Billionaire's Secret Agent

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Billionaire's Secret Agent Page 4

by S Cinders

  Both girls laughed as Robert threw up his hands and left the room.


  Scott fought the urge to laugh as his suspect and new roommate tried to figure out the coffeemaker. In the twenty-four hours they’d been together, she’d managed to surprise him more times than he could count.

  He was grateful to admit, at least to himself, that he’d misjudged the girl.

  When they’d first met at the scene of the break in, Scott had taken Alyssa Vauban as a flighty socialite who’d bitten off more than she could chew. Granted, it didn’t help that she appeared to be velcroed to a known married man who was trying to politely extricate himself. Scott had felt the sorriest for the very-pregnant wife in tow. It had all the hallmarks of a homewrecker scene from a bad television program.

  It just went to show that you should never judge a book by its cover. Alyssa Vauban might have been every bit as high maintenance as Scott thought she was, but she wasn’t just another social climber, looking for a sugar daddy or sleeping with her lawyer. He was 98% sure of it.

  The Vauban fortune was sizable, and the Jing fortune was double what the Vauban’s held. Alyssa was one very wealthy woman. Things weren’t adding up, and that’s why Scott wanted her to stay close. The last thing he needed was for the heiress to end up dead.

  Questions plagued his mind as he wondered why was she living in a modestly furnished apartment? Why was her fortune left in a trust fund? But most importantly, Scott wanted to know why, when he questioned Alyssa about her uncle, she went into a full panic attack.

  She was timid, jumpy, and irritable. All clues that she wasn’t being the most forthcoming with him.

  “Are you just going to stand there staring at my ass? Or are you going to help me with this?” Alyssa snapped. She hadn’t turned around, but she was glaring at him over her shoulder.

  Scott’s gaze made its way lazily up her lithe form until he met her stormy eyes. She was absolutely breathtaking—and mad as hell.

  “You looked like you had it under control,” he drawled. Scott knew it wasn’t wise to poke the bear, but she was too cute when her lips compressed into an unforgiving line and her eyes blazed with righteous indignation.

  Alyssa plonked the cup down on the counter and spun around. “Explain to me once again why this is a good idea?” She motioned with her hand back and forth between the two of them. “I haven’t the slightest clue about the break in, or who might want to hurt me. So, if you are trying to weasel something out of me…”

  Scott moved in close, cutting off her sentence with his nearness. Her heartbeat ratcheted up as she fought to control her response to him. Ignoring him was difficult with his nearness, but when Scott used his finger to lift her chin, she grudgingly met his gaze.

  Alyssa wasn’t sure what it was about Agent Scott Tabor that left her feeling so unsettled. He wasn’t anything like ”her type.” Scott had an all-American look to him that spoke of baseball games in the summer and ice skating at the plaza. From his tousled sandy-brown curls to his knowing brown eyes, Scott exuded a powerful presence, and as much as that excited her—it also scared the hell out of her.

  She squirmed under his intense gaze. Something about his eyes told Alyssa that not only did he know she was hiding something, but she was 98% sure he would find a way to get it out of her.

  It was a battle of wills as they stood there in silence, the chemistry between the pair growing thick in the room. Alyssa watched as he swallowed; the bobbing of his Adam’s apple along with his five o’clock shadow had her fingers itching to touch him. It was ridiculous. For all intents and purposes, he was her jailer. So why in the fuck did he have to be sexy?

  She straightened her chin and his gaze flashed with something—awareness, no, interest.

  No, she couldn’t… right?

  Alyssa knew the only interest he’d have in her would be of the criminal variety. He was an FBI agent, and he thought she was wrapped up in something sordid.

  At that thought, a part of Alyssa wanted to let out a hysterical laugh. She had been a part of something horrible and most decidedly sordid, or at least she’d witnessed it.

  The worst of it was that Alyssa knew if she told anyone, her Uncle Frank would hunt her down and kill her.

  It had been hard enough to share what little she had with Nate. She wouldn’t have involved anyone, but she was desperate, and he was her lawyer. Alyssa knew that Nate wouldn’t betray her trust.

