Home > Romance > KNOCKED UP BY THE KILLER: A Hitman Baby Romance > Page 39
KNOCKED UP BY THE KILLER: A Hitman Baby Romance Page 39

by Nicole Fox

  He went straight past the small crowd in the living room, not interested in watching whatever game they had on the television or drinking any more beer. He was headed up to his room to think. But when he pushed open his door, he could immediately sense that something was wrong. The lights were off, but he wasn’t alone. He carefully shut the door behind him, keeping his hand on the knob while his eyes adjusted to the dim light. Skid checked the corners of the room, waiting for someone to burst out from the closet or from behind the dresser to attack him. As his eyes rolled around to the bed, it was obvious where the intruder was. The dark form against the white sheets was unmistakable.

  “Are you just going to stand there staring at me, or are you at least going to say hi?”

  Skid jumped, then flicked on the light. Mia blinked against the sudden brightness, but she was smiling. “What are you doing in here?”

  “I’m not in here,” she insisted, sitting up in bed and pulling the sheets with her. “I’m in my room, because my father thinks I’m still young enough to be grounded. But there are a few things I wanted to ask you.”

  “All right.” Skid took a step away from the door, but he stood hesitantly near the edge of the bed. “At least you seem to be in a good mood.”

  “Oh, I see.” She scrunched up her eyes and studied him. “You think I’m going to be pissed at you because I saw you with Jewel.”

  “Well, yeah, but—”

  “Well, I am pissed about that. That’s one of the things I wanted to ask you about. But it was so funny scaring the shit out of you that I lost my head and smiled for a moment.” She pulled up her knees under the sheets and wrapped her arms around them. She was bare skinned from the top of the sheet where it covered her breasts on up.

  It made Skid wonder what she had on under there. “Ask away.”

  “All right. Fine.” Mina looked away for a second before she turned back to him. “What were you and Jewel doing tonight?”

  “Fighting, if you must know.”

  “About what?”

  Skid pressed his lips together. “You, to be honest. She said some things about you that weren’t true. I think she’s jealous of all the attention you’re getting, even if it isn’t necessarily good attention. There at the end, she was just trying to make you mad.”

  “She got it, all right.” Mina rolled her eyes. “Okay. Next question.”


  “Did you conspire with my father to ask me to get rid of the baby?”

  This one was a shock to his system, and he took a staggering step backwards as though her words had hit him like a fist. “What? No! Of course not!”

  “You’re sure?” Mina raised one dark eyebrow.

  “Yes, I’m sure! Besides, I’d have to tell Park the truth about the baby to make that happen.” He had only spoken with Park about club business and had carefully avoided the subject of Mina and the pregnancy.

  “Not necessarily.” She put a finger to her lip. “I can easily see the two of you sitting in his office, talking about what’s best for me. You’re the vice president, after all, and he listens to you.”

  While Skid had certainly had conversations like that with Park, none of them had ever involved getting rid of the baby. “Stop it, Mina. This isn’t funny.”

  “I agree, and I’m not amused that he insinuated I do such a horrible thing.” She ran a hand through her hair defiantly, making the ends twist in different directions. “Now then. I have one final question. Are you using me?”

  “What’s wrong with you tonight, Mina?”

  “That’s not an answer to my question, Skid. Don’t avoid it. I want to know if you’re seeing other women and leading me along like a stupid dog. I know we never made any official commitment to each other. I know what your past is like. But I want to know exactly what I’ve gotten myself into so I’ll know exactly what I need to do in the future.” Mina looked up at him with determined eyes. She’d always had a fire in them, but it was different somehow. She had changed as well.

  Skid hadn’t realized how much he needed to see that. Mina hadn’t just changed him; they had changed each other. His heart melted as he looked down at her with those questions in her eyes, as though things could really ever be different than they were. “I didn’t see it at first,” he murmured. “So I guess it makes sense that you wouldn’t see it, either.”

  “What?” she demanded. His answer had confused her, and her fingers curled so that her nails dug into the flesh of her skin. “I just want to make sure I’m not being taken advantage of.”

  “Mina, you’re the only one I want. You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted.” His voice had gone deep and husky, and he felt that fire he had seen in her eyes spreading to his own body. “It’s a shame we had to waste so much time before we could figure it all out, but at least we know now.” He reached for her, pulling her arms away from her knees and lifting her so that she knelt on the bed where he could put his arms around her. The soft white sheets fell away, revealing her swollen breasts and the firm roundness of her stomach. In her golden skin with those pale tattoos, she looked like a mythical creature come to life, something that even in his imagination wasn’t as amazing as the reality. “I didn’t know you were naked under there,” Skid whispered approvingly.

  She gave him a crooked smile. “Let’s just say I was hoping this would go well.”

  “I want you, Mina. I want you so badly, and it has killed me to stay away from you. You have no idea how many nights I lie here wishing I could have you by my side, wanting to have you again and again. I’ve needed you so badly—”

  Mina cut him off with a kiss, parting her lips and luring his tongue out with her own. “You have me now.”

