Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel

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Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel Page 32

by Red Snapper


  After driving for several hours we finally stopped at this secluded old motel on the outside of town. I gazed at Brian as he stopped the car and then pulled out a flask of some type of liquor, drinking it like he was really thirsty. I sat there with my arms crossed and leaning as far on the door as possible as I was terrified. I couldn’t help wondering about the fate of Montel as the flashbacks of him lying motionless on the ground in a pool of blood kept playing over and over in my mind. I couldn’t believe that my parents wanted me to marry this hoodlum and I couldn’t for the life of me understand what he had on them. After a few minutes I finally got up enough nerves to ask him what he wanted from me.

  “Brian…darling…uh…why are we here at this place?”

  He slowly turned to face me as he answered, “Can we just sit and enjoy the scenery for a few minutes…you know when we get in the motel you gonna give me what I want!” ‘Oh yeah…you gonna give me that pussy like you did you boy!”

  I frowned as I turned my head away to face outside the car. When he saw me do that, I guess this must of trigger something because he immediately tried to turn my head back toward him so he could kiss me. I resisted and of course he slapped me. When he did that all I could do was cry as I tried to get away from him. He grabbed me and said, “We going in now…I’m ready for you!”

  He got out the car, opened the passenger door of the car and grabbed my arm forcing me to follow him into the motel room. As we got into the room he turned on the light and locked the door. I looked around the room and immediately I noticed it was filthy, with roaches and trash all over the place. I stared at him as I said, “Brian…why are you doing this to me…why are you treating me this way?” “If I’m to be your wife…why are you doing this to me?”

  He smiled at me with a shit-eating grin as he replied, “I want you to fully understand that if you cross me…this is where you’ll end up!” “I’m fuckin’ rich and you ain’t so you better respect me or I’ll put you and your family back in the fuckin’ ghetto!”

  After he said that he pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. He was so strong and he felt like he weighted a ton as I tried to push him off me. I was unsuccessful as he unbuckled and pulled his pants down to his calves. I was completely vulnerable because I was wearing nothing under my dress. He looked at me as he began to kiss me on my neck, pulling my dress up; fully exposing my naked body. I started kicking my legs but he was too strong. As he started to lick my nipples, I just closed my eyes trying to shut him out. I knew I couldn’t beat him so I just let him have his way as I tried not to think about what he was doing to me. As he licked my flesh with his alcohol stained tongue I could smell his brewery breath as he blew his breath on me. Suddenly he forced my legs open as I tried my best to keep my thighs closed, but I failed as he cupped his right hand on my expose pussy. My pussy was wet but not from being excited about what he was doing as he started sticking his fingers in my hole. My previous encounter with Montel had me wet as he quickly slid his throbbing hard dick in my pussy. He began to stroke me profusely as his breath continued to blow in my face. I looked up at the ceiling, watching a couple of roaches crawling as he humped me like a dog in heat. I didn’t feel anything from his sex as he fucked me. I kept wondering if his dick was in me at all as he suddenly began to moan, “Oh Yeah…that’s it…fuck yeah!”

  I closed my eyes as I tried not to laugh at him as he served me with this pathetic sexual session. I was beginning to understand now why he was so forceful and evil because his dick was so diminutive. I finally put my face into his shoulder as he began to cum in my pussy. I really didn’t want this bastard’s cum in me but I couldn’t get his ass off me. After a few minutes his orgasm finally subsided as he rolled off me. I immediately got up and ran into the nasty bathroom. I looked at the few towels that were in the bathroom and I noticed that one of them had a brown stain on it and another one was wet so I took the last one that was there and damped it with some water. I frowned as I wiped all of his nasty cum from around my pussy and I tried to get as much as I could out of me. Lord knows I didn’t want to get pregnant by this bastard as I washed it several times. Before I could finish washing up I turned to face the door and he was standing there gazing at me. I quickly closed the door in his face as the tears streamed down my cheeks.

