The Sharpshooter's Secret Son

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The Sharpshooter's Secret Son Page 10

by Mallory Kane

  Their son.

  His body instantly hardened—muscles, tendons, bones—all stiffened in sharp, aching hunger. His mouth watered to taste the distended tip.

  He caressed the nipple with the gentle touch of his fingers. As he did it hardened and puckered in reaction, and Mindy’s breathing ratcheted up a notch. She blew air softly in and out, and her body writhed and arched the tiniest bit, revealing her yearning for more of what he offered.

  So he cradled her full round globe in his hand, kneading and squeezing, then running his thumb across and around her ever-tightening nipple. His erection grew harder, longer, as his body throbbed in familiar reaction to her obvious need and desire. Turning her on had always fed his own desire.

  But this—what he felt right now—was a level of longing he’d never before experienced. Not even when they were horny teenagers, searching for a place where they could be alone together.

  “How—how does it feel?” he asked with trepidation. “To be pregnant?”

  Mindy put her hand on top of his. It had always awed her how much bigger his hand was than hers. “It’s really strange. Different every day.”

  She looked at the man who’d created this baby with her. He was so scared. She could read the fear in his face. Over the years she’d known him, she’d watched him forge himself into a warrior. He’d taught himself not to be afraid of anything. Yet this small, helpless life within her terrified him.

  “He feels like you,” she whispered, her voice catching. “It’s like I have a part of you inside me all the time.”

  She’d known that, deep inside, but she’d never said the words, not even to herself. Now she understood the erotic dreams that woke her deep in the night. Now the indescribable longings she’d never acknowledged in daylight had a source. And the source was Deke.

  He made a deep, throaty sound, and a shudder rumbled through him. His erection pulsed against her thigh.

  Instantly, her body tightened in desire and in the deepest, most intimate part of her, a sweet familiar throbbing began.

  Deke continued caressing the tip of her breast as he lifted his head. He leaned forward until his mouth brushed hers.

  Then he kissed her. A desperate, deep, soul-searching kiss. As his mouth took hers, she whimpered in uncontrollable response.

  He froze.

  She moaned in frustration as he pulled away.

  “What’s wrong?” she whispered.

  “I’m hurting you.”

  “Deke, believe me, you’re not.” Mindy’s breasts, her center, burned with frustration. “Please.” She wrapped her hand around the nape of his neck and pulled his head toward her. “Don’t stop.”

  And he didn’t. He kissed her over and over, tasting her as if it were the first time. She was as sexy to him as she’d always been. Maybe more so. Something, whether it was her pregnancy or just the fact that it had been so long, had him so turned on that he was afraid he might explode like a horny kid. He pulled back, trying to control himself, but Mindy moaned in protest. She caught his hand and brought it to the apex of her thighs.

  He felt her heat, even beneath the wool pants she wore. And when he pressed his palm against her, her already labored breathing sped up.

  “Deke,” she whispered, then gasped again. “Oh!” Her hand covered his, and she pressed down against his palm.

  He listened to her shallow, rhythmic breaths, her small cries. And clenched his teeth to keep from following her climax with his own.

  “Deke,” she finally breathed. “Don’t run away. Let me—” She reached for his pants zipper.

  “No. This isn’t a good idea.”

  “Why?” She clasped his hand in hers and brought his palm to her lips. She chuckled, still feeling the small aftershocks of her climax. “It’s not like you can get me more pregnant.”

  As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she knew she’d screwed up. Royally.

  Deke pushed away and sat up. “Nope,” he rasped, as he pushed his fingers through his shaggy hair. “Apparently that was one time I managed to deliver maximum damage on the first try.”

  “Deke, wait. I’m sorry.”

  “For what? Getting pregnant? That wasn’t your fault.” He rubbed his eyes, then swiped a hand across his face. “It was your mother’s funeral. I took advantage of your grief.”

  “You did not! It just happened. In fact, if I hadn’t kissed you, you’d have been out of there like a cat with its tail on fire.” She smiled briefly. “Trust me, Deke. I do not regret being pregnant.”

