Boomer's Fall

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Boomer's Fall Page 8

by Robin Leigh Miller

  “Go into the old pantry and drop down the hole in the floor. My friend is there to help you,” she signed to him.

  He shook his head no and clung to her once more. Again Sam pushed him away and began signing. “Be brave. It’s almost over.”

  He stared into her eyes and then nodded before darting away.

  “Number two on his way,” she reported.

  “Roger. By the way, I never got the first one.”

  “What?” About that time she felt a small hand rest on her shoulder. Sam jumped, turned and saw the little redhead smiling at her.

  “She’s still here. I’ll try again.”

  “You need to go. My friend is waiting for you. It’s not safe in here.”

  Her little hands flew through the air. “You need my help with him.” Then she pointed to a small boy in the corner of the room.

  Figuring it was the only way she would get the kid out she took her hand and crossed to the little boy. The first thing she noticed was he wasn’t just small but puny and pale. Red reached out and touched his arm. When he lifted his head Sam saw nothing but white eyes. Not only was he deaf but blind as well. Her heart shattered into pieces. How was she going to communicate with him?

  Red began signing. “If you free his hands I can talk to him.”

  She didn’t understand but didn’t have time to argue. Quickly she freed him and watched as Red grabbed his hand and began signing in his palm. The boy nodded and gently slipped off the chair, his hand tucked tightly into Red’s.

  Red shook it free and signed. “He’ll be fine now. I’ll watch over him.” Then grasped his hand and made her way across the room, tugging the boy behind her.

  Sam could only watch amazed and humbled by the kid’s nerve. “Boomer you got two coming. One’s blind.”

  “Roger. What about the one I’m missing?”

  “She’s bringing the blind boy,” she said moving on to the last kid.

  She made a quick survey of the explosive. It wasn’t like the others. This one was more sophisticated.

  “We got problems. Boomer, you may have to come in here.”

  “What’s up?”

  “This last one isn’t like the others. There’s no plastic explosive, it’s a canister of some kind. I don’t know what to do.”

  “A canister? Is the kid attached to it somehow?”

  Sam looked him over. “There’s a silver wire coming out from under his butt. It’s attached to the canister.” As she spoke the little boy looked up at her.

  “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to help,” she signed unable to take her gaze from his brilliant blue eyes.


  “Yeah I’m here, that little redhead is something.”

  “Tell me about it. What about this explosive?”

  “Don’t touch him. I’ll be in as soon as I can.”


  “Ricochet, where are the targets?”

  “Still on the second floor. It looks like they’re havin’ a coffee break. Don’t seem too concerned about anyone getting’ in.”

  “Let’s hope it stays that way.”

  “I have a problem.” Boomer’s voice sounded strangled. “I’m stuck in the door. I’m too wide.”

  “You have to get through, Boomer, I’m no expert but it looks like if he moves it goes off. I’m not touching it.” Just then the little boy started wiggling on the chair. Sam rested her hands on his legs to hold him still. “The kid’s getting restless.”

  “Hang on.”

  She heard him grunting as he shoved his large frame through the small opening. The boy’s legs started bouncing up and down. Panic knotted her stomach. If he moved too much they would all be dead.

  Chapter Six

  “You have to sit still.” She signed to him. She watched his amazing eyes tear up as he tried to lean forward. “Do you have to go to the bathroom?” she asked. When he nodded his head the panic grew.

  “Boomer, the kid has to pee bad. I don’t know how long I can keep him still.”

  “I’m trying,” he grunted.

  Please help me, she asked silently. I don’t know what to do.

  You must distract him. Take his mind from the problem.

  Sam rolled her eyes, how was she supposed to do that? As he began bouncing again she raised her hands and started signing a song that she learned as a child. It worked. He stilled his legs and watched her hands fly through the air.

  “Boomer, where are you?” she whispered in her radio.

  “Just one more inch and I’m free.”

  Sam came to the end of the song and dropped her hands. As soon as she did the boy began to bounce again. She lifted her hands and just started signing anything she could think of. She told him a simple joke that made his face beam with delight. The next one made him frown with disappointment.

  “Okay I’m out.”

  “Oh thank God,” she whispered.

  Boomer was by her side in seconds looking over the device. “It’s not so bad. Keep him still while I remove the wire from the canister.”

  Since she was out of jokes she decided to explain to the boy what was going on. He watched her hands intently, never once showing fear. At one point he looked down at Boomer and smiled. Boomer signed to the kid that he was doing well and it was almost over.

  “Smoke, we got a problem.” Kong growled into the radio.

  “What is it?”

  “The redhead disappeared. I think she might be headed your way.”

  A small chuckle sounded from Boomer.

  “Roger, I’ll keep my eyes open.” Sam nudged Boomer with her elbow letting him know it wasn’t that funny.

  “Okay, Smoke, you can cut him loose now.” Boomer said wiping his brow.

  Sam sliced the rope holding him, lifted the boy off the chair and told him where to go. “If you find the little redhaired girl take her back with you,” she signed and then sent him on his way.

