Her Only Defense

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Her Only Defense Page 7

by Kami Larke

  Grinning, Rob lifted his head, eyeing her as he licked his fingers and crawled up her body.

  “Mine,” he said as he kissed her yet again. Abby tasted herself on his lips, slightly salty and a little sweet. She was so distracted she didn’t realize he had slid her panties down. His hips settled between her legs as he nibbled his way from her mouth along her jaw to her ear.

  “Mine,” he repeated, as he positioned himself and thrust deeply into her. Abby gasped at the abrupt intrusion, but welcomed the hard, hot length of him. She wrapped her arms around him as she felt him withdraw only to thrust into her again. She raised her hips to meet every thrust, feeling herself tighten. Gasping, her eyes flew open as she started to pulse around him. He never slowed his pace, pushing back into her deeper than before with each thrust. Just when she didn’t think she could take any more, she felt herself tighten again as he made one last stroke, burying himself deep inside her, grinding his hips against her as he emptied himself into her with a deep groan. She was only a second behind with an orgasm that left her too weak to move.

  Rob moved to the side, carefully gathering Abby in his arms. Nuzzling her neck, he shifted her until she was cradled in his arms. She wanted to protest they needed to clean up, but it felt so good to be held so tenderly. It was almost as if he really loved her. She wriggled back into him, reveling in the feel of his hard body curled around her.

  “Keep moving like that and round two will start sooner than you expected,” he whispered in her ear.

  Abby’s eyes flew open. “Round two?” she said, breathless.

  Rob’s answer was to chuckle and nibble at her neck. His hand came around and slid up her ribcage to her breasts, cupping and caressing them each in turn. Abby bit back a moan as she arched into his hand, her ass pushing back against him. His hand reached down to her hips, stilling their grinding motion.

  “Slowly, my pet, slowly. This is all about you,” he promised as his fingers skimmed her side, gliding over her stomach as they approached her breasts again. He captured one nipple between his thumb and forefinger, gently pinching and rolling it, bringing it to a pebble tightness before moving to the other and repeating it. Abby’s hand inched down her side, trying to slip between them so she could cup and stroke him. A gentle nip from him on her shoulder stopped her.

  Rob’s hand stroked her skin as he explored her, memorizing the feel of her body. She felt breathless as he reached the apex of her thighs and his skillful fingers dipped between her thighs, pushing against them, urging them to part. She consented and felt him guide her leg up and back, so it rested on top of his. His fingers traveled further, slipping between her still wet folds, stroking her.

  “Mmm,” she turned her head, seeking his lips as he rekindled the tightness inside her yet again. Rob’s free hand tangled in her hair, turning her head further so he could capture her lips in a deep, dark kiss.

  Biting her lip gently, he released her mouth, his fingers still stroking her gently in a maddeningly slow pace. Desperate to increase the tempo, she pushed back against him again, intent on grinding her hips against his growing erection. His fingers abruptly left her pussy as he rolled slightly away from her before he swatted her ass.

  “Patience, little one,” he warned her. Abby giggled.

  “I’m not little,” she said softly.

  Rob growled again, his fingers coming up to capture her nipple again. Abby could smell herself on him and the scent inflamed her.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “In due time,” he promised. Shifting, he leaned over her and captured her nipple with his lips. His eyes were on hers as he suckled her, taking her nipple between his teeth. Abby’s fingers grasped the sheets as she felt his fingers once again playing with her pussy, one sliding deep inside her in time with his sucking on her nipple.

  Abby rocked her hips against his hand, deepening his penetration. A shiver ran over her as the pleasure mounted. She moved restlessly on the bed, wanting more.

  Rob urged her leg forward, positioning himself against her. Abby tried to meet his strokes, only to feel awkward. Hooking his arm under her leg, Rob shifted her into an almost immobile position. Abby closed her eyes and relaxed, letting herself just enjoy the feelings he created in her. She felt like her whole body was spiraling inward, tighter, and tighter, driven by Rob’s vigorous thrusts. A small whimper escaped her as she felt herself growing closer to her release. Urged on by that tiny desperate noise, Rob thrust harder, deeper. Abby gasped as she felt herself clench and tighten around him, her climax drenching them both as he came deep inside her.

