by Bob Curran
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Jones, Kevin. Cornwall’s Legends—Being a Collection of old Tales told in Cornwall. Norwich, UK: Oakmagic Publications, 1997.
Joseph, Frank. Atlantis Encyclopedia. Franklin Lakes, N.J.: New Page Books, 2005.
Kraft-Minkel, Walter. Subterranean Worlds. Port Townsend, Wash.: Loompanics Unlimited, 1989.
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Levy, Joel. The Atlas of Atlantis, Lemuria and Other Lost Civilisations. London: Godsfield Press, 2007.
MacLellan, Alec. The Hollow Earth Enigma. London: Souvenir Press, 1999.
Mailer, Norman. Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult. London: Continuum, 2000.
Mansfield, K., and L. Farrina. A Quest for El Dorado. Jacksonville, Ore.: Stormbird Press, 1977.
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Morris, Paul, and Deborah Sawyer, eds. A Walk in the Garden: Iconographic and Literary Images of Eden. London: Continuum, 1992.
Muhawi, Ibrahim. Speak Bird, Speak Again: Palestinian-Arab Folktales. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1989.
Parrish, Mayfield. The Arabian Nights. New York, N.Y.: Simon and Shuster, 1993.
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Shepard, Aaron, and B. Jowett. The Atlantis Dialogue: Plato’s Original Story of the Lost City, Continent, Empire, Civilisation. London: Shepherd Publications, 2001.
Singer, John D. Ireland’s Mysterious Lands and Sunken Cities. Philadelphia, Pa.: Xlibris Corporation, 2001.
Standish, David. Hollow Earth: The Long and Curious History of Imagining Strange Lands, Fantastical Creatures, Advanced Civilisations and Marvellous Machines Below the Earth’s Surface. Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo, 2007.
Sugrue, Thomas. The Story of Edgar Cayce: There is a River. Virginia Beach, Va.: ARE Press, 1997.
Thomas, Hugh. Rivers of Gold: The Rise of the Spanish Empire. Gwent, UK: Orion Press, 2004.
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Wilson, Colin. The Atlantis Blueprint. New York, N.Y.: Time/Warner, 2000.
abductions to the Otherworld, 28
Ad, tribe of, 181
Adam of Bremen, 56
Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, 112
Adventures of the Black Fisherman, The, 112
afreets, 180
Africa, dog-headed men in the deserts of North, 12
Afterlife, sophisticated view of an, 19
Agartha as tied to Atlantis and Lemuria, 134
Ahd-al-Jann, 181
Al Khidr and the Fountain of Youth, 192
Alabama, kingdom of, 160
alchemy and the Fountain of Youth, 192
Alexander and the quest for eternal life, 191
Alexander III, Pope, 140
Alexander Romance, The, 141, 191
Alhazarad, Abdul, 179
al-Kadiff, 183
America as location of Eden, 36–37
Angkor Thom, 156
Angkor Wat, 13, 156
Arabian desserts as location for the Fountain of Youth, 192
Arad, Wadem, 146
Arawak folklore, 189, 193–194
Arthur, investigating the grave of, 45
Arthurian legends and Lyonesse, 103–105
Aryan language, 174
Aryan race, Shangri-La as home for the, 135
Aryans and Hyperborea, 174–176
Atlanteans and the Nazi movement, 87–88
Atlanteans as one of the “Root Races,” 85
discoveries of, 84–85
features of, 81
locating, 79–80
Mayan and Incan civilizations and, 84
Minoan civilization as possible location for, 86
proof of existence of, 81–84
Santorini as possible location for, 87
Straits of Sicily and, 83
wars of, 81
Atlantis and Lemuria, war between, 134–135
Atlantis and Plato, 79
Atlantis and Poseidon, 80
“Atlantis of the Desert, The,” 185 see also Ubar
Atlantis—The Antedivulian World, 84–85
and Christian mythology, 48
and Joseph of Aramethea, 44, 45
and the Arthurian Cycle, 42–45
and the Holy Grail, 48
