Seducing Their Princess: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Seducing Their Princess: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 4

by Michelle Hughes

  “I can handle myself.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I was offended that Alec thought I was that weak. He didn’t know me, or what I was capable of.

  “Remember I tried. Don’t come crying to me when they all try to get in your pants.” He stood, then poured himself a full glass of wine before walking off.” That’s what he was worried about? I wanted to laugh at the notion, but from the way Theo and Gage were looking at me now, I wasn’t sure he was that far off.

  “I like Alec’s idea.” Theo spoke to the guys then turned a smoldering look my way. “So, which of us will you let pleasure you first?” I gasped, and that smirk that I was already beginning to get used to seeing on his face appeared.

  They had to be joking. Didn’t they. I was taking it that way because the thought of these men touching me wasn’t as disturbing as it should be. To be honest, it was turning me on and I wasn’t sure how to deal with that. “Really funny.”

  Jackston started the grill and put the steaks on then turned my way. “I don’t think anyone is laughing, honey. You’re a beautiful woman and the idea of opening your eyes to pleasure is a huge turn on.”

  Beautiful? That’s the last thing I thought of myself and I scoffed. “Right. Look, I get it. I’m the only female on the island, but I’m sure you’ll live until this is over.” Laughing softly, I sipped on my wine.

  “You think we want you because we’re hard up?” Gage chuckled deeply, and the sound was undeniably sexy. “Baby, if it was about getting our cocks wet, there’s an entire island a boat ride away with women waiting. We want to please you. And teach you how to please us.”

  “Tell us what you’re thinking.” Jackston, flipped the steaks before sitting down beside me. I opened my mouth but was finding it hard to speak after Gage’s revelation because it floored me. Part of me wanted to agree just to find out what the big deal was with sex. The realistic side of my persona said the idea was insane.

  “What do I think?” When I found my voice, it was somewhat shaky. “No one has ever hit on me before. I mean look at me. You’re all gorgeous and I’m sure the women you’ve dated look like supermodels.” My laugh was forced, because I couldn’t accept that they really wanted me.

  “We see you.” Theo was sitting to my left and grasped my chin firmly. “The men you’ve known are idiots. I could see why they’d find you unapproachable though. They think you’re the type of girl a guy takes home to meet his mother, not jump in the sack and fuck like she needs. For most men that’s a terrifying thought. We aren’t afraid of commitment. You can have both.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Pulling my head back to escape his hold, I shook my head. There was no way he was saying he wanted a relationship with me, so his words didn’t make sense.

  “What he’s saying is you’re the type of woman men think won’t sleep with them without a commitment. Don’t take that to mean they wouldn’t love making love to you. You have that inner strength that will put off weaker men. It’s almost intoxicating.” Jackston’s words were soft and seductive. My heart raced at the desire that filled his eyes.

  “Tell us. Does the thought of us pleasuring you turn you on?” Gage, stood and braced his hands on the table, studying me curiously. He leaned into my space and I swallowed hard.

  It shouldn’t. I wasn’t that woman. So why could I picture myself in bed with them having their hands roam all over my body? Admitting that seemed like a dangerous road to walk down. “I don’t know. The thought of you guys wanting me that way is overwhelming.” Would I enjoy the reality more than the fantasy I was having right now? “You have to understand, I’ve never even kissed a man before.” Too much information. I didn’t mean to let that slip out.

  “What?” Gage stood up straight and the look he gave me was akin to horror. “That’s something we can remedy right now. Come over here.” The demand was spoken harshly, and I tensed.

  “Because scaring the hell out of her is going to help her keep an open mind.” Jackston put his arm around my shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. “We would love to be your firsts.” I lifted my eyes to meet his as he spoke, then he turned to Gage. “We’d never ask you to do something against your will, though. Would we?”

  “Sorry. I was just shocked and spoke out of turn. Of course, it’s your choice.” To hear a man as powerful as Gage sounding humble was a surprise.

