Boomer's Fall

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Boomer's Fall Page 3

by Robin Leigh Miller

  When they were gone he crouched down next to Sam, reached out and lifted the bottom of her mask. He shouldn’t have been surprised when her hand flew up and wrapped around his wrist in a death grip.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “We’re back. Come on let’s get you home.”

  Sam sat up, stretched and looked around the plane. “Where are the guys?”

  “They’ve already left. Let’s go, the pilot would like to get home sometime before daylight too.”

  “I need to see Uncle Walt before we leave,” she said standing up.

  “Nope, not tonight. Tonight we go home and get you to bed. Why the hell don’t you take that mask off? Who are you hiding from?”

  “I’m not hiding from anyone. It’s just so sore I don’t want to aggravate it,” she muttered. “Come on, I could use a nice hot bath.”

  He liked the sound of a hot bath and she was walking better. She didn’t seem to be as sluggish as she was earlier. Whatever was in that damn gas affected her on a major level and he didn’t like it.

  They walked across the tarmac, Kong’s arm wrapped around her. She leaned into his body and slipped her arm around his waist. When they reached her sixty-six Mustang, Kong opened the passenger door and shoved her in.

  “Hey, what’s the deal?”

  “I’m driving tonight. You’re too tired.”

  “No I’m not. You’re just looking for an excuse to drive it.”

  Kong looked at her and smiled. “Yep.” When he crawled behind the steering wheel he looked at her. “Why don’t you take that thing off?”

  “I will when we get home.”

  * * * * *

  Boomer and Ricochet stowed their gear and then went to find Cannon.

  “I’m serious now Boomer. Tomorrow night we start findin’ us some fun. It ain’t healthy for a man your age to play with explosives and not a nice, warm, soft woman.” Ricochet said as they approached Cannon’s door.

  “Okay, I get it. I need a woman.”

  “Don’t bother knocking, gentlemen, come on in.” Cannon shouted from behind his desk.

  Both men entered and took a seat in front of Cannon’s desk.

  “Where’s Sam?” he asked without looking up.

  “Kong took her home.”

  Now Walt looked up, a hint of surprise on his face. He looked the two men over, a frown creasing his brow when he saw Boomer’s lip.

  “What happened to you?”

  “Ah, mistake on my part. I surprised Sam while she was beating the shit out of a target.”

  “She did that to you?”

  “Yes, sir.” Boomer scowled at Ricochet as he snickered.

  “Is my niece all right?”

  “As far as we know,” Boomer responded.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “She was off her game a little tonight. No big deal, it happens to us all.” Ricochet didn’t want the man worrying over something that was nothing.

  “Not to her it doesn’t.”

  “It might have had somethin’ to do with all the gas in the buildin’,” Ricochet said glaring at Boomer.

  Walt grunted. “She said something about that. You think that’s all it was?

  “I’m sure it was sir. It’s been my experience that the gas affects people in different ways. It didn’t take her down but it did slow her down, altered her personality a little. Once it wears off she’ll be back to normal.”

  Ricochet made a rude snort. “She was in it as long as the targets were. How the hell she held up is beyond me.”

  Walt nodded his head. “Cleanup says only two dead. Twenty-two alive. The package was all nice and tidy. Good work.”

  “Excuse me sir, two dead?” Ricochet asked. “I only took down one. The other one went back inside the buildin’.”

  Walt picked up a sheet of paper. “Says here two dead. One found outside, the other on the first floor. Severe trauma to the head and face.”

  Boomer and Ricochet dropped their heads and moaned.

  “What is it?” Walt asked.

  “That would be the one Sam was working on when I interfered.”

  “She killed him?” Walt sounded surprised.

  “No one else touched him, sir.”

  Walt rubbed his temples, his mind racing to figure out if he should tell her or not. “Don’t say anything to her about this. She has a personal code about taking lives, only if necessary. I’ll assume it was necessary unless either of you tell me differently.”