  He kissed her back, every cell in his body pulling toward her. Only his clothes stood between them, but he refused to break their connection while he stripped off his vest and undid his belt. Mina’s soft fingers lifted the thin fabric of his T-shirt, running appreciatively over his abs and up to the broadness of his chest. Her eyes widened as she explored his skin, tracing his tattoos. It was as though she had never seen him before, and Skid realized that she really hadn’t. Their tryst had been dark and fervent, but there hadn’t been time or light for taking each other in like this.

  Returning the favor, he ran his hands up her arms, pausing to swirl his thumbs on each of the lacy tattoos until he got to her shoulders. He cupped the base of her skull in his hands, holding her as gently as an egg as he kissed her. She pressed her body against his, her skin cool at first but its temperature instantly rising. Skid felt the heat building inside himself as he pulled his hands down to trace the lean lines of her back and flow around the smooth curves of her buttocks. She was exquisite, something that belonged in a museum.

  But when she reached down and opened the button on his jeans, Skid was reminded that she was so much more than something beautiful to look at. She was real, she was alive, and she needed him just as badly as he needed her. Mina needed affirmation that he wanted her, that she belonged to him, and he intended to give it to her. His hardness burst forth as she undid his fly and slid his pants off his hips. Skid helped her get them the rest of the way off.

  Completely naked, there was nothing stopping them now. There were no worries about her father or the other members of the club. Stomper and the memories he had brought up instantly faded into the background and disappeared. There was only need.

  Gently, Skid lowered her back down to the bed with one arm, swiping the covers aside with his free hand. She spread her legs and wrapped them around him as he brought himself on top of her, moving slowly so as not to hurt her. She gasped as he entered her, but the spark in her eyes let him know it was a gasp of pleasure. Mina was hot and wet, and just being inside her brought a satisfaction he hadn’t felt since the last time he’d been with her. He kept himself braced on his arms to keep his weight off her delicate body. “God, you feel good.” He wanted to close his eyes to focus on the sensation, but he couldn’t stop looking at

  “I’ve needed you so badly,” she whispered, moving her hips in rhythm with his. “I know you were mad when I wore those tiny tops and acted like a flirt, but I was just trying to make you see what I wanted from you. I didn’t think you would listen if I just told you.” Her eyes rolled up and she grabbed fistfuls of sheets on either side of her.

  Skid leaned down to plant a kiss on each of her nipples. “Then I was a fool, Mina. I should have known we couldn’t stay away from each other. There’s no way, not really.” He bit his tongue as his equipment tightened. “We’re going to have to stop.”

  “No, please. We can’t stop now.”

  But Skid was out of her, and he had her by the hips. “I meant we’re going to have to change position, or else I’m going to come. I want to make sure you get everything you need tonight, but you feel too damn good. I’m not sure how long I can control myself.” He rolled over, picking her up and setting her down on top of him.

  Mina’s hair flew around her face, and she giggled at the motion. Planting her knees on either side of his hips, she plunged herself down onto him and sighed with contentment. She sat straight up on top of him, lifting herself before letting him sink all the way inside once again.

  Skid bent his knees so that she could lean back against the strength of his legs, and the angle at which her core pulled him made him realize this wasn’t going to keep him at bay like he’d thought. She was so sexy as she rode him, her hands running over her breasts and through her hair as she got herself worked up. He kept his hands on her hips, running his thumbs in small circles against her skin and feeling lucky beyond measure at the sight before him. “You’re incredible, Mina. I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”

  She flexed her hips so that her flesh pressed into his, and she held herself there for a moment with her eyes closed. Every muscle in her body felt tight, and when she began moving again he could feel the tiny pulses that were taking over her inside. They increased, undulating around him, encouraging him to feel the same thing she was feeling. “Yes, yes. Just like that.” She clawed at her body as it took over.

  There was nothing he could do. The heat of her and the motion of her core made him want to feel her come over and over again until she was spent, but that wasn’t meant to be. His balls tightened against him as he shot his load, filling Mina as her body commanded him to. His toes curled as he pushed every ounce of energy he had out through his member, feeding on a sense of gratification he never thought possible.

  Mina continued to pulse for a minute once he was done, and he watched with fascination as she got everything she needed. He would let her stay there all day if needed, just to see her happy. He would give her everything just to know she had been satisfied.

  She opened her eyes and grinned at him before getting off and lying next to him. “I can’t believe we waited so long to do that.”

  “We had our reasons.” He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. It was cool in the room, but the heat they had generated between them was enough to keep them warm for the moment. “How did you get in here, anyway? I usually leave my door locked.”

  Mina snuggled in closer against his ribs. “I used the fire escape and came in the window.”

  He sat up and looked at her. “Really?”

