A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology

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by Editors: Katherine Merchant, Sonya Bond, Michelle Puffer

  A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology


  A Rose of Any Color


  A BDSM Anthology


  Canice Brown-Porter

  Miranda Heart

  Kayleigh Jamison

  Emily Ryan-Davis

  Katrina Strauss

  Joe Wilson

  Freya’s Bower.com ©2007

  Culver City, CA

  A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology

  On Bended Knees Copyright © 2007 by Canice Brown-Porter, pseudonym. Little Book of Fantasies Copyright © 2007 by Miranda Heart, pseudonym. A Scandalous Arrangement Copyright © 2007 by by Kayleigh Jamison, pseudonym. Unwrapping Amy Copyright © 2007 by Emily Ryan-Davis, pseudonym. Efflorescence Copyright © 2007 by Katrina Strauss, pseudonym. Touching Down Copyright © 2007 by Joe Wilson. All rights reserved.

  For information on cover art, please contact [email protected].

  Cover illustration © 2007 Freya’s Bower. All rights reserved.

  Editors: Katherine Merchant, Sonya Bond, Michelle Puffer

  ISBN: 1-934069-81-7

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Warning :

  This book contains graphic sexual material and is not meant to be read by any person under the age of 18.

  If you are interested in purchasing more works of this nature, please stop by http://www.freyasbower.com.

  Freya’s Bower.com

  P.O. Box 4897

  Culver City, CA 90231-4897

  Printed in The United States of America




  On Bended Knees by Canice Brown-Porter


  Little Book of Fantasies by Miranda Heart


  A Scandalous Arrangement by Kayleigh Jamison


  Unwrapping Amy by Emily Ryan-Davis


  Efflorescence by Katrina Strauss


  Touching Down by Joe Wilson


  What is this thing called BDSM?

  BDSM is an acronym for Bondage, Discipline, and Sadomasochism. It is a blanket term that encompasses Bondage and Discipline (BD), Dominance and Submission (D/s), as well as Sadomasochism (SM, S/m, or S&M). Immediately, to those unfamiliar with these lifestyles, it conjures up visions of perversion, torture, and abusive relationships. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  Those in these lifestyles are your run-of-mill everyday people. They are not the dregs of society. They are from all walks of life, whether they are rich, middle class, or poor. You would never believe for a minute those lawyers, teachers, politicians, corporate executives, business owners, secretaries, hairdressers, janitors, store clerks, your parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, or even your grandparents could possibly indulge in such perverted acts in their bedrooms, could you?

  Many in the D/s lifestyle stay behind closed doors because of the stigma attached to it out of fear of retributions by a society that frowns upon such behavior. However, there are just as many—or more—who actually incorporate it into their daily lives. But, provided they have decided to remain in the closet, no outsider would ever suspect they perform some small form of their special relationship under the public’s noses.

  Discreet actions (or signals) and words which appear normal to everyone around can and do have a different connotation in these relationships. Only the Dominant and submissive would know its veiled meaning. Something so simple as a Dominant grasping his submissive by the wrist to lead the way in public would most likely go unnoticed by anyone that possesses little to no knowledge about the practices of the D/s lifestyle. Another example would be the Dominant who orders from a menu for their partner in a restaurant. Simple everyday actions take on a whole new context when expressed within this type of relationship. Another subtle action includes the wearing of a simple necklace, bracelet, anklet, or perhaps some other piece of jewelry.

  Elements of a D/s relationship

  Those who have chosen to live their lives by the Safe, Sane, and Consensual (SSC) standards are known within the community as lifestylers. Let’s get something straight now. No Dominant would ever do anything to their submissive that wasn’t already agreed upon prior to the relationship moving from the “getting to know you” stage into the formal contract of such a union. If a Dominant or submissive steps outside the SSC creed, that person has broken the contract and is forever ostracized from the community. And if you think negative talk travels fast outside the community, you haven’t witnessed how fast it travels within the BDSM lifestyle. Abuse is NOT tolerated.

  The D/s relationship incorporates an Exchange of Power (EOP) or Total Power Exchange (TPE). The submissive offers their gift of submission to a Dominant, which the Dominant can accept or choose to refuse. This decision is generally based on the limits a submissive presents and whether or not it is compatible with the Dominant’s (and the submissive’s) desires. Yes, a Dominant is expected to push those limits, but not breach them without the consent of the submissive. To protect the boundaries of the contract, all submissives should have a safe word or action in place prior to any play/scening. Once the submissive speaks the word/s or uses the action, the Dominant immediately ceases all activity.

  Once the EOP (or TPE) is in force, many believe the Dominant controls the submissive and the relationship in its entirety. However, the reverse is true. The submissive has set boundaries (limits) that the Dominant has accepted and agreed not to cross. Once the relationship is underway, the Dominant does direct the course of the relationship by controlling it within the boundaries of the contract.

