Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Collection

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Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Collection Page 33

by Laurie Anne Marie

  “Oh, hey. Thought you might want to know something. Janice Hartman was in the police station early this morning giving a statement to the detective. We saw her leaving as we came in.”

  “Uh, thanks. I’ll ask Thompson about it.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ashley drove faster to see the detective. Janice Hartman hadn’t really been on her radar as much as all the other players. Even though Ashley was just at the Hartman house, there was no mention of Janice from the mom or brother.

  Could Janice really kill her father over his disapproval of her dating Jason Steppe? It hardly seemed feasible. Maybe there was something else. Something she hadn’t thought about. She racked her brains. She couldn’t wait to see the detective.

  Ashley walked into the station just as some cops were bringing in a drunk. The drunk was blabbering that he had seen something fishy, and they had better listen to him.

  “Yeah, yeah, let’s get you in a nice warm cell and you can tell us everything later,” one policeman said.

  Once inside the station, Ashley knocked on the door to Thompson’s office.

  “Come in,” Thompson said. He was busy rifling through some papers and on the computer at the same time. His shot her a stern look when he saw her.

  “Hey. What have you been up to?”

  She breathlessly told him about running into the man at the body shop who had been at the accident, but that he had driven off in a hurry. Then she relayed all the info she got grilling everyone.

  Thompson frowned. “I’ve already had a call from Jason Steppe that you were at the dealership questioning him. He didn’t like it and had told me it better stop. Now you’re telling me you went to Brad Hartman’s house and confronted him and his mother? That’s crazy Ashley. Look, I told you not to go poking around. You said you were just going to run errands and go home and not to put a car on you. And here you are putting yourself in danger.”

  “Nate, I told you, you’ve got the wrong person in jail for the murder. He happens to be my best friend’s brother. I’m also being followed as you know, so I need to check everyone out. We need to get this case solved ASAP!”

  Ashley then opened her purse and took out the memory stick and held it in her hand.

  “By the way, I heard that Janice Hartman was here this morning and gave a statement? Is that true? And what was it all about?”

  Thompson jumped up and paced the floor. He leaned over and pounded his desk.

  “Whoa, Nate. Calm down. I’m trying to help,” Ashley insisted.

  “I know that!” he shouted. He took a deep breath and turned around and faced her with an exasperated look on his face.

  “Sorry,” he muttered.

  “That’s ok. Continue,” she said.

  “Janice Hartman said Mark Laughlin saw Will murder her father. She said he witnessed it and told her what he saw.”

  “Told her? Why her?” Ashley wondered.

  “She said they were close. He wanted to get it off his chest. Then she said he left town early yesterday morning. She didn’t want to keep his secret any longer, so she came in.”

  Ashley stood there in thought for a moment.

  “So that’s more implication against Will,” Thompson said.

  “Maybe not. How do we know Laughlin was telling her the truth? Now that’s he’s gone, how are you going to question him on this?”

  “We’ll just have to try and find him. We couldn’t keep anyone here after Will confessed to the murder. We put an APB out on Laughlin right after Janice left. ”

  Thompson continued. “Then she said someone had wiped her father’s computer clean. I asked her what was on her dad’s computer other than the usual business stuff, and she said a lot of personal info about banking and investments that he didn’t want his wife to know about. Or his son.”

  “Then how did she know about it? Why would her dad tell her but not the rest of his family?” Ashley asked.

  “He didn’t. She admitted that when her father asked her to come in and help out as a receptionist whenever Holly Harris was sick, or they were both ‘out of town’ that she snooped on his computer and found all the info. He had a password, but she claims she found out what it was by searching his drawers and got into his files whenever she wanted. She never told him about it. She just kept looking at it when he and Holly weren’t there, and she kept finding stuff.”

  “So, where does she think the information is now?”

  “She doesn’t know for sure but said she thinks someone from the dealership took off with it. She went into her dad’s office after his murder and checked his computer, and all the info was gone.”

  “Gone? Didn’t you check his computer? Or another detective? That’s standard after a murder, you know.”

  “I know Ashley, I know. And I did. I talked to a couple of other cops, and they did too. Then we took the computer in. We just went over it again this morning after she left and we can’t find anything.”

  Ashley held the memory stick out. “It may be on this.”


  “It was under my bed. My cat was playing with it. Whoever was in my apartment snooping around must have dropped it. Let’s put it in and find out what’s on it.”

  Thompson plugged the memory stick into his computer, and sure enough, tons of files came up. Names of offshore banks, investments, real estate, and names of people to contact for all of it. Hartman had tons of money squirreled away. This was in addition to what his dealership was making.

  Thompson let out a low whistle. “Seems old man Hartman had his hands in a lot of things.”

  Ashley scrolled down and then stood there in shock.

  Hartman’s Last Will and Testament was on a file too. At first glance, it seemed he had provided for his entire family. It was hard to know if what he was leaving everyone included all his hidden assets, however. They’d have to appoint a forensic accountant to look everything over.

