Fantasmic Tales: Poppy Rider And The Glass Shards

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Fantasmic Tales: Poppy Rider And The Glass Shards Page 11

by Adrianna Dane

  A woman mounted the platform from a set of ice steps at the side. She straddled Ashon and then proceeded to ride his cock. The audience of masked attendees clapped and urged her on. They toasted her gyrations. She fucked him until she climaxed--the audience clapped and voiced their approval. Then she dismounted and left, walking in the opposite direction from which she had ascended.

  Ashon's head lolled back, his eyes rolled. One of the guards came up to him and prodded him with an electrical wand. Ashon stiffened and then straightened. The guard walked away.

  "At least this one we can help," Poppy said. She started to walk toward the platform. It was Narcissa who stopped her.

  "Wait. I will do this. I can help him--I must help him."


  She looked at Poppy. Something secret lurked in her dark, bottomless eyes. "The queen is vicious and evil. She is all lust and no love. Sacrifice is made to her not by her." She gazed at Ashon adoringly and Poppy understood what the look of pure love must resemble. It was there on Narcissa's face.

  "Love isn't going to defeat the Ice Queen."

  "It is not the Ice Queen I will defeat; it is Ashon I mean to save."

  "I don't know what you have planned, but it better be good."

  Narcissa smiled at Poppy. "I'm not human you know. I'm djinn as my father before me, as my many sisters and brothers. And not only do I possess the magic to remove the shards of glass from Ashon, but I have the power to melt the royal ice imprisoning his heart, compliments of the queen.

  "A djinn?"

  "A genie. And a virgin one at that. My father gave me to Delal when I was very young."

  Poppy grabbed her arm. "You're what? But what about Delal?"

  "That was not what he was ever interested in. In fact, he delighted in the fact that I would never experience true love; never experience the warmth of passion." Narcissa looked at Ashon. "He was wrong. And a djinn's gift of her virginity is a powerful force to be reckoned with."

  Poppy watched as Narcissa mounted the platform. The djinn walked with confidence over to mount Ashon. Poppy saw her whisper something in his ear, kiss the side of his face, and then slowly she positioned herself over his cock and dropped down.

  She placed one of her hands over the lightning bolt scar on his chest, the other hand positioned in a V-shape near his blue eye. She forced herself down; a look of pain crossed her expression as she seated Ashon inside her.

  She closed her eyes and began to fuck Ashon. Tinges of pinkish-red shone brightly as she lifted and his glistening cock appeared, then were quickly lost as she slid down to enclose him completely. Time and again she undulated over him, her lips moving in a whisper of some chant that only Ashon could hear.

  And then several things happened at once. Narcissa orgasmed, the blue cock ring shattered, liquid like silver mercury poured down Ashon's chest. Ashon's blue eye turned brown and the look on his face turned to one of lucidity.

  He screamed and stiffened as a powerful climax ripped through him and his seed poured into Narcissa. Narcissa clung to him for long moments. She kissed him and his flesh turned from ash gray to a rosy hue almost as though she were bringing him back to life.

  Before anyone could move, Ashon had ripped the ice cuffs free, dislodging Narcissa, who fell to the floor of the platform. He surged up from the chair, looked down at her for one brief moment with an unreadable expression on his face, then swept her into his arms.

  Poppy's heart thundered at the chivalrous display of valor as he first faltered, then surged toward the steps taking them from the platform.

  Poppy and the others raced to meet them.

  "Let's get out of here," Simon said. And he led the way as they made their escape.

  A side door got them out of the room quickly. And another panel opening hid them from sight.

  "I suppose you know how we can get out of here safely and back to our own world?" Will asked.

  "More or less. First, some clothes." And he opened a door that led them to a room, and then another room. And finally to a room with closets of clothing.

  "This one is in back of the palace theater. Take your pick, but make it quick. There's a tunnel that will lead us to the stables and we'll make a fast exit out of here."

  "You are a man of many talents," Poppy said. "I'm sure glad you're on our side."

  "Thank Moira. She's the one who set everything in motion."

  "I will. When we get back--if we get back."

  "Mother sent you?" Ashon asked. He seemed to have revived very quickly.

  "Did you think your mother would leave you with the viper queen?" Simon asked.

  "I don't remember much after passing through the veil. It was weird."

  "Where was the queen, by the way? I didn't see her at the...ball. I assumed we'd have to get through her to get to you."

  "She went hunting with her new plaything. At least that's what I overheard the guards saying. She told them to do what they wanted with me, just have me ready for the rink at midnight. I was so stupid to take that bet and breach the portal."

  "Be thankful she lost interest. Now let's get out of here," Simon said.

  They heard the thunder of guards in the outer passages, probably seeking Ashon. With luck, they wouldn't find them.

