The Truth is even Stranger

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The Truth is even Stranger Page 9

by Charlie Richards

  “This is the clutch in upstate New York?”

  Nodding at Tian’s comment, Roman continued, “We knew we weren’t mates, but we enjoyed each other’s company, and we were compatible in bed.”

  Tian held up a hand. “I thought you’re gay.”

  Roman scoffed, smiling wryly. “Most gargoyles are bisexual. Maybe Fate makes us that way, so it’ll be easier to accept our mate when we find him or her. We live so long... we aren’t constrained by human labels.”

  “Ah, got it.” Tian waved his free hand. “Please, continue.”

  “Well, she traveled my way every couple of months, and we would enjoy each other’s company for the few days she’d be working in the area,” Roman told his mate, careful to be vague on the details. While he felt he needed to share the story, he knew few people wanted to hear about their lover’s past exploits. “This went on for about ten months... until one evening I noticed a fresh scar on her neck.”

  Tian’s eyes widened, his understanding swift. “Shit! She mated with someone else while you two were...” His voice trailed off, and he waved his hand absently.

  Roman nodded. “She did.” Shaking his head, he grimaced. “Gwen claimed she’d been forced into it by her alpha. She said the man she mated with wasn’t her true mate, and she didn’t love him.” He frowned at his and Tian’s joined hands as heat filled his cheeks. “Gwen wanted to continue our... liaisons. She was there and all over me, and I was horny, so...” He paused and swallowed hard, still feeling shame at his actions.

  “So you slept with her.” Tian’s tone held no malice. Instead, it contained a wealth of understanding. He reached out and touched Roman’s chin, urging him to lift his head and meet his gaze. “You know, technically the shifter was the other man.”

  “But she was mated,” Roman whispered. “I should have said no.”

  Tian shrugged. “Hindsight’s a bitch, isn’t it?”

  Roman scoffed. Lifting his free hand, he grabbed Tian’s fingers and brought them to his lips and kissed them. While he appreciated his lover’s understanding, he hadn’t heard the rest, yet.

  “Of course, I felt damn guilty the next morning,” Roman admitted. “I told her we couldn’t do it anymore. I knew she was upset, but—” He shook his head. “I couldn’t keep seeing her when she was mated, no matter how it had happened. Interfering with a mating...” He trailed off, shrugging.

  “Right. A punishable offense.”

  Nodding, Roman appreciated that Nolan hadn’t been punished. The poor guy was still recovering from his time in captivity. Instead, Sapian was punishing Zahma and Gabe for spreading lies. They were on bathroom cleaning and laundry duties for a month.

  “Well, I never saw Gwen again,” Roman admitted. Releasing Tian’s hand, he rubbed his right hip. “I met her son, though. Patrick.”

  Tian must have noted the way Roman rubbed his scars, for his eyes widened. “He did that to you?”

  Roman felt heat rise to his cheeks. “Yeah.” Knowing he couldn’t leave anything out, his conscience wouldn’t allow it, he admitted softly, “After he seduced me.” Seeing Tian gape again, he huffed a sigh as he shook his head. “He was cute. A twink, you’d call him. And...” He cleared his throat. “After I fucked him, he got up. Told me he was going to get a cloth to clean us up. Said to relax. He had a cloth when he returned, but it was covering a big jug of lamp oil.”

  Grimacing, Roman struggled against the way his pulse spiked at just the memory of the experience. No matter how long ago it had happened, sometimes he felt as if he could still feel the flames licking at his body. A shudder worked through him.

  “You don’t have to say more,” Tian told him soothingly. He closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around him. “I think I get the picture loud and clear.”

  Roman held Tian close and pressed his nose against his neck, breathing in his scent. His mate’s masculine smell soothed him. After a few deep breaths, he calmed enough to get the last of it out, needing it done.

  Without lifting his head, Roman murmured, “Patrick dumped the oil on me, which shocked the shit out of me, but not enough for me to move.” He’d been angry, sure, but he’d still been recovering from a pretty good fuck. His response of what the hell had made Patrick laugh. “Patrick asked if he was as good a fuck as his mother. That was when I finally saw the similarities between him and Gwen. I was going to ask how he even knew about me, but then he struck a match and tossed it on the oil. He wrapped the comforter I was lying on around me and shoved me off the bed. I don’t remember much after that.”

