The Best Game Ever: Giants vs. Colts, 1958, and the Birth of the Modern NFL

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The Best Game Ever: Giants vs. Colts, 1958, and the Birth of the Modern NFL Page 22

by Mark Bowden

  Horn, Milt, 227

  Hornung, Paul, 94

  Howell, Jim Lee, 96, 178

  background and overview, 85–86

  death, 220

  fired, 220

  Gifford and, 125, 178, 219

  handscrabble brand of football, 89

  hired by Maras, 85

  Huff and, 96, 98, 99

  Landry and, 85, 130

  Lombardi and, 85, 178

  media and, 218

  personality, 85

  strategies, 174–75, 179, 196, 215

  Huff, Robert E. Lee Samuel “Sam,” 6, 98–105, 129–31, 154, 179, 186, 191, 192, 197, 200

  background and overview, 92–96, 98

  Buzz Nutter on, 128

  Don Chandler and, 97

  Ed Kolman and, 98, 99

  finances, 94–95, 110–11

  Gifford and, 103, 168–69

  Howell and, 96, 98, 99

  Jim Brown and, 128–30

  Jim Katcavage and, 130–31

  Landry and, 101–4

  Myhra and, 155

  Paul Brown and, 130, 131

  performance, 128, 157, 183, 202, 206, 207

  personality, 104–5

  punched by Weeb, 167

  residence, 139

  standing ovation, 172

  traded to Washington Redskins, 221, 223–25

  Unitas and, 183, 200–203

  Unitas tackled by, 151

  Wellington Mara and, 92–95, 110–11, 223–25

  Hunter, Art, 130

  hydration, 64

  Irsay, Robert, 221

  James, Dick, 224

  Johns Hopkins University, 112–13

  Jones, Deacon, 222

  Joyce, Don (“The Champ”), 16, 38, 118, 160, 225–26

  Karilivacz, Carl, 91, 141, 142, 154

  performance, 151, 152, 180, 182, 184, 185, 198–200, 203

  interceptions, 151, 152

  Raymond Berry and, 9

  Katcavage, Jim, 130, 202

  Kellett, Don, 60–61, 63, 69, 70, 121–22

  Kemp, Jack, 5, 6, 178

  Kemp, Jeff, 5

  Kemp, Joanne, 5

  Kennedy, John F., 7

  Kennedy, Robert F., 222

  King, Phil, 91–92, 170

  Kolman, Ed, 98, 99

  Krouse, Ray, 156

  Landry, Tom, 96, 130, 131, 152–53, 168

  background and overview, 85, 86, 88–89

  Dallas Cowboys and, 6, 220–21

  defense strategies, 99–100

  “Four-Three,” 100, 101

  Grier and, 159, 222

  hired by Wellington Mara, 88

  Howell and, 85, 130

  Huff and, 101–4

  partnership, 104

  Lindon Crow and, 152

  Mac Speedie and, 89–90

  Moore and, 153

  personality, 88–89

  predictions, 180–82

  Raymond Berry and, 90, 181

  strategy, 88–89, 180–82, 199, 200

  Svare and, 142, 181, 198, 199

  Unitas and, 180–83

  Larsen, Don, 109

  Leifer, Neil, 4–5, 144, 166, 207, 208

  Lewis, Art, 95

  Lipscomb, Eugene “Big Daddy,” 70, 117, 139, 147

  Al Berry and, 151–52

  Art Donovan on, 229–30

  background, 115–16

  Charley Winner on, 236

  death, 234

  Jim Parker and, 117, 119

  money stolen from, 70, 229–30

  as part of relentless front four, 16

  performance, 151–52, 156, 172, 176

  physical characteristics and

