Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel

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Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel Page 21

by Red Snapper

  I stared at her strangely as I walked over to the black plush couch that was sitting in the middle of the room and sat down. She sauntered over to the bar and asked if I wanted a drink. I told her that I was fine as she poured herself a glass of Cristal and then returned to sit next to me on the couch. She crossed her legs in front of me ensuring that I could get a perfect view of her as I noticed that her dress crept up to thigh length. She turned toward me with a posture stance as if she was Cleopatra or some Greek goddess as she began to address me.

  “So Tangie…I just want to know why you don’t fancy me.” “What is it that makes you despise me so?”

  I stared at her stunned that she would have the audacity to ask me such a question. I immediately responded, “I just think you’re here to get what you want then you’ll just disappear!”

  She laughed as she replied, to my arrogant blunder, “Well Tangie…I am here to get what I want and what is it that you think I want?”

  “My Papa’s wealth…isn’t that what you want?” “I know you don’t love him!”

  She stared at me with a sensuous grin as she replied, “No Tangie…I don’t want your Papa’s wealth and I don’t care about yours either!” “I want something more than money can buy…I want you!”

  I stared at her stunned as I thought, “WHAT…SHE WANTS TO DO ME?” “That’s Bullshit!”

  She continued to explain, “At first…I didn’t like you and I knew you didn’t want anything to do with me…that’s right I despised the idea of you coming back here because I’m caught in this love triangle with your Papa and now with your Grandmother, but when I first laid eyes on you…I knew I wanted you.” “Tangie…I know you saw me with your Grandmother earlier today and I know you are probably extremely confused right now, but Honey…I do crave to have you.” “I just want your body.”

  “You saw me…how…how did you know?”

  “Trust me Tangie…I know you did; besides I wanted you to see us so you could know what I was all about.” “I know that you’re in a position where you have to choose between your family and this so called man you love but he doesn’t want you.” “Trust me I know his kind!”

  I gazed at her angrily as I replied, “You don’t know anything about me or this shit…how you know what he wants bitch?”

  “Ummm…feisty are we…I like that in a woman, I know he doesn’t want you because he’s a pimp and pimps don’t get caught up with one bitch.” “Take it from someone who knows the game!” “You see…I know the game because I came from the game…my so called husband use to be my pimp!” “I was his bottom bitch until he decided to replace me with some young chick.”

  “After his demise…I decided to get out of that horrendous lifestyle and that’s when I met your Grandmother.” “She knew my husband and took care of me by helping me to get out of that lifestyle and your Papa was a great inspiration as well and that’s how I got here.” “So I know where you’re going because I’ve been there myself!”

  Although I didn’t want to believe it, for some odd reason I believed her. Because I believed her it still didn’t cloud up my judgment because I knew she was trying to get me to fall into her hideous trap. So I looked her in her eyes as I asked, “So Sonja…now that you told about your tremendous attraction to me…what am I supposed to do about it…jump in your arms and let you fuck me just like that?”

  She smiled and replied, “Yeah…just like that!”

  I smiled as I thought, “Bitch you must think I’m a fool!”

  “So what am I supposed to get out of this vicarious relationship?” “I already have a lesbian friend!”

  She stood up and sauntered back to the bar as she replied, “Oh…yeah LaVette…so you’re fuckin’ her huh?”

  I looked at her as she poured a second serving of Cristal, “Did I say that…we’re just great friends!”

  She look up and said, “Inseparable huh!”

  “Yes…we’re inseparable!”

  “She’s with child also...I wonder who thought enough of her to get with her?”

  I was now getting furious as I responded, “You’re an arrogant bitch aren’t you…you must think your shit don’t stink huh?”

  She laughed as she replied, “Honey…it don’t…trust me…it don’t!”

  I watched her as she made her way back to the couch. It was weird but I was now intrigued with this so-called diva. I was beginning to like her attitude, the way she thought and carried herself made me think at how I should present myself. It was then that I knew I had to step my game up and I wanted to use her style as a model.

  As she sat down I responded, “You know…maybe we do have something in common…I must admit I am beginning to see what you are talking about.”

  She lend over toward my ear as she said in a whisper, “Let me teach you…you’ll never regret what I have to offer you about the game…it will come in handy trust me!”

  As I heard her sensuous voice speaking to my soul, I felt the vibrations of her words, which touched my heated addiction within in such a manner that I immediately, turned toward her lips and began to kiss her. I couldn’t believe this was happening as she received my tongue deep into her waiting mouth. I could feel the goose bumps rinsing as she took me into her arms. I found myself caught up in a situation that I had not planned for which scared me intensely. I immediately broke our embrace and move my face away as she began to laugh at me.

  I looked at her furious as she replied, “I’m not laughing at you my dear…I’m laughing at the effect that the power of persuasion has on anyone if done smoothly and correctly.” “Let me teach you my child…let me teach you this powerful gift?”

  I just looked at her as I realized how I was just played like an instrument by this woman. I knew I had to have this power of persuasion…I wanted it!

  “Okay Sonja…say I agree to be your pupil…what’s in it for you?”