  “I need to think about this. I’ll admit, I’m curious about what it would be like to kiss you, but I can’t lead you on either. We’re stuck on this island together and I don’t know for how long, so I don’t want there to be any hard feelings.” It was just a kiss, but something told me it would lead to other things that I didn’t know if I was ready for.

  “Only Gage?” Theo grinned, and it was much better than his smirk. “If you’re willing to kiss him, I’d like a chance to prove I do it better.” The man was really conceited but at least he was honest about it.

  “These brutes would probably scar you for life. I’d be the better instructor.” Jackston was smiling too and I couldn’t believe that we were having a conversation like this.

  “We’re just talking about kissing, right?” I wanted to understand what they were offering and make sure they knew that’s where my thoughts were.

  “That’s your decision. I’d love to kiss your lips and your pussy and show you how much pleasure you could find.” Theo obviously liked shocking me, and I shook my head. He really was being dirty minded.

  “Please show a little restraint. Maybe this is a bad idea?” Jackston obviously didn’t like Theo talking to me that way, and I thought it was sweet of him that he was willing to stand up for me.

  “Already at it, I see.” Alec joined us again, and his expression was much less hostile. “How long on those steaks?”

  “Crap.” Jackston stood up and walked over to the grill and pulled the meat off. “Still good. Medium instead of rare now.” That suited me fine I didn’t like my food staring back at me. The conversation ended with Alec’s arrival, and I was glad of the reprieve. We ate our dinner in companionable silence, but the heat level in their eyes told me the conversation was far from over.

  That silence lasted while we took our dishes back into the kitchen. I washed off plates before sticking them in the dishwasher. Theo and Gage put our leftovers in the refrigerator while Alec wiped down the counters. It was strangely comforting to be working together as a team.

  “Are you still interested in watching a movie?” Alec broke the restrained atmosphere with his question.

  “Sure. Whatever you guys want to watch is fine with me.” Anything to take away the tension that seemed to be building every second we stood there. We walked into the living room and I took the oversized chair, while the guys took the couch.

  “We were talking to Brooke about letting us teach her how to kiss, are you interested in helping?” Gage was taunting him, and I didn’t think it was very nice. He’d already made it clear he wasn’t interested.

  “Kissing lessons? Is that what you told her?” He laughed without humor and caught my gaze. “It wouldn’t end there. They all want to fuck you, so if you’re considering it, at least know what you’re agreeing too.”

  My heart raced, and I wasn’t sure if it was in fear or overwhelming desire. These four beautiful men wanting me was still baffling. It was either karma’s idea of a bad romance or every woman’s fantasy. “You. I. We.” For a woman with a great vocabulary I couldn’t seem to get a single word out. Holy blooming daffodils, he couldn’t be serious.

  “I told you this was a bad idea. She’s not ready for us.” Jackston looked like a blond god, with a body that made my mouth water, but he was also the sweetest man I’d ever met. Kneeling beside my chair, he lifted my hand, bringing it to his cheek, holding it there. “You don’t have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.” The concern in those cobalt eyes made my heart melt.

  “Give her some credit. She’s a grown woman and capable of making decisions.” Gage crossed his
arms over his massive chest and the sight of him reminded me of some barbarian sex symbol. To be honest he frightened me with his domineering personality, but secretly it also made me ache to see how far he would take things. “Your eyes tell me you’re interested. Say it. You want us too, don’t you?” His whiskey colored eyes stared at me with such intensity I had to look away or get burnt up in the heat.

  “Yes.” My hand flew to my mouth in shock. I shouldn’t have revealed that truth. “No. I don’t know. Maybe?” Wrapping my arms around my waist, the emotions moving through my mind were almost too much. Of course, I wanted them. Any sane woman would. Wanting and doing, though? It was crazy to think anyone could sleep with four men at once, much less a virgin!

  “Well, which is it kitten. You either want us to dirty you up or you don’t.” Theo’s smirk wasn’t helping my confused state of mind. It was almost like he was toying with me, but his eyes told a different story. Confidence dripped off him, and why wouldn’t it? His face could have been sculpted by a famous artist and brought to life, it was so perfect.

