Operation Phoenix

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Operation Phoenix Page 9

by Susan Hayes

  Since he didn’t know the way, all he had to do was follow behind, which gave him time to mull everything they had learned in the last few days. They were making progress. The list of possible suspects was shrinking. Dante had spotted a possible way of getting the samples off Victor Base without detection. He and Cris were working on proving it was possible while Aria and Kurt continued verifying alibis and conducting more interviews.

  The test results from his trip into the vault had come back with only one surprise. Master Sergeant Gottfried’s DNA had been found inside. She had access to most of that floor, but she wasn’t cleared to enter the vault itself. When interviewed, she denied ever entering the vault. She pointed out that since she was the one that restocked the gear used to enter that area, some biological particulate could have been transferred from her to the gear, and then into the vault.

  It was a reasonable explanation, but something told him it wasn’t the whole truth. The team had been tasked with finding out everything they could about the sergeant, but so far, they hadn’t had much luck. They were all working hard to get this case put to bed, but it wasn’t happening fast enough for the ranking brass. Every day that passed the pressure was cranked up another notch.

  Trin glanced over her shoulder. “You’re quiet, which used to mean you’re plotting something. I suspect this time it means you’re thinking about the investigation.”

  “We’re closing in, but there are still too many questions. You’re the one living here and watching the day to day traffic. Do you think Caldwell and Strak are on the right track?”

  “I do. I’m feeling a little foolish I didn’t think of it myself.”

  He caught up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t feel foolish. You had no way of knowing that the troop transports weren’t being scanned when they left the planet. If the stolen material was being loaded onto supply shuttles running between your base and the survival training facility on the southern continent before going off-world, that’s not on you. That’s on whoever deemed those scans unnecessary.”

  She stopped and turned to face him. “Most of the time everyone seems to forget there’s even another base on this planet. We don’t have much contact with them.”

  “Apart from the supply shuttles. I wonder what cost-cutting genius decided to risk the security of this top secret base by combining supply runs.”

  “Whoever it is, I’m sure the IAF will want their head on a platter.” She stepped in closer and lowered her voice. “How much pressure are you under to deliver up someone they can hang this whole mess on?”

  “More than I like, but not more than I can handle.”

  “Would you admit it if it was too much?”

  “To anyone else, no. Broad shoulders come with the job description.” He reached up to tuck a stray curl back behind her ear. “But you’re not anyone else.”

  Her eyes softened and her lips curved up into a heart-melting smile. “Damn right I’m not. I’m your butterfly girl.”

  She turned and walked away from him, and he swore she took a piece of his heart with her.

  I’m falling for your sister again, Trav. And this time, you’re not around to talk me out of it.

  He didn’t know how she had arranged it, but his flight suit was hanging in the change room she’d directed him to. It should have been stored on the Malora. One of his team must have retrieved it, and he’d put his money on Sabre. Kurt was a hardass who rarely broke the rules, but he had a soft spot when it came to Trinity. One she had apparently used to her advantage.

  They met on the tarmac, where she handed him a large basket he assumed contained their next meal.

  “Which shuttle are we taking?” he asked, looking around at the few options available. The sun was setting, but the last glow of twilight was enough to let him see the handful of ships sitting dark and silent on their landing pads.

  “We’re not taking a shuttle. Those are no fun to fly. We’re going out in a skimmer.”

  This evening kept getting better. Skimmers were quick, maneuverable ships that could race across the surface of a planet or climb all the way to the upper reaches of the atmosphere. They were also a challenge to fly due to the speeds they could obtain and the delicate touch their instrumentation required.

  “You can fly a skimmer?”

  “Is that doubt I hear in your voice, Commander?” she retorted without looking back.

  “Not doubt, merely surprise. Those aren’t most people’s first choice of transport.”

  “I bet it’s yours, though.”

  She was right, of course. “I always thought Trav was the crazy sibling. I’m starting to question that theory.”

  The night wind gusted past them hard enough that he almost didn’t hear her laughing in response.

  She was more like her older brother than anyone had ever guessed. As a kid she’d been the quiet one, watching everything with those pretty eyes and following Travis around like a doting shadow. Times had changed. She wasn’t following anyone these days. She was out in front, leading the way.

  It was fraxxing sexy, and so was the way her flight suit hugged her curves. Their flight suits were designed to stop the blood from pooling in a pilot’s lower limbs during high G maneuvers. They were also snug enough to leave very little to the imagination, a fact he hadn’t been grateful for—until now.

  “Quit staring at my ass, sir.”

  “I’m not.” He was, but she couldn’t know that for sure.

  She turned and grinned at him. “You were, too. You haven’t changed that much, Dax Rossi.”

  It was her smile that broke him. “If you don’t want me to show you how little I’ve changed, then I suggest you run. Now.”

  Her eyes widened. “Dax?”

  “Three… Two….”

  She turned and sprinted away, laughing. “You don’t stand a chance of catching me. The last time we did this, you were ten years younger.”

