Fairytale Shifters: The Complete Series

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Fairytale Shifters: The Complete Series Page 30

by Riley, Alexa

  It’s a strange sensation, but I try not to think about it, instead focusing on helping Flint. If his mate is out here, we’ll find her.

  We wind through the trees of the forest, the snow making everything quiet. After a few milestones, Flint stops abruptly, and Forest and I come up beside him. We stare down a side road that’s off the main highway. It’s not traveled much because it’s a back way to Dominic and Ruby’s house. I don’t think they even use it because there’s a better entrance that’s closer to their house a mile or so down the road. But looking at this narrow road in the woods, there are fresh tire tracks that are rapidly being covered in snow. Night has almost fallen, so it makes it impossible to see all the way down the stretch of road. Forest nods in the direction of Dom and Ruby’s house, and we all follow.

  Up ahead I hear the sounds of what might be someone crying. I stop and turn my ears, my wolf on high alert. My brothers do the same and we look around. I spot something on the side of the road in the distance—it might be a car. The bank of snow is huge, but it could be under it.

  Slowly we all walk over to where the noise is coming from. As we get closer, I can see it’s a small car that’s gone off the road and into a ditch and has since been covered by snow. Having a white car in this weather is dangerous, and if we hadn’t been out here whoever it is may have remained stuck.

  The three of us shift and look at one another before we go down to the car.

  “I hope they’re shifter. Otherwise three naked guys in a snow storm is going to cause a lot of problems,” Forest says as we go to the side of the car and dig away some of the snow around the driver’s side window.

  When the window is clear, a small blonde that I’ve never seen in town before looks at us. For a second I think she’s going to freak out, but then there’s relief and a smile on her face. She must recognize we’re not fully human.

  “Sit back and we’ll dig your door out. We’ll get you out of there,” Flint says, and she smiles at him, nodding.

  She’s so small, but she’s utterly beautiful. Her white-blonde curls frame her face and her giant blue eyes look at us with so much hope and trust. I feel an immense need to pull her out of the car with my bare hands and hold her to my chest.

  Sure, I’ve found shifter women nice looking before, but always at a casual glance. I never cared for them if they weren’t my mate, and it’s not like our cocks can get hard without them being the one. So, what was the point? But now as I stare at her, this small woman is stirring something inside me that I didn’t know was there.

  I blink a few times, realizing that I’m not doing anything to help get her out, so I dig with my brothers. It doesn’t take long before her car door is uncovered and she pulls on the handle to open it.

  She pushes it open, and I inhale. In an instant, the warm smell of home fills my lungs and I know then why she’s different.

  “MINE!” I growl at the same time as my brothers.

  Chapter 6


  Everything happens so fast, and I try to keep up with what’s going on. One moment I’m sitting in my car, terrified I’m going to get stuck out in a snow storm for days and likely die. Now I’m surrounded by hot naked men who look like they’re about to come to blows over me.

  I glance around at the three men that I know are shifter wolves based on their size and shape. Their faces have changed some because of the intensity between them, and my heart starts pounding.

  Their three big bodies are hard as rock, with muscles on top of muscles. They’re all broad with bulging arms and thighs. I’ve never seen men more perfectly sculpted—or naked. Thick long cocks harden and grow in length as they stare at me. Oh god.

  The three of them are claiming that I belong to them, and my legs squeeze tightly together. My body begins to hum with awareness and my nipples grow painfully tight. Heat curls up my spine, and I arch, wanting desperately to press my breasts against the fabric of my shirt to find some relief. Moisture pools between my thighs, and I feel the dampness soak my panties and then my jeans. Instantly my pussy is soaked and wetter than it has ever been before. I can even feel my lower lips throb with the desire to welcome one, or two, or three of the massive cocks pointing in my direction.

  Sweet bunny heaven, it’s happening. I start to smile, happy to feel the mating heat finally begin. But then realization dawns on me, and something is very wrong. Did they all just say I was theirs? The three erections attached to the three wolves are all for me?