  Spent, Rob collapsed onto the bed. Abby relaxed into him as they drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 13 ~ abby

  Abby rolled over in the bed, her arm reaching for Rob. She opened her eyes and looked around as she came up empty. Clutching the sheet to her bare breasts, she flopped back down on the bed. Had yesterday just been a dream? No, even my imagination isn’t that vivid, she assured herself. The scent of sex was still heavy in the air.

  Scooting to the edge of the bed, she rose, wrapping the sheet around herself. Just as she limped to the bedroom door, the front door to her apartment opened. Rob came in, followed by Peanut.

  “Well, good morning, sexy,” he said with a half-smirk, as his eyes traveled up and down her body.

  “Hi.” She smiled, ducking her head slightly. She couldn’t believe she had slept through Peanut’s morning routine. The dog came over and sniffed at the hem of the sheet, snorted briefly, and trotted off to the office and her bed.

  “Well, I guess I’ve been told.” Abby ran her hand through her hair. “I suppose I should take a shower, get cleaned up.”

  “I could help with that,” Rob said as he approached her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply.

  “Would we really get clean though?” Abby asked with a slight laugh as they came up for air.

  “One way to find out,” Rob quirked a brow at her as he broke away, leading her by her arm toward the bathroom.

  “I can’t believe you’re still here,” Abby said, as she watched him fiddle with the knobs, finding the perfect temperature for the shower.

  “Why not?” he asked as he looked up at the shower head, making sure it was spewing warm water before straightening and turning toward her. “Tsk, tsk. You are overdressed for the shower, dear one.” He reached out and playfully tugged at the edge of the sheet, freeing it, and letting it fall unnoticed to the tiled floor of the bathroom. Abby stepped into his arms, her hands going immediately to his waist, undoing his pants and helping him out of his clothes.

  “Are you going to be okay for the day?” Rob asked as he walked into the kitchen some time later, toweling his hair.

  Abby looked at him from over the rim of her coffee cup. “Yeah, I think so. I have a lot to do today. I have to get my swag finalized, do a couple of betas, leave some reviews, typical author stuff.”

  Rob nodded. “Do you think you can manage Peanut?”

  “Yeah, Jade is coming over this afternoon, so it’ll be no issue. And I think Crissy is supposed to be here this morning sometime. I guess I should make more coffee,” her voice trailed off as he moved next to her.

  “Kiss for the road?” His voice was deep, husky.

  “Do you think we should? You know where that leads,” she teased as she lifted her lips to him.

  “I’ll call you later. I’m bringing dinner, so think about what you want.”

  Abby smiled and shook her head as he left. Refilling her cup, she took it into the office and returned to the living room for the laptop and all her materials. Her knee was still sore, but she didn’t need the crutch today to get around.

  Several hours later, she surfaced to Peanut whining and nudging her leg. Absently, she reached down and scratched the dog behind the ears. Not satisfied with the automatic attention, the dog licked her hand and yipped.

  “Okay, okay.” Abby felt her belly. Not finding a bump, she looked at the clock. “You are better t
han Big Ben. I suppose I should feed you lunch.” She tried to rise, only to find her knee had swelled while she was sitting. Hopping, she made her way to the kitchen where she had left her crutch after breakfast.

  “I hope Jade shows up soon. Otherwise I’m going to have to ask Charlie to walk you today,” she told the dog as she put the kibble in the bowl for her.

  Rummaging in the fridge, she decided on a light salad for lunch. As if on cue, Jade showed up just as she was finishing.

  “Oh, girl, you have no idea how happy I am to see you,” Abby told her as they hugged.

  “How’s the leg? You were still getting your MRI when Rob called.”

  “I hyperextended it. Doc says I should be fine, I just have to take it easy and stay off it as much as possible for the next couple weeks.”