  abilities, 115

  Weeb Ewbank on, 147

  Livingston, Cliff, 9–10, 206

  Lombardi, Vince, 6, 87, 88, 92, 96, 169

  background and overview, 85–87

  began using both veteran quarterbacks, 149–50

  Conerly and, 149–50, 155

  execution of plays and, 87

  Green Bay Packers and, 220

  Heinrich and, 149–50, 155

  Howell and, 85, 178

  Huff and, 97–99

  and the Maras, 85, 86

  Phil King and, 92

  plays, 87

  strategy and approach, 87, 126–27

  Los Angeles Rams, 3

  Lyles, Lenny “LP Piles,” 115, 119, 228

  MacCambridge, Michael, 48, 51

  Mack, Henry, 204

  Mara, Jack, 6, 84–85, 90, 91, 125, 126, 223

  Mara, Tim, 84, 85, 90, 91, 223

  Mara, Wellington, 6, 90, 91

  background and overview, 84–86

  death, 225

  finances, 110–11

  Gifford and, 91

  Grier and, 104

  Huff and, 92–95, 110–11, 223–25

  Landry and, 88, 104

  Lombardi and, 85–87

  personality, 84

  trading people away, 223–25

  Maraniss, David, 87

  Marchetti, Gino, 6, 70, 115, 137, 167, 178

  Ameche and, 124, 228, 235

  Art Donovan and, 167, 171–72, 225–27, 237

  background and overview, 123

  Bowden’s interview with, 225–26

  on Don Joyce, 225–26

  employment, 113

  fans and, 180

  finances, 121, 124, 235

  Gaucho Taseff and, 228

  George Shaw and, 73

  injuries, 177, 180, 196, 198, 239–40

  Parker and, 120–21, 211

  as part of relentless front four, 16

  performance, 120, 150, 151, 174–77, 198

  physical characteristics, 150

  retirement, 211, 237

  Rosenbloom and, 123–24

  Weeb Ewbank and, 148, 228

  Marshall, George Preston, 115

  Maule, Tex, 214, 219

  Maynard, Don, 6, 149, 191

  McColgan, Bill, 10, 149, 155, 166, 175–77

  media coverage, 2–4. See also newspaper coverage; television broadcasting

  McGee, Max, 37, 40

  Memorial Stadium, 68, 113

  Mischak, Bob, 126

  Modzelewski, Dick, 130, 173, 199, 201, 202, 215, 223, 224

  Modzelewski, Ed, 67

  Molesworth, Keith, 59

  Moore, Lenny “Spats,” 6, 115, 139, 149

  background and overview, 68

  employment, 117–18

  Jim Patton and, 153

  Lindon Crow and, 152, 153

  nickname, 68, 119

  Parker and, 139

  patterns, 153

  performance, 9, 151, 153, 156–57, 160, 180, 181, 185, 197, 198, 206, 207, 229

  race and, 117–19

  salary, 121

  Unitas and, 68

  Morrall, Earl, 233

  Most Valuable Player award, 8, 79, 171

  Motley, Marion, 54

  Mutscheller, Jim, 6

  background, 58, 69

  Bowden’s interview with, 234–36

  employment, 112–13, 234–35

  performance, 9–10, 69, 75, 179, 206–7

  Unitas and, 69, 71, 75–76, 151

  Weeb Ewbank and, 58

  Myhra, Steve, 187, 192

  background and overview, 153–55

  Huff and, 155

  performance, 153, 154, 156, 161, 172, 186, 191, 192, 202

  Weeb Ewbank and, 154, 203, 207

  Namath, Joe, 220

  Nash, Ogden, 113–14, 204

  National Football League (NFL)