  The last time they’d done this, it had only been a game. This time, he wasn’t playing. When he caught her this time, he had no intention of letting her go.


  Trinity made it to the ship first, but not by much. Dax probably would have caught her if he hadn’t been carrying the bulky basket that held their dinner. Would he have followed through on his threat if he’d gotten there a few seconds faster? She suspected the answer was yes.

  She had scrambled up the ladder to the flight deck, deactivated the door locks with a voice command, and headed straight for her seat up front. Dax’s team might be okay with her taking off with their commanding officer, but she was certain not everyone on the base would feel the same way. She needed to keep a little distance between her and Dax until they were alone. After that… she took a deep breath and tried to ignore the shiver of anticipation that chased down her spine. They weren’t there yet. There were still a few questions that needed answers before she was ready to trust him…but wanted to.

  Once he had everything secured he took the seat behind her in the narrow space and strapped in. “If you kill us, you know your brother is going to be waiting on the other side, laughing his fool head off, right?”

  “I’m not going to kill anyone tonight. Too much paperwork involved.”

  She ran through the pre-flight checklist and then started the engines. “I’ll see Travis again, someday. But I hope that day is a long way off.”

  They lapsed into silence for during takeoff and kept the conversation light while she took them to their destination. She flew the skimmer with every ounce of skill she possessed, wanting to prove to Dax that she wasn’t the same quiet girl he’d left behind. The chemistry between them was still as hot as ever, and she wouldn’t pretend otherwise. What she couldn’t do was let him back into her life if he didn’t see that she was different now. If they were going to try again, they both needed to do things differently.

  She set the ship down at the far end of a wide valley. A small river flowed down the middle, and the sound of the water flowing ove
r the rocks was audible even before they left the skimmer.

  “So, you’ve taken me to the middle of nowhere, in the dark, for our sightseeing tour?” Dax drawled as she handed him the same basket as before.

  “All will be revealed soon.” She pulled out a duffle bag that she’d loaded into the ship earlier and then headed to the back of the ship where the cargo doors were located.

  Once the ramp was extended, she pulled a small remote out of her pocket and pressed the uppermost key. A pathway appeared in the darkness, lit up by the solar powered light cubes she’d set out during one of her previous visits.

  “Come out here often, do you?”

  “When I need to be alone, yeah. Come on, the lights won’t stay lit for long. Our destination lies at the end of the path.” She started down the ramp, and he followed along beside her, one hand on his blaster.

  “You’re not going to need that. There’s nothing out here but us. Insect lifeforms only on this continent, remember?”


  She threw back her shoulders and lowered her voice to a booming bass. “Don’t worry, little fella. I’ll protect you if anything bigger than a gnat comes after us.”

  “Little fella?” Dax spluttered. “That’s it. You’re in trouble now.”

  “You going to start counting again?”

  “Not this time.” He turned and grabbed her, hefting her and the bag she carried into his arms without effort.

  “Put me down!”

  “Not happening.”

  She could have demanded that he release her. He would if she insisted, but she didn’t really want him to let go of her. It felt too good being back in his arms.

  “You’re still a bossy, arrogant ass, Rossi.”

  “I am, and one day you’re going to admit you like me this way.” He flashed her a sexy grin and started jogging up the illuminated pathway.

  “Maybe one day, but not today.”

  When they neared the end of the pathway, she pressed the next button on her remote and the area was immediately bathed in soft light.

  “You brought me to a cave?” He took a deep breath and wrinkled his nose. “Make that a cold, damp, smelly cave.”

  “It’s so much more than that. Put me down, and I’ll show you.”

  He set her down with care, removing the bag from her shoulder and adding it to his own burdens. Without saying a word, she took his hand and led him under the rocky overhang that shielded the mouth of the cave.

  There were more light cubes inside, and they illuminated a scene that always took her breath away. The walls were striated bands of rock that varied in color from off-white to deep yellow, as were the jumble of rocks that were scattered across the floor. The outcroppings formed natural benches and flat areas that could be used as tables, and she knew from her previous explorations that farther into the cave were several spots where one could stretch out and stare up at the stars that appeared through a wide crack in the roof.

  The first of several hot springs appeared several meters in, the brilliant blue water steaming slightly as the cooler air from outside flowed in from the cracked ceiling. The air inside the cave was balmy and comfortable, once you got used to the smell. This was where she came when she needed to escape. It was her haven, and one she had never shared with anyone else.

  “Wow.” Dax uttered the single word, and she finally exhaled.

  She wanted him to like it. She hadn’t realized how important that was until now.

  “I take back what I said. This isn’t dark, or damp. And now the smell makes sense. It’s the minerals from the hot springs.” His hand tightened around hers. “You’re not planning on trying to get me in that pool, are you?”

  “I would have told you to bring a swimsuit if that was part of the plan. I just wanted to show you my hideaway. Here, we can talk without interruption or the risk of anyone overhearing. I get the feeling that’s important to you.”