  “That’s a blessing. It’s good that you don’t remember,” Tian stated, rubbing up and down his back with one hand. With his other hand, he massaged his neck, threading his fingers through Roman’s hair soothingly. “And I sure hope like hell that Patrick was punished.”

  “He was. He was put to death while I was still recovering,” Roman told Tian. “But not without one last parting shot.”

  Tian growled softly. “If he wasn’t already dead, I’d hunt him down and gut him.”

  Roman couldn’t help but smile at his amazing mate’s words. He felt so damn blessed that his human still held him. “The gargoyle who told me of the proceedings didn’t want to tell me, but I pried it out of him anyway.” Roman nuzzled Tian’s neck again, enjoying the contact. “Patrick had claimed that even though I lived, and he would die, me and anyone who looked at me would be reminded of my misdeeds.”

  “Fucker,” Tian snarled, tension thrumming through him.

  It was Roman’s turn to soothe his mate.

  Chapter Eleven

  Tian mulled Roman’s tale over in his mind. Impotent rage filled him. He truly wished he could beat the shit out of the fucker... but he was already dead.

  Now, all he could do was soothe his lover and reassure him that what he revealed wouldn’t drive him away. Still, one thing did stand out to him. He wondered how to tactfully ask.

  “I have a question,” Tian admitted, tipping his head so he could press a kiss to Roman’s temple. “Can I ask it?”

  “You may ask me anything,” Roman immediately responded. As he spoke, he used his impressive strength to lift Tian and place him on his lap. “I will always do my best to answer you, my mate.”

  Tian smiled at Roman’s response and went with the move. Straddling his gargoyle’s wide lap caused his cock and balls to nestle between the bigger male’s thighs. His thoughts nearly went right out of his head at the pleasant stimulation. His blood flowed south, filling his dick. It never ceased to amaze him that he grew so aroused so swiftly by his gargoyle.

  Clearing his throat, Tian managed to ask, “How did Patrick even learn of you?”

  “Gwen committed suicide three months after Patrick was born. That was about a year after I ended our liaisons,” Roman whispered. He didn’t lift his head from where it was pressed against Tian’s neck, but he did still his nuzzling. “I learned that she left a note. My name was in it.”

  “So the father blamed you and passed that hatred down to his son,” Tian mused. He shook his head. “I’m sorry she chose to blame her problems on you.” Sliding his fingers into Roman’s hair, he used the hold to urge his lover to lift his head. “It must have been such a different time then. Not just for women, but for everyone.”

  Roman chuckled. “Oh, it was. Love indoor plumbing.”

  Tian loved that his gargoyle could find mirth after sharing something so horrific.

  Just one of the many things I love about my gargoyle.

  Now I need to figure out the perfect time to tell him.

  Deciding it was high time to share his earlier revelation, Tian offered, “I haven’t talked about bonding again because I still need to go back to Chicago for a while.” He saw the denial in Roman’s eyes, so placed his fingertips over his lips to keep him from speaking. “I thought if we didn’t bond, it’d be easier while we were apart. Then we’d bond when I returned.” He hesitated an instant, p
ulling his hand away, then added, “Maybe start a family. Do you want kids?”

  Roman’s jaw sagged open, and his deep orange brow ridges lifted. “You want to start a family?”

  Tian swallowed hard, then nodded. “We can wait, if you’d prefer, but I, uh, I wanted you to know. Ya know?” He snapped his mouth shut, knowing he sounded a little like a bumbling idiot. He’d wanted to be upfront, though.

  “I would love to raise a hatchling with you, Tian,” Roman assured, a wide grin lighting his face. “Most human males don’t accept the idea of carrying a child so readily.”

  Returning Roman’s smile, Tian shrugged. “Well, I’m not most humans, I guess.”

  “No,” Roman rumbled, his expression turning feral. “No, you’re not. And you’re not going to Chicago without me.”

  “You want to go to Chicago?” That thought hadn’t even occurred to Tian.

