Thirteen Soldiers

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Thirteen Soldiers Page 40

by John McCain


  Boxer Rebellion in, 148–50

  and Korean War, 235, 238–44, 295

  and Vietnam War, 251

  Chubb, 58

  Church, John, 222–23, 229, 235

  Churchill, Winston, 55

  Civil War, 87–112, 341

  Battle of Antietam, 91, 100–103, 339

  Battle of Ball’s Bluff, 91, 94–98, 99

  Battle of Bull Run, 93, 100

  Battle of Chancellorsville, 109–10

  Battle of Chickahominy, 99

  Battle of Gettysburg, 84

  Battle of Seven Pines (or Battle of Fair Oaks), 98, 99, 113

  Battle of Shiloh, 99

  Battle of the Crater, 91

  Battle of the Wilderness, 91, 111–12

  Fort Sumter, 88

  at Fredericksburg, 91, 107–9

  and General Orders Number 100, 162–63

  at Gettysburg, 91, 110–11

  Harvard Regiment “Bloody 20th” Massachusetts, 87, 90–103, 106–9, 110, 111–12

  at Marye’s Heights, 108, 109

  monument to, 85

  Peninsular Campaign, 91, 98–99, 100

  and “Rock of Chickamauga,” 224

  Seven Days Battle, 99

  surrender at Appomattox, 146

  survivors of Mexican-American War in, 60, 67, 84

  Clark, Beverly Sue, 274, 275, 282, 284, 286, 287, 288, 291

  Clausewitz, Carl von, 118

  Clay, Henry, Jr., 79

  Clinton, Bill, 290

  Clinton, Henry, 20, 22, 28

  Clinton, Hillary, 337

  Cobb, Edward, 119

  Cochrane, Henry Clay, 147

  Coffee, Jerry, 253

  Compton, Bryan, 250–51

  Confederate States of America, 80, 146

  Confiance, 56, 57–58

  Connecticut militia, 1, 2–4, 7–8, 9–10

  mutiny of, 25–27

  Connell, Thomas, 151–53

  Constitution “Old Ironsides,” 46–47, 52, 59

  Continental Army, 8, 11–12, 20–21, 24, 30, 33–34

  Continental Congress, 11

  Conway, James, 317–18

  Conway, Walter, 240–41, 242

  Cornwallis, Lord Charles, 18, 22, 28, 29

  Couch, Dick, 334, 336

  The Sheriff of Ramadi, 329, 330, 331

  Cowgill, Charles, 110

  Crafus, Richard “King Dick,” 49, 50

  Crane, William, 81–82

  Craver, Alan Brent, 273

  Crocker, Ryan, 337


  Caribbean Squadron in, 143, 144

  Daiquirí landings in, 118–20

  diseases in, 137

  rebels armed by U.S., 128

  Spanish-American War in, see Spanish-American War

  surrender of Santiago, 144

  Czolgosz, Leon, 153

  Daly, Dan, 171

  Dana, Napoleon J. T., 100–101, 102, 103, 107

  David, Kathy, 289

  Davis, Jefferson, 67, 77, 78, 80

  Dean, William, 222–29

  Declaration of Independence, 1

  Denton, Jerry, 253

  Devens, Charles, 94–95

  Devlin, Pete, 320

  Dewey, George, 144

  Donovan, Jack, 254, 255

  Douglas, William, 3

  Downie, George, 56–58

  Dreher, Ferdinand, 107, 108

  Dwight, William, 104

  Eagle, 55, 58

  Early, Jubal, 112

  Egan, Timothy, 118

  Eisenhower, John, 63

  Embargo Act (1807), 42

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 88

  English, John, 119

  Espiegle, 54

  Evans, Nathan G. “Shanks,” 95

  Fahd, king of Saudi Arabia, 276

  Fairbanks, David, 274

  Faust, Drew Gilpin, The Republic of Suffering, 113

  Felhoelter, Father Herman, 226

  Fish, Hamilton III, 121

  Fitz-Enz, David, 50

  Fleury (engineer), 16–17

  Flipper, Henry O., 119

  Fobair, Roscoe, 253

  Foch, Ferdinand, 182, 185

  Foster, Saint, 135–36

  founding fathers, 9

  Fox, Itchy, 180


  and Boxer Rebellion, 149

  and World War I, 167–75, 179–91, 294

  French and Indian War, 9, 39, 88

  Gabaldon, Guy Louis, 192, 196–218