  “I do.”

  She flinched and her eyes pricked with tears at his quick, simple declaration. But she had known this was how he would feel. From the first moment she’d realized that she was pregnant, there had been no question in her mind.

  She’d wanted the baby, whether Deke did or not.

  Gingerly, as if he were a skittish colt, she took his hand and pressed it against her tummy.

  “Can you regret this? He’s your son, Deke. A part of you and me. If we’re lucky, the best parts.”

  “And if we’re not lucky?” He was thinking of his father.

  “Trust me. In this we’re lucky.”

  “Good to know,” he muttered. “When we get out of here, remind me to buy a lottery ticket.” He stared at his hand where it rested on her stomach. He still seemed awestruck—and terrified—by her pregnancy.

  “Don’t make fun of me. You have no idea how beautiful, how sexy you make me feel. I haven’t felt either for months. Come back and lie down with me,” she said. “I’m cold.”

  He scooted back over and reclined against the warm dirt wall, positioning himself so that she leaned against his left side.

  She pressed her hand against his chest and tucked her head into the snug, sweet place between his neck and shoulder.

  “This feels good,” she whispered. “Like home.”

  Deke grimaced at her sleepy words and tightened his arm around her shoulders.

  “Deke?” she whispered.

  “Yeah, sugar?”

  “What time do you think it is? And what day?”

  It was a good question. He’d tried his best to keep up with the time. “It’s dark. I’d guess it might be around midnight. Best I can figure, it’s Thursday night. Or Friday morning.”

  He bent his head and pressed a kiss against her hair.

  “Sleep, Min. I’ll keep you safe.” He leaned his head back against the hard dirt wall and stared at the starlit sky through the opening high above their heads. He felt her breasts rise and fall with her breaths, heard them slow and even out as she dozed.

  The immediacy and strength of Mindy’s response to him awed him—and terrified him.

  He hadn’t meant to lose control of himself, or get caught up in her growing reaction to his caresses.

  All he’d wanted to do was taste, just for a moment, the sweetness of her kisses, feel the lovely soft firmness of her skin.

  He hadn’t meant to turn her on.

  The thought sent a shudder of erotic thrill through him. He grimaced and shifted uncomfortably. He could easily and quickly take care of his discomfort, but he’d promised Mindy he’d keep her safe. He wasn’t going to take the slightest risk of being distracted, not even for a moment.

  Besides, from the very first time he’d touched her, when they’d both been innocent teens, he’d never known anything that fueled his own desire as much as stoking the fires of hers did.

  She’d thanked him, but in truth she’d turned herself on. In doing so she’d turned him on, too. He’d gotten as much—well, almost as much—satisfaction as she had.

  His eyes slowly closed, and his thoughts began to wander. He clamped his jaw. He couldn’t sleep. He needed to keep lookout.

  He couldn’t do anything about the signs they’d left at the campfire. Probably didn’t matter, anyway. Novus knew they were here. He’d probably arranged for the kindling and candles.

  Deke snorted. If there hadn’t been any fish in the spring, he’d ha
ve probably arranged for them, too.

  He looked down at the top of Mindy’s head. She was asleep in his arms, trusting him to keep her safe.

  Anger, hot as a flash fire, whooshed through him. It took every ounce of his strength to stay still.

  Why don’t you just come and get me? he wanted to stand up and shout. Come on, Novus. Show your face. Fight it out, fair and square, like a man.

  He doubted they’d managed to wire the entire mine, so he’d probably be yelling to deaf ears, but it would sure make him feel better.

  I know why you won’t face me, you scumbag. You’re no man. You’re a coward. Just like your wormy outlaw brother. Frank James. Give me a break! Covering up your weaselly face with a mask! Just like your boss Novus.

  “I’ll be damned—!” Just like Novus. The significance of his comparison slammed him in the gut. He clamped his jaw and took long, even breaths, trying to slow his suddenly racing heart. Trying not to disturb Mindy.

