see Detective Thompson. All of this was too much for her.

  Just then, a faded gray car pulled into the lot and hesitated in the driveway. Then it made a small turn to the left. The driver was that man who had come to her aid when she flew off the road. He stayed in the car while it was running, then backed up and turned around and headed out again. First, he looked towards the hospital and got on his phone. What was he doing here?

  He drove his old gray car out just as Sean drove in. Ashley got his license plate number and wrote it down. She waited until the gray car had disappeared, then walked out of the lobby door and waved at Sean as he pulled up.

  “Sean quick, take me to Detective Thompson. I’ve got to tell him everything that happened!” Ashley said.

  “Hey, nice to see you too. I’m fine, thanks. And here is your coffee, and help yourself to the food,” Sean replied.

  “Thanks. Sorry, but I’ve got so much to go over with the detective. Wait till you hear what happened,” she blurted out.

  “I can’t wait, but seriously, are you ok?”

  “Yeah, the doctors really checked me out. I have a hard head, so that helps.”

  Sean laughed. “Eat, drink, and shoot. I’m listening.”

  She told him everything about the accident, including the man who had helped her and who had just driven into the hospital parking lot before he picked her up. She went on breathlessly, filling him on things that she hadn’t really described in detail with him. He drove quietly while listening, and kept looking over at her.

  “You need to tell me everything as soon as it happens from now on,” Sean said.

  “I know. I’m sorry. Just hate to worry everyone. Can you come over to my parents tonight with me?”


  “Can you stay with me tonight, and maybe tomorrow night too? I don’t want to be alone.”

  “Sure again.” He smiled while looking straight ahead. They pulled into the police station, and she got out.

  “Want to come in? I don’t know how long I’ll be,” she said.

  “No, that’s ok. I have a feeling you’ll be in there awhile. I’m going to run some errands. Just call me when you’re done and I’ll come back and get you.”

  “Ok, will do. And you’re sure you don’t mind staying with me for a few days? I know it’s a pain to go between two households and all that. You can bring your clothes--” she started to say.

  “Ash? I don’t mind. I’m happy to. I want you to be safe,” he said.

  “Thanks.” She paused and looked at his sweet face.

  “You’ve always been so good to me. I sometimes wonder why.”

  “Because I love you. I’ve loved you for a long time. Now, go in and talk to the detective. See you later.”

  Sean waved and drove off leaving her standing there rooted to the ground.

  So he had said it first. The “L” word. She stood there with a big smile on her face and waved back. Maybe he couldn’t see as he had driven so far already. He waved again out the window. He had seen.


  Thompson was standing at the entrance to the station when Ashley turned around.

  “Hurry up before someone else starts to bug me,” he said.

  She walked up to him and gave him a hug. He looked surprised.

  “What’s that all about?” he asked.

  “Just that I’m lucky to be alive, and the world looks great at the moment.”

  “You’re acting mighty happy right after you‘ve had an accident. Did you take a big bump on the noggin?” he said and touched her forehead.

  “My airbag went off, but I’m sure I still bumped something. I’ve gotten a clean bill of health, and it could’ve been worse, as they say. Now here I am, ready to give you so much information your head will spin!”

  “Ok, let’s get to my office and see what you got. Coffee?”

  “Always. Get ready, here goes.”

  Ashley filled him in on what Betsy, her mom’s decoupage friend had told them about seeing Mark Laughlin and Donna Hartman at the coffee shop together. Then, she explained about the cop car that was supposed to be protecting her but kept disappearing. Finally, she described the accident she’d gotten into after she left her catering interview.

  Thompson frowned.

  “You know Ashley, it could’ve just been reckless driving. Someone going too fast and sideswiped you, then took off so they wouldn’t get sued. Happens all the time. Of course if my guy had been following you like he was supposed to, he could have verified that. I’ve got to talk to him right away and find out what’s going on. “

  “Do you think he was called away for an emergency?”

  “Don’t know, but I’ll find out. Did the guy who stopped to help you give you his name? It would be nice to have him help with the police report,” Thompson said.

  “No, he didn’t. He just came down the hill and wanted to know if I was okay. I told him I had already called an ambulance. He wanted to check me out, but as soon as we heard the ambulance, he said he had to get going as he was running late for an appointment. It was good to have him there because if I hadn’t been able to get out of the car and call 911, he could have.”

  “A good Samaritan. You’re lucky.”

  “Yeah, except then he did something strange. When I was released and waiting for Sean at the hospital, I saw him drive in the parking lot, and then get on his phone and look at the hospital, but then he drove away.”

  “Maybe he wanted to check out how you were doing.”

  “I think he saw me in the lobby window, but he drove off. He didn’t come in to see how I was doing,” Ashley explained. “But here’s his license number.”

  “Ok, we will run it. It doesn’t sound suspicious. He probably saw the car that ran into you and didn't want to get involved. No one does these days,” he grumbled.

  “But this info about Laughlin and Donna Hartman is sure interesting. I wonder what they’re up too,” Ashley ruminated.

  “Maybe they were just talking about the future of the dealership? Perhaps he wants to make sure his job is secure?” Thompson got up and started to pace his office.

  “Well, I’m sure Brad Hartman is going to take over and run the place with his mom. Where would Mark fit in then?” Ashley got up and paced around him.

  “Still ne
ed a general manager,” he said.

  “Yeah but Mark has a bad history there with Bob Hartman. Maybe Brad suggested hiring someone else and Mark was appealing to Donna Hartman.”

  “Maybe. I’ve got to think about this. Thanks for all the info,” he said.

  “You’re welcome,” she said.

  Ashley stood up to go. But she wasn’t quite done yet.

  “Oh, and you do know that you’ve got the wrong guy for murder, don’t you?”

  “Ashley, Will confessed to the murder. He gave a very probable account of how he did it. I have to go on what I have here. I’m sorry.”

  “He may have confessed, but he didn’t do it. He’s covering up something. Or for someone. I intend to find out who.”

  “Look, we have the suspect. You’ve been a big help like last time, but please stay out of trouble.”

  “How can I do that? Someone just pushed me off the road today. And I don’t think it was just reckless driving. Does that have to do with Will? He’s already in jail, so why go after me?”

  “I told you; I’ll look into that. And I’ll get another car on you pronto.”

  “Thanks, Nate. See you.”



  “I mean it. I know you. Don’t look for trouble. Go do your catering job. We're on it.”

  “I heard you,” she replied before she walked out the door.

  Thompson let out a big sigh and muttered to himself. “What’s it going to take to keep that woman out of trouble?”

  “I heard that!” Ashley shouted as she walked down the hall.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sean picked her up from the station, and they went home to check up on the cats and get a side dish ready to take to her parents. April said she was making pot roast, so Ashley decided to do a roasted carrot and onion dish with fennel. Her headache was less painful now, and she was feeling better. She was glad Sean would be with her tonight when she confronted her parents about the accident. Otherwise, they would panic even more.


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