  He watched their faces carefully and held his breath when Boomer started to open his mouth. When he closed it without saying a word, Walt let the wave of relief wash over him.

  “Okay then, is there anything else I need to know about tonight’s mission?”

  “No sir,” both men said in unison.

  “You’re free to go then.”

  Boomer and Ricochet rose and left the office.

  “Tomorrow night, Boomer, we hit that new night club that has opened up town. A little dancin’, a little drinkin’ and a whole lotta eye candy.”

  Boomer nodded his head. “I could go for some eye candy.”

  “Not just lookin’, buddy, ya have to talk to them.”

  “I never agreed to that.”

  “What, ya afraid they’ll bite or afraid they won’t?” Ricochet teased.

  “That’s real funny. You know I can’t approach women like you do. Besides, I’m not looking. I’m waiting to be found.”

  “No one’s gonna find ya when all you do is stay at the base playin’ with your bombs. And I’m not talkin’ bout gettin’ hitched to anyone, I’m just talkin’ about findin’ someone to have fun with. Don’t tell me you’re gonna chicken out?”

  “I’ll be there,” Boomer groaned.

  “Good. Women’ll love that split lip thing ya got goin’ and don’t come dressed in your work clothes either.”

  “I won’t, Mom.”

  * * * * *

  Kong raced the Mustang down the road while Sam rested her head back on the seat. She could feel her face swelling under her mask. Mark would have a major meltdown when he saw it, hence the decision to keep her mask on until they got home. No point in causing a scene in front of the guys.

  He’d also have a truckload of questions for her as well. Her own questions tumbled through her brain. Why was she so tired and weak and why did she lose her focus tearing into those guys like an animal? One of the big apes even managed to disarm her. That was unheard of. She knew the guys were concerned and had every right to be. If she could have her weapon taken away so easily, then they couldn’t count on her to watch their backs. That didn’t bode well in a team situation.

  It had to be the gas. She was fine until she walked into that damn stuff. Next time Boomer decided to use his precious gas she’d make sure she was very far away. Looking back on the whole scene now it was as if she was standing outside her body watching. She was so detached it was creepy, an event she didn’t want to experience again.

  It didn’t help that she was physically off her game either. She was out of shape. Before Mark she used all her free time to practice and keep her muscles limber. If she wasn’t working she was at the base conditioning her body. Mark was keeping her muscles limber these days but the rest of her was slowing down.

  She promised herself that starting tomorrow she would become more disciplined with her workout. If she didn’t, the consequences could be deadly. She couldn’t afford to let another mountain of a man get the best of her.

  Ben needs to hear from you.

  The soft voice inside her head was a gentle reminder of what she’d done to Boomer. Her stomach clenched when she remembered his cold, flat eyes boring into her as he wiped blood from his mouth.

  I’ll call him first thing in the morning. Is he angry with me?

  Benjamin holds no anger.

  I hope not, Sam replied.

  Boomer was such a great guy. Why he hadn’t found a gentle, loving woman by now was beyond her. H
e had so much to offer. Ricochet was right about him not getting out enough and meeting people. She should encourage it.

  Her attention was brought back to the car when it stopped and Mark shut off the ignition. They were finally home and she longed for a nice, hot bath. Mark was sitting quietly watching her.

  “Come on, babe, let’s get you inside.”

  Sam took a deep breath, once they were through the door and she removed her mask he was going to go ballistic. She really didn’t want to fight with him, not tonight. But she prepared herself for the inevitable and exited the car.

  Mark unlocked the door and let her go through first. Sam walked in not bothering to turn any lights on and went straight back to the bathroom. Her first order of business was to turn the hot water on in the tub and dump half a bottle of bubble bath in.

  When she stood, Mark was leaning against the doorjamb, his arms folded across his chest. As tired and worn as he looked he was a vision of masculinity. His chest muscles strained against his black t-shirt, his thick thighs wrapped so deliciously in the black material of his pants. Her heart stuttered and then began to beat in a high-paced rhythm. A reaction she hoped never went away.

