The Silent Soldiers

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The Silent Soldiers Page 18

by Travis Stinnett

quite some time as she continued, “Your first assignment will be a five page essay on the history of the ShapeShifter. It will be typed, single space, using a 12 point font. Anything other than those specifications will not be accepted. A sixth page will be a cover sheet with the title, as well as your name and the date it is due. We will meet again on Friday and you will turn in your papers. There will be no excuses for not having it finished and lying on my desk by this time Friday. She scooped up the things she had brought with her and marched back out of the room.

  “What the hell is wrong with her?” Jenna asked.

  “Well, we haven’t quite figured that out yet,” said Ava.

  “At least we don’t have to look at her everyday,” I said.

  “Amen to that,” replied Matt.

  “So, guess that means we’re free until our next class starts,” I said happily.

  “Let’s go out and sit in the garden until our next class,” said Ava. Ava stood and headed toward the door and the rest of us followed her lead. We followed her out to the garden and took a seat at a picnic table under a huge old Oak tree.

  “This gives us the perfect opportunity to talk to you about something, Jenna,” Ava said.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “Well, we wanted to ask if you had learned any of your fathers’ computer skills,” Ava told her.

  “I’ve picked up a little. Why do you ask?” Jenna replied. I had my laptop out and booted up by this time, and I pushed it over in front of Jenna so she could see it.

  “We are trying to log into this program,” I said as I clicked on the Silent Soldiers icon.

  “That’s easy, I only need to get online and download a program that cracks passwords,” she said as she began to click and type her way through a number of different screens. A few minutes later, to our amazement, she was done. She scribbled some numbers and letters onto a piece of paper and handed it to me.

  “This id and password will sign you in until somebody realizes that the system has been hacked,” she explained, “Then I can just go in and do it again,” she added with a smile. She turned the laptop back to face me. I began to type in the letters and numbers she gave me. I hit the login button and Access Granted showed on the screen. Next a different screen popped up. The next screen had a number of buttons to choose from. One button in particular that immediately caught my interest read MEMBERS. I clicked on it. The next screen was the same except for what was on the buttons.

  Each of the five buttons had a name on it. We were all shocked to see that four of the names in the list were our own. I clicked on Matt’s name first. His picture popped up at the top of the screen. As I scrolled down it told everything about him, his name, height, weight, eye color, his shifter form, and under the special powers title it said “undetermined.”

  “You have a special power?” Jenna asked Matt.

  “Grandpa said that since I changed early I would probably manifest a special power. He didn’t say what it was or when it would show up,” he said a little confused.

  “We knew you were to be the leader of this group, Luke, but I didn’t know they planned on us being a part of it too,” Ava said.

  “Who is this Dakota Gazini that is the other name on the list?” Jenna asked.

  “I have never heard that name here at the mansion,” Ava said. Matt and I both shook our heads to let her know we didn’t know either.

  Just then we heard someone clear their throat. We all four jerked our heads toward the sound, as I quickly closed my laptop.

  “Hi, mom,” Ava said.

  “Did you all plan on sitting out here all afternoon, or were you planning on coming to class soon?” Rachel asked in a rather stern voice. None of us realized it was already time for class to start. We had been glued to the computer for nearly an hour. We all gathered our things and followed Rachel to the Witchcraft 101 class.

  “I am Rachel Hadison for those of you that don’t already know me,” she said in a very cheerful voice.

  “I will be teaching you the introductory class on Witchcraft. Everyone that attends school here at the mansion must take this class, but only those destined to become witches will proceed to more advanced witchcraft classes. Ava has already completed this class and will act as my assistant. She will also be available to tutor any of you that feel you need the extra help,” Rachel explained. I took the time while Rachel was talking to take a glance around the classroom. There were a variety of posters around the room that contained what I figured to be witch related things. There were also a couple tables in the back covered with what appeared to be chemistry sets with test tubes and burners and things.