  Then Ashley noticed something odd. Brad Hartman had been cut out of the will.

  “Look, Nate. Brad Hartman stood to inherit the house his dad bought for him, and he got to keep his fleet of cars and all his personal belongings, but other than that, he was left nothing,” Ashley pointed out.

  “That’s crazy,” Thompson mused. “Could they have been that at odds with one another?”

  “It says there’s a letter for everyone stating Hartman’s intentions. But....”

  Ashley kept scrolling down. “I don’t see anything else on this stick.”

  “We’ll make a copy and have it gone over again. Hartman must’ve left some instructions or reason why he cut his son out of the will.”

  “Look, he even left Holly Harris ten thousand dollars,” Ashley pointed out.

  “Wait until Mrs. Hartman sees that,” Thompson muttered.

  “Another question, sir.”

  “Isn’t Bob Hartman’s memorial next weekend?” Ashley asked.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  “Then you need to be there.”

  “I will. Along with every person who ever bought a car from him or had business dealing with him.”

  “Or invested with him in those offshore deals. Better get all of those names checked out.”

  “I’ve thought of that already, Ash. But thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “Oh, I knew you had, Nate. Just stating the obvious. Let me know what else you turn up on those files. I’d have someone tail Janice Hartman. Just in case she knows where Laughlin is even though she ratted on him.”

  Ashley then waved and walked out. She heard Thompson get on the phone and order up a tail on Janice. Ashley smiled to herself.

  Chapter Twenty

  Ashley jumped into her rental car and took off. She was glad she had told Thompson she didn’t need a car following her today. It bought her some time just to check out a few more things.

  She had no time to think of anything else but trying to get Will free. With all this new info, they should close in on the real kil
ler soon and release Will. Her heart was pounding as she drove into town. She needed to cruise around and see if she could spot Laughlin.

  Janice could have lied about him leaving town to get the cops all worked up. This could all be decoy information. Janice was the wild card, after all. Especially with the new information she gave the detective. Who could trust what she would say or do?

  Ashley drove all over, through town, and on the outskirts of town. She kept glancing nervously in her rear view mirrors to see if she was being followed. She didn’t have backup to rely on.

  “That could have been the worst move ever to dismiss that car,” she thought.

  The storm had seemed to pass over them, but there were still gray clouds in the sky. She circled around again and went back through town. She parked and got out of her car and just started walking the street, looking around. She decided to grab a coffee and sit on the bench for a while. Maybe she’d see something.

  Her cell phone rang.

  “Hello, Ashley? This is Stephanie over at Meeter’s Lodge. Just wanted to let you know that I went over your menu with the bride, and she loves it. We are all set for the reception. Do you have any questions?” Stephanie said.

  “No, but thanks. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Ashley sighed with relief. No more work to do with the menu for that wedding reception. It was still a few weeks off, but her mind was so preoccupied right now with the investigation, it was hard to think of anything else. She still had to finish drawing up the menus for the other two potential jobs too. Never a dull moment.

  It was chilly, and she pulled her scarf tighter around her neck. Then she spied Noel White get into a car and take off down the street.

  Ashley ran to her car and jumped in and headed right after his car. She couldn’t see him for a few minutes, but then she caught him turning left up at the light and followed him. To her surprise, he seemed to be heading in the direction of the police station.

  Ashley could hardly believe her eyes when Noel White turned into the station parking lot. She sat in her car for a few minutes in shock. Then she picked up her cell phone to make a call, and it rang first.

  “Ashley? Nate here. Noel White just came into the station and turned himself in on drug charges. We’ll pump him to find out how much he was working with Will. Or if he was making Will work for him. We’re a step closer to figuring out if this ties into Hartman’s murder too.”

  “That’s great,” she said. “Who would’ve thought? Pale, skinny Noel. He must have already been making good money on his commissions at the dealership,” she said.

  “For some people, good money is not enough. They just want more.” Thompson said.

  Ashley sighed. The things people did for money.

  “By the way Ash, why didn’t you want the car today? With this new info, you should have one.”

  “Just worried about resources, that’s all. I think the cop should come over tonight. When the demons come out,” Ashley replied.

  “You let me worry about resources,” Thompson said. “And the demons are everywhere, at any time.”


  Ashley drove to Babycakes. Time for coffee. She needed to think. She and Sean could brainstorm.

  Ashley then noticed a cop car following her. She sighed and pulled into the Babycakes parking lot. She waved when she got out of her rental. The cop nodded at her. She made a note to herself to bring him some pastries.


  As soon as she walked in, Sean came over and handed her coffee and a big slice of lemon pound cake. It had a thin glaze on it and shaved lemon peel. A small mound of crème fraiche was next to it. Sweet and sour. Perfect.

  Ashley decided to stay in the bakery and wait for Sean until he closed up. She needed to check her emails and send some as well. She’d also start working on her menus for the two potential catering gigs. She was delighted when one of them had replied in an email and liked her resume. They wanted to meet with her next week. Great.