  After about ten minutes I finally strolled out of the bathroom as he was sitting on the bed fully dressed. He stood up smiling at me as he said; “Now I’m taking you to your dorm!”

  He tried to grab my hand like I was his woman, but I jerked away from him as I quickly strolled up to the car door. I waited for him to unlock the door as he slowly strolled to the driver’s side of the car.

  We got in his car and he started the engine. As he put the car in gear and began to drive out of the parking lot he looked at me and said the most profound thing to me, “I know you liked this big dick I’m packing huh!”

  It took everything I had in me to keep from laughing at his pathetic ass as I replied, “It was fine.” I thought, “If you think taking someone against their will is something…”

  He laughed as he said,” This is what you’ll be working with when were married?”

  He smiled as he drove out onto the street toward the city. It was around 2:00 AM when he finally dropped me off at the dorms. I jumped out of the car and I immediately ran into the dorms toward my room. As I was making my way to the dorms he jumped out the car and said, “Hey baby…where’s my kiss?”

  I added momentum to my stride as I kept on running in the dorm. I finally made it to my room, locked the door, stripped out of my filthy clothes and jumped in the shower. I stayed in that shower for an eternity as I tried to wash all the sex off of me. I never felt so violated in my life as I thought about how making love with Montel was fabulous and then being violated by Brian was dreadful! As the water hit me, all I could think about was getting pregnant by one of them and then not knowing who the father was.

  Suddenly my roommate, Vikki came rushing into the room and straight to the bathroom. She pulled back the shower curtain and quickly embraced me as I began to cry like a baby in her arms. As the water was hitting us, she didn’t care about anything allowing the water to run over her hair and her clothes. I felt her friendship and caring spirit as she sat there with me. I really needed her friendship and I knew that I could count on her when we got to Harvard. I didn’t know what I was going to do about this marriage predicament, but I knew that I didn’t want to be the wife of Brian Deveraux.

  After a few minutes, I raised my head and looked at Vikki straight in her eyes as I ask, “Is Montel dead?”

  “No…he’s in stable condition at County General…he’s gonna be fine and he’ll still be able to play football.”

  “Vikki…I don’t know what happened.” “One minute I was enjoying the company of Montel and then all of a sudden, Brian came out of nowhere and started arguing with me.” “Montel tried to protect me but Brian took out this gun and started shooting…it was horrendous and all the blood!” “Next he fuckin’ grabbed me and took me to some old ass nasty motel outside of town where he forced me into the motel room…threw me on that nasty ass bed and then he held me down…then…he raped me Vikki…he raped me!”

  Vikki looked at me as she replied, “Don’t you want to go to the police to report it or to the hospital to get a rape kit?”

  “No Vikki…I can’t…he said if I told anyone he’d take my parent’s home and put them out in the street!” “I can’t let him have control over my family…I guess that’s why I have to marry him!”

  Vikki looked at me flabbergasted as she said, “What…after all he’s done to you…you’re still gonna marry that bastard?”

  “Trust me Vikki…I don’t want to marry Brian but what choice do I have…I have to marry him after I finish Harvard and move back to Kansas City as planned or my family will lose their house and business.” “What’d you suggest I do?”

  “Let me make a phone call.” />
  Vikki took out her cell phone and dialed an undisclosed number. As she waited for her party to answer, she looked at me and said, “I will do whatever I can to help you okay!”


  “I hope you have some news!”

  “Yes…she’s right here.”

  “Listen to me…I know about this Deveraux guy…I’m going to let this play out!” “In the meantime I want you two to go pack your things.””You’re going to the Bahamas for two weeks on me.” “Take her with you and relax…I’m going back to Kansas City…I have some business to attend too there.” “Give her whatever she needs…spare no expense.” “Keep me informed on what she’s feeling…what’s she’s gonna do…after a two weeks of healing we’ll take it from there.”

  Vikki sighed as she asked, “You gonna visit her guardians aren’t you?”