and the L’Isle d’Daval, Isle of, 46
as home of the Muses, 48
in Greek tradition, 41–42
final resting place for Arthur, 43
Isle of, 44–45
origins of, 41–42
references to, 47–48
sources for name, 41
the meaning of, 48–49
Avestan tongue, the, 174
Aztec gold, 151–152
Aztec Hell known as Mictlan, 247
Bacon, Francis, 84
Bailey, Alic, 134
“Balds,” 219, 249–253
Ballycotton Bay, mysterious landmass at, 26–27
Ballydonegan Bay, strange landmass at, 27
Banjos, two green children in, 235
/> Battle of Camlann, 46, 103, 105
Baum, L. Frank, 21
Bedouin folklore, 180, 182
Belalcazar, Sebastian de, 154
Bethsaida and the Fountain of Youth, 190–191
Bianco, Andrea, 68
“Big Sur wilderness, the,” 209
as Arawak equivalent of Garden of Eden, 189
as location of Fountain of Eternal Youth, 189
Bimini Road, 194
Blavatsky, Madame Helena Petrovna (H.P.), 85
and Hyperborea as home of the second “root race,” 175
and Ila, 248
and Shangri-La, 133–134
and the Ayrian race, 87, 88
and the sunken land of Rutas, 96
and the Theosophical Society, 97
and the third root race of Lemuria, 93–94
Boidhiobhadh, Breasal, 63
Bon religion, the, 130–131
Bon tradition and Shangri-La, 131–132
Book of Dyzan, 94, 96
book of Enoch, 202
Book of Jasher, 97
Bouchard, Hippolyte, 212
Bradley, Marion Zimmer, 48
“Brethren of the New Light” in Ireland, 248
Brigadoon, village of, 20
Briggs, Kathryn, 234
Brothers Grimm, the, 20
Brown and the lost world in the Cascade Mountains, J.C., 213–215
Buddhism in Kashmir, 132
Bulwer, Sir Henry, 238
Cabral, Pedro Alvares, 68
Calistus II, Pope, 142
Cambodian jungle, 13, 156
Cambresius, Geraldus, 192
Cape of Good Hope, 118
Capra, Frank, 129
Cardenas, Garcia Lopez de, 152
Carmel Valley, vein of pure silver in the, 208
Carter, Lin, 98
Cascade Mountains, J.C. Brown and the lost world in the, 213–215
“Caucasian,” 175
Caucasus Mountains as location of Aryan race, 175, 192
“Cavern of Death, The,” 246
caves as evidence of Madoc, 166
Cayce, Edgar, 194
and predictions about Atlantis, 85–86
Cembrensius, Geraldus, 123
Christian mythology, Avalon and, 48
Christianity and Yggdrasil, 58–59
Christianity, rise of, 29
Christians of St. Thomas, 144–146
Christmas tree, 57
Chronological Description of the West or H-lar Connaught, A, 62
Chu-fan-chi, 145
Churchward, James, 95
Cibola, expedition to find, 152
Cilappatikaram, the, 91
Clark, Alfred K., 209–210 see also Uncle Al
Clavijo, Viera y, 68
Conan the Barbarian stories, 98
Conan the Cimmerian series, 169
Conjoined Dialogues, mention of Atlantis in, 80
Conrad, Joseph, 157
Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de, 149–151, 238
Cortez, Hernan, 151
creation story, the, 31–32
Darwin, Charles, 93
Dash, Mike, 233
Davy as combination of the Devil and Jonah, 113
Davy Jones
and “crossing the line,” 119
and Celtic beliefs, 114
and the Press Gang, 117
and Welsh beliefs, 114–115
as famous pub landlord, 117
as synonym for the Devil, 112
Davy Jones, Captain, 115–116
Davy Jones’s Locker as concept of the Otherworld, 111–112
Davy Jones’s Locker, use of the term, 111
de Blois, Henry, 45
de Camp, Lyon Sprague, 98
de Joinville, Jean, 144
de Soto, Hernando, 165, 166, 167
death, ancient cultures view of, 23
Defoe, Daniel, 112
Delphic Oracle of Apollo, the, 172
Deneker, Joseph, 175
DeSoto Falls, 165–166
Devil, Davy Jones as synonym for the, 112
Devil, Otherworld and the, 29
“Devil,” the term, 218
Devil’s Courthouse, the, 219, 224
“Devil’s Tramping Ground, The,” 218
disappearance of settlements, coastal erosion and, 73
djinn, 180, 181
Dolan, Brooke, 135
Donnelly, Ignatius, 84–85
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 126
Dunwich, destruction of, 106