  Today I will be discussing a brief history of the craft. After I go through some of the history, we will begin learning about things that are actually important in the craft like spells, and charms, and more practical things. Where we came from as witches is not nearly important to me as where we are going, so we are not going to dwell on the past. Rachel then told us to get out our notebooks so we could take notes, and she began her lesson. I found the information she was giving us to be very interesting. Before I knew it she was dismissing us for the day. She had a homework assignment written on the board to finish reading chapter one and also read chapters two and three.

  We gathered our things and went across the hall to our next and final class of the day, Vampires 101. I was really looking forward to this class. I had read through some of the text, and I was anxious to find out what parts of it pertained to me. To my great surprise, Jack Rathburn was standing on a little raised platform at the front of the class.

  “Jack!” I said as we entered the room.

  “Hello, Luke, how are you today?” he asked.

  “I’m doing great. I didn’t expect to see you teaching this class,” I told him.

  “Yes, well, I’m not the permanent Vampire instructor, but Mr. Carrington asked me to fill in for the summer,” he explained.

  “I normally teach the class on Elves,” he added. Well, that definitely explained why he reminded me of one of Santa’s elves, he actually was an elf. A giggle escaped my throat as I made my way to one of the desks at the front of the class.

  “This class is normally after dark. The vampire that teaches it is only available after the sun goes down,” Ava whispered as we took our seats. I guess that made sense I thought to my self. I hoped Jack had as much knowledge as an actual vampire because I knew I would have lots of questions for him.

  Jack began the lesson for the day. I listened as attentively as possible as he also went through history. When class was over Jack asked Ava and I to stick around. Matt told us he would catch up later and headed out the door with Jenna. Jack allowed them time to leave before turning to us. Mr. Carrington asked that I bring the two of you downstairs for Luke’s further testing. Ava and I both expressed our understanding and followed Jack out of the room.

  We followed Jack out of the classroom and down the hall. He led us into another classroom that must have been his actual classroom by the looks of the posters on the walls. We followed him through the classroom and into a small office. When we were inside he closed the door behind us. He went around to his desk and pulled out a small white crystal. He told us to both take hold of his shoulders as he raised his hand holding the crystal into the air. The crystal began to glow, and the light instantly got so bright that we couldn’t see anything. When the light began to fade, we realized we were no longer in his office at all. We had transported into the Silent Soldiers headquarters.

  “Whoa,” was all I could think to say as I stared shockingly at Ava. Jack looked at us with a little grin and in an instant he was gone. One second he was there looking at us and the next he was gone. He disappeared right in front of our eyes.

  “Ok, that was strange,” Ava said.

  “For real,” I replied. We heard footsteps walking across the floor heading our way, and we both turned to see who it was. Grandpa was coming over to us looking happ
y to see me as he always does.

  “Come with me,” he said as he approached us. We followed him into the room that Rachel removed and applied the spell on me last time I was down here. I noticed the exam table had been removed from the room.

  “Where do you want me?” I asked.

  “I have something to show you, Luke,” Rachel said.

  “I helped mom come up with something a little different than the whole drawn out spell and all,” said Ava very happily. Rachel picked something up from her desk and handed it to me. I looked down to see what it was.

  “An inhaler?” I asked. I don’t have any breathing problems! I protested.

  “It’s not just an inhaler, Luke,” Ava said.

  “Ava’s right, it may look and work like an inhaler, but it is so much more. Try it out,” said Rachel. I nervously put the inhaler into my mouth. I squeezed and inhaled just like someone would that was experiencing an asthma attack. I instantly felt the warm sensation run up my body starting at my feet.

  “Cool,” I said.

  “Ava and I have been working on creating spells in gas form that can be contained in different objects, like this inhaler, and used as we wish. Now, instead of casting spells, we can use whatever object we have chosen. It eliminates the need to carry around candles and ingredients. It also allows a witch to instantly cast a spell that would normally take several minutes,” explained Rachel.