  Now hopefully she’d get the other one too and start building her business going into next year. She thought about two fall/winter menus that would be delicious and starting typing them into her phone. Each one could be perfect for a seasonal or holiday party.

  “Ash?” Sean said.

  “I’m going to have stay a couple of hours later today. Can I meet you at your place at seven for dinner? That’s not too late, is it? Lots to catch up on here. Need to do some ordering.”

  “Sure. I’ll head back and get dinner ready. Thought a rosemary roast chicken, haricot verts, steamed baby potatoes, and a baguette would be perfect. And a good bottle of red wine.”

  “Sounds amazing. See you then,” Sean said.


  Ashley waved to the cop when she walked out and gestured that she was just going down the street. She walked to the little greengrocer to pick up the herbs and the beans. Then she walked a few more stores down to the cheese shop and picked up a small brie and a baguette. She already had the chicken and potatoes at home from the farmers market. It would be a perfect autumn dinner.

  Suddenly, Janice Hartman rushed by on the opposite side of the street. It wouldn’t hurt to follow her for a few minutes. She hadn’t talked to her yet, and she still had so many questions about Bob Hartman’s murder.

  Janice went into the florist, then came out quickly and headed down the street. She hadn’t bought anything, so she just might have checked on an order. Then, she darted into a dress shop, and Ashley followed her in. There was only one other customer in there and a salesgirl. Janice rifled through some dresses on a rack.

  “May I help you choose anything?” the salesgirl asked.

  Janice sniffled and wiped her eyes. “I need something for a funeral.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Let me help you. We have some elegant black dresses over here,” the salesgirl replied.

  “Oh, I don’t want anything black. I’m wearing bright red to this funeral. Blood color red!” Janice blurted out.

  The sales girl eyes’ opened wide. “Um, I have a few red dresses over here.”

  Janice followed her. Ashley stood off to the side and listened while pretending to look at the dresses.

  Janice chose one and paid for it, then darted out of the store again. Ashley turned on her heels and followed her. The salesgirl just stood there gaping.


  Ashley caught up to Janice at her car parked on a side street.

  “Hello, Janice. How are you?” Ashley asked.

  Janice was short with her. “I’m not good! And I’m sorry, but I have to go.”

  “I just wanted to offer my condolences on your father’s passing. I’m sure this is a very difficult time for you.”

  “Excuse me, but who are you?”

  “I’m Ashley Crane. I was the caterer at your father’s party.”

  “The one where he was murdered?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid so.”

  “Well, I definitely don’t want to talk to you! I can’t think of that night!” Janice cried.

  She started to get into her car.

  Ashley had to talk with her before she left.

  “Look, I know this is a hard time for you, but I understand you were at the station and revealed that Mark Laughlin confided in you that he had seen Will Longley murder your father. You told the police that he’s now left town. They’re looking everywhere for him at this moment, and it’s only a matter of time before they find him and question him about that. You could really help out if you told me where you think he might have gone.”

  Janice glared. “How would I know that?”

  “Because, you told the police that you were close to him. That he told you things. That you two shared things. And that you found your father’s computer had been wiped clean. Had Mark gotten the password? Were you in on it together? You must know where he went. He must have told you.”

  Ashley held onto Janice’s car door and stared hard at her.

  Janice burst into sobs. She put her f
ace in her hands started to cry uncontrollably. Ashley couldn’t believe it. She had made everyone in the family cry. But this time, she didn’t feel bad about it. She needed more information, and she needed it fast. Who knew where Mark Laughlin could be now?

  Janice had a meltdown.

  “How would you feel if you found out that your father had cut you out of his will? What would you do? He left all his money to everyone but me! Just because I was dating Jason Steppe. He was really angry about it and called me from his office after he walked out of the party. He said I wouldn’t get one penny! I called Mark and told him about it, and he was furious. He always hated my dad, and this only made him hate my father more. I had already gone home with Jason, but Mark was still in his office when I called him. I asked him if my father was still there and he said yes. When I found out that my father had been murdered, I confronted Mark and asked him how he could’ve possibly killed him! But he said he didn’t, that Will Longley had.”

  Janice took a breath but kept crying. Ashley hung on every word.

  “He said he saw my dad confront Will outside over dealing drugs at the party and that they had gotten into a big fight. He said Will hit my dad and then he fell back on the concrete and hit his head.”

  Janice kept crying.

  Ashley stood there thinking.

  “Wait a minute. You just said your dad left money to everyone but you in the will? That he only cut you out of the will? No one else? And he told you that night after you had left with Jason Steppe?”

  “Yes, I just said all that. Now can you please leave me alone? I have to help my mom prepare for the memorial. I can’t take any more stress,” Janice insisted.

  “Ok, thanks for talking to me. Again, I’m sorry about everything,” Ashley said.

  Janice slammed her car door and took off.


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