Dutch East India Company, 118
Dutchman, death of the, 242
“Dutchman,” Jacob Walz as the, 242
Dutchman legend, popularization of the, 118–119
Dutchman mine, 243
Dweller on Two Worlds, A, 94
Early Man, curiousity of, 9
Easter Island, Polynesian peoples of, 12
Eddas, Poetic and Prose, 53
and the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints, 37
as a spiritual place, 38
on the planet Mars, 37–38
four rivers that flowed out of, 34
locating, 34–39
meaning of the word, 33
theories about, 32–33
Egypt as location of Eden, 35–36
Egyptian jackal-headed gods, 12
El Dorado, 12, 153
as a concept, 157
as a metaphor, 156
entwined with
Sierra del Plata, 155–156
the Ciudad de Los Cesares, 155
English Victorian age of exploration, 125
Erikson, Lief, 64
Estotiland, 65
Ethiopia as location for Prester John’s kingdom, 146–147
Euphrates Rivers, Tigris and, 35
Exposition of the Sayings of the Lord, The, 142
fairies and goblins, mystical world of, 20
fairies and “little people” in the Hollow Earth, 203–204
Fairyland appearing to mortals, 27
Fairyland, 29
Fanning, David, 219
Fawcett, Colonel Percy, 156–157
Fimbulveter, 55
First Knight, 109
Five Joaquins, the, 212
Flath-Innis, see Noble Isle, the
Flying Dutchman, 111
the real, 118–119
Flying Dutchman on the Tappan Sea, The, 119
Fokke, Bernard, 118
folklore in the Middle East, 182
folktales, Irish and Scottish, 21
forts in the United States, 166
Fortunate Isles, the, 66
Fountain of Eternal Youth, Bimini as location of, 189
Fountain of Youth,
finding the, 191–193
Ponce de Leon and the, 194–196
Four Years Voyages of Captain George Roberts, The, 112
frankincense, 184
frankincense route, Ubar as, 186
Froi, Seamunder, 53–54
Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden, 20
as earthly Paradise, 31
Bimini as equivalent of, 189
Garden of the Hesperides, 32–33
apple trees in the, 51
Gardner, Marshall, 203
Gareth of Orkney, 103
Gates of Alexander, Prester John’s kingdom as location of, 141
Gehenna as Hell, 183
Gembroux, Sigbert de, 68
Genesis and Enuma Elish, book of, 35
Genesis, the book of, 31
Genghis Khan, reign of, 143
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 44
Gerald of Wales, 45
Germelshausen, cursed village of, 20
Gihon Rivers, Pishon and, 35
Glastonbury Tor and the Isle of Avalon, 45
Glastonbury Tor, 43–45
Glauer, Alfred Rudolf, 176
Gnostic Christianity, 140
Aztec, 151–152
legends of, 149–151
“Golden King, The,” 154
Gondwanaland, 76
Gradlon and Lyonesse, 108–109
Great Tree, the, see Yggdrasil
Greek Cassiterides, 102
Green Children, story of the, 227–235
Green Island, see Hy-Brasil
“Green Isle,” fairies from the, 64
“Green Jack’s Children,” 233
Greer, Al, 210
“Grey Man’s Breath, the,” 114
Guanches peoples, 173–174
Guillaumin, Emile, 10–11
Gwyneth brothers, the, 160–164
Gwyneth, Owain, 160
Gyatso, his Holiness the Dalai Lama Tenzin, 136
Haggard, Henry Rider, 238
Hakluyt, Richard, 162
Hanno the Navigator, 170, 173
Hanyson, 191
Harrer, Heinrich, 135–136
Harris, Paul, 234
Havilah, 35
Ancient, 36
realm of, 34
Hawkins, tale of Reverend W.T., 250–253
Hecataeus of Miletus, 171
Hedon Rogia, 204
Helluland, 64
Hesiod and the Garden of the Hesperides, 33
High Kings of Ireland, List of, 63
Hilton, James, 129, 136
Himalayan Mountains, 20
Himmler, Heinrich, 88
and Hyperborea/Thule, 176
Hitler and the “Master Race” theory, Adolf, 176
Hollander, De Vliegende, 118
Hollow Earth
and “flying saucers,” 204
and Theosophy, 204
Hollow Earth, fairies and “little people” in the, 203–204
Hollow Earth Society, The, 203
Hollow Hills, the, 245, 250
Holy Grail, Avalon and the, 48
Hopi Indian legends, 152
houses, tales of mysterious, 21