  But would the FBI? What would they do to catch someone as evil as her uncle appeared to be? How could she know they’d have her back?

  And then there was the little fact that Uncle Frank had his own piece of the underworld. How far did her uncle’s empire reach? For all Alyssa knew, the FBI could be firmly in Uncle Frank’s pocket.

  After all, he had access to her entire estate.

  How had that happened?

  Her parents had never discussed a trust with Uncle Frank as the executor. She should have fought him on it when her parents passed, but grief had overwhelmed her. Nate’s firm had been there encouraging her to look into things.

  Alyssa felt seven times the fool that she’d ever trusted her uncle.

  Images flashed through her mind of the knife clutched in her uncle’s meaty grasp. The pleas of another man as the glinting metal grew closer to his neck.

  Something had alerted Frank that she was in the room. She had to have made a sound, a gasp perhaps. Frozen in place, Alyssa didn’t think to scream or run away. In horror she watched as Frank placed the tip at the man’s throat and sliced it clean through.

  Blood spurted everywhere, somehow unlocking Alyssa from her stupor. She registered the stench of blood and death as she spun around and ran from her parents’ home.

  Her uncle didn’t chase her. He didn’t tell his men to stop her. The threats didn’t come until later. No, the only thing he did that night was taunt her with the evilest laughter she had ever had the misfortune to hear.

  Alyssa hadn’t slept that night, nor the one after.

  It shouldn’t have surprised her on the third day—Frank showing up at her apartment. That’s when the threats were made, the metaphorical line was drawn in the sand.

  Either she join the family business, or she would end up using the family plots much sooner than her parents had ever intended.

  Family business.

  The things Frank had insinuated. Alyssa had cried out. Her father would never be involved in something so horrible. He was a good man.

  What followed was more mocking laughter, along with a promise.

  Alyssa hadn’t known what to do.

  She had friends, but the last thing she wanted to do was put them in danger. She couldn’t go home. Frank owned the building. She tried to flee the country, but her private jet was no longer hers. Her accounts were locked, credit cards declined, credit frozen.

  Frank had laid a careful trap, and like the fly she was, Alyssa had tumbled right into his web.

  Suddenly she needed air, space; she couldn’t breathe.

  Scott’s face filled with concern. “Hey, where did you go?”

  Alyssa hadn’t had a panic attack in years. And yet in the last few days she’d always been one breath away from her next one.

  Twisting out of his grasp, Alyssa pushed away from Scott and took a few steps away.

  Breathe: in and out, in and out.

  Black spots danced in the corners of her vision, but she wouldn’t give in to it.

  She focused her eyes on her hands. She hated to see the way they were shaking. She wasn’t a victim, damn it. He couldn’t take everything from her.

  Alyssa turned on her heel and started walking back to the spare bedroom of Scott’s apartment, calling over her shoulder, “Never mind, I shouldn’t drink coffee anyway.”

  “Wait,” Scott called out. “What in the fuck just happened?”


  The rhythmic sound of the basketball smacking against the gym floor grounded Nate. It was like old times: playing ball with
Elliot when they were kids.

  Of course, that had been at the community center with no net and a bent rim. These days he played twice a week in Manhattan’s most exclusive gym for the rich and famous.

  “Where’s your head at?” Elliot teased as he scored yet another basket on Nate. “We both know that I’m mediocre at best, and yet here I am, handing you your ass.”

  Nate rolled his eyes. “So, I let you have a few points.”

  Elliot snorted. “It’s sixteen to four. That’s not a few points, genius. What gives?”

  “It’s just a case I’ve been working on,” Nate replied, snatching the ball back and taking it out of bounds to reset the play.

  “Does this case happen to include an extremely hot ex-girlfriend? Mandy’s words, by the way.”

  Nate caught the ball and turned to face Elliot. “What? Not that I can share anything, but how did she…?” Realization dawned on him, and he cursed loudly. “Fucking hell, I told Kim that she didn’t mean anything to me.”