  Roman scoffed. “No. Not even a little bit,” he admitted. Skimming his claws lightly down Tian’s back to cradle his ass, he urged him to rock his hips against him. “However, I’m not letting you leave town without me by your side. You said you’re open to bonding?”

  Tian moaned as he felt his hard cock press against Roman’s impressive bulge. His head swam as pleasure began to cloud his thought processes. Moving his hands to Roman’s shoulders, he rocked harder.

  “I am,” Tian assured. “Collin is going to help me get a job on the force here.” Laying his plans out to another when it wasn’t guaranteed forced him to warn, “It’s not assured and might not happen right away.” The pressure on his dick felt exquisite as he enjoyed the frottage he shared with his lover. He barely had enough control to add, “Might have to live off savings for a while.”

  Roman growled softly. His purple eyes appeared to glow with heat. “You never need to work again if you don’t want to.” Then he smiled as he lifted one hand to Tian’s jaw. “However, I get the idea you wouldn’t be satisfied that way.”

  Tian shook his head. “Afraid you’d be right.” His balls tingled, drawing a groan from his throat. “Can’t sit on my ass all day.”

  “Even if you’re a stay-at-home dad?” Roman grinned widely, licking his lips. He moved the hand from Tian’s ass to his stomach, slowing their movements. “The idea of filling you with my egg... gets me so hot.”

  His breath hitching in his throat, Tian shivered. “Y-Yeah. Maybe for a while.” He couldn’t not work forever. He wasn’t hardwired that way, but if he was carrying an egg, no way would anyone want him to be working as a cop. “Need to bond for that.”

  “What do you say we take care of that right now, then?” Roman’s tone took on a hungry growl. “Ready for the world to know you’re mine?”

  “I couldn’t give a shit about the world, and I’m already yours.”

  Groaning, Roman threaded his fingers through Tian’s hair. He gently massaged his scalp, causing goose bumps to break out on his neck and shoulders. Tian gasped and shuddered in his lover’s grip.

  Roman tipped his head forward and sealed his lips over Tian’s. He nipped lightly at his bottom lip, then suckled his flesh. Feeding his lover a moan, he tilted his head, fitting their mouths together more fully, and thrust his tongue into the gargoyle’s mouth. He lapped along his sharp teeth, feeling their points. Dueling with Roman’s longer appendage, he sped up his rocking.

  Before Tian could even register what was happening, his pleasure overwhelmed him. The bliss of feeling Roman’s claws rubbing his scalp, how his other hand had returned to his ass to offer more pressure, and the friction of Roman’s hard cock against his own, even through two layers of fabric, fired his blood. Feeding his gargoyle a moan, Tian orgasmed. His balls tightened, shooting his cum up his dick, and he unloaded in his pants.

  Roman gasped, tearing his mouth from Tian’s own. His nostrils flared as his eyes widened. A second later, his body jolted beneath Tian as he arched his neck and grunted.

  Grinning widely, Tian peered down and watched a wet spot form on Roman’s loincloth. He glanced at his own pants, knowing he sported a matching mess. Sighing, he leaned forward and mouthed kisses up the prominent tendon of Roman’s neck.

  Immediately, Roman tilted his head, offering more room.

  “This where you want me to bite you?” Tian crooned, continuing to mouth sucking kisses on his flesh.

  Roman moaned, trembling a little beneath his ministrations. “Gods, yes,” he mumbled. He slurred his words slightly, betraying his enjoyment, as he continued, “I heard that most times we slice our skin for our mates for bonding, but gods, the idea of you biting me...” Roman moaned again.

  Grinning, loving the sounds Roman made just at the idea, Tian gave his gargoyle what he craved. He wrapped his teeth around the tendon and bit. It took considerably more effort than he thought it should until he remembered that Roman had a hide, not skin.

  Tian felt Roman’s flesh give way. He tasted the metallic flavor of his gargoyle’s blood. To his surprise, he didn’t mind the taste at all. He suckled lightly on the wound, earning him another mouthful.

  Roman groaned roughly. He shuddered beneath Tian, crying out his name in obvious delight. When more wetness soaked into Tian’s t-shirt, he realized his gargoyle had enjoyed it so much that he’d gotten off on it.