  There are no hard and fast “rules” set in stone in D/s relationships except those agreed upon between the participants. Each one is as individual as the individuals involved. The only carved in stone regulation is the Safe, Sane, and Consensual (SSC) creed. Written negotiations prior to any play/scening1 should be a requirement, and is as such, when done by those serious about the lifestyle. If you—as a submissive—should encounter a Dominant that rebuffs this…RUN! Never scene without your limits in place. Of course, as the relationship matures, new written negotiations may be required. With limits pushed and stretched and sometimes changed, this is inevitable.

  There are other necessary factors that play a pivotal and poignant role in these relationships. Trust. Respect. Communication. Trust can be defined simply. You don’t want to be tied up and gagged by someone you don’t know. Because once you are restrained, you have just placed your life in that person’s hands. So, trust is a major requirement. Respect is just as easy to explain. Respect is earned over time and never given. If you don’t trust someone, why would they have your respect in the first place? If you don’t trust and respect an individual, you certainly wouldn’t place yourself in a position where you are totally vulnerable. Right? Last, but not least, is communication. This is perhaps the saving grace of the D/s lifestyle. Communication is imperative. Both the Dominant and submissive should be able to communicate their feelings, needs, and wants openly and honestly without fear of retaliation. It’s important to be able to talk to one another about a
ny given topic.

  What about love?

  Love isn’t a necessary or required element of a BDSM relationship. If love blossoms in a relationship, then it’s considered a plus! But it is not always what Dominants or submissives seek. There can be instances where love isn’t a criterion. Such as a Dominant or submissive attending scening parties or visiting dungeons just to participate in role playing or being among like-minded persons.

  Why would anyone choose to live within this lifestyle?

  Again, there are as many different reasons as there are relationships. The elimination of a power struggle between the participants is already settled prior to entering the relationship. Everyone knows what to expect. Some enjoy the idea of not having to make decisions. Others like living a structured life. Then, there are those who—perverted in the observer’s eyes or not—want their lives dashed, sprinkled, or blanketed by the spices of life that entails BDSM.

  Whatever the reason, Dominants and submissives must compliment each other. It is not an easy undertaking to find the perfect Dominant or submissive. And these relationships should never be entered into unless all parties have found their soul’s counterpoint. With all the elements in place, it is the most beautiful and fulfilling relationship people can share.

  Note from the author: There is a wide misconception that the terms submissive and slave are synonymous. The difference is monumental. A submissive has limits that a Dominant cannot breech without the submissive’s permission. A slave enters into a relationship handing over full control of his/herself without set limits. However, the SSC creed is always intact.

  Written by: mickieb{LM}, a submissive within a nine year D/s lifestyle with her Master, Lord M.

  “…i have found my freedom through my submission to my Master…”

  1. Scening: Romantic interlude or erotic encounter between the dominant and the submissive.

  On Bended Knees


  Canice Brown-Porter

  A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology

  Chapter One

  Naked as the day she was born, Morgan kneeled on the floor. Knees apart, back straight, hands resting on top of her thighs, palms facing the ceiling. Completely exposed to his gaze, she kept her chin lowered. The black, Italian leather loafers rested an inch from her bare knees. A perfect crease traveled straight up the front of his wrinkle-free Armani black trousers.

  Silence enveloped the room. Even he remained silent. She wondered if he saw her body tremble. Morgan’s nerves, fine-tuned and in perfect working order, made her doubt she could hide her reactions. Her stomach clenched in nervous spasms, while prickling sensations traipsed over her entire body. For just a moment, she wondered if she possessed the ability to shield her emotions. This would be the final test of her training, and she had no desire to disappoint him now. Especially now, she thought.

  Morgan wanted him to accept her submission. Needed him to, actually. How many times had she practiced what she would say at this moment? For the past two weeks, she’d gotten down in this exact kneeling pose. The same one he always expected whenever she entered a room that he occupied.

  A determination from deep inside had surfaced under his tutelage during the course of her training. A determination to please him, no matter what he commanded of her. This, she thought, would be her moment to shine for him. It is the culmination of all that he has taught me.

  This would be her moment of truth. Had she surpassed his expectations? The ultimate decision made by him today would alter her existence as she had known it for so many years. No longer the same person inside, she’d grown in mind and spirit. Evan had nurtured and groomed her to be all that she could. Her fascination and cravings for pleasurable pain had come shining through. Those dark fantasies, she’d realized, were not fantasies. They were real. And Evan had been the man to make her fantasies become reality. Morgan found that her deepest desires were as real as the beating of her heart and the breaths that sustained her.

  It wasn’t a question of love, although she hoped he loved her as she did him. But that wasn’t as important to her as him viewing her as the submissive that could fulfill his every need or want in life. The acceptance of her submission meant he found her capable of making him happy. And that was the highest compliment a dominant could pay a submissive.