  "What about our things? The ones we came in with. The dagger that Moira gave me," Will said. "I don't think she'd want that left behind."

  Simon gave him a secretive grin. "Don't worry about that stuff, it will find its way home. Trust me." Then he turned and led them down the passageway.

  Finally, they reached the stables.

  "What are those great beasts?" Gray asked.

  "Griffles. They're going to keep us ahead of the queen's men--with any luck."

  "Are they safe?" asked Will. These were the same type of animals that they'd seen earlier accompanying the queen's sleigh.

  "As safe as any beasts in this kingdom. Two to a mount and let's get out of here."

  Once they were astride, Narcissa and Ashon on one of the beasts, Poppy and Will on another, Gray on the last waiting for Moira's man, Simon ran to the doors and shoved them open. Then he came back and mounted the last beast in front of Gray.

  "Hang on," he said and then spurred his animal forward. "Go and keep on going, don't stop for anything."

  "How will we know where the portal is?" Poppy asked. "We've lost everything we came in with."

  "Don't worry," Simon said as he donned a pair of red goggles. "I'll lead the way."

  The animals were fleet of foot, Poppy had to admit that. She held onto Will for dear life. She heard shouting behind them as they pulled out of the stable and zoomed down the road heading toward the gate. She had no idea how Simon was going to get them to open the gate.

  And then she screamed as a set of wings unfurled and she and Will had to shift quickly. Then suddenly the animal reared upward and lifted into the sky as they soared right over the wall. They went up and up and up, over the outer walls of the glacier-like structure, across the lake and still onward.

  It seemed hardly moments had passed before Simon was signaling them to land and they all hopped off. Simon pointed and they raced to follow him.

  Poppy could hear the great flapping of wings and shouts as guards started their descent, hot on their heels.

  "Ashon and Narcissa first."

  Ashon, still holding fast to Narcissa's hand, jumped through the portal.

  "You next, Poppy," Gray said as he picked her up and tossed her through.

  She ran and didn't stop until she broke free, stumbled to the ground, rolled away, then scrambled to her feet as she waited impatiently for the others to follow.

  Gray came through next, followed by Will, and then finally Simon.

  Simon somersaulted and then surged to his feet. "We made it."

  "They won't come through?" Will asked.

  "No. The boundary has been passed. The queen dare not give orders to pursue us on this side of the portal."

  "Thank God," Poppy said

  She turned to say something to Ashon, but then forgot what it was as she watched him swoop Narcissa up into a blistering embrace.

  Will's arms came around Poppy. "We made it, Red."

  She twisted around and wound her arms around his neck. She smiled up at him. "We sure did. Wow, what a trip." And then his mouth covered hers.

  Once her feet were settled back onto the ground, she turned to look for Gray. And then she saw him.

  "Gray," she said as she walked to him and bent down to slide a hand over his fur. "You've changed back." She couldn't believe eight hours had passed since they'd killed Delal. And yet it must have. A twinge of regret speared into her.

  Gray whined and leaned his muzzle into Poppy's hand, then licked his long pink tongue down the side of her face.

  Something had changed because she couldn't mindspeak with him. She'd thought when it was over and he reverted back the connection would be re-established. But somehow it wasn't.

  Gray walked over to Will and looked up at him. The expression in his big brown eyes said it all. And even though they couldn't mindspeak, Poppy knew that Gray probably would never get over his fascination with Will. She wished there was something she could do for him--find him a big gray to play with or something. Maybe when they got back.

  "Let's go home," she said tiredly. She'd had more than enough adventure for one lifetime.

  Chapter 12

  * * *

  Six months later

  A demonslayer. That's what they called her now. It wasn't exactly a rep she was eager to have as she now found all sorts of strange people knocking at her door. She should have known that things would change after an experience like they'd had. What she hadn't known was exactly how her life would alter. Nor Will's or Gray's.

  Will walked out of the bathroom, his big, sexy body still wet from the shower. Damn, he looked good.

  "It's almost time," Poppy said.

  "Yeah, you still okay with this? I know it's not exactly the kind of relationship you had in mind."

  "Look, we've talked about this. I learned a lot about myself when we went up to Alaska." She walked over to him and slid her fingers through the wet, silky black patch of hair running from his chest to his groin.

  Will groaned and leaned forward to kiss her. Then a lone howl split the night.

  "He's waiting," Poppy said. "I expect he's getting impatient."

  "Moira did a real number, didn't she?" Will said as he curled his fingers into Poppy's hair.

  "It makes me hot thinking about the two of you, you know that?"

  Will chuckled. "Is that why you always meet me at the door naked when I get back?"

  "Well, damn, thinking about you for five days with nothing but my vibrator to keep me's just not doing the trick. Five days is a long time."