  I glance at them, trying to look at the situation in a new light. All three are wildly handsome, and freaking gigantic, like most wolf shifters. The one with dark green eyes catches my gaze, and it causes my breath to catch. Then I glance to the one standing closer to me with the blackest hair I’ve ever seen, and his stare is exactly the same. I look over to the third one with wild blond hair, and he’s so intense I feel my knees shake. His eyes come to mine and I watch gold start to bleed into them. It’s hypnotizing being the sole focus of these three large shifters, but my bunny is melting into a puddle of need.

  The air that’s passing around us is charged with electricity. If I didn’t know better, I’d say lightning just landed. But this only lasts for a moment as the wolves begin to growl at one another.

  Fear creeps in as they square off against each other, and I have no idea what’s going to happen. They clearly think I’m theirs, but my bunny is really confused.

  “You’re scaring her,” the one closest to me bites out. His arm comes up to shield me from view, and then he moves to stand in front of me.

  “Don’t block me from my mate,” I hear another bark.

  I take a step back as old memories flood back.

  “Everyone needs to take a breath,” one says, but all I hear are growls.

  My heart is out of control, and I think fast. I take my chance, and while they’re distracted I shift. I drop to the ground, easily hidden under my clothes, and wiggle my way out of them. I’m hoping the white snow will not only keep me hidden, but also hide my tracks.

  “I’ve feel like I’m coming out of my skin, Finn. Move out of the way. I’ve gotta touch her or something. I’m going to lose it.”

  With those words, I turn and take off as fast as I can. I don’t even know which one of them is really my mate. It can’t really be all three. Can it? After getting a good look at them while they were about to come to blows, I’m not sure I could choose. Something about each of them calls to me, which is bad, really bad. You only desire your mate and never another until the day you die.

  Guilt nags at me as I move as fast as I can through the thick snow. My feet dig in as I hop away from my mate, and my heart feels like it’s breaking. My body is screaming at me to stop, but my mind is the one in control at the moment. My whole life I’ve waited to find my mate, and the second it happens, I run. My bunny is sobbing, and I’m not far behind. But fear has me on the move and I can’t go back now.

  Flashes of the last time I was chased by wolves dart through my mind. I’d gone too far from my old pack’s border. I was always too curious for my own good as a kit, and my dad used to warn me not to stray. He would say that I’d get in trouble one day, and he’d been right.

  Wolves love to chase rabbits. Well, asshole ones anyway. I’d heard stories that it’s an actual itch and they have to stop themselves from scratching it when they see one. Ever since that night I’m careful to not shift around others that aren’t my own.

  I barely made it back to pack land before they nearly had me by the end of my tail. After that incident, I didn’t even venture out of the house for a week. I’d learned my lesson. It’s why I’m always a little timid around wolves at first. Even when I came to Gray Ridge it took me a long time to get used to the wolves I’d met. I think I warmed to Ruby first because she’s a human married to a shifter. The town is mixed, with all types of shifters, and everyone seems to get along. Well, unless mates get involved.

  All those emotions from before come flooding back as I run throug
h the woods.

  But as my little paws dig into the fresh powder snow, the loudest howl I’ve ever heard in my life breaks through the woods, causing my ears to shrink. If the ground wasn’t already covered, it would have shaken from the sound.

  I stop hopping and stand still. The need to run back pulls strong on my heart as my mate calls for me. I have to go to him. I take a step in the direction I came from. I’d either gotten pretty far away before they’d noticed I was gone, or I’d run like hell. But as I move toward the sound, more howls break out and those call to me, too. I know immediately that the howls are from three different wolves. I don’t know how I can tell each one apart as they ring out together, but I feel it.

  I stand there frozen as the confusion grows deeper. What if something is wrong with me? Wrong with this mating? My eyes begin to water. I make the decision to keep on running away from them and dig deep as I draw closer and closer to my little cabin.