  “Kong we have the fourth one free. He’s on his way out. I’ll take a look around and make sure the floor is clear. Did you find Red yet?”


  “Movement on the second floor,” Ricochet reported.

  “We need a distraction. We can’t have him come down here and see all the kids gone.” Sam and Boomer started looking for a place to hide.

  “Got it,” Kong bit off. “Get on that bullhorn or something,” he said into his walkie-talkie. “Do something to keep them on the second floor,” he told the Feds.

  Sam backed into a dark corner, pressing her petite body against the wall. When she felt a tug at her sleeve she jumped. Standing by her side was the smiling little redhead.

  “I found our escapee,” she reported to Kong. “She’s standing right next to me.”

  A voice boomed through the night air over a bullhorn. Sam ignored it as she told the child to go back out where it was safe.

  “I know a way upstairs that they don’t know about,” Red signed.

  Sam crouched down, eye to eye with the girl. “Where?”

  She pointed back toward the storage room.

  “In there? I didn’t see any doors in there,” Sam signed. “Are you sure?”

  The girl gave her a toothy, mischievous smile and Sam knew right away there was no doubt this child knew her way around the building.

  “Boomer, our little helper says she knows how we can get upstairs.”

  “You better move. I’m not sure how long they can keep them up there,” Kong told her.

  “Looks like they’re gettin’ antsy. I’ll head down. Can’t get a clear shot anyway,” Ricochet reported.

  “As soon as I have that kid in solid hands I’ll join you,” Kong said.

  “I’ll make a final sweep of the floor, Smoke. You get moving.” Boomer was already checking dark corners and small cubby holes.

  “Show me,” Sam signed and was surprised when the girl grabbed her hand with a firm grip and pulled her into the storage room.

  Red pointed to a stack of
chairs and desks up against the wall. Sam looked at her with suspicious eyes. Red rolled hers and marched toward the pile. She wedged her little body between the wall and stack and began pushing.

  With lightning speed Sam rushed to her and pulled her away. “That makes noise and they will hear it,” she told the girl. “You go now, I’ll clear it away.”

  “No, I want to help.”

  The way her hands moved in stiff jerky motions, Sam could tell she was determined.

  “You have to go where it is safe.”

  The girl crossed her arms, planted her feet and looked away. Sam jammed her fists on her hips and silently fumed. Boomer appeared and crouched down in front of the child.

  “You’ve helped us a lot and we thank you. You’ve been a good teammate but there is one more thing you have to do for us,” he signed.


  “You have to watch over the others and make sure they are safe. Keep an eye on them. Can you do that for me?”

  “I can do that.” The little girl’s face beamed with pride.

  Sam watched her drop down the hole in the floor and then turned to Boomer. She didn’t say a word, just held her hands out in front of her. Boomer chuckled and shook his head and then began pulling chairs off the pile.

  “Kong, you have the kid yet?” she snarled in the radio.

  “Got her. Give me two minutes and I’ll be in.”

  Thirty seconds later Ricochet pulled himself through the hole and began helping clear away the pile.

  “Anybody got any ideas on how we’re gonna handle this once we get up there?” he asked. “It looks like it’s all open area, nowhere to hide.”

  “If I can take them down with my dart gun it’s free sailing,” Sam said knowing it wouldn’t be that easy.

  Samantha, time is running short.

  “We have to move.” She ignored the curious look Boomer and Ricochet gave each other and doubled her effort at clearing away the door.

  Kong slipped through the hole. “Man, that kid reminds me of someone,” he growled before joining the group.

  “What’s the matter, Kong, little girl to much for ya?” Ricochet teased.

  “Stubborn, pigheaded and a pain in the…”

  “Reminds me of Sam,” Boomer cut in before Kong dug himself in too deep.

  Sam’s head jerked toward the three men. Each one had a silly grin on his face, apparently agreeing. “So you think I’m stubborn, pigheaded and a pain in the…”

  “No, you’re strong-willed, fearless and willing to risk yourself to help others,” Boomer said without missing a beat.

  “Yeah what he said.” Kong kept moving so he didn’t have to look at her.

  When the door was finally cleared away Sam stepped up to it and turned the knob. It opened freely and revealed narrow steps climbing toward the second floor.

  “I’ll go up and see what’s what.”

  “Careful, we don’t know where it comes out,” Boomer said laying his hand on her shoulder.

  “Yeah, I should’ve asked her that, hunh?”

  “Well, let’s look at it from a child’s perspective. She obviously uses it to sneak around. So it can’t open up right in the room.”

  Boomer was right. Red was a sneaky little thing. She wouldn’t use it unless she was sure she could get away with something. “I think I like the kid,” she muttered and then started up the stairs.

  With silent sure steps she made her way to the top. An old, wooden door blocked her way but at the bottom of the door was a knothole. Sam smiled. No doubt Red used it to make sure the coast was clear. She backed down a couple of steps and pressed her eye against the whole.

  Samantha, they are becoming agitated.

  She reached up, held her breath and turned the doorknob. It swung open without a sound. She crawled inside and found herself in a fairly large room.

