The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 41

by Vera Quinn

  “I agree with Rebel.” I speak up. I look at Brody and he is not happy with any of this, but he has a resigned look in his eyes.

  “Then let’s quit talking about it and just do it.” I agree with Brody. Let’s do it.

  “I’m going first and then Brody. Charity come right behind Brody and stay close. When we get to the bottom of the stairs stay put until one of says to move.” Rebel takes control of the situation. Rebel turns and goes to the door. He barely opens the door and looks out to the hallway. He opens the door wider and steps out. Brody is close behind him and I follow. We quietly and quickly make our way down the stairs. My memory served me well. No creaks on this side of the stairs. Once we are at the bottom Rebel and Brody look around. I listen for any noises. Rebel raises his hand and motions for us to stay put. He sneaks over towards the living room and sneaks a look. He puts up one finger. Then I hear a snore coming from down the hall. I grab Brody’s arm and point down the hall and touch my ear, so Brody will know to listen. He nods his head. Rebel is watching us. Brody moves up the hall and stops at the first door. He puts his ear to the door and shakes his head affirmatively. Rebel puts up three fingers and then takes them down one at a time. When the last one is down they both move. I pray they are not hurt. I look up the hall and I can’t pull my eyes away from the door Brody entered. I forget to do what Rebel told me to.

  “Well lookie who we have here. Thinking about skipping out on us.” I relax but I am filled with fear. Not for me but for Brody and Rebel. I don’t know which of the men this one is. Then a calm comes over me. I feel the gun poke into the back of my right shoulder. “Turn around and look at me.” I do what the man says. There is a loud noise coming out of the room Brody went into. It surprises the man with the gun on me and he lets his guard down for a moment and I take full advantage of it. I reach for the gun he’s holding and hit the magazine release. I lean my body to the right and with my left hand I pull the slide back and make sure the bullet releases from the chamber. I have practiced this move hundreds of times with my dad. The man grabs me by one arm, but I bring my knee up and with my other hand slam his nose into my knee. I kick the magazine away. It’s all accuracy, balance, and weight leverage. I have been practicing hand-to-hand combat since I was old enough to practice moves and remember them. I step back from the man, but he’s not giving up that easily. He attempts to use his weight to try to slam my face into the wall. I let him have his move but right before my face hits the wall I bring my hands up and push off the wall and hook my leg and foot around his leg and take him to the floor. I am on top of him and slamming fist after fist into his face, his eyes and nose. I feel him hitting me as best as he can, but I feel nothing, and I see nothing but blood. I lose myself in destroying this man, but I am pulled off him.

  “I thought you were supposed to stay safe and out of the way.” Brody growls in my ear. Rebel is laughing.

  “Damn, she’s a wildcat.” Rebel eyes move to the gun on the floor. “What the hell happened?” Rebel isn’t laughing anymore. Brody releases me.

  “I was worried about you two and I didn’t hear him come up behind me. He had the gun on me, but I ejected the magazine and rolled the bullet out of the chamber and after that it was just a fight to stay alive.” I explain.

  “You could’ve been killed. Where did you learn how to do that?” Brody asks me. I see Rebel is waiting for me to answer as well.

  “We all learn hand-to-hand combat and how to use weapons in our community. I am accurate with shooting almost any kind of weapon and I know about some explosives. The elders in our community are always worried about the government forcing their way into our homes and closing our way of life down. We all learn, female or male.” I try to explain things to Brody and Rebel that I don’t even understand. I have never understood why I needed to learn things that I never hoped to use. I know self-defense is important but to be able to use so many guns and weapons is not normal. Is it? I walk over and pick up the .45 and then find the magazine. I look at the man who is not moving and he’s unconscious, but I see he’s still breathing. I look at Brody.

  “You might want to check him for more ammo. We may need it.” Brody shakes his head in an affirmative motion. Rebel is smiling again.

  “Charity keep the .45 with you. You could be a real asset to us.” Rebel says. Brody is patting down the man to see if he has an extra magazine. He brings one out. It’s just then I notice that the man doesn’t have a leather vest on like he was wearing when I arrived.

  “Why is he not wearing a vest?” I look at Rebel and wait for the answer.

  “It’s a cut, not a vest, and that’s a very good question.” Rebel answers. “The one that was on the couch in the living room wasn’t wearing one either. How about the one in the bedroom, Brody?”

  “No, he wasn’t wearing one either. I got his keys to his bike and his cell. I called Kaden. The Demented Revengers weren’t getting a good signal off your tracker. I also let him in on the restaurant we were in when we were nabbed.” Brody answered.