  “You want me to help you with the mask?”

  “No, I’d better do it.” She turned toward the mirror, steadied herself and began to lift it away from her face. She winced as she pulled it up to her cheeks and had to bite her tongue to keep from crying out.

  Mark was by her side in a second, his knife glistening under the bathroom light. “I’ll cut it off.”

  “No, it’s okay. I can do this. I’ve had worse.”


  It was becoming harder for her to pass off little untruths to him. With each passing day their understanding of each other grew.

  “Yeah but I need to do this.” She tugged the mask past her nose and up over her eyes.

  “Oh fuck, Sam. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She stared at herself in the mirror. Crusty dried blood caked to her face, its source her swollen, throbbing nose. Under the flaky mess her lips looked as though she’d had a bad collagen treatment. Bone-deep bruises blossomed across her cheeks, over her chin and down her neck. Around her throat were large finger marks where the Russian brute had tried to strangle her.

  “The guys didn’t need to see this,” she whispered.

  “You think they care what you look like?” Mark snapped. “They care about you damn it. We could’ve gotten ahead of the swelling if you’d told me.”

  Sam continued to stare at herself as Mark ran a washcloth under warm water. “The next time Boomer decides to use that gas you’re vacating the premises. I don’t like what it does to you. Hell you should have been flat on your ass instead you’re ripping into that guy like a wild animal, not to mention Boomer.”

  She winced as he dabbed at her face with the wet cloth, more from the sting of his words then the pain in her face. She moved away from him and snatched the cloth from his hand.

  “I got the job done didn’t I?” She bit off the words as if they were sour in her mouth.

  Mark scrubbed his face with his hands. “Yeah, you got the job done, no one’s disputing that. But…”

  “But nothing. I had no idea I’d react to the gas like that,” she said stripping off her clothes and dropping them on the floor. “I’m out of shape too.”

  She shivered as his gaze ran from her toes to the top of her head.

  “Out of shape?”

  “I haven’t been training properly since we moved in together.”

  “Oh so now it’s my fault.”

  “I didn’t say that,” she said stepping into the steaming tub. “I just haven’t been training like I used to. I feel like my reflexes are slowing and my focus is off.” When she looked at him she saw a hint of pain in his eyes and it melted her heart.

  “I don’t want to fight, Mark, not tonight. We can talk about this tomorrow when we’re both rested and thinking clearly. All I want now is for you to hold me.”

  “Yeah?” he asked with a smile.

  “Yeah. Are you getting in or am I sitting in this wonderful, warm water by myself, naked?”

  Mark removed his clothing in record time, enticing a giggle from Sam. Her breath seized in her lungs when her gaze slid over his marvelously shaped body. The package was incredible—thick, toned muscles covered by tight skin that rippled when he moved. But what lay beneath was the real prize. He was gruff and intimidating yet sensual, loving and understanding. As far as she was concerned, he was a blessing.

  She waited for him to step into the tub and move behind her then they sank down into the inviting warmth of the water. Sam settled her back against his chest and let her head fall back. The whole world could evaporate around them and at this moment she wouldn’t care.

  “Do you think you’ll be healed tonight?” Mark asked softly.

  “I don’t know. Things have changed since we caught Mom and Dad’s killer.”

  “How so?”

  Sam shivered as Mark’s hands slid over the slick skin on her shoulders. “It doesn’t speak to me as much as it used to. Before, it was like a constant companion in my head, always reacting to my thoughts, boosting my confidence. It really was more than just a helping hand on a mission. I miss it.”

  Mark gave her a loving hug. “Did it ever cross your mind that it knows you don’t need the constant companionship that you used to? You have me now to take up your thoughts. And depending on what those thoughts are,” he smiled, “it doesn’t need to be a part of them.”

  Sam thought about that for a moment. Was that the reason for the loss of contact?