  Dropping to his knees on my other side, his hand moved into my hair, gripping tightly, and pulling back. “You need some help figuring it out?” Lowering his head, his lips were only inches from mine as he spoke.

  “Give the girl some breathing room.” Alec was getting angry again, and I didn’t want to see them arguing over me.

  At his words, Theo and Jackston stood up and backed away. Instantly, I missed the contact and my eyes looked up to meet Alec’s. I wanted to plead with him to make the decision for me, because I wasn’t brave enough to take the leap even if I wanted what they were offering. As if he could read my thoughts, a small smile appeared on his gorgeous face, but he shook his head.

  “This is your decision, Brooke. Personally? I’m inclined to agree with Jackston.” His words felt like a punch in the gut and I looked away to hide the disappointment I felt.

  “You don’t want me.” It wasn’t a question, because why would he? I didn’t deserve the attention of these incredible men. Them wanting me didn’t make sense.

  When he pulled me out of my chair, crushing me against his hard chest, I gasped in shock. “Don’t ever think I don’t want this, little girl.” His lips crashed onto mine, kissing me with a seductive passion that had my knees threatening to fold. His tongue forced its way into my mouth devouring mine until I was breathless. “If you become ours, I might just keep you, so be sure you’re ready for that. I don’t think you understand what you’ll be saying yes to. So, in that retrospect, you’re not ready for us yet.”

  My fingers grasped the material of his shirt. I clung to him as I stared into those eyes seeing the lust that told me his words were true. Then it dawned on me what he was saying. It wasn’t just my body he wanted. No, that wasn’t enough for him. What Alec wanted was to own me. I’m not sure which terrified me more. Giving my body to these four incredible men or knowing that if I did he’d be in control. I opened my mouth to speak, but my mouth had grown so dry, nothing came out.

  I was pulled out of Alec’s arms and into Gage’s. “We all want a chance to convince you.” If I thought Alec’s kiss had been possessive, Gage’s was downright territorial. His tongue danced with mine while his hands tangled in my hair, almost painfully, as he left me floating in a blissful haze.

  “That’s no way to seduce her.” Jackston pressed himself against my back, and I felt every long, hard inch of him through the thin material of his shorts. Grasping my chin, he turned my lips away from Gage’s and almost tenderly seduced me with his magical mouth.

  “Please.” Theo scoffed and pushed Gage out of the way. “That’s not where she needs to be kissed. His hand cupped my heat, and it didn’t matter that I was wearing sweatpants when he dropped to his knees, pressing his mouth against me. I cried out in pleasure and shock, not expecting him to take things so far.

  “She hasn’t agreed!” Alec’s words pulled him away when I was starting to enjoy the sensation and I whimpered in protest.

  “Bullshit. I bet if we pulled down her pants right now, she’d be soaking wet.” He winked at me, and I felt my face burn in embarrassment, because he was right. I was disappointed that he found his feet and wanted to beg that he kiss me that way again.

  I was trembling in need and nervousness as they all looked at me, waiting for an answer I wasn’t sure I could give. It wasn’t doubt about wanting them that kept me from answering. I had no idea how to make love to four virile men at once. Where would they all fit? I only had so many places they could go, and I wasn’t sure how that would work.

  “Think about what we’re offering, Brooke. Be sure this is what you want because if you choose us, we won’t let you take it back.” Alec’s words were filled with conviction and I didn’t doubt what he said. He took his place on the couch again and the other men followed. The looks on their beautiful faces were filled with longing and possessiveness.

  How was I supposed to watch a movie when all I could think about was taking them up on the offer. I’d be crazy to do it, so why was I even considering it? “What if I don’t like what you do to me?” Letting Alec be in control? I didn’t even know what that truly meant

  Gage hit pause on the movie. “Our job would be to make sure you enjoyed what we made you feel.”