  history and cultural background, 6–7

  Most Valuable Player award, 8, 79, 171

  and other football associations, 47, 49, 219–20

  Rookie of the Year, 36

  rules, 2

  Nelson, Andy, 17, 70, 169, 170, 192

  New York Giants, 84. See also under Baltimore Colts; specific topics

  coaches, 6

  defense, 8

tory, 84

  opposite personalities in, 85

  players, 6, 222

  newspaper coverage, 13–14. See also media coverage

  Noll, Chuck, 130

  Novak, Kim, 94

  Nutter, Buzz, 65, 121, 128, 139, 201, 202, 208, 231

  Ohio State University, 119–20

  option pass (“648”), 9

  option play, 16

  Orange, Nehi, 211

  Parker, Jim “Boulevard,” 6, 64, 115

  background and overview, 71

  Big Daddy Lipscomb and, 117, 119, 139

  drafted by Colts, 71

  finances, 64

  Grier and, 158, 159

  Hall of Fame, 71

  performance, 120–21, 158, 159

  Rosenbloom and, 119, 120

  Weeb Ewbank and, 71, 120, 148

  passes, types of, 81

  passing, 29–30. See also plays

  forward, 29

  Patton, Jim, 104, 141, 152, 153, 161, 202

  Pellington, Bill, 6, 137, 147, 155, 169, 196, 211, 234

  Perry, Joe, 61–62

  Philadelphia Eagles, 220

  Pikesville Armory, 57

  Pittsburgh, 49, 62

  Pittsburgh Steelers, 41, 48, 63, 66, 79, 147, 214

  plays, 87, 101. See also option play

  called by Weeb Ewbank, 207

  “Four-Three,” 100, 101

  most important plays of Unitas and Berry’s careers, 181–86

  option pass (“648”), 9

  “17,” 157–58, 160

  Shoot-25 Trap, 174–75

  “16 Power,” 206–7

  standard right sweep (“48”), 9

  Plum, Milt, 130

  Preas, George, 202, 231

  Prime Time, 15

  Pro Bowl, 57, 221


  personality, 40

  relationships with teammates and coaches, 40–41

  racial integration, 114–15

  racism and racial issues, 117–19, 121. See also black players

  Radomski, Joey, 204

  Radomski, Mary Margaret, 204

  Rechichar, Bert, 58, 149, 172, 196

  Renfro, Ray, 56

  Robinson, Brooks, 2

  Robinson, William E., 2

  Robustelli, Andy, 6, 91, 104, 130, 173

  Rockne, Knute, 46

  Rooney, Art, 214

  Rosenbloom, Carroll “Rosey,” 69–70, 72, 112, 140, 203, 216

  background, 59

  Baltimore Colts purchased by, 59

  Bell and, 59, 193

  Big Daddy Lipscomb and, 70, 230

  black players and, 119

  Bob Shaw and, 138

  death, 221

  Don Kellett and, 69

  finances and, 69–70, 218

  L. G. Dupree and, 122

  nickname, 122

  Parker and, 119, 120

  personality, 69, 203

  swapped franchises with Robert Irsay, 221

  Weeb Ewbank and, 69, 203

  Rote, Kyle, 87, 127

  background, 90

  Colts and, 170

  Lombardi and, 87

  and the Maras, 90

  Pat Summerall and, 192

  performance, 16–18, 155, 160, 166

  Rotkiewicz, Stan, 205

  Rozelle, Pete, 3

  rugby, 30

  Russell, Rusty, 33–34

  Sahidi, Lou, 217

  Sample, Johnny, 115, 216

  Sandusky, Alex “Spanky,” 65, 201, 227–30

  Schnelker, Bob, 169, 170, 175, 196

  Schnellenberger, Howard, 37

  Schubach, Freddie, 120, 123

  segregation, racial, 114–15

  “17” (play), 157–58, 160

  Shanley, John P., 205

  Shaughnessy, Clark, 28, 29

  Shaw, Bob, 138

  Shaw, George, 36, 41, 63, 67, 71, 83, 186, 187

  Sherman, Allie, 224, 225

  Shinnick, Don, 140, 148, 175, 176