  after the war, 217–18

  autobiography of, 196, 210–11

  bravery of, 193

  early years of, 197, 199

  Japanese prisoners taken by, 193, 205–6, 208–11, 214–16, 217

  Japanese saved by, 193, 211, 214–16

  as lone wolf, 205–6, 208, 217

  and Moe Gang, 197

  Nisei friends of, 197–98, 217

  recommended for Medal of Honor, 193, 200, 215, 216

  recruitment into Marines, 199–200

  at Saipan, 203–6

  Silver Star/Navy Cross to, 216–17, 218

  Galanti, Paul, 253

  Garland, John, 66

  George, Kellie, 275


  and Boxer Rebellion, 149

  observer planes of, 182

  Stormtroopers of, 168, 169

  and World War I, 167–73, 176–91

  Geronimo, Chief, 124, 148

  Glanton, John, 70, 83

  Glanton Gang, 83–84

  Goetzmann, William, 71, 84

  Gore, Connie, 289

  Graham, Lawrence, 83

  Grant, Ulysses S., 67, 111

  Grasse, Comte de, 28

  Great Britain, see Britain

  Greene, Nathanael, 3

  Grierson, Benjamin, 124

  Griswold, Richard, 152

  Gronski, John, 317

  Guerriere, 46

  Haiti, rebellion in (1915), 164

  Halladay, Father Paul, 323, 336

  Hallowell, Norwood Penrose “Pen,” 89, 90, 92, 95, 102–3, 104, 108–9

  Hamilton, Alexander, 29

  Hamilton, George, 187, 190

  Hancock, John, 1

  Hancock, Winfield Scott, 110

  Harbord, James, 169

  Harrison, William Henry, 51

  Harvard College, 89–90

  Hawkins, Hamilton, 131, 134

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 88

  Heath, William, 3

  Hell to Eternity (film), 217

  Hoblit, Jerry, 263, 264

  Ho Chi Minh, 267

  Holden, Judge, 83

  Holliday, Presley, 138–39

  Holmes, Amelia Lee Jackson, 89, 90

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 86, 87–114

  after the war, 113–14

  at Antietam, 100–103

  at Ball’s Bluff, 94–98, 99

  as Civil War volunteer, 87–88, 90–91, 92

  early years of, 88–90

  father’s search for, 103–6

  at Fredericksburg, 107–9

  at Harvard, 89–90

  and his father, 88–89, 90, 106, 110

  injuries to, 92, 96, 97–98, 102–4, 105–6, 109–10, 111

  Memorial Day speeches, 113–14

  in Peninsular Campaign, 98–99

  as staff officer in VI Corps, 111, 112

  on Supreme Court, 113

  transformation of, 88, 99, 106, 110, 112, 113–14

  in 20th Massachusetts Infantry, 87, 90–98, 99, 106–9

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 113

  and his son, 88–89, 90, 103–6, 110

  “My Hunt for the Captain,” 104–5, 106

  Hood, John, 100

  Hooker, Joseph, 67, 100–101, 109

  Hornet, 53–54, 60–61

  Horony, John, 243

  Howe, William, 3, 6, 12, 14–15, 20

  Hudson River, chain across, 31–32

  Hull, Isaac, 46–47

  Humphreys, Salis
bury, 41–42

  Hurley, Lloyd, 200, 204, 209, 215, 217

  Hussein, Saddam, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 284

  Indiana, 143–44

  Infanta Maria Teresa, 143–44

  Iowa, 143

  Iraq, 315–37

  al Qaeda in, 317, 318–21, 332, 334

  Anbar Awakening, 320, 334

  Anbar Province, 320–21, 334

  Battle of Fallujah, 317–20, 327, 328

  Battle of Ramadi, 316–22, 328–33, 334–36

  counterinsurgency in, 321, 327–29, 331–32

  and Devlin Report, 331

  increased troop levels in, 321, 331

  invasion of Kuwait by, 276–91

  Islamic State of Iraq, 319

  medics and corpsmen in, 299

  Navy SEALs in, 315–17, 322–37

  no front lines in, 303

  Operation Phantom Fury, 318

  Ramadi, 315–22, 323, 327–33, 334–37

  Ramadi as bellwether in, 320, 321–22