  Elliot’s dark brows climbed up his forehead. “Is there a reason why Kim might be jealous?”

  “Besides the fact that she’s nearly eight months pregnant, cries at fabric softener commercials, and snaps at me when I chew too loudly?”

  Elliot snickered. “Yeah, pregnancy can be a real bitch.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” a cool voice added to the conversation.

  Elliot and Nate swung their gazes over to see Alyssa Vauban and Agent Scott Tabor standing mid-court.

  “Who let you in?” Elliot groused.

  Scott pulled his FBI badge out of his pocket, flashing it at the two men. “This tends to get me into even the swankiest of places. Tell me, gentleman, is this game over or would you like to see how the big boys do it?”

  Elliot barked out a laugh. “That’s a lot of trash talk there. I hope you can back it up with some talent.”

  Scott began rolling up his sleeves. It wasn’t lost on anyone that Alyssa’s gaze went straight to the newly exposed flesh. She didn’t hear Nate the first time he called her name.

  However, the third time she snapped to attention, “Damn it, Nate! You don’t need to yell.”

  Nate closed his eyes briefly as if he needed a chance to count to ten, and when he opened them, he replied, “My wife, along with Mrs. Brand, is in the day spa. If you would like to join them, I’m sure you will be welcome.”

  Elliot nodded. “Elise is working the desk; just tell her we sent you and that you wish to join Kim and Mandy.”

  Alyssa hesitated just a moment. It wasn’t that she wouldn’t love some time at the spa. Her life had been filled with luxury spa appointments. But she hadn’t any way of paying for a spa day. Nor did she think that Kim wanted to spend any time with her. A pang of guilt settled in her stomach. Alyssa hadn’t thought much at all about Nate’s wife.

  It was apparent that she didn’t like Alyssa. But then not many did. She was known as something of a cool fish, someone hard to get close to.

  Alyssa knew the hard way that getting attached to people only ended in heartbreak. The only people she had truly ever loved were dead now.

  Everyone else merely liked the way she looked on their arm, or they wanted a piece of her inheritance.

  “It’s completely on me,” Elliot added gently. “I’ve been paying for this sorry bastard for years.”

  Nate laughed and flipped him off while Agent Tabor kept his gaze glued to hers.

  “We don’t have to stay here,” he said in a low voice as he began to roll his sleeves back down.

  “No!” She raised her hand as if to stop him. “I would like to join the ladies. Please, take your time.”

  He searched her eyes for a moment before replying, “If you’re sure?”

  Alyssa gave a short distinct nod. “I’m positive.”

  With that she turned on her heel and began to leave the gym. She could hear more trash talking among Nate, Scott, and Elliot. A part of her felt calmed just listening to their playful banter.

  However, when she climbed the stairs and entered the ultra-lux spa, Alyssa began to feel jittery again.

  A beautiful older woman with grey spiky hair and a warm smile welcomed her. “Hello. I am Elise. What might I assist you with today?”

  Alyssa cleared her throat. “I’m here to meet up with Mrs. Brand and Mrs. Livingston.”

  Elise’s brow furrowed. “They didn’t mention anyone joining them.”

  At that moment, the door opened, and Alyssa saw a blond woman that looked much like Nate’s wife. It took her just seconds to sum up the situation. “That’s okay, Elise, she’s with me. Would you mind making sure there are three massage tables available?”

  Elise smiled. “Of course, I beg your pardon, Mrs. Brand.”

  “Oh, no,” Mandy said with a shake of her head. “It was my mistake. Come along, Alyssa, Kim is waiting inside.”

  Alyssa followed the shorter woman into the changing area. As soon as Kim looked up, Alyssa registered the surprise on her face. This is a mistake, she thought to herself.

  However, instead of greeting her coldly as Alyssa had anticipated. Kim pulled herself to her feet—not a small task by any means.

  “Please,” Alyssa implored, “You don’t need to get up.”

  Kim waved her concern away. “Nonsense, I needed to go to the bathroom again anyway. Alyssa, it’s so nice to see you. This is my younger sister Amanda Brand, but everyone calls her Mandy.”

