Dirty Little Secrets: A Stepbrother Romance

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Dirty Little Secrets: A Stepbrother Romance Page 12

by Landish, Lauren

  Kade chewed his lip, barely reacting, but I could see in his eyes how I was affecting him. “I think they look fine,” he said after a second, gathering his control. It was a struggle for him, which I knew I would so wonderfully be punished for later. “Are you planning on wearing that for anything else?”

  “No, but I do know I’m going to need to work out more often now, for stress and to make myself stronger. I’d like to have some good gym stuff.”

  “Why do you want to get stronger?” Kade asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He was still in his clothes from work, a coordinating suit set by Hugo Boss that looked amazing on him, although he’d ditched the jacket and tie. Too muscular to wear a slim fit, he still filled out the classic cut pants and shirt in a way that had my blood pumping through my body. “You said on the drive up here you were worried about getting too big.”

  “That was before,” I answered. “Now, I need to be stronger, in more control of myself. I know that going to college is going to mean testing my limits, and I’d like to see where those are.”

  Kade’s smirk sent warm chills down my spine, as he knew exactly what I was saying. “I’m sure you’ll be pushed to your limits often, but you’ll do just fine,” he answered. “So are you going with the shorts or not?”

  “Three pairs,” I answered, closing the curtain on the changing booth again and pulling back on the jeans I’d been wearing. “Then we look at skirts.”

  The theatrical groan from Kade outside left me grinning from ear to ear. He played his role of tolerant older stepbrother so well. Or perhaps he was being a tolerant boyfriend, I wasn’t sure, but I knew that for the next two hours, I felt for the first time in a long time like a normal woman my age. We even stopped for a Cinnabon before heading upstairs to Victoria’s Secret as promised.

  “Two questions,” Kade said as we looked at the window display, dominated by a large poster of Stella Maxwell in a sports bra and shorts. The company was doing a big push for their workout clothes, and I had to admit they were kind of cute. “First, why choose here? The other store had undergarments too.”

  “And the second?” I asked, wiping the last of the Cinnabon coating from my lips with a napkin before balling it up. Damn, that was good. If I was to eat those more often, I’d have to exercise.

  Kade looked over with a wry little smile. “Why’d they choose that hag bag instead of you for the campaign?”

  I couldn’t help but blush at his compliment, and looked at her. She was beautiful, and certainly the VS Angel type. “You’re just flattering me, but I like it,” I said with a smile. “Stella isn’t a hag bag by any measure of the term. She’s quite pretty, I’ve met her twice.”

  Kade nodded, keeping his reply to himself. He pointed with his right hand, which held three bags in it, two from Macy’s and one from Foot Locker where I had gotten two pairs of shoes to go with the pair I was already wearing. I needed a new wardrobe, after all.

  “And besides, I like them,” I said with a chuckle. “Why are you wearing Hugo Boss with Nikes?”

  “Good point. Okay then, well, I’m going to let you do your thing while I go over to the bookstore.”

  “Yes, Kade.”

  “One other thing,” he said in a low voice. “Pick out two items that you think will be very, very sexy for me. Complete sets. Surprise me. And use my card for this, the PIN is 7794.”

  I felt the poke of plastic against my hand and I took the card from Kade. I was only slightly surprised to see it was a Platinum card. “Yes, Kade,” I replied. It wasn’t the money, both of us had more than enough to afford the shopping trip. It was the fact that he was already thinking of me like a girlfriend, and that touched me more than anything else. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “I know you will,” he said, standing back and smiling. “When you’re done, I’ll be in the bookstore.”

  I went inside, looking around at the various items. There were a few other customers, but it didn’t take long for one of the clerks to come over. “Welcome to Victoria’s Secret. Is there anything I can help you with today?”

  “Hmmm, maybe,” I said, looking around. “I’ve got a good idea on most of it, but I’m kind of looking for something special.”

  “Oh?” the clerk replied, seeing a sales opportunity. If she gave good service, she had no idea just how rich an opportunity it would be. “And by special you are looking for?”