  Could that be it? Could this guy, obviously American, actually be the brother of Novus Ordo? Deke knew from Rook’s description and the forensic artist’s rendering he’d seen that the terrorist was medium height and skinny with a narrow face and beady eyes. And Rook had sworn that Novus, whose messages were always delivered on CD in a heavy, Middle Eastern accent, was actually American.

  It would explain everything. Novus’s obsessive need to hide his face. Frank James affecting that ridiculous bandanna. It might be a leap, but it made sense.

  Why else would James hide his face? Deke knew the weasel didn’t intend to let either Mindy or himself get out of there alive.

  Deke cursed silently. He had information that could bring Novus down, and he had no way to get a message out.

  Rook, you sonofabitch! I need you, man. More than I ever have before. Between us, we’d figure out who Novus is and bring him and his brother down.

  “Deke?” Mindy lifted her head. “What’s the matter?”

  Damn it, he’d woken her. “Nothing, sugar. Go to sleep.”

  She shifted. “Did you hear something?”

  He shook his head and cradled the back of her head in his palm. “Nope. Just thinking.”

  She laid her hand on his chest. “Must have been some kind of thinking, to send your heart racing like that. What were you thinking about?”

  “Novus,” he said reluctantly. He didn’t want her to know his fears. On the other hand, he owed her the truth. He’d gotten her into this. He probably should tell her exactly what and who they were battling.

  “How we ended up here. It started out innocently enough. Irina’s accountant gave her final warning. He’d apparently talked with her a few times before about her depleted funds. But this time he warned her that if she continued the same level of spending for another three to four months, she’d be bankrupt. Irina had to make a decision. Shut down BHSAR or stop spending a fortune searching for Rook. She made the only decision she could.”

  “I still don’t understand why she gave up. They were more in love than any two people I’ve ever met. If I were Irina, the only way I’d ever give up is if I saw the body.”

  Deke tried to suppress the thought that sprang to the front of his mind.

  So your definition of giving up doesn’t include divorce?

  He bit his tongue until the urge to lash out at her for leaving him went away. Hell, he knew he’d been an ass and had hurt her in too many ways to count, but it still hurt that she’d done the very thing he’d expected her—that he’d pushed her—to do.

  He clenched his jaw and continued his explanation. “When Rook left the air force, he still had his burning desire to rescue the innocent. Black Hills Search and Rescue was his baby. Irina knew that Rook would never want to give up his dream. So she made the choice he’d have wanted her to make.”

  He felt Mindy’s shoulder quiver and heard her swallow a sob. “Min? You okay?”

  She nodded against his shoulder. “It’s just so sad.”

  “Yeah. Apparently, as soon as Irina stopped searching, rumors started circulating that she’d found him. The first indication we got was from Homeland Security, reporting on the increased international chatter. Especially in the regions around the corridor that joins Pakistan, China and Afghanistan. A small province called Mahjidastan.”

  “Where you were shot down.”

  He nodded. “Novus Ordo’s headquarters.”

  Mindy pushed herself up to a sitting position, groaning with the effort. Deke moved to help her. “So Novus found out that Irina had stopped the search.”

  “Matt left Mahjidastan within six hours after Irina called him—on the first flight he could get. He was followed. Then as soon as he got back, Aimee Vick’s baby was kidnapped. That means that Novus knew what Irina had done before the chatter started.”

  “But how—”

  “Only one way. We’ve got a traitor inside BHSAR.”

  “Oh my God, Deke. Who? Don’t you know everyone?”

  “I know the BHSAR team. I’ve met the rest of the staff. Don’t know much about them. But the traitor has to be someone who knows everything that goes on. The specialists, Irina’s personal assistant, her lawyer—”

  “That’s—what? Five people.”

  “Six, if I don’t count Matt. Aaron Gold, Brock O’Neill, Rafe Jackson, Pam Jameison, Richards the lawyer, and maybe her accountant.”

  “I forgot about Rafe Jackson. I’ve never met him. Which one could do something like this?”