  “Aww my dear you know me to well don’t you…I’m going to find out what’s he’s got on them.”

  She hung up the phone as she turned and said, “Hey you…guess what…I think you need a little sun to cheer you up.” “How’s bout we take a little trip to the Bahamas to get a long overdue vacation…my treat…you need a change of scenery for awhile before we go to Harvard…what’d you say?”

  I looked at her as I stepped out of the shower and pick up the towel that was lying on the stand. She got up and starting removing her clothes until she was naked and then stepped back into the shower as she said, “Think about it girl…it’ll do you some good!”

  I couldn’t help gazing at Vikki’s awesome body as she washed herself. I was immediately intrigued with her as I made up my decision, “I think you’re right…a vacation is what I need.” “When can we go?”

  She looked at me with a sensuous expression as she replied, “We can go tomorrow if you wish…what about going to see your mother?”

  I looked at her as I replied, “I really need to just go…I’ll deal with her when we get back!”

  “Cool…let me finish my shower and I make the arrangements.”


  Swinging her tennis racket in anticipation, Frankie Rackwell loped down to the court where her husband, Robert Rackwell waited for her, her brief white dress gleaming in the sun. After they played three sets tennis, they were warm and pleasantly exhausted, ready for a shower and a leisurely dinner when I came over and fucked up their evening. Frankie was a sweet woman, but her recently new lavish lifestyle made her think she was bourgeoisie. Most of her family’s money was through her husband’s business connections with the Deveraux’s and I’m now founding out their involvement with the Costantino Family. My Papa must didn’t know that whole story when he dropped my child off to live with these people or he just didn’t care since my child was the daughter of a pimp. Anyway, my objective was to find out what this Brian Deveraux has on them so I could get my daughter out of this dilemma. As the house maid escorted me to their living room I noticed that this place was lavish. I was impressed as I observed the hand crafted furniture and the original painting on the walls. After about five minutes waiting Frankie and Robert walked into living room.

  “Hello…I don’t think we’ve met…my name is Frankie…Frankie Rackwell and this is my husband Robert.” “And you are…?”

  “I’m Tangie…Tangie Laurie!”

  At the mere mention of my name I could see their expressions change as they looked at each other then back at me.

  Frankie motioned for me to sit down on the love seat as they sat down on the couch in unison.

  I gazed at her as I responded, “You look surprise to see me…did you think I wasn’t coming?”

  She looked at her husband and then back at me as she replied, “No…I always knew you’d come…I guess I just wasn’t expecting it to be now.” “So you decided to get out of the streets and now be a mother?”

  I looked at her surprised as I answered, “Oh so you got jokes huh…actually I came to see what kind of bullshit you’re involved in that requires my daughter to marry that no good son of bitch Brian Deveraux!”

  Robert stood up as he said, “Brian and his family are good people…you don’t know what you’re talking about you!” “You were just a whore on the street when the Deveraux’s help us to raise your daughter…your father didn’t help us at all!” “And now here you come trying to become her mother after we did everything to raise her to be the fine woman she has become.”

  I had to admit he was right about my motives but he wasn’t gonna keep talking to me like that!

  “Alright I’ll accept that but that doesn’t give you the right to talk to me any kind of way you wish.” “So what is it that he has on you that you’re making her marry him?”

  He looked at Frankie as he sat back down, grabbing her hand.

  Frankie looked at me as she begin to speak, “Several years ago our company business was losing large amounts of revenue.” “It was getting to the point of bankruptcy and we tried everything we could to keep it from folding…until the Deveraux family stepped in. They helped us to save our business, our home and everything we had.” “After they did this we became really close and our children became close.” “It just seemed it was right for them to be married!”

  I looked at her and asked, “How much do you owe them?”

  She looked at me as she smiled, “Nothing the debt is paid in full with the marriage of Waynell to Brian!”


  She stood up as she replied, “You can’t pay it so why do you want to know?”