  Peanut came trotting in at that moment.

  “I guess you need help with the furry one then?” Jade guessed accurately.

  “Yeah, if you don’t mind. At least this once. Rob made arrangements with the concierge to have the walker come and take her, but she really needs to go.” Abby said sheepishly.

  “No problem.” She picked up the leash and took a dancing Peanut out for her walk. When she got back, they settled on the couch and discussed plans for the next few weeks.

  “You know I have that convention in Vegas in three weeks.”

  “I’m worried about that too.” Jade said seriously. “You’ve gotten two threatening letters, both hand delivered to your home. Who’s to say this guy won’t be able to find you in Vegas? It’s not like it’s a big secret.”

  “I can’t cancel, Jade. I’m supposed to chair a couple of lectures and panels. Not only that, but there’s the book sale at the end of it, and you know I have to be there for that.”

  “I’m not suggesting you cancel. I want you to go. But I think you should consider taking someone with you.”

  “I’ve never taken a PA before,” Abby said, her tone considering.

  “I wasn’t thinking a PA. I was thinking a bodyguard.”

  “A bodyguard?” Abby laughed in surprise. “That’s ridiculous. And pretentious.”

  “Not from where I sit. And I think Crissy and Rob would agree with me.”

  Abby rolled her eyes. She loved her friends, and while she thought the creep was a little scary just because he had figured out where she lived and had two letters delivered, she also didn’t want her friends to know just how seriously she was taking this. She felt if she admitted it to them, it would get bigger than it was. She didn’t want her life ruled by fear of some unknown specter. Sighing, she patted the couch, calling Peanut to her. The dog willingly jumped up and rolled over so Abby could rub her belly. The motion soothed her fraying nerves.

  “So, what are you saying? I take someone under the guise of being a PA?”

  “That would be acceptable.” Jade nodded. Abby sighed a little to herself.

  “I guess it’s doable. I will have to call and see if it’s too late for me to add a PA to my ticket. But you know even if I can, it’s going to cost a fortune in late fees to add someone.”

  “Maybe if you explain about the stalker, they will waive the late fees,” Jade suggested, not sounding too hopeful.

  “Worth a shot,” Abby agreed, grimacing. Giving Peanut one last belly rub, Abby stood, intent on going to the office to get her cell phone.

  “Ouch,” she exclaimed, sitting down abruptly.

  “What’s wrong?” Jade asked, concerned.

  “My knee said I’m not getting up any time soon,” Abby explained, shifting on the couch so her leg was propped on the arm. “Would you mind getting my phone for me? It should be on the desk in there.”

  Jade nodded and went to the office to retrieve it for Abby. Abby found the number and tapped the screen. After a few seconds, she was routed to the proper department and told that under her special circumstances she could still add a PA, but the late fees would still apply. Grudgingly, she agreed and authorized the charge to her card already on file. Sighing, she hung up.

  “Well, there went another almost five hundred bucks. You or Rob better be able to go with me to this. I’ll be damned if I just spent a grand for people to accompany me to this thing and be the only one to go.”

  Jade smiled as Abby groused. “Okay, I know part of this is due to your knee bothering you. Do you want me to set you up in here?”

  “If you don’t mind.” Abby smiled at her. “It’s great to have friends that care,” she observed as Jade fixed her up quickly.

  “Okay, I’d love to stay, but I have to get back to work. No rest for the weary.” Jade leaned down and gave her a hug. “Do you need me to bring dinner over? I don’t mind.”

  “No, Rob is bringing something.”

  “Cool beans. Talk to you later.” Jade waved at her as she headed back to work.

  Abby took a couple deep breaths, as she thought over what had happened so far. She had finally managed to get Rob to take their relationship to the next level, and judging by his reaction, he was more than happy to have it there. Now she was about to ask him to go away with her for a week-long stay in Vegas, arguably one of the best vacation spots in the US. She wasn’t sure their relationship was ready for a couple’s vacation, but since technically she was going to be working, it wasn’t really a vacation, was it?