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  “It still helps out on missions right?” he asked.

  “It does. It kept Boomer from walking into an ambush and kept me quiet so I wouldn’t be found when I was hiding upstairs.”

  “So the only thing that has changed is the downtime contact. Does it answer you when you ask a question?”

  “When it can.”

  “You’re worrying too much baby,” he said slipping his hands under her bottom and giving it a light squeeze. “It knows I’m here to take care of you now.”

  “I hope you’re right, Mark. I’d hate to think I’d lose it altogether. It’s been such a big part of my life. It would be like losing a limb.”

  “Ya know Sam, I’ve learned a lot since I met you and I think it’s safe to say that even though you don’t hear it all the time, it’s always with you.”

  He has learned well, Samantha, and he is right. I will always be with you. Your life is evolving and you need to start taking steps on your own. I will be there to lift you when you need it, heal you when you are harmed and rejoice with you during happy times. All you need to do is ask when you feel you need me.

  A tear slid down Sam’s cheek. The smell of freesia filled the bathroom letting her know she was loved. Thank you, she said silently.

  Mark looked around, sniffed the air and laughed. “I take it we’re being listened to?”

  “Yep. It says you’ve learned well.”

  “See, you can teach old dogs new tricks. I don’t know about you but I need a nice soft bed, a warm body to cuddle up to and hours of sleep.”

  Before Sam could respond Mark pushed her forward, turned her around until her legs wrapped around his waist and lifted her out. When she looked into his eyes he frowned.

  “I really wish you had told me about your injuries, Sam. I think you keep forgetting we’re a team now. Team members help each other, not keep secrets.”

  “I’m sorry Mark,” she said resting her forehead against his. “You’re right. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

  “Who could, breathing in all that damn gas? Rico’s right, Boomer needs a woman or at least a hobby.”

  “I was thinking the same thing but I didn’t think it was my place to say anything.”

  They both chuckled as Mark dried them off and then led her to the bedroom across the hall.

; “Is Boomer mad at me for hitting him?” Sam asked as Mark set her on the bed.

  “No, in fact he was defending you. I think you could do just about anything and those two would go to their death defending you,” Mark said crawling under the blankets and remembering when they both blasted him for hurting Sam.

  “And you wouldn’t?” Sam teased.

  “I live with you, remember? I know you better than they do.”

  Sam slapped him in the chest and gave her best smile.

  Mark cupped her bruised and swollen face. “I would walk through hell for you, baby, and then take on the devil himself. Believe that.”

  She did believe it and then said another silent thank you for bringing them together before she settled under the covers and drifted off to sleep to the sound of Mark’s breathing.

  * * * * *

  Mark listened for the steady breathing that came when she fell asleep. When he was sure she was out he looked up at the ceiling. He didn’t do this often but there was a strong urge to do it tonight.

  “Heal her please. She won’t admit it but she’s in a lot of pain and I can’t stand to see her in pain,” he whispered.

  The words were no sooner out of his mouth when a gold globe of light formed near the ceiling. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen it but it always set him back. He watched as it drifted around the room before it settled over her face.

  Warm light blanketed her head, pulsing as it did its work. When it was finished it formed a ball again and drifted over Mark. He swore there was a light brush against the skin of his cheek, nothing more than the air moving from a butterfly wing but enough for him to feel. With a few winks of its glorious brilliance it rose to the ceiling and disappeared.

  Mark rose on his elbow and looked into Sam’s sleeping face. The swelling was nearly gone and the bruising was much lighter than it had been. He leaned over and gave her light kiss on the forehead and pulled her close to his body where she cuddled up like a kitten.

  “Thank you,” he said and then closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Boomer jerked, twisted and balled his hands into fists, fighting an unknown demon in his sleep. Hands. Everywhere he looked there were hands grabbing at him signing unreadable words. Frenzied faces whizzed by his face, their mouths moving in silent pleas for help. Young faces, adult faces, a mixture of ages begging him for help.


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