  “I found the keys and cell from the one on the couch. I called Sin and Cap. Tip said when I get to where there aren’t as many trees around us they’ll be able to pick up the signal better. Cap also said to be careful about the bikes; they could have been tampered with them and I agree. This was too easy and even if these three are prospects they should have their cuts on. They had them earlier or at least two did.” Rebel tells us. “Let’s be careful when we look at the bikes and didn’t you say they brought you here in a car or SUV. The others left on their bikes so maybe it’s here somewhere.” Rebel turns to leave but I remember about the pills in the kitchen.

  “I have a suggestion.” Rebel and Brody both look at me, so I go on. “The pills in the kitchen cabinet will keep the guys here out for a while if we give them one or if we crush them and let them dissolve in their mouths. My ma always slept seven to eight hours after she took one and they were less milligrams.” Rebel is shaking his head yes.

  “That’s a clever idea. Can you crush them up for us and we’ll put it in their mouths?” Brody says, and I can see Rebel agrees.

  “It may get in their systems faster if you put it under their tongues.” I say and then walk into the kitchen and get the bottle of pills from the cabinet. I take them down and look in each of the drawers for something to crush them with. You would think that something as small as a pill would be easy to crush but I know better. I find nothing in any of the drawers. I look under the cabinet and I see an old hammer. It will do in a bind. I use the hammer to crush two pills and I see some plastic cups on top of the refrigerator and grab one and put the first two pills into it. I do the next two and put them in another cup and then the last two the same way. I pick up the cups and walk back where Brody and Rebel are. I notice as I am walking up they’re whispering. That throws up all sorts of red flags. “Are you two keeping secrets from me?” I wait for an answer.

  Chapter Four


  I see the hurt in Charity’s eyes. I don’t know why I am so in tune with her emotions. I don’t think I like it, but I’ll be damned if I know how to stop. “We aren’t keeping secrets from you. We just don’t want to talk loud enough for everyone to hear.” Charity hands me the cups she is holding. I see she has crushed the pills and put them in separate cups. Charity is watching the question go across my face.

  “I crushed two and put in separate cups, so no one overdoses, and it’s easier to pour in their mouths or put under their tongues.” Everything that Charity has done makes sense. She is a woman with extensive knowledge and abilities. She is not the type of woman I am accustomed to. Jilly is strong, but she loses herself in the man she is with until she decides she has had enough. Then she runs. Selena always wanted more. Everything needed to revolve around her and then she aborted our child. Also, there was the whole cheating thing and lusting after Rebel. Then there was Gracie. She is the biggest regret in my life. I thought I loved her and I did, but my heart wasn’t in love with her.
I hurt Gracie and that’s the reason I am here today. I am trying to make up for the pain I have caused Gracie who is now Rebel’s wife. I am also trying to make it up to Rebel for all the times we have butted heads. Rebel was my best friend at one time. I hope we can get back there. Charity laughs, and I look at her again. “Sorry, I checked out for a minute. Good thinking.” I walk towards Rebel and he meets me half way and I hand him a cup. I kneel beside the guy at the bottom of the steps. I get his mouth open and pour the powder in his mouth and under his tongue. He’s out cold. I stand up and walk up the hall and go in the bedroom I left the other man in and he’s right where I left him. I quickly repeat the process I did on the first man. I wasn’t honest with Charity when she asked what Rebel and I were whispering about. Rebel is worried because Charity knows a lot about things she shouldn’t. I know the moves it took to unload that gun and take that man down by the stairs. It was dangerous and even people in the military can’t pull it off every time. You have a fifty/fifty chance at best. Then Charity took the man down and knocked him out. Charity is not a big woman. Luscious, yes, but big as in height and weight, she is not. The man was well over six feet tall and though he was young he still has a muscular build. That has both Rebel and I on alert. We have decided to split up and I am taking Charity with me. I pull myself out of my thoughts and step away from the man. We need to get the hell out of here. I turn and leave the room and go back up the hallway. Charity is not where we left her. Rebel walks back in the room.

  “Where’s Charity?” Rebel asks me.

  “I have no idea. We need to find her and get on the road.” I walk into the kitchen and she isn’t there, but I hear the front door slam and turn and make it back to Rebel and Charity walks in from the front room.

  “Where have you been? I told you to stay put.” Rebel says to Charity, but I can tell by the look on Charity’s face this is going to be a problem.

  “You both told me to stay at the bottom of the stairs until you had the men down here under control. They are under control, so I went out the back door and looked around. I walked around to the front yard and then I checked out the barn.” Charity glares at Rebel. “No one is around and there are two bikes in the barn and the car I arrived in. I didn’t check for explosives yet, but I was trying to help.” Another red flag. Why would she risk herself? I keep my mouth shut because I know Rebel isn’t.