  Ramadi General Hospital, 332

  Sunni insurgents in, 317, 318–20, 326, 328–32, 334–36

  “take, hold, and build” strategy in, 327–28

  women deployed in, 302

  women dying in uniform in, 303

  women wounded in, 303

  Iraqi Army, 316, 318, 322, 325, 326–28, 330, 331, 335–36

  Iraqi Special Operations Force, 325

  Islamic fundamentalism, 283

  Islamic State of Iraq, 319

  Israel, and Persian Gulf War, 279–82, 284, 285

  Italy, and Boxer Rebellion, 149

  Ito, Johnny, 197

  Izard, George, 56

  Jackson, Andrew, 60

  Jackson, Stonewall, 99–100


  and Boxer Rebellion, 149

  Bushido code of Samurai, 198, 211

  final banzai charge by, 212–14

  Saipan occupied by, 201–2

  and World War II, 193, 194–218

  Jefferson, Thomas, 42

  Jim Crow South, 126, 139

  Job, Ryan, 332–33, 336

  Johnson, George, 128

  Johnson, Harry, 246, 260–67

  Air Force Cross awarded to, 266

  heroic flights of, 262–66, 267

  as POW, 267

  as “Wild Weasel,” 260–61

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 247, 248, 254

  Johnston, Albert Sidney, 67

  Johnston, Joseph E., 93–94, 98

  Jones, Bob, 69

  Jones, William, 54

  Keirn, Richard “Pop,” 253

  Kennedy, Mrs. Howard, 105, 106

  Kennedy, Robert F., 217

  Kent, Jacob, 120, 130, 135, 136

  Keough, Frank Scott, 272, 286, 287

  Key, Francis Scott, 55

  Kingsbury, Henry, 162, 163, 164

  Kirkpatrick, Leslie, 243

  Knowlton, Thomas, 6–7

  Knox, Frank, 135

  Knox, Henry, 33

  Korean War, 221–45

  Battle for Chinju, 229–31

  Battle for Hill 123, 240–43, 244

  Battle for Taejon, 227–29, 234

  Battle for the Kum River, 223–27

  Battle of Osan, 223, 244

  Battle of the Naktong Bulge, 234–36

  Battle of the Notch, 231

  Battle of the Pusan Perimeter, 234–38

  capture of Pyongyang, 238

  cease-fire in, 244

  Chinese in, 235, 238–44, 295

  at Chosin Reservoir, 244

  cold in, 239, 241

  medics and corpsmen in, 295

  New Year Offensive, 244

  North Korean People’s Army (Choson Inmin’gun), 221–27, 229–31, 233, 234–36, 238

  Operation Chromite, 236

  Republic of [South] Korea (ROK), 222–24, 229, 231, 234, 238, 244

  Soviet T-34s in, 221, 223, 227, 228

  “stand or die” order in, 230–31

  Task Force Smith, 222–23, 244

  38th parallel, 233, 238, 244

  United Nations Command in, 222

  Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of, 276–77

  Kyle, Chris, 328–29, 332–33

  Lafayette, Marquis de, 20, 22, 28

  Lamb, Al, 255

  Lander, Frederick, 93

  Lawrence, 51–53

  Lawrence, James, 53–54, 59–61

  Lawton, Henry:

  in Cuba, 119, 120, 130, 132, 133, 148

  in Philippines, 148

  Le Duc, William, 103, 105

  Lee, Charles, 21–22

  Lee, Fitz, 128

  Lee, Marc, 333

  Lee, Robert E., 92, 98, 99–100, 103, 109

  Lee, William Raymond, 90–91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 107

  Leitch, Andrew, 7

  Lejeune, John, 185, 186

  Leopard, 40–42, 60

  Lincoln, Abraham:

  and Civil War, 95, 112

  and General Orders Number 100, 162

  monument of, 85

  Linnet, 58

  Lipes, Wheeler, 295–96

  Little Bighorn, massacre at, 153

  Logan, Lara, 306

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 88

  Longstreet, James, 67

  Lowell, James Jackson, 91, 99, 113

  Ludendorff, Erich, 168–69

  Lukbán, Vicente, 152, 156

  MacArthur, Arthur, 151, 153

  MacArthur, Douglas:

  and Korean War, 222, 230, 236, 238, 240, 244

  and World War II, 194

  Macdonough, Thomas, 55–59

  MacFarland, Sean, 316–17, 319, 321, 322, 325, 327–29, 331, 332

  Mackin, Elton, 166, 172–91

  at Battle for Belleau Wood, 178–81

  at Blanc Mont Ridge, 185–88

  citations and medals awarded to, 188

  early years of, 177

  enlistment in Marines, 178

  memoir of, 172–73, 176

  at Meuse-Argonne Offensive, 188–91

  as runner, 180, 183–84, 187–88

  and World War I, 178–81, 183–91

  Macomb, Alexander, 55, 56–57, 59

  Macy, George Nelson, 107, 109, 110–11

  Madison, Anthony Erik, 272, 287

  Madison, Tom, 263, 264, 265

  Magnitzky, Gustave, 110

  Magnusson, James, 253

  Maine, sinking of, 117, 125, 146

  Mansfield, Joseph, 100–101

  Mao Zedong, 238, 240, 244

  Martin, Daniel, 41, 42

  Martin, Joseph Plumb, 1–35

  after the war, 30–35

  and Connecticut militia, 1, 2–4, 7–8, 9–10

  and Continental Army, 8, 11, 20–21, 24, 34

  in foraging party, 19–20

  at Fort Mifflin, 15–18

  at Germantown, 13

  at Harlem Heights, 7, 11

  at Kip’s Bay, 2–6, 11

  on Long Island, 10–11

  memoir of, 8–9, 18, 24–25, 34–35, 339

  at Monmouth Courthouse, 23–24

  and mutiny, 25–27

  patriotism of, 9, 11, 26

  reenlistment of, 12

  on retreat, 20–23

  wages received by, 28

  at White Marsh, 13–14

  wounded, 27–28

  at Yorktown, 28–30

  Mascara, Frank, 289, 290

  Mattis, James, 318, 320

  May, Charles, 74–75, 77

  Mayes, Christine, 274

  McCabe, John, 173

  McCain, John S., III, 337

  McCain, John S., Sr., 201

  McCarthy, Cormac, 63

  Blood Meridian, 83–84

  McCauley, Mary (Mollie Pitcher), 23

  McClain, David, 180

  McClellan, George B., 93–94, 98–99, 100–101, 103, 107

  McCulloch, Benjamin, 75

  McGrail, Thomas, 227–28

  McKinley, William, 148, 150, 153

  McMaster, H. R.,

  McNamara, Robert S., 248, 249

  McNaughton, John, 249

  McWethy, Edgar Lee, 295

  Meade, George, 67

  medics and corpsmen:

  battlefield heroism of, 294–95, 307–10

  citations and medals to, 294

  and declining mortality rate, 297

  “Doc” as title of respect, 293–94, 310, 311–12

  emergency appendectomy by, 295–96

  medical gear carried by, 296, 297–98

  paramedics, 297

  on patrol, 305–10

  reality faced by, 296–98

  survival rates for wounded, 297

  training of, 298–99

  vocabulary of, 296

  Meigs, Return Jonathan, 25–26

  Meloy, Guy, 224, 225–26, 229

  Merritt, Wesley, 144

  Mexican-American War, 63–83

  African Americans in, 60

  Arkansas volunteers “Rackansackers” in, 73, 75

  Battle of Buena Vista, 72–80

  Battle of Monterrey, 63–67, 71–72

  end of war, 83

  Mississippi Rifles in, 78

  San Patricio Battalion in, 77, 79

  Texas Rangers in, 66, 67–68, 74–75

  Michael, Saint:

  Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, 336

  prayer to, 316

  Miles, Nelson, 119, 140

  Miller, Richard, 92

  Mitscher, Marc “Pete,” 201, 206, 207

  Mizner, Jacob, 125

  Mochinaga, Kakaro, 197

  Monsoor, Michael “Mikey,” 314

  basic training of, 323–25

  and BUD/S, 323

  death of, 334–36

  early years of, 323

  heroism of, 335–36, 337

  as machine gunner, 315, 327

  medals and citations to, 315, 316, 337

  memorial service for, 336–37

  Navy enlistment of, 324

  in Ramadi, Iraq, 315–22, 323

  and SEAL creed, 324

  Montresor, John, 15

  Moore, Hal, 44–45

  Moore, Harold, 230

  Moore, Joseph, 249

  Moore, Ned, 229, 230

  Moreno, Jennifer, 303–4

  Musri, Abu Ayyub al-, 332

  Nagumo, Chuichi, 201, 206, 212

  Nakano twins, Lane and Lloyd, 197, 199, 217

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 46, 55, 76

  National Guard:

  in Iraq, 317, 319–22

  in Persian Gulf War, 278, 282

  NATO summit, Bucharest, 310–11

  Nell, William Cooper, 38

  New York, 155

  New York Age, 138

  Niagara, 51–52

  Nimitz, Chester, 194

  Nipsic, 147

  Nixon, Richard M., 267

  Núñez, Emilio, 128

  Obama, Barack, 337


  eagerness for a fight, 121

  leadership lacking in, 4, 5–6, 18, 20–22, 77, 106

  leadership needed from, 92, 174–75

  lies told to soldiers by, 190–91

  respect for, 9, 20, 21, 22, 175

  Olds, Robin, Fighter Pilot, 251–52

  O’Neill, William “Buckey,” 119, 131

  Ord, Jules, 134, 136–37

  Oregon, 143

  Otis, Elwell, 139, 147–48, 151


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