  “Sexy,” I replied directly. “You know, something that sends all the blood from his brain to somewhere else and leaves him drooling.”

  “I don’t think that should be a problem for you,” the clerk replied. She squinted her eyes, then tilted her head to one side. “Say, do I know you? You look familiar for some reason.”

  “I doubt it, this is my first time in Portland,” I said. I knew I wasn’t done up like I would be for a modeling shoot, but it wasn’t unexpected that someone would recognize me. I wasn’t a household name on the level of some of the girls, but I’d done a lot of shoots over the past five years, and the clerk was in the exact target age for a lot of my clients, eighteen to twenty-five.

  The clerk nodded her head. “Well, if this is for a special guy, I don’t think you could go wrong with this,” she said, showing me a few pieces that were quite beautiful. “What sorts of parts are you thinking of showing off for him?”

  “I was thinking demure but still seductive,” I said. “Something easily removed.”

  “This would be perfect on you,” she said, holding up one item. “It’s called the Bare Slip, and while it’s not see through, there’s a lot of deep cuts, and could probably be taken off with a warm breath and a shoulder shimmy if you want.”

  “Excellent. Let’s get a few other things, and try them all on,” I said. The girl stayed with me for the next few minutes, helping me select two other potential items including what they called a V-string t-back that looked slightly larger than a postage stamp, but not much more.

  “If you need any help, I’ll be outside, but you probably know more about sizes and stuff than I do.”

  I thanked her and started trying on the items. Following the rules, I didn’t put the panties on directly but only over the granny panties I was already wearing, just to check size and get an idea. The slip, however, I tried on fully, letting the nylon and clingy fabric slide over my skin. The cool friction made my nipples get painfully tight, and I thought again of Kade. Looking at myself in the mirror, I thought he’d be more than pleased. My nipples were highlighted against the fabric, while the thin spaghetti straps allowed everything from my cleavage up to be seen. The idea of him taking it off of me made me flush with arousal, and I fought the urge to pinch my nipples through the slip. “Later,” I promised myself. “If he wants.”

  Quickly taking off the lingerie before I lost control, I came out to find the girl with a hopeful expression on her face. “How were they?”

  “Perfect,” I said. “So how much of a commission do you get for this stuff?”

  “A flat amount for certain items the company highlights on a monthly basis,” she admitted shyly. “Sorry. But I’m not trying to push items on you, honest.”

  “That’s okay, I was just curious,” I said, surprised. The girl was looking at me with deference, which I didn’t have happen to me often. Envy, jealousy, desire, sure. Deference? Not often.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I’m actually not supposed to talk about that part, but I guessed you’d understand, you having inside knowledge and all.”

  I actually didn’t; that was the business side while I was just a model, but I nodded anyway. “What items are on your list for this month?”

  She told me, and I grinned. “Tell you what, let’s get you a nice check for the night.”

  In the end, it wasn’t all that much. By selectively shopping, I was able to get her an extra sixty dollars while only spending about three hundred myself. Almost all of it was practical too, like panties, bath lotions, and other everyday things. The girl, who I learned was named J
enny, was beaming as I handed over the credit card. “Thank you, Miss . . . Prescott?”

  “Nova,” I corrected. “That’s a company card.”

  “As long as your PINs good, I’m fine with it,” Jenny replied. “You just made my weekend. Mom’s going to be so happy about the paycheck, that’s for sure.”

  “You’re living at home?” I asked as she swiped the card. Jenny nodded and handed it back.

  “Yeah, I’m in college, taking classes at Oregon Health and Science,” she said. “I’m going to be a nurse.”

  “Congratulations,” I said earnestly. “Good luck with it.”

  “Thanks,” Jenny replied. “You too, have fun with your purchases.”

  I grinned and nodded. “Oh, you know it.”