  Deke shook his head. “Before all this started, I’d have said none of them. But now—everybody on the team, especially Irina, is in danger because I didn’t identify a traitor in our midst. Think about it. They’ve already sabotaged my bird. Almost cost Matt and Aimee and her baby their lives.”

  Mindy considered the few times she’d met the other members of the team. “Brock’s awfully secretive.”

  “Yeah, but can you see him betraying his country?”

  “Maybe he doesn’t consider it his country. He’s Sioux, right? We destroyed his country.”

  Deke frowned at her.

  “Or Aaron Gold? I only met him a couple of times.”

  “His dad was in the air force with Rook. He died a hero. Aaron was thrilled to be asked to join the BHSAR team.”

  “And Rafe Jackson?”

  Deke didn’t speak for a moment. “Rafe was born in England, but he went to a lot of trouble to become an American citizen.”

  “He’s British?”

  “Actually, his mother is from Saudi Arabia. His name is Rafiq.”

  “Wow. Any one of them could be the traitor.”

  Deke shook his head. “I guess you’re right.”

  “What did you tell them about coming here to rescue me? I mean, if one of them is working with Novus, they know what’s going on here.”

  “Let’s just say I took precautions.”

  “What kind of precautions? What could you do to be sure the terrorist didn’t find out vital information?”

  “I’d rather not say.”

  “Really? Here, too?” Mindy craned her neck to look around.

  “I have no idea. I just don’t want to take any chances.”

  “So all this—it’s because Novus is trying to find Rook, when he doesn’t even know if he’s alive? I guess whoever shot Rook didn’t have the luxury of hanging around to make sure he died.”

  Deke sighed. “Guess not.”

  “Why don’t they just go after you? Or Irina?”

  “He can’t get to us directly, and he knows that. There’s too much security at the ranch. And it’s the same reason he didn’t just grab Matt. One of us disappearing would create an international incident, just like Rook’s disappearance did. Since we’re still connected with the military.”

  “So instead, he’s grabbing those close to you.”

  Deke squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his temple. “Something like that.”

  “Why? What’s he after?”

  “He’s doing everything he can
to be sure Rook can’t identify him. You’ve seen the mask that Novus Ordo always wears?

  “Sure. I’ve seen the pictures they’ve shown on the news shows. It looks like those green and white disposable surgical masks you can buy in any drugstore.” She uttered a short laugh. “He looks pretty ridiculous.”

  “Yeah, well, they’ve been effective. For several years, he’s been the most famous and most dangerous terrorist on the planet. The mask fascinates people. It makes him look mysterious.”

  “And nobody’s ever seen his face?”

  “That’s the word. No one except his most trusted inner circle. And Rook.” Deke’s gut twisted at his friend’s name. Rook had taken Deke under his wing on the first day of first grade. He was only a few months older, but he’d always been the stronger one, the more courageous one, the leader. Rook had been born to lead, and Deke had been perfectly happy to be his sidekick.

  “He saw him when he rescued you.”

  He looked at her, surprised.

  “Rook told me. He said you saved Travis Ronson’s life.”

  He’d never wanted her to know about that. Perversely, he would rather have her believe he didn’t love her anymore.

  The truth, that his helicopter had been shot down, which provided the means for Rook’s team to find Novus, painted him in a sympathetic light that he didn’t deserve.

  “I only found out all that afterwards. The way Rook tells it, he and his team hit their camp at night while most of Novus’s men were sleeping. He found the camp by using the GPS locator in my shoulder.”

  “In your shoulder? Is it still there?”

  “No.” He reached with his right hand to touch the little bump where the small chip was located, but the movement made his inflamed wound sting so he stopped. “The battery only lasts about a year. Still itches, though.”

  “So Rook rescued you.”

  “The team did. While they were transporting me to the helicopter, Rook took out a couple of guards with a silenced handgun, and found himself face-to-face with Novus, mask and all. Then a gust of wind ripped the mask right off him. Rook said he got an extreme close-up view before Novus covered his face with his arm.”


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