  Easing his teeth from Roman’s neck, Tian licked over the wound. He lifted his head and grinned at his gargoyle. “Wow,” he whispered, seeing the almost bliss-drunk expression on the huge male’s face. “That is the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Will you always get off if I bite you?”

  Roman chuckled roughly. “Yeah.” He grinned. “So will you. Want to see?”

  Tian’s brows shot up. “Turn down an orgasm?” He waggled his brows. “Sure as hell not gonna say no to that.”

  Growling softly, Roman’s purple eyes darkened. “Mine,” he snarled right before he jerked Tian’s t-shirt to the side and sank his teeth into his neck.

  Hissing in surprise as the sudden spike of pain, Tian’s first thought was he didn’t know how he was supposed to come from it. A second later, he felt an odd tingle spread across his chest. He gasped as the sensation headed south. His nipples beaded and his abdominals clenched.

  Tian grabbed Roman’s shoulders and held on as the tingles hit his balls. His testicles rolled deliciously. His cock twitched. Feeling Roman suck on his neck, even knowing he was drinking his blood couldn’t stop him from moaning. It felt as if his dick was being sucked, instead of the flesh of his neck.

  His orgasm bowled through him, and he once again coated the inside of his jeans with his seed. As Roman continued to suckle at his neck, he continued to come. His body shook with his release as black spots flashed across his vision.


  Tian heard the squeak in his voice but didn’t care. His head swam with his bliss. When Roman lifted his head and peered at him, a satisfied smile curving his lips as he licked over them. One thought tracked through his mind.

  “Holy hell in a handbasket. You can do that to me anytime.”

  Roman chuckled, the sound rough and deep. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Tian’s lips. When Roman sealed his mouth to Tian’s and thrust in his tongue, Tian opened willingly, finding he loved everything his gargoyle did to him.

  I even enjoy the taste of blood on Roman’s tongue. Huh.

  Deciding it was because he knew it was his own, Tian tangled his tongue with Roman’s. He drew his gargoyle’s appendage into his mouth and suckled lightly. The move earned him a groan from his lover.

  When breathing became paramount, Tian turned his head and gasped. He rested his forehead on Roman’s shoulder and chuckled roughly. His head still swam, but he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so replete.

  “Wow,” Tian whispered when he could finally get his scrambled thoughts in order. “That was... I have no words.”

  Roman hummed as he nuzzled Tian’s temple. “Thank you,” he whispered into Tian’s ear.

bsp; Confused, Tian lifted his head. “For what?”

  “Biting me,” Roman replied. “Letting me bite you. Technically, we completed our bond.” He waggled his brows. “But that’s not going to stop me from leading you to my tub and fucking you slow and easy.” He winked. “As soon as I get feeling back in my legs, anyway.”

  It suddenly hit Tian... the light filling Roman’s stunning purple eyes. Contentment. Tian loved that he’d put that look there.

  Tian still asked, “I thought the bites have to be exchanged during sex?”

  Roman nodded. “Normally, but we’ve been having so much sex this past week, spilling our seed in each other, we’ve already started our bond,” he explained. Gently he traced around Tian’s tender bite wound. “I’m still stretched from the last time you took me,” he admitted. “I bet you are, too. If we’d been using condoms, we would have had to fuck without them. This just completed the process.”

  His satiation slipped swiftly from him. “What?” Tian lifted his head and frowned at Roman. “Spilling in each other started the process?”

  Roman nodded. Cocking his head, he swept his gaze over Tian. “I apologize, Tian,” he rumbled, rubbing his hands up and down his back. “I truly thought you knew that. I did not intentionally hide it from you.”

  Tian took a deep breath, then let it out through pursed lips. Forcing a small smile, he nodded. “If I haven’t said it before, I’m a fan of control. Learning about things after the fact...” He grimaced, realizing he’d killed the afterglow. “Guess you’d call it one of my faults.”

  “If it’s a fault, it’s your only one.” Roman rubbed his hands down his back and pressed a finger against the denim covering his hole, causing him to clench. “And I’ll gladly allow you to control how fast you ride my cock while we’re in the bath.”


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