  Alyssa took Mandy’s outstretched hand and shook it. The kindness staring her back was almost unsettling. Mandy Brand was openly curious, and she didn’t hide it, but she also seemed perfectly fine with her crashing their spa day.

  “I am sorry to intrude; that wasn’t my intention. Agent Tabor wanted to play some basketball with Nate and Mr. Brand. I suppose they didn’t know what to do with me.”

  Kim smiled. “I am so glad that you decided to come and hang out with us. Let me show you where you can store your things and let’s get you a robe.”

  Alyssa followed Kim and Mandy as they showed her the ropes. They were already scheduled for a few things and asked Alyssa to join them. Soon she found herself being primped and polished: all of the things that she was used to but had missed in the last week or so.

  Somehow during the massage, Alyssa felt her emotions finally release with the tension in her muscles. To her absolute horror, tears began rolling down her cheeks. As long as she was on her stomach, things were fine because nobody could see. But when they got ready to leave, the sisters immediately saw that she had been upset.

  “What is it?” Kim asked, coming in close.

  Mandy flanked her other side. “You poor thing, you’ve been through so much lately.”

  Alyssa nodded and felt her lip wobble. She wasn’t one who cried often, and certainly not in public.

  “Elise,” Mandy called out. “Could you please let Mr. Brand know that we’ll be having lunch on the terrace—privately. And then a bottle of wine would be just the thing, if you could have it sent?”

  “Of course, Mrs. Brand. I will have food arranged and brought out to you.”

  “Now, I know you are in some kind of trouble. No, you don’t have to tell us what it is. But you do seem as if you could use a friend. Am I right?”

  Alyssa opened her mouth to answer, but another sob escaped.

  “I’ll bring chocolate as well,” Elise promised, and she did just as she was asked.


  “He’s got a great ass!” Kim said with a knowing wink.

  “Well, now this I’ve got to see,” Mandy added,

  Alyssa felt a surge of affection for the sisters who had ignored her previous poor behavior. Not only had they treated her with kindness, but they acted as if they were longtime friends.

  Alyssa cringed as she thought of how she had run to Nate with all of her problems. She hadn’t given two fucks about how it might appear to his new wife.

  And despite all of that, Kim and Mandy had comforted her and made her laugh
more in the last hour than she had in the previous year.

  “Am I wrong?” Kim challenged, looking to Alyssa to confirm her statement.

  Alyssa thought of Agent Tabor’s ass. Damn, there wasn’t one thing about the man that wasn’t enticing.

  Shaking her head, she answered, “His ass is something to write home about.”

  Mandy laughed again. “This has been so much fun. I’m glad you were able to come, Alyssa.”

  Alyssa hadn’t explained what had caused her to crash into their lives. But she had been able to express some of the fear and frustration that had caused her emotional outburst.

  Learning that the sisters had recently lost their own parents had been something of a bonding point.

  Alyssa had felt it only right to apologize to Kim for her behavior. Once the air was cleared, the girls chatted for nearly three hours. Alyssa realized that Mandy had only drunk a glass and a half of wine. Kim hadn’t touched it. Which meant that she had finished the entire bottle on her own.

  It likely had something to do with the warm mellow feeling she had inside. It was nice having other women to talk to. Besides Alyssa’s mother and grandmother, she hadn’t really bonded with other women. For the first time in Alyssa’s life, she wondered if perhaps she had missed something all of these years.

  “What’s he like in his free time?” Kim asked Alyssa, bringing her out of her thoughts.

  “Who? Scott?”

  Mandy and Kim’s brows rose in such an identical fashion that Alyssa laughed. “You have the same expressions on your faces!”

  “Well, we want to know more about you and Scott,” Kim said cheekily.

  “There isn’t much to say,” Alyssa said honestly, but her cheeks heated, giving her away.

  “What is it?” Mandy prompted.

  “Well, there was a moment last night,” Alyssa began. “We were in his kitchen, and he stepped in close. I don’t know. It’s not like he kissed me or anything. But he wanted to—I could tell.”


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