  Valued. Highly regarded in that elite circle. A submissive worthy of serving a dominant. What a heady experience it would be. She almost sighed out loud.

  And in return? The dominant’s protection and care. The knowledge that he wanted her for his own.

  Elation coupled with a euphoric peace would be hers for however long he wished her to wear his collar.

  The rustle of his clothing and the shuffle of his shoes on the parquet flooring pulled her attention from herself.

  He stepped with ease around her, his crop lightly tapped his thigh. A whiff of his cologne sifted on gentle waves around her. She loved how he smelled. Drakkar. The scent had fast become her male fragrance of choice. She associated it only with him.

  Morgan’s breath hitched at the touch of his crop between her shoulders. Lazily, the stiff leather pad grazed up to the nape of her neck and wiped with gentleness across her bare skin. She dared not move. It equated to trust in his eyes. It had been a stumbling block for her.

  “You are quite lovely, girl. Your skin glistens under the lighting.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  The crop swept back up to his collar that adorned her neck and raised gooseflesh down the length of her arms in its wake. Prickling pulses of desire split down the center of her back. She grew damp between her thighs.

  The soft rumble of her Master’s chuckle filtered through the tumultuous thoughts that bounced erratically in her mind. He knew. Well, hell yes, he knows, you silly girl. Morgan struggled to remain steady when she sensed his presence drawing closer. His breath traced a warm path against her cheek and tickled her ear.

  “You please me greatly, girl.” His voice, soft and deep, caressed her earlobe. “You will no doubt be a prized possession of the dominant that takes you for his own.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she mumbled. Her stomach wrenched. He was gone. He had moved away, and the warmth on her ear and cheek grew cool.


  “Yes, Sir?”

  “I will be removing my training collar today. You have done quite well over the past four months.”

  She cringed inside, refusing to reveal the pain of his words. “Thank you, Sir.”

  He stood directly in front of her.

  “You are aware that I only agreed to train you. Correct?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her heart sank. He knew. She had in some manner exposed her true feelings. He isn’t going to accept me as his sub. Morgan fought back the tears that sprang into her eyes, closing her lids tightly.

  But, now...now, he announced her training complete. She’d known it was near but she had pretended that if she didn’t give the knowledge any validity they would go on forever. Morgan didn’t want to leave him. Ever. She wanted to continue to serve him. She knew without reservation that he possessed the traits she sought in a Dom.

  She drifted back to reminisce about their sessions. They had been professional and thorough. The small amount of affection he’d graced her with had been in the form of a smile or laughter, which spurred her on all the more to please him. Morgan thought of them as gifts. Sparingly, but they were gifts of himself that she treasured. Those moments where he showed her a part of himself came at the end of each training session. After-care. On more than one occasion, he had stressed the importance of after-care. Any dominant that refused or ignored this important part of the lifestyle wasn’t worthy of the submissive’s gift. His stance on the topic had bordered on obsessive.

  While he freely acknowledged each of her accomplishments, rarely did he expose his thoughts or emotions on his face. She adored this about him because it created an aura of mystery around him. And that mystery captivated and intrigued her.r />
  She heard the rustle of his clothes and the shuffle of his shoes against the floor once again. He moved closer. She opened her eyes; a tear slipped down her cheek. His fingers pushed away her long black hair and grasped the lock on his collar at the nape of her neck. The familiar jingle of his keys sounded in her ears.

  Her stomach knotted, and a wave of disappointment washed over her when the lock clicked open. The collar fell away, and cool air brushed against the naked skin of her throat. In moments, his hands deftly removed the leather and silver band.

  Emotions flooded her. Abandonment. Regret. An unbearable sense of loss. Failure. She struggled to contain them deep inside her. He’d taught her patience and self-worth. She should be rejoicing, she thought, reprimanding herself. She had reached her goals through his guidance and expertise. The end of her training should have been a celebratory moment. Shouldn’t it?

  She vowed in silence not to disappoint him. He deserved her best. He’d earned her deepest respect. Any sign of weakness now would reflect poorly on him. Or, at least, that’s what he would think. She would not displease him. Not now. Not when he was satisfied with her progress. If only he will accept me once I’ve offered my gift to him.

  Metal clinked against a glass shelf. Without a doubt, she knew the training collar would soon be locked in the display case along with his wide array of play and training collars. His collection immaculate and displayed for those allowed to enter his dungeon.

  Every time she had stepped into this room, her attention always gravitated to the top shelf. Bathed in spotlight and encased in a special glass box, and hugging a black necklace bust was the coveted formal collar. The silver band etched with ‘Lord Evan’ shone like...well...like the pure silver it was. Polished and beaming to all, boasting its importance in silence. A trophy to behold.


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