  Robert stood up immediately as he said, “Hey…she’s a multi-billion-aire!” “I read about it in the papers!”

  Frankie looked at me as she suddenly had this I put my foot in my mouth expression as she replied, “Ummm…I…uhh…don’t know what to say!”

  “Tell me how much you owe!”

  “They bailed us out of at least $200,000,000 million worth of debt…but…I”

  I interrupted her, “So you sold my daughter for $200,000,000 million?”

  They looked at each other and then at me not saying a word. As I got up to leave the room, Frankie jumped up and stood in front of me, “He won’t take the money…we tried to pay it back when we sold the business, but he insisted that he loved Waynell and that he was going to marry her no matter what!” “You can’t stop it!”

  I looked at both of them as I replied, “We’ll see about that shit!”

  I walked pass her going out of their house as I thought, “I need to talk to Clifton, maybe he has some insight on this flaky business shit.”

  When It got in the limousine, I immediately called Clifton on my cell. As I waited for him to answer his phone I thought, “I can’t believe my father did this shit…now I’ve got to get her out of this…but how…I’m not giving the Deveraux’s no $200,000,000 million so I need something and I need it yesterday.”

  Clifton answered his phone, “Lady Mistress is everything alright?” “I’ve been worried about you and…”

  Listen Clifton…I need to know the truth…when my father took my baby girl and gave her to the Rackwell’s…did he make a side deal with the Costantino’s?”

  Clifton sighed as he answered, “Lady Mistress…your father did a lot of things that were not kosher…”

  When he said that I knew that my father made a shady deal with them.

  “Okay…so you’re telling me that this deal is etched in stone?” “What was the deal?”

  Clifton sighed again as he replied, “The $200,000,000 million that was given to the Rackwell’s was money that the Deveraux’s borrowed from the Costantino’s under the direction of your father.” “The Cartel received in return the East and West Bottoms operations.” “Your daughter’s marriage to Brian is an alliance as well as a truce between the Costantino’s and the Cartel.” “If this arrangement was to suddenly be disrupted, then the Cartel would have to give up the East and West Bottoms Operations and the $200,000,000 million would have to be paid back.” “Are you prepared to pay that price?”
/>   I was crushed when I heard his explanation. The thing that hurt me the most was the fact that I knew I had to keep the Cartel from losing its territories and it was at the cost of my daughter’s happiness. I sighed as I spoke, “Well…then I’ll have to let her marry this bastard for now, but I will get her out of it as soon as I find a way.”

  “Lady Mistress…I have no doubt that you will come up with a shrewd plan to get her free from the clutches of Brian Deveraux.”

  I thought as I hung up the phone, “I’ll get you out of this baby girl…if it is the last thing that I do!”


  June 2009

  Kansas City, Missouri

  Several years have passed since I spoke with Clifton about Waynell’s dilemma. She went on to Harvard Law and made Law Review, after which she was forced to married that bastard Brian. I stayed in the shadows of her life, waiting for the right opportunity to come to her rescue. After all…I’m the crime boss of a major crime cartel and I can have any and everything I want. One thing that I learned in my walk in this life is that nobody is gonna give you nothing for free. Sonja taught me something…even if I didn’t let her teach me the persuasion shit. I later found out that I had it all along. I know how to make people do what I want them to do by just persuading them that it’s what they want. It’s how you survive in this game and I’m good at it!

  LaVette, bless her soul passed away about a year ago from a thing called Breast Cancer. She was my heart and my joy…I truly miss her, but I have Vikki who is my loyal partner and confident. Although she’s now a practicing Sex Therapist, she still comes to my call when I need her. She is something very special and I will ensure she gets what she deserves. I’ve changed a few rules within the Cartel. I guess you could say I’ve added a woman’s touch to the way things are handled. Since the death of my Consigliere, Clifton I just have lawyers that handle my issues on my payroll because there will never be another close friend like him. Especially one that I can trust with the Cartel interest.


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