  “How would we, um, you know fit?” My face flamed at the embarrassing question, but it seemed like an important thing to know.

  chapter Four



  This idea was seriously fucked up. She wasn’t ready for any of this, but I’d be damned if I let these guys have her without me. She needed the control I offered more than any woman we’d ever slept with. I wanted her in my bed, but I also worried that she’d regret the decision. The last thing I wanted was to hurt her, so I tried to shock her out of the decision. “Normally one of us would take your ass, the other your pussy, one in your mouth, and then another in your hand. Then we switch off.” My crude words had her eyes widening in horror, just like I’d expected but I felt like shit for doing it.

  “It wouldn’t be that way with you though, honey.” Jackston glared at me before turning to comfort her. “Anal takes training if you’ve never done it, and we can go slow until you feel comfortable being with all of us. This would be about your pleasure.”

  “It sounds more like pain.” That’s what bothered me about being with someone so innocent. We were a lot to handle for an experienced woman, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like for a her.

  “Let us show you tonight. No penetration, just pleasing you. If you decide it’s not pleasurable after, we won’t bring it up again.” Gage obviously wanted her if he was bargaining. In the thirteen years I’d known him I’d never seen him cave like this.

  “A trial run. I like it.” Of course, Theo liked it, he enjoyed going down on a woman almost as much as fucking one.

  “Maybe we should clarify. No penetration with our cocks, fingers should be allowed.” Shaking my head at Jackston’s addendum, this was the worst idea we’d ever had. Not fucking her was going to be torture in the worst possible way. Our hands would get a workout after.

  “Okay.” I was shocked that she agreed, and without warning my cock stood at attention. This was a bad idea. Usually I could control myself better than this. Not while thinking about tutoring this beautiful girl. “I need a shower first.”

  “You’ll need another one when we’re done. Why not wait?” Theo needed to be kicked in the balls. I couldn’t read her mind, but I was almost certain she needed some time to get her composure. This was a huge step. She didn’t realize it yet, but once we had her in our bed, she’d want more than the petting we offered.

  “Go take your shower.” Pinning Theo with a look that dared him to argue, I waited until she all but ran back to her room before speaking.

  “If we’re going to do this we need to make sure we’re in control of ourselves. She’s giving us her trust, and I’ll be damned if we break it.” Brooke was unlike
any woman we’d seduced before and hurting her wasn’t an option.

  “I agree. This needs to be at her pace.” Jackston was the least of my worries. Out of the four of us, he was the tender lover and she’d need that.

  “As long as I get my mouth on that beautiful pussy I don’t care how we do this.” His obsession with oral was annoying at times, but the women we’d slept with never disapproved.

  “The last thing we want to do tonight is scare her off the idea. I’ll let you take lead, because honestly the thought of teaching her is making me feel out of control.” Gage was much like me, and rarely allowed himself to lose the upper hand. For our princess, she needed us to have that.

  “She could change her mind. If that happens we have to accept it without pushing for more.” I hoped she wouldn’t. The idea of seeing her beautiful body splayed out in bed as we tutored her was the biggest turn on I’d ever had.

  “Then maybe we should give her a little incentive.” Theo pulled his shirt over his head, tossed it aside and walked back toward her bedroom.

  We followed him to make sure he didn’t do something stupid, and I exchanged an exasperated look with Gage. He didn’t have patience and needed to be reeled in. I heard the water running and obviously he did too because he walked right into the bathroom, pulling open the shower door. A deliciously wet Brooke looked shocked as she stood there letting us take in the beauty of her body. She was even more perfect than I imagined, and my eyes followed the perfection of her curves.

  “You shouldn’t.” Whatever she was going to add to that sentence was cut off when Theo stepped in with her still wearing his jeans and shoes, kissing her soundly. His hands roamed up and down her back, then cupped her heart-shaped ass, pressing her against him.

  “For fuck’s sake. Let the girl finish her bath.” Gage was pissed, and I didn’t know if it was because Theo got to her first, or he was defending her right to privacy. Grabbing Theo’s arm, he pulled him out of her arms. “Make it quick princess because I can’t look at you without wanting my turn to show you how good I can make you feel.”


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