  Shoot-25 Trap (play), 174–75

  Shula, Don, 67, 68, 226, 233, 234

  Simpson, Jackie, 159

  Smith, Jim Ray, 130

  Smith, Red, 145, 178

  smoking, 37–38

  Snyder, Cameron, 73

  Southern Methodist University (SMU), 26, 33, 34

  Speedie, Mac, 89–90

  Spinney, Art, 137, 140, 201, 212, 231–32

  splitting players out to one side, 28–29

  SPORT magazine, 217

  St. Justin’s High School, 49–50

  Starr, Bart, 40

  Steadman, John, 139, 140, 214, 215, 218

  Stearns, Eddie, 230

  Stroud, Jack, 155, 175, 177–78

  Stynchula, Andy, 224

  substitutions, 13, 31–32

  sudden-death overtime, 187, 192–207

  Sullivan, Ed, 93, 216

  Summerall, Pat, 6, 91, 128, 129, 154, 155, 171, 192, 221

  Svare, Harland, 104, 199, 200, 213–14

  Landry and, 142, 181, 198, 199

  performance, 181, 183, 184

  Raymond Berry and, 181, 182

  Svoboda, Bill, 194, 195

  sweep (play), 87

  Szymanski, Dick, 154

  T-team, 34

  Talese, Gay, 125

  Taseff, Carl “Gaucho,” 17, 147, 159, 175, 179, 227

  Taylor, Walter, 71, 139

  television broadcasting, 2, 14–15, 18. See also media coverage

  Thompson, Chuck, 215–16

  Thorpe, Jim, 47, 48

  training and exercise, 38–39, 58. See also under Westminster

  Trimble, Joe, 218

  Triplett, Mel, 6, 115, 170, 175

  Tunnell, Emlen, 6, 90, 115, 202, 206, 207

  umbrella formation, 100

  Unitas, John, 80–83, 118, 140, 150, 194, 232

  1956 season, 62, 63, 66–69, 71–75

  Ameche and, 57, 207, 208

  Art Donovan on, 227

  background and life history, 41, 46, 49–50

  Bell and, 214–15

  death, 234

  dissected his mistakes, 71

  Ed Sullivan Show and, 217

  employment, 113

  fame, 72, 79, 156, 208, 217

  family, 217

  finances, 122, 233–34

  salary, 122, 220

  as “free-agent quarterback,” 45

  fumbles, 151

  Huff and, 151, 183, 200–203

  improvisation in the moment, 74–76

  injuries, 83

  Landry and, 180–83

  Mutscheller and, 69, 71, 75–76, 151

  NFL’s Most Valuable Player, 8, 79

  only game missed, 83

  performance, 8–9, 71, 145, 151–53, 157, 160, 161, 168, 172, 173, 179–81, 194, 196–201, 203, 205, 233

  most important plays, 181–86

  passes, 8

  personality, 71–76, 208

  Pittsburgh Steelers and, 62–63, 66, 79–80, 147, 214

  play-calling, 8, 49, 82, 184, 206

  played with Ewbank’s system, 74

  practice, 66

  Raymond Berry and, 41, 45, 66–68, 75, 80–83, 184, 200, 203, 213, 231

  Svare and, 213

  throws, 66

  as vital to Colts ascendancy, 83

  Weeb Ewbank and, 57, 72, 82, 146, 147, 203

  University of Louisville, 50, 63

  Van Brocklin, Norm, 29

  Washington Redskins, 69, 74, 115, 221, 223–25

  water intake, 64

  Waterfield, Bob, 28–29

  Webster, Alex, 17, 18, 92, 129, 161, 167

  background and overview, 91

  and the Maras, 91

  performance, 166, 175

  weight of players, 38–39

  Westminster, Maryland

  training camp in, 23, 35, 39, 45, 64–66, 119, 121

  wide receivers, 36–37, 40

  Wietecha, Ray, 103

  Winner, Charley, 23, 52, 60, 6
2, 69, 115, 236–38

  Winner, Cindy, 237

  Yankee Stadium, 1, 5, 85, 138, 139, 142–44, 232

  Youso, Frank, 159, 197, 201




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