  She gazed at me with a serious expression as she replied, “I want you to come with me to a very special meeting.”

  “This meeting is invitation only and you must not go there unless you are with me.”

  She handed me a card that had inscriptions in Creole. On the front it read, “Laissez l’amusement commencer.” (Let the Fun Commence) I turned it over and on the back it read, “Une fois que vous allez noir vous ne reviendrez jamais"(Once you go Black you never go back!)

  I looked at her as I replied, “What is the significance of this card…what type of meeting is this anyway?”

  She smiled as she replied, “It’s a meeting for the strong hearted…let’s just say that you’ll have mastered the art of love after you’ve been there.”

  “But you know that I’m pregnant…I’m having this baby!”

  She looked at me as she replied, “I’m aware of your current situation…this can definitely wait until after you’ve given birth to your child, but you must promise that a month after having your child that you will come to this special meeting as my guest of honor…promise?”

  “What about LaVette…can she come along?”

  She frowned as she slowly answered, “Okay…your little friend can come but remember…she doesn’t get the power of persuasion…only you are consecrated to receive such a gift!”

  I glanced at her as I stood up and began to walk out the den. She looked at me and said, “Trust me Tangie…you’ll benefit deeply from having such control!” “It’s your destiny!”

  I ran out the den and closed the door behind me. I stood there with my back against the door for a few minutes before I started to walk down the hall toward LaVette. I couldn’t get those words out of my mind about this special meeting as Sonja’s words echoed in my mind, “Let’s just say that you will have mastered the art of love after you’ve been there.” I made it to LaVette as she asked, “So how’d it go?” “What did she say to you?”

  I looked at LaVette as I answered, “She didn’t say anything…just that she was happy to have me here.”

  LaVette gave me the strangest
expression as she replied, “Now Tangie…I know you’re not holding out on me are you?”

  I looked at her and said, “Never girl…now let’s get our plan together…we’re leaving here tonight!”


  “I couldn’t believe how much fuckin’ money can be made merchandising pussy,” I thought as I looked over “Pimpin’ Jays books. This muthafucka found a new way to market the oldest profession on Earth and I wanted it. He owes me for taking my daughter and having his way with her for nine fuckin’ years. It’s the least he could do for me sparing his fuckin’ life. I’m gonna take this shit from him before the Costantino’s try to put their claim on it. I’m surprised that they haven’t tried yet…unless he’s working for them. Shit that makes fuckin’ sense…that has to be the reason he was able to run his front so well. I’m gonna find out what the fuck he knows and I’m gonna get my piece of this action. I looked over at my Consigliere and said, “I need you to find out if this Roscoe Pimpin’ Jay Jefferson has any connections with the Costantino Family…I want this fuckin’ business so get on it!”

  He nodded his head in the affirmative as I turned my attention to two of my henchman, “In the meantime, I want you two to go and stake out the place…let me know what he’s up too…leave me!”

  As they walked out of my office I thought, “I need to get Tangie to tell me what she knows…I just need her to trust me!” “I really need to know what’s on her mind!”

  I got up out of my chair and walked over toward the door. As I was opening the door, my Mother was about to knock.

  “Big Momma…what’s going on?”

  “Have you seen your daughter…I wanted her to meet some of the guests.”

  “No Momma…I haven’t seen her for at least an hour.” “Maybe she’s in her room because she hasn’t been feeling good lately.”

  She gave me the strangest expression as she replied, “Andrew…you need to talk to your daughter.” “She has something very important to share with you.”

  “Something very important to share with me…what’s going on Momma?”

  “That’s something you need to find out from her.”

  “Well Momma…I guess I need to find her then…if you see her send her to me okay?”

  “Okay I will!”

  As soon as I started walking down the hall back toward the grand ballroom, Sonja walked up to my mother and began talking. I was intrigued with what they were saying so I doubled back around the backside toward the overflow room to where they were standing. As I stood out of sight I heard them talking about someone.

  “Well…how did it go?” “Did you invite her?”

  “Yes Lady Mistress…I invited her and gave her the invitation card.”

  “And…what was her response?”

  “I think we got her interest, but I think her pregnancy and this pimp character is going to be an issue.”

  “The pregnancy is not an issue…it’s that fuckin’ pimp that she loves that’s an issue!” “Once Andrew finds out about Tangie’s pregnancy with this pimp bastard, he’ll take care of that problem…permanently!” “Trust me!”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing as they walked down the hallway. I stood there with my hands on my head as I thought, “WHAT…my baby girl is pregnant with that bastard’s child?” “No wonder she was so protective of this guy!” “That also explains why she’s been so sickly lately!” “So that’s what’s up…I need to find Tangie and straighten this mess out now!”