  "Not so long for Gray. That's all he gets every month."

  "I'm going to follow you one of these days," Poppy said as she looked up at him.

  "I wouldn't advise it. We hunt first. I don't think you want to know the rest. We're animals after all. At least I am for five days out of the month."

  "Do you like it, Will? Do you mind?"

  "Once Moira explained exactly what she'd done and I sort of got used to the idea, it wasn't so bad. The first time I shifted it was quite a shock though."

  "Hell, it was to me, too."

  "But now." He cupped her face. "I love you, Poppy, you know that."

  "Yeah, I do."

  "But I guess I love him, too."

  There was a time when she thought she should be jealous. But she couldn't be--not of Gray. In a way, she loved Gray as well. And sharing Will--well, it wasn't so bad. Not when she knew who she was sharing him with.

  "We got an invitation in the mail today," Poppy said.

  "Yeah? From who and for what?"

  "Moira. Ashon and Narcissa are finally getting married. Narcissa sent along a note--she wants me to be her maid of honor."

  "Are we going?"

  "Yeah, we are. And Gray's coming, too. Moira's sending along a necklace." She smiled up at Will. "I think it's going to be fun."

  Will grinned. "Gray will enjoy it." He leaned closer. "He liked fucking you," he whispered in her ear. "He's said he'd like another chance. The next time he says he'll take his time."

  "You two talk about me?"

  "Only in the best terms, Red. He likes to fantasize a lot."

  "It's weird not being able to mindspeak with him anymore." It was one of the exchanges she and Gray had lost--well, it actually got transferred to Will in all the magical exchanges that Moira performed. "But it's connecting with you that he really always wanted. So I'm good with that. He deserves to be happy, too."

  "Step back, Red. It's coming on."

  Quickly Poppy stepped away from Will and watched as he shifted. It was a full moon and from now through the next five days Will would take the form of a wolf. Moira said it had something to do with the blood exchange that saved Will's life after Delal was killed. Another one of those damned exchanges. A whole bunch of that had gone on in the Ice Kingdom. It got complicated, but in the end they all found a bit of happiness and a lot of love.

  Will made a gorgeous wolf and Poppy bet that pleased Gray to no end. Gray still came to the cabin and lounged by the fire and kept Poppy company when Will was away doing his thing. Poppy opened the door and she heard another howl soar into the night. She stepped back.

  Will looked at her and then trotted past her and was swallowed up by the blackness of night. Poppy scooped up the damp towel and inhaled Will's scent. She couldn't help smiling as she clutched it close to her breast. It was moments later that Poppy heard the twin howls offered up to the moon.

  Poppy closed the door. She draped the towel over the back of a chair and then walked to her table and looked at the papers from the college littering the surface. This time she was going after her investigator's license--she was going to take life by both horns and how she did that was her own damn business.

  She and Will and Gray lived a magical existence in a world that understood little of the special energy that still clung to all three of them.

  One thing she'd learned was to trust her instincts. To believe in herself and all that she was capable of accomplishing. And when Will came back he'd find her waiting. He'd find her ready. And she'd find herself loved. Passionately. Lustfully. Happily. And without reserve she would love him back. And with a little luck and magic--perhaps forever.

  Adrianna Dane

  Theresa Gallup uses the pen names of Tess Maynard and Adrianna Dane. Theresa has been writing since the age of 10. A legal secretary for 30 years, she is currently working on another erotic romance, as well as a full-length romantic mystery/suspense. She has been married for 30 years and has three grown children (a daughter and twin sons), and is a new grandmother.

  Writing as Tess Maynard, her first published short story appeared in the ezine, The Whispering Forest, in January of 2004. Writing as Adrianna Dane, where adding sensual heat to romance is her motto, Esmerelda's Secret was her first foray into the erotic romance genre.

  Having traveled and lived from the East Coast to the West Coast, Theresa receives inspiration for her stories from a variety of sources, including music and poetry, and her tastes are eclectic.

  For more information about current projects, visit Theresa's websites at or

  * * * *

  Don't miss The Forever Heart, by Adrianna Dane,

  available at!

  The hearthealer is adept at mending broken hearts. But can she ever heal her own?

  In the magical Kingdom of Hartfall, Valentina Peacock is a hearthealer guilder, and her lover, Flavio, is an automated man with a ruby heart. Valentina's past, however, is lost to her, but her craft of mending broken hearts and having Flavio at her side are all she needs or wants.

  Suddenly Valentina's calm, well-ordered world is shattered when Flavio brings her a summons from the hear
t-king--it is a royal command to attend his court. Will the journey to see the king bring back Valentina's memories of a forgotten love? Or will it shatter her finally and forever?

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