  Okay Red, what would you do now? Why would a little girl go through so much trouble, sneaking around just to get into a room that went nowhere? She wouldn’t, Sam told herself.

  “Boomer, come up here,” she whispered into her radio.

  “Everything okay, Smoke?” Kong asked.


  It only took seconds for Boomer to reach the room and crawl to her side.

  “What’s up?” he signed to her.

  “I don’t get it. Why would she come in here? It looks like four walls, no door,” she replied with her hands.

  She watched Boomer crawl around the room, feeling the walls, the floor and even pushing against the ceiling. He seemed to be as confused about the situation as she was. As she watched questions ran through her head.

  Why would the kid send them to a room with no way out? She was a smart kid. She’d already proved that so what was the deal? There had to be some way out of this room. What was it used for anyway?

  Voices of their targets seeped through the wall, loud, plain almost like they were standing right next to them. Sam reached into one of her pockets and pulled out her penlight and turned it on. Boomer’s head snapped around, his eyes glared at her.

  “What are you doing?” he signed.

  Sam made her way back to the door they entered through and shone it around. Above her was yet another small door. She motioned to Boomer to take a look.

  “I bet there’s a crawl space up there,” he said.

  “That’s what I’m counting on and I bet there’s a nice peephole too,” she replied.

  She reached up, pushed against the door and prayed it wouldn’t make any noise. Her prayers were answered. It lifted nice and smoothly without a sound. The only problem now was how to get up. She aimed the beam of her light in the hole and saw a piece of rope near the edge. Sam pulled on it and smiled when a homemade rope ladder dropped down.

  “I told you she reminded me of you,” Boomer signed with a warm smile on his face.

  “I’ll go up and look around.”

  Boomer nodded and then returned to the empty room to continue his search.

  Sam tested the rope by stepping on the bottom rung, placing all her weight on it. When it held, she began to climb. Sure enough it led to a crawl space. Sam scanned the area with her light and found a doll, a plastic tea set and some empty junk food wrappers.

  Why would Red come up here to hide when there had to be plenty of other places to stow away? She belly crawled through the tight space and found what she expected, a peephole that allowed her to see into the entire room.

  Directly below her was one of the targets. Circling him were eight kids ranging in age from six to fourteen. They didn’t seem to be tied, just sitting in chairs. Teenagers were placed at the six windows to keep anyone from taking a sniper shot.

  Just then one of the younger boy’s eyes darted up and fixed on the peephole. Sam put him at about nine or ten. Could this be the reason Red sat up here? A young crush?

  “Smoke, you got anything?” Boomer’s voice was a barely audible, nothing more than a mere breath of air.

  “Red has a hiding place up here,” she responded in the same manner. “There’s a peephole. I can see the entire room.”

  “I think I found a way into the room from here,” he told her.

  She continued to watch the little boy, his eyes still fixed on the hole. Suddenly they darted to the room Boomer was hiding in and then back to her. Was he trying to tell her something? He did it again, a quick movement of the eyes. He was telling her something.

  She crawled away from the hole and over to the opening to the lower level. “Boomer, come here,” she whispered.

  “What is it?” he asked appearing out of the dark.

  “There’s a kid down there, I think he saw me. He kept looking from me to this room. I think he may be Red’s crush. You suppose this room is their rendezvous spot?”

  “Could be. That would explain the small section of the wall I found that can be removed.”

  “So we’ve found our way in.”

  “Roger. Let’s go fill in Kong and Ricochet.”

>   The two made their way back down to the storage room where Kong and Ricochet waited. After a brief report everyone was assigned a task. Ricochet would take the crawl space giving him perfect access to take a shot if needed. Boomer and Sam would burst into the room from the entrance Boomer found. Kong would reposition himself on the stairs, cutting off any escape for the targets.

  They waited for Kong to report he was in place with two clicks of his radio.

  Samantha, you are about to receive assistance.

  What? From whom? The only thing she could think of was the Feds would come rushing in and blow the whole operation.

  Boomer sensed her body tense. He looked at her and began signing.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “I think we have trouble coming,” she signed back.

  “What kind?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Kong’s double click came over their radios. If they were going to get this done without interference they needed to move now.

  “Little boy sees me. He just looked at the room and back up at me. Nodded his head at me,” Ricochet whispered.

  “I’d say we we’re given the go-ahead. Let’s move,” Kong ordered.

  Boomer kicked out the cutaway panel and dived into the room followed by Sam. Kong crashed through the door that led to the stairway. Sam glanced at the kids quickly before focusing her attention on the targets. There was no screaming, no terror in their young faces, just an odd sense of patience.

  The targets however jumped to their feet, shocked and stunned. Sam whipped her dart gun up and fired two consecutive shots at the closest target. She made a direct hit in his neck. Before he knew what happened he dropped to his knees with a glazed look in his eyes.

  The remaining target snatched one of the older children by the arm and used him as a shield.

  “You think I didn’t plan for this?” he spat over the child’s head. “You think I won’t die for my cause?”

  “We don’t care if you die for your cause.” Kong spoke in a very low, slow tone.


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