  Their howls grow louder as they close in on me. My nose might not be as good as theirs, but my hearing is twice what an average wolf has. I round a small bend and go through the trees that are tightly locked together, knowing they will have to go around. Their giant shifter forms will never fit.

  I see my cabin in the distance, and I have to push harder with the fresh snow still falling. I’m small even for a bunny and my legs burn as I hop over mountains of snowdrifts.

  I can hear their paws approaching, and they’re moving fast. I make the mistake of looking back and almost trip over my own ear when I see how close they are. Luckily, I keep my footing and bounce as I hit my small front porch. I thank the heavens I installed my tiny little rabbit hole in my door.

  I’m almost there.

  The three of them hit the porch at the exact same time, and I screech out when teeth clamp down on the back of my neck. I’m picked up as I squeal again in fear, but I don’t feel the pain I thought was coming. The bite that’s holding me is soft yet possessive. Somehow, the fire that was running through my body explodes and every inch of me ignites. It’s heat and pleasure that rolls over my skin, and if I could somehow gasp I would.

  The wolf holding me places me down on the porch and I watch one of the other ones lunge for the one that picked me up. The other comes and stands over me, as if guarding my body. I hear a loud crash but don’t look because my eyes are on my rabbit hole. Seeing it as my only chance to escape, I steal the moment to hop through.

  The moment I enter, I roll over and shift back to human form. I’m lying naked on the floor and I’m trying to catch my breath. I don’t know if it’s because of how far I ran or if it’s because I just had my first orgasm.

  My head falls to the side and I have a giant smile on my face. Holy shit.

  Then I hear another loud crash outside and I’m brought back to reality. “You better not be breaking my house out there,” I yell. Then add, “Or my mate!” Whichever one he is, I think to myself.

  Sadness pools in my belly as I think about only one of them being my mate. I know that’s a terrible thought, because we’re supposed to love only one forever. The knowledge does nothing to help the ache in my heart.

  I sit up, noticing everything has gone quiet. I can’t believe how I’m snapping at them. It’s not like they can’t get in this cabin in two seconds if they wanted.

  “We’ll fix it,” I hear someone say.

  “I guess. Not like she’s staying here,” another one chimes in.

  “You shut your fucking mouth, Flint. You hurt her. We’ll put you in this cabin and take her home with us.”

  I recognize the last voice. It holds command and authority. He was the one with the jet-black hair and dark blue eyes who pulled me behind him when they all started to argue.

  “Don’t talk to him like that,” the words pop out of my mouth before I know what I’m saying. Somehow, I want to defend him. “Who said that? I want a name.” Because he was the only one I could put a voice to a face.

  “Finn,” one of them says fast, like he’s tattling.

  “And yours?” I ask, needing to put names with voices.


  “I didn’t hurt her,” Flint growls, interrupting us.

  “So you can see through walls now?” Forest says with irritation in his voice. I can’t help but smile at that.

  “She came.” Flint’s words are coated with smugness. My body starts to heat again, wetness forming between my thighs.

  They all go silent for a moment, then they start to growl.

  “What’s happening?” I stand up, feeling my heartbeat pick up. “Don’t start fighting again.”

  “We smell you, little fluff,” Finn says.

  “You need us,” Flint says, in answer.

  “Let us in or we’ll huff and we’ll puff and blow this house down,” Forest chimes in.

  I snort, shaking my head. I guess Forest is the funny one.

  “Don’t call me that, and you better not huff or puff or anything to my house. That’s a command. Now, like, sit or something.”

  I hear a bark of laughter. “She thinks we’re dogs,” Flint says. He’s got the deepest voice of them all, and I can’t help but think he was the one with green eyes. No, I know it.

  “We kind of are,” Forest responds. There’s my blond. Crap, did I just say my blond?

  “Listen here, pretty eyes.”