  Shaking her head, she shifted and pulled her laptop closer. In no time, she was lost in her character’s world. The sound of the lock tumbling broke her reverie as Rob arrived. Peanut barked ecstatically, racing between him and Abby.

  “Well, someone is certainly happy to see me,” he commented as he came to stand behind Abby, dropping a kiss on the top of her head.

  Abby chuckled. “I’m sure she is. My knee started swelling again in the office, so I had Jade help me move back in here. It’s easier to prop my leg up on the couch,” she said by way of explanation.

  Rob nodded. “Let me take her highness out, and I’ll be right back.” He set the food bags down on the counter before snapping the leash on Peanut and taking her out. Abby sighed in relief. Maybe being in a relationship wasn’t such a bad thing. It was certainly proving to have certain perks.

  Over dinner, Abby explained to Rob what she had done earlier and the reasoning behind it.

  “I don’t want to make it a big deal, but Jade made some good points. It’s down to you and her to see who can go with me. I thought about asking Crissy, but if I’m going to keep Jade happy, it has to be someone who can also be a bodyguard, and heavens knows that would never be Crissy’s pixie self.”

  “I’d be happy to go with you. A week you say? Starting when?”

  Abby gave him the specific dates. “I already paid for the ticket, so I would just have to add you to my hotel for the week. You wouldn’t have to worry about paying for anything,” she assured him quickly.

  “Hey, I’m no mooch. I can pay my own way,” he said. Abby blinked.

  “I don’t think you’re a mooch,” she said, realizing his male pride was getting wounded. “It’s just easier if I pay for everything, since it’s a tax write-off for me as all this is business related.”

  Rob frowned, clearly trying to find some issue with that.

  Abby slid her hand up his arm. “You can pay your way by keeping me happy at night,” she flirted.

  He chuckled. “I was going to do that anyway,” he told her as he leaned over to kiss her. “What all does being your PA entail?”

  “For this convention, carrying a lot of heavy boxes around that hopefully will be empty and not coming home with us. Standing around and looking cute. I’ve done the Mystery Writer’s convention before by myself, and I can handle most of the stuff on my own.” She paused for a moment then continued. “I have a few panels I am chairing, sort of like a question and answer session, and a couple of lectures I’m leading. Beyond that, you can do anything you want.”

  “No, I’ll be covering all things you are doing,” Rob told her firmly. “As your bodyguard, I have to be where th
e body I’m guarding is.”

  Abby giggled at his tone. For some reason, he made it seem far more sexual than it really was.

  “Are you sure you can get away?”

  “Oh, yeah. That’s no problem. I can have Helen or Falcon take over for me at the gym. Hell, those two will probably love to have me out of the way for a week.”

  “Okay, so we’re set then. Great.” Abby passed him her now empty plate and prepared to move from the dining room back to the couch. Rob caught her before she could get up and carried her to the couch.

  “I could get used to this,” she said lightly as he set her gently down. “I’ve never been with a man who could pick me up as easily as you do.”

  Rob puffed his chest out comically and flexed his arms. “I strong, me Tarzan, you Jane,” he said in his best Arnold voice.

  Abby let out a peal of laughter. Shaking her head, she pulled the laptop to her once more, getting lost in her work again.

  Rob watched her for a few moments, then settled in next to her, flipping on the TV and selecting his favorite sports channel. They sat in companionable silence for almost three hours, Abby working, Rob watching tv.

  Finally, Rob yawned. “Okay, young lady, time for you to go to bed.”

  Abby quickly saved everything and pushed the small table away, making it so Rob could get to her. As she expected, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. He set her on her feet next to the bathroom door, giving her a kiss before letting her take care of business. She was grateful he let her do it by herself. She loved having someone take care of her, but this was something that was still embarrassing to her. She finished quickly, and gave the room a quick spritz of aerosol before hobbling to the door.

  Rob was waiting for her and quickly scooped her up and deposited her on the bed with a quick kiss. Abby clung to him expectantly, feeling a little disappointed when he gently disengaged her arms from around his neck.


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