  “Woman unless you want us to leave your ass here then do what you’re told, and when you’re told and how you’re told. You could’ve been taken hostage or worse. We’re trying to protect your ass, so fucking listen!” Rebel is beyond mad. I know it’s because he’s concerned about getting us all out of here alive, but Charity doesn’t know Rebel the way I do. “There’s no way you could’ve been careful enough in the time you were gone. Do you want to make it out of this alive because I have a family waiting on me that I don’t intend to let down?” I start to say something to try to calm Rebel down, but Charity doesn’t let Rebel slide on his comments.

  “Rebel, I understand that you’re under stress. We all are, and I am trying to be respectful to you but do not disrespect me if you can’t take it in return. Ever since I can remember, I have had to listen to what men tell me to do in life. Do you see where that got me? I swore to myself if I made it out of this situation I was going to go with my instincts and not something a man tells me just because he has a penis. My instincts told me to go outside and scout around while you two took care of the men in here. I have a weapon and know how to use it. I know how to follow tracks and to be fast but also quiet. I can help get us to safety instead of being a hindrance, so let me help.” Charity’s voice is strong but calm. Soft but firm. She is not in the least bit intimidated by Rebel. I don’t know if that is smart or if she is that secure in her own ability. Rebel hasn’t said anything. He is trying to stare Charity down with a glare, but Charity doesn’t blink an eye. If this wasn’t such a serious situation, I would be amused. No woman has ever defied Rebel like this since Jilly back in our teenage years. Not to his face.

  “I think we all need to calm down.” I try to defuse the hostility between Charity and Rebel.

  “Alright, Charity. You want to put yourself in danger and you think you can help then have it your way. Brody and I will not get ourselves killed for any mistake you make. If either of us disagree with you, then do not do it. Are we clear?” I can see Rebel is fighting with himself over this.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you are an ass?” Charity asks with a smirk on her face. Rebel smiles big and I know the disagreement is over.

  “I own that shit and if you cross me, you will see my bad side come out.” Charity may think Rebel is joking but I could tell her he is very serious.

  “If you two are finished arguing we need to check our rides.” The longer we stay here the more apt we are to have company.

  “You’re right, Brody. Okay, Miss Badass, let’s go check out the barn and hope we don’t get blown up.” A big smile breaks out on Charity’s face at what Rebel said.

  “Does this mean I get my own vest with Miss Badass on it?” We all start walking to the front room.

  “It’s a cut. If you’re going to hang with me, you need to learn the words and to answer your question, no. Just no.” Rebel has a look of amusement on his face. We make it to the front door. I am the first one there and I stop with my hand on the door knob. I stop for a minute and look at the two.

  “I open this door and we’re all about getting out of here. No chitter chatter. Stay focused and be aware of your surroundings. We can get out of this if we all work together.” I know the back and forth between Charity and Rebel has been intense, but it has also relieved part of the stress from the situation we are in. Now it’s time to focus.

  “Agreed,” Rebel says. “Brody go to the left side as we go out the door. Charity go right. I’ll go straight up the middle. Be careful and I will see you both on the flip side.”

  “Agreed,” Charity responds. I open the door and we proceed with the plan.

  Chapter Five


  I make my way around the right side of the yard. I see why Rebel sent me on this side, there is brush and fallen trees to get behind if we fall under attack. He’s still trying to protect me, and I will let him have that play, at least his heart is in the right place, even if he doesn’t trust me. I can’t say I completely trust him but for some reason I trust Brody. Rebel is an explosive kind of man. He loudly lets his feelings be known. Brody is a more calming force and he is more of a mystery, keeping his feelings closer to the vest. Lord knows, I will not say vest in front of Rebel again. The thought makes me smile. I move slowly and keep my eyes and ears open. I make my way up the right side of the barn. Rebel is at the front of the barn by the double door entrance and Brody on the left side. Rebel motions for us to go around to the back of the barn. I make my way close to the back and I see a side entrance. I go to the very back and I see Brody waiting on me by the back doors. I sign that there is a side door and I will enter there, Brody nods his head in agreement. I see him reach for the door and I hurry back to the side door and step inside. I let my eyes adjust to the dimmer light. Rebel makes his way to the car and Brody and I walk over to it. “Would you two have a look around the barn and make sure there is no one hiding in here while I look at the undercarriage of the car for any type of explosive?” Brody and Rebel both look at me skeptically.

  “