  “That is amazing!” said Grandpa. Rachel took the inhaler back and stuck it in her pocket. We went through the whole testing routine that we had performed last time. We went through it again to make sure everything was the same as it had been before I changed to wolf form. None of my powers had changed, and I continued to have no reaction to any of the items.

  The next step, Grandpa said, was for me to attempt to change into my wolf form while I still possessed my vampire powers. We went out into the main room and everyone turned to watch me as I concentrated on changing. I closed my eyes and focused on what it felt like the night before when I felt my body changing shape. I had the familiar feeling come almost instantly and opened my eyes to realize I was looking up at the others. I watched as Grandpa changed as well.

  “Well done, Luke,” I heard grandpa say in my head. “With a little practice you will be able to change as quickly as I can,” he added.

  “I feel great. I wish I was outside so I could run,” I told him.

  “Let’s try something. I want you to run down to that wall at the end of the room like you did yesterday,” Grandpa said. I moved out to the open area that ran down the center of the room and got into position and took off. In the blink of an eye I was at the other end of the room.

  “You still have your vampire speed, I see. Let’s see if you have your strength as well. Go over to one of the bigger vehicles and see if you can pull it across the room,” Grandpa told me.

  I walked over to the biggest SUV in the room and grabbed hold of the middle of the bumper with my teeth. I slowly started to walk backward pulling the vehicle. To our surprise it started to move. I pulled quite easily as it slowly followed me across the floor. I could hear the wheels squeaking their resistance on the metal floor, but the vehicle never slowed down. I knew the vehicle weighed thousands of pounds, but to me, it was light as a feather. We all came to realize I had my vampire powers in human form, as well as wolf form.


  The next few months went by fairly quickly. The summer was drawing to an end, and fall was quickly approaching. The trees around the mansion were changing into the beautiful shades of yellow, orange, and red that we were all familiar with. The temperature outside was no longer unbearably hot. It was actually getting quite cool at night. Soon, the leaves would begin to fall and winter would take hold of South Arkansas.

  Over the course of the summer I learned a great deal about Witches, Vampires, and Shape Shifters in my classes. We had final exams much like in a normal school, and we all passed them with flying colors. Adriana was a pain in the butt, but at least we didn’t have to see her but once or twice a week. On top of my class work, I had special training down at headquarters everyday. I practiced changing to wolf form quite a bit, and had gotten really good at it. I also went through a series of combat training. My Tae Kwon Do classes back home came in handy with these.

  I eventually had to do the combat training after dark when Professor Vance could teach me. Grandpa decided I was never going to learn much unless someone as fast as me could take over my training. None of the wolves around the mansion came close to matching my speed. It was also great having another vampire around to ask questions. I learned a lot more about my powers and the weaknesses of other vampires from Professor Vance.

  I continued to use the inhaler to suppress my vampire powers while I wasn’t training. Grandpa said we still had some testing to do before I could keep them all the time. Toward the end of the summer we learned that while the spell was removed, and I had the vampire powers, I still ate human food instead of blood. This was wonderful news to me. I really didn’t want to go around with the urge to bite people.

  I was very proud of the things I learned over the summer. Grandpa continued to tell me how pleased he was with my progress. After the summer classes were over, he told me he had a surprise for me. I couldn’t imagine what the surprise could be. He told me to meet him in the great room after dinner one evening.

  “I can’t imagine what Grandpa wants,” I said to the gang. The gang included of course Ava, Matt, and Jenna. We had grown very close over the past few months, and were spending pretty much every waking minute together.

  “I bet it’s going to be something awesome,” Matt said.

  “I guess we will find out soon,” I replied. As soon as we finished eating I excused myself from the table, and told them I would see them a little later. They decided to wait in Ava’s room for me to get finished with my little meeting with Grandpa.