  She shrugged, a movement of her slim shoulders against his skin. “The locks on the windows are really easy to pick. It’s the kind of thing I would probably bring up except that I can use it to my advantage.” Her giggle was cute enough that he was willing to forgive her for letting a security issue like that slide.

  With her next to him in his bed, he could easily continue pretending that nothing was wrong. They could act like they were a couple with nothing to worry about, but that was so far from the truth. Making love had been wonderful, but it had only complicated things.

  “Mina, I want you to know that this hasn’t really changed anything. Well, other than hopefully making you realize that you’re the only woman in my life. But I still think we need to keep things under wraps for a little while. I want to find a way to tell your dad, and at some point I will, but I think it needs to be at the right time. That isn’t now.” His evening at the bar came rushing back to him. He had spent a long time talking with Stomper, and there was no way that wouldn’t get back to Park. If the president heard of Skid sleeping with his daughter and talking with a rival club, it would give him the wrong idea.

  She gave a small sigh. “I don’t really like it, but I get it. If I was anyone else, none of it would really matter. Can you just promise me one thing?”


  “Promise me we’re going to be together. Even if it’s not right now or even in the next couple of months, that’s fine, but promise me that it will happen eventually.”

  Skid couldn’t remember a time when anyone had needed him so much. He’d never been popular as a child, he’d never had a relationship that had really meant anything, and even when he had been in the army, he had been easily replaceable. Mina needed him. She truly relied on him. It scared him and thrilled him at the same time. “We will. I promise.”

  The words seemed to soothe her. Mina’s breathing got deeper, and she was soon asleep next to him. Skid smiled and pulled up the sheet, knowing they would need it as the night wore on.

  Chapter Eleven


  Mina was only partially awake when she realized she was still in Skid’s room. With a smile on her face, she snuggled closer to the warm body next to her. She wasn’t cold, but his heat was too inviting to pass up. Skid responded in kind, wrapping his strong arm around her and pulling her close. He flung a leg over her as well, enclosing her completely inside his body. Even in his sleep, he was protecting her. That was something she had some to understand from their conversation the night before. Skid might not always be acting the way she thought he should be, but he was doing what he thought was best for her. Mina had to accept that, at least for now, it was good enough.

  A knock sounded on the door, jolting her from her happy fantasies and reminding her of just what they had done. “Skid? It’s Park. I need to talk to you for a minute.” Mina sat straight up in bed, turning wide eyes to Skid.

  He rolled over and rubbed his face. “Yeah, just a second.” Then, finally realizing just who was at the door and who was in his bed, he sat up as well. He looked around the room for a moment before pointing at the closet. Grabbing Mina by the waist and lifting her over his body on the bed, he set her down on the floor.

  Wrapped in a sheet and with her heart pounding loudly in her ears, Mina quickly skittered into the closet. Just as she pulled the door shut, she caught sight of Skid jumping out of bed and reaching for his pants. She allowed herself a moment to admire the lean strength of his bare thighs and buttocks, and her heart leaped for different reasons. He was just so damn sexy. Even the muscles of his back as he went around the bed to the door were so tempting she wanted to come back out of the closet and run her hands down them. She turned the handle on the closet so the click wouldn’t be heard as she shut the door.

  She heard the sound of the door opening. “Sorry, had to throw some clothes on. I guess I slept in a little this morning.”

  “That’s fine. I normally wouldn’t come and bother you like this, but I heard some rumors. Before I jumped to any conclusions, I wanted to hear it from your mouth first.” Park’s voice was calm, but sincere. He was there on business.

  Mina sank back onto a pile of clothes, terrified of just what that rumor must be. Had someone found out that the two of them had spent the night together? Had Mina taken things just a step too far with her flirtatious behavior? She thought she had been careful when she had snuck into his room, but there was always the chance that someone had been outside and had seen her make her way across the fire escape. If Park had any idea she was there, they were both dead.

  Park continued. “I know you were at the bar last night with some of the guys. I don’t want you to think any of them are talki
ng about you behind your back, but a few of them came to me with some concerns. I hear you spent some time talking with the leader of a rival gang. You want to tell me a little bit about that?”

  It amused Mina to hear Park pull out the dad voice even with the members of his club. She knew he respected Skid as his vice president, but it was clear he was still in the position of authority here. The fact that they weren’t talking about her allowed her to relax a little. She pulled a deep breath in through her mouth and let it out slowly, ensuring she didn’t give away her position.

  “They’re right, I was,” Skid admitted. “But it’s a little more complicated than that.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Stomper is the president of the Sons of Chaos, and I did spend some time talking with him. All of that is true. But the other part of the story is that he was my commanding officer in the army. I hadn’t seen him in a long time, and I hadn’t even realized until last night that he was in town. He caught me as I was leaving the bar, and that was when I found out that he’s the leader of the Sons. At first, I thought I would just leave. I was already on my way out the door when he said something to me, and I didn’t think I was too interested in talking to him.”


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