  How does Finn do that? He holds so much command in his voice. It makes my skin break out in goosebumps. “We can kick the door open, or your sweet fluffy ass can open it for us.”

  “No.”’ I stomp my foot.

  “All right. But you’ve left us no choice,” he replies easily.

  “I’m standing in front of it!” I shout.

  “Fuck,” Finn growls.

  “She’s a clever little thing,” Forest adds.

  Flint doesn’t say anything, making my worry for him grow.

  “Flint, did they hurt you when they attacked you on the porch?”

  “He’s a big bastard, he’s fine,” Forest answers for him.

  “Flint…Flint!” I snap.

  “Why don’t you open the door and see for yourself?” I ignore Forest, since I’m sure no one ever does.

  “Gosh dang it, Flint, you answer me right now.”

  “Sorry,” his deep voice says. “Love hearing you say my name, sweetheart.”

  I bite my lip, liking his answer.

  “Will you guys do something for me?” I ask softly.

  A chorus of yeses comes swiftly.

  “Will you…” My voice cracks.

  “Little Fluff.”


  “Pretty eyes.”

  My eyes water even more. They all have freaking names for me. It’s adorable.

  “I think I liked ‘sweet fluffy ass’ more,” I tell Finn, trying to reassure them all I’m fine. When I’m kind of not.

  “Anything you want.” I can tell he means it. Anything I want. I don’t know how, but I do.

  “Can you give me a few minutes alone? Not long,” I rush to add. I hear a few groans. “I need to get myself together. There’s a small shed about forty yards left. Sheriff Dominic keeps it stocked.”

  They all stay so quiet that I wonder if they did as I asked. I’m guessing not. I know how protective mates are.

  “I promise I won’t leave the cabin.”

  I give a half smile at their collective snorts. They’re so in tune with each other. I’d hate to think that I’d turn friends or even brothers on each other.

  “For you, we’ll do just about anything, but know we’ll be back in about thirty minutes with a chainsaw. We’re getting in there. You hold that promise of not leaving the cabin, or when I catch up with you, I’ll tan that sweet fluffy ass.” Finn says.

  I hear them move off the porch.

  I grab the door handle, wanting to throw it open and yell at them to come back, but I stop myself. My body feels like it’s on fire. I reluctantly let the handle go, walking over to my bed and dropping down to
it. My wild curls fly everywhere and I blow them out of my face.

  I don’t know how long I stare up at the ceiling as my mind goes everywhere. I’m scared to open the door with them on the other side. What if everything goes wrong? I could be losing something I’ve wanted for so long.

  They all sounded so adorable and I want them all. A moan slips free and my hips rise. Crap. My body is taking over, or maybe my mind is finally catching up with my bunny and we’re finally seeing what’s in front of us. We have to open the door.

  Chapter 7


  After my vow to her, we all still stand there for a moment. We each take another deep breath, trying to get more of her scent in. Our hands press to the cabin, and our heads rest against it. We want to be as close to her as possible, even this small distance making us yearn for our mate.

  This is about to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but she’s right. We all need a second to cool down and figure out what’s happening here.

  Forest lays his hand down on my shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go see if there’s a chainsaw and some pants in that shed.”

  I nod, turning around and following my brothers. I knew where it was. Dominic and I had run this land before once when we first came to Gray Ridge and he showed me all around. It was a while back, so this little rabbit must be fairly new in town because I would have smelled her that day.

  “When we get there, we need to talk this out. Get our shit straight so when we get back to that cabin we can put on a united front with her. Or she’ll have our balls and we might not get anywhere with her.”

  “She can have my balls anytime she wants. Fuck, I don’t even want them. There so goddamn blue, and not from the snow either.” I look over at Forest and shake my head, fighting a smile. Leave it to him to try and make us laugh when we all feel like we are being ripped in two. I didn’t know a person could feel so many things. I rub the center of my chest, trying to ease the ache.


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