  “Hi, Grandpa,” I said as I entered the great room and walked over to where he was sitting. Something seemed very different about him. Usually when I saw Grandpa he was very happy. He normally had a huge welcoming smile plastered on his face. I always felt completely welcome in his presence. This time when I entered the room a nervous feeling flooded over me at the very serious look Grandpa had. When he noticed me he attempted to change his composure and put on a smile, but I knew he was trying to hide something from me.

  “What’s wrong, Grandpa?” I asked.

  “We have something very important to discuss, Luke. I told you I had a surprise for you, so let’s talk about that first. I am very proud of your progress, and I have decided to remove the spell permanently. I feel that you have progressed enough in your training for you to be able to handle the responsibility of your full powers,” Grandpa explained. I immediately felt some of the nervousness change to excitement.

  “That’s great,” I said, “I have waited all summer for this.”

  “There is another reason for this, Luke,” he said. I need for you to be completely comfortable with your powers. Soon you and the Silent Soldiers will face your first mission,” Grandpa said. My heart beat double time at this news. I had been anticipating when this moment would come, but I never thought it would be so soon.

  “Before your grandmother left the mansion she told not only of your birth. She also gave several other very specific prophecies about you. The first one was your shifting form confirming your identity. That was fulfilled with your changing into the white wolf. The second one told of your initial training that would take place at the mansion. This prophecy has also been fulfilled with your training throughout the summer. The third prophecy, and the one that we are concerned with now, is the basis for your first mission as the born leader of the Silent Soldiers.”

  “The third prophecy is this: Before the mark of the autumnal equinox after the white warrior comes of age, he must collect the Koichi sword to permanently unite himself to the light.

  “What exactly does that
mean?” I asked in complete confusion.

  “I’ll explain. Before the mark of the autumnal equinox is somewhere around the end of September. That gives us approximately three weeks from now for you to complete this mission. The mission is to collect the Koichi sword. If you can obtain this sword before the mark of the autumnal equinox you will unite your self to the light.

  “What is the light, Grandpa?”

  “The light is the opposite of darkness, Luke. Light means the side of goodness. Light is good, and darkness is evil, or so it is said.”

  “Let me get this straight. In less than three weeks, I have to collect this sword. If I don’t succeed I could potentially be evil?” I asked as I shuffled these thoughts around in my head.

  “That is correct,” said Grandpa.

  “Ok. That sounds easy enough. Just tell me where it is and I will go and get it,”

  “Luke, it’s not that simple. We believe that Nhados has been at work since his attack here at the mansion. We think he has taken up guard over the sword. The sword is in the underworld. If it is in fact being guarded by Nhados, it could be nearly impossible for you to get it,” Grandpa explained.

  “We can’t just sit around. We have no choice but to get it. I don’t want to be evil, Grandpa. Let’s go get it.

  “We can’t rush in unprepared, Luke. We must bring in the final member of the team, and we must prepare for a great battle,” said Grandpa. Grandpa handed me the inhaler he was holding. I had been so caught up in all the bad news that I completely forgot about the good news. I took the inhaler and inhaled, removing the spell that had suppressed my powers for so many years. I handed it back to Grandpa and he tucked it away in his pocket.

  “Dakota Gazini will be arriving tonight. He is the fifth and final member of the Silent Soldiers. He is coming to live with us here at the mansion. I want to meet with you all after he arrives so I can introduce everyone to him,” Grandpa said.


  “I must excuse myself Luke. I have to make final arrangements for Dakota’s arrival.” Grandpa left the room while I continued to sit there thinking about all that he had told me. I decided I should go and talk to my friends and tell them what we were up against. We also needed to see if we could find out anything else. I was standing to leave when I suddenly heard a voice coming from the pool room outside of the double doors of the great room.

  I thought it was odd that I could hear someone talking in another room. I remembered then that I learned about super hearing in my vampire class. That must be the reason I could hear this far away. I focused on the voice as closely as I could and found out that it was Adriana talking to someone. I couldn’t hear another voice so I figured she must be

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