  Chapter 16– Tangie

  August 1988

  Laurie Mansion

  Olathe, Kansas

  It was coming up on 2:00 AM when I met with LaVette at the back service entrance of the mansion. It was getting cool as I waited for the remaining guest to depart. I knew we had to do this right or we would surely be in trouble. My Papa was very strict and I really needed to get back to Roscoe to tell him about our child. I knew he loved me and I know that if we’re together, he’ll take responsibility. My family doesn’t understand the love I have for him. So what if he’s a pimp, that’s just a job like any other. He understands my feelings and I know that he cares for me. I noticed that there were a few cabs hanging around the outside of the gate, hoping to take some guest that had too much to drink home. My Grandmother was a difficult woman but she believed in making sure her friends didn’t drive drunk from anyone of her parties. I looked at LaVette and said, “We need to get one of those cabs to take us to Columbia.” “Let’s make our way over toward the one on the right okay?”

  “I’m following you…you just lead the way!”

  It was easy making our way down to the cabs, although the place was heavily guarded by my Papa’s goons. When we got to the bottom of the hill to the gate, we had to slowly creped pass the security camera’s at the back gate entrance to get to the cab. Once we passed it we quickly jumped in the cab as I said, “We need to get to Columbia tonight!”

  The cab driver looked at me and said, “That’s a $25.00 trip…one way you got that kind of money sugar?”

  I took out a $50.00 dollar bill and said, “If you get there within the hour, you get to keep the change.”

  He looked at the bill and said, “Were moving right now baby…hold on!”

  As the cab began to move down the street I looked back at Laurie Mansion as I thought, “I’ll be back someday with my baby…but first…I need to know if I’ll have a man as well!”

  LaVette and I just cuddled in the back seat as the long ride began. LaVette was soon asleep and I just sat back and thought about what I would say to him when I saw him. I just couldn’t get the words out of my mind that Sonja said about Roscoe just being a pimp and that he didn’t care about me. I wanted so much to prove her wrong…I could taste it! I just know he wasn’t using me and I was determined to find out!

  An hour had passed and we were now coming up on Columbia when LaVette woke up. She looked up at me as she said, “Where are we?”

  “We’re just getting into Columbia…we should be at the club in about ten minutes…you alright?”

  “Yeah…I’m fine…Just need to get in a bed so I can go back to sleep.”

  When we got to the club it was dark and it looked like the last customer was leaving. We pulled up to the front and got out of the cab. I waved at the driver as he kissed the $50 dollar bill and drove away. I looked at LaVette as I smiled and said, “Well…this is it!”

  She looked back and said, “Let’s go in.”

  We slowly walked up to the club entrance and the bouncer at the door must have been a new guy because he would not let us pass.

  “We work here…where’s Pimpin’ Jay?”

  The bouncer looked us up and down as he replied, “Wait here while I check!”

  After about five minutes he came back to the front entrance and said, “He’s busy come back in the morning!”

  I looked at LaVette and then back at the bouncer, “Wait a minute…you don’t understand!” We work here and we need to see Pimpin Jay now!”

  He looked at us as he replied, “Look…I told you he’s busy so get lost bitch!”

  I looked at him with an evil expression on my face as he was trying to close the door. Just as he was about to close the door, I saw Roscoe walking down the hall with some other girls. I yelled out to him, “ROSCOE…ROSCOE!”

  He turned around and looked at me and smiled as he began to come to the front entrance. I smiled back at him as he finally made to the door.

  “Roscoe…he won’t let us in…tell him we work here!”

  He looked at the bouncer and he immediately open the door allowing us to enter.

  Roscoe grabbed me and embraced me as he asked, “Tangie…what are you and LaVette doing here?” “You know you’re not supposed to be here…what about the Don?” “If he finds out you’re gone…he’s gonna come straight here looking for you!”

  I heard what he was saying but it didn’t mean anything to me. All I wanted was for him to accept the fact that I was back, take me
to his room and fuck the shit out of me.

  “Roscoe…I have something very important to tell you…let’s go in your room so we can talk.”

  He looked at me, than he looked at LaVette as she smiled slightly and said, “Hello.”

  He grabbed me by my arm as he replied, “Okay…we can talk but you can’t stay here…your Papa will surely put me on ice!” “Don’t you understand that Tangie?” “He’ll kill me!”

  I smiled and said, “He loves me…I’ll convince him to leave you alone.” “Now let’s go…I need to talk now!’

  As we walked down the hallway toward Roscoe’s private quarters I looked back a LaVette as she smiled at me. I knew she supported me and I was grateful for her friendship. We walked into his room and he closed and locked the door behind him. He was extremely nervous as we both sat down on the love seat in the corner of the room.

  “What is it that you have to tell me that you’re risking our lives over?”

  I looked at him, smiled and said, “I just wanted you to know that I love you and that I’m pregnant…with your child!” “Roscoe…you’re going to be a father.” “Isn’t that great baby?”

  He looked at me with a “why are you telling me this” expression on his face as he replied, “How do I know that you’re pregnant with my baby…you’re a fuckin’ hoe!” “You were home for a month and a half and you expect me to believe you’re having my child?” “That’s bullshit!” “That ain’t my child!” “I can’t believe you’re bringing this shit on me like that!”

  I was outraged as I sat there listening to him talk to me in that manner. I don’t know why I believed that this man was going to take me in his arms and embrace me, but this blow was devastating to me. I felt my heart skip several beats as I felt myself feeling faint. I risked a lot for this man and he dealt me this hand.


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