  I left the store and turned right, walking toward the bookstore. As I did, I heard the chimes warning everyone that it was nearly nine at night, and that the mall would be closing soon. Surprised, not realizing I’d spent so much time inside Victoria’s Secret, I broke into a light jog the rest of the way and to the bookstore.

  “I’m sorry, we’re closing,” an employee said as I went in. “Please, no more purchases.”

  “I’m not, I’m meeting someone here,” I said. I looked around, and saw Kade in the back. I pointed. “Him.”

  I understood, it must suck to try and check people out after the store is officially closed. It delayed getting home after a long day.

  “What did you find?” Kade asked, putting a book on art and philosophy back on the shelf. He had a shopping basket of his own, which had what looked like eight or ten books inside. “Anything good?”

  “Lots,” I answered. “I’ll be happy to show you when we get home, but here’s something I can show you now.” I pulled out a tube of orange scented body scrub and popped the top for him. “Do you like it?”

  “It’s certainly you,” Kade replied. “Vibrant, youthful, and very clean. The rest?”

  “You’ll see. So what about you? That’s a lot of books for a working lawyer.”

  Kade grinned and shook his head. “Only one’s for me,” he said, showing me the cover, a mystery novel it looked like. “The rest are for you.”

  I knelt down and looked in the basket, growling and groaning at the same time. “The New ACT Prep Book? The Dummy’s Guide to College Mathematics? Beginner’s French? What’s this for?”

  Kade knelt down and took my hands in his. “You’re here to become a university student, right? But you said it yourself, you’ve been out of the academic game for a few years now, so you’re going to be rusty at least. If anything, you need to take the SAT or ACT test again, and re-learn how to be a student. So, that’s going to be your day job.”

  I looked into his eyes, and knew that while he was using a gentle voice, there was a command in his words. “Yes, Kade,” I said softly, looking down. “Could you help me with them, though?”

  “Me? Of course. My plan was, once you’re settled in, you can come with me to the office a couple of days a week. Get a professional environment around you, and you’ll respond that way. Also, Monica and Vince are great, and would probably be willing to help you as well. Just watch out for Vince, he’s got a thing for models. Although he already asked me to introduce him to Karla McDonald if I ever got a chance. I think it’s the accent.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” I whispered back. “I’m already taken.”

  “Please bring all purchases to the front of the store to check out, the store is now closed,” the woman at the front announced over the store intercom. “Thank you for shopping with us today.”

  Chapter 16


  As we drove home from the Lloyd Center, the air between Alix and me was thick with desire. She rode in the passenger seat with her hands politely in her lap, but twice, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her start to reach for me before pulling her hand back. For my part, I felt the same way, and was glad we’d discussed that rule. For safety’s sake, no touching in the car. At least, not while it was moving.

  “Do you really think I can get through these books in time?” Alix asked to distract herself as we drove. “I mean, doesn’t it take a few weeks for you to get your scores back from taking the SAT or ACT?”

  “It does, but remember, we can put in the application to a university before you even take the test, then forward the score to them once you get it back,” I replied. “As for the books themselves, I don’t think you’ll even need to. Like the math book: when I looked, at least half of it is stuff you’ll get in freshman or even sophomore classes. I got it, though, because it has lots of sample problems you can work through. I know doing it on a computer would be easier and cheaper, but you have to take the test the old fashioned way with a paper and pencil, so you might as well practice it that way too.”

  “Yes, Kade,” Alix answered, sending a warm thrill through me. She knew how those two words affected me, and she smiled.

  “When we get home, get changed. Something sexy that you bought,” I said, warm anticipation rushing through me. “I have something to show you.”

  Alix nodded and didn’t question me at all. “Yes, Kade.”

  Helping her with her bags, I immediately took them all to Alix’s room. An unfortunate side effect of the facade that we had to put on was that she would have to maintain her own bedroom. I had guests, employees, and other people over far too often for the fact that she wasn’t keeping her own bedroom to go unnoticed. In this case, though, it was probably a good thing, as it gave her more than enough drawer and closet space for her to not feel crowded. “You change here, I’ll change in my room. Wait for me to call you out.”