  He lowered his burdens to the floor and tugged her into his arms. “It’s not that I’m worried about being overheard. It’s because I get the feeling you’re not ready for anyone to see me do this.”

  He slid a hand down her back, not stopping until he was cupping her ass as he pulled her close enough she could feel the steel bar of his erection pressing against her stomach. His head lowered and crushed his mouth to hers.

  This time, she didn’t hesitate to kiss him back. She gripped his shoulders and hopped upward, lifting herself high so that she could wrap her legs around his waist.

  He groaned her name and shifted his grip, holding her steady as he continued to ravish her mouth with his. His tongue slid along the seam of her lips, and she parted them with a soft hum of approval. She’d missed this. Missed him. She’d had other relationships, even fallen in love once or twice, but none of them had ever been this intensely passionate.

  They were panting by the time he raised his head again. “Veth, I missed you.”

  “Then why did you leave me?” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

  The fire in his eyes dimmed. “We’re back to that?”

  “Before we take another shot at this, I need to know what went wrong the last time. Did I do something? Say something? What happened?”

  “It wasn’t anything you did or didn’t do. You were…” He sighed. “I was an idiot.”

  Looking back, Dax could see that now. He’d let his best friend convince him that he wasn’t good enough for Trin. Hell, he hadn’t even argued much. Probably because he already believed it was true.

  “That’s it? You were an idiot, end of story? I don’t believe that.” She wriggled in his arms, and a fresh blaze of lust flared up, threatening to destroy his ability to think.

  “How about I put you down, and we set up dinner while we talk about this. I’m not good at multi-tasking, sweet thing. If you’re in my arms, the only thing I can focus on is what I’d like to be doing with you, and I promise, right now that’s not talking.”

  “Whatever it takes to keep you on target. This is important to me. You know that, right?”

  “I know.” He kissed the tip of her nose and then lowered her to the ground. He’d bought himself a few seconds to come up with an explanation that didn’t include telling her that her beloved big brother was the reason for her broken heart.

  The bag she had brought turned out to be full of creature comforts, including more light cubes, a picnic blanket, and even cushions to sit on. They picked out a spot and set things up, and Dax knew she was waiting for him to explain.

  “I don’t have a lot of regrets. I figure most of my mistakes taught me a valuable lesson, so why wish they hadn’t happened, you know? What happened between us, and how I did it, that’s something I regret.”

  “I know you do. You apologized for that already. But you haven’t told me why. What happened that made you walk away without even seeing me again?”

  “I thought that you deserved better. I didn’t have much going for me back then, and I didn’t see that changing. I joined the IAF because Travis did and because I wanted to see more of the galaxy than the tiny patch of sky I could see from that observatory dome. What kind of life would that have been for you?”

  “It would have been a life I chose for myself.” She slammed down the plate hard enough he wasn’t sure it would survive the impact.

  “You were so young…”

  “I wasn’t that young. What made you think you were the one to make that choice for me? Why was it that everyone I cared about kept trying to tell me how I should live my life? I’m a grown woman now, and my parents are still doing it!”

  She froze. “Did my parents tell you to stop seeing me?”

  “Your parents didn’t know about us. At least, I don’t think they did. We weren’t exactly flaunting what we were doing.”

  The next plate hit their makeshift table with a lot less force. “I knew they wouldn’t approve. You were my choice. The only thing in my life that wasn’t decided by someone else, a
nd then you decided to end it.”

  “I didn’t see that. Fraxx, I didn’t see a lot of things back then. I had a lot of growing up to do. And that’s another reason I left. I wasn’t ready to deal with how I felt about you, Butterfly. The note was an act of cowardice. I knew if I saw you again, I wouldn’t do the right thing and let you go.”

  “How did you feel about me?” Her voice was soft, but the impact of her words was anything but gentle.

  “I was falling in love with you.” He’d never admitted that to anyone, not even himself.

  Trinity walked around to where he was standing and took his hand. “I wish you’d told me.”

  “I wish I hadn’t written you that note. Maybe if I’d met you that night… I don’t know. Too many wishes and maybes. I’m not good with that stuff. I’m more of a here and now kind of guy.”

  “Here and now, huh?” She stepped back, and for a second he thought she was pulling away from him. Instead, she raised a hand to the fastening that held her flight suit closed at her throat.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, his gaze locked on her fingers.

  “Making a choice.”

  She undid the flight suit slowly, and his cock turned to stone as he realized she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He reached for her, but she danced away, staying out of his reach.

  “And what have you decided?”

  “To borrow a page from your book and enjoy the here and now instead of worrying about the past or the future.”

  “I approve of this plan so far. What’s the rest of it?” He was enjoying the slow striptease she was performing for him, but something told him that it wasn’t going to be as simple as her getting naked and telling him all was forgiven. It couldn’t be that easy.

  “That’s up to you. I’ve decided I’m going to go soak in the hot spring before dinner. You can stay here and wait for me.” She started to strip off her clothing, turning away from him at the last moment so that all he saw were her bare shoulders as she walked away.


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