  I left Alix in her room and went into mine. Opening my closet, I chuckled at the fact that I had exactly nine hangers inside, and four suits, each with two pairs of pants that were hung on a special hanger that kept the set together, a sport coat that I could wear with three different sets of other pants, each on their own hanger, and a tuxedo that I kept only for special occasions. Dress shirts I had laundered and folded at a dry cleaners, while my everyday casual and exercise shirts I just washed myself. Hanging up my pants and tossing my shirt into the laundry bin, I turned to my dresser, opening the third drawer down.

  Each drawer in my dresser has a very specific purpose. The top drawer was reserved for socks, underwear, and pocket squares, mostly work stuff. The second drawer contained my undershirts and dress shirts in two matching stacks. I had a hand steamer that I used to make sure my shirts had no wrinkles before wearing them if I had to go jacket-less in a work situation, but other than that, I really didn’t care if Vince or Monica saw me with a fold line circling my body somewhere between my nipples and the bottom of my rib cage. I’m particular about my work attire and my clothing, but I’m not Patrick Bateman.

  The third drawer, though, that one was very different, and very private. I looked inside and took out the handmade black silk pajama bottoms, which I tied around my waist since they had no elastic in their construction at all. While some Doms are into leather, that isn’t my sort of thing at all, but I do appreciate the power infused into the color black. I tied the drawstring with a square knot, not so tightly that I couldn’t get it off, but one that I could not just yank free easily.

  Next came the lotion, which I rubbed over my chest and arms, and across my back as much as I could. Meant to moisturize, it also lent a gleam to my skin that made me look more powerful. Not quite baby oil, which I’d experimented with but hated due to the lack of friction, it would soon absorb into my skin to leave it touchable and tastable. There was no reason for Alix’s tongue to be dragged through nasty, chemical-laden residue.

  The last items I pondered for a moment, wondering if Alix was ready, then nodding to myself. I would wear them, but remove them if she was worried or scared. The gloves came first, then the black mask.

  There was one more item in my drawer, which I took out last. The silver key glittered in the light of my bedroom, and I palmed it before turning and going to
the door to my playroom. Officially the third bedroom of my condo, I had spent quite a bit of money customizing it to my needs and desires, including the lock on the door that Alix had not seen at first. I put the key in the lock, then stepped away. “Alix, come here, please.”

  “Yes, Kade,” she said from her bedroom, which I mentally reminded myself to help her redecorate to her liking over the weekend.

  As soon as she stepped out of the room, my knees turned to jelly she was so beautiful. She hadn’t added any makeup, Alix is so naturally beautiful it isn’t needed, but she had brushed her hair out from the simple ponytail she’d been wearing to go shopping, letting it hang freely around her face and down her back. Even more alluring was the red slip, which hung from her body just enough to hide her intimate areas, but little else. Not lace or see through at all, it still revealed enough of her ripe, beautiful body to me that I had to struggle not to sweep her off her feet right there and take her back to my bedroom to make love to her again. Only the promise I made to her and to myself that I would let her in when she was ready let me stay in control of my passions.

  “You look very beautiful,” I said, reaching up and taking a strand of her hair between my fingers, rolling the silken strands and then inhaling their subtle scent. “Is that orange?”

  “Just some. I remembered you said you liked the scent in the bookstore,” Alix said, looking me in the eyes but still demure. She was learning so well and so quickly, it was eerie and a bit frightening at the same time. How had I gone so long without someone so perfect for me? “Does this please you?”

  “Very much. You’re a vision of an angel right now,” I said, brushing the hair in my fingers back behind her ear. “I asked you here because I’m giving you a choice. There is a key in the lock of this door. You didn’t notice yesterday, but I keep this door locked for a very specific reason. Any visitors who ask are told I keep legal files in there, but that isn’t true, as I’m sure you know. It’s my playroom . . . our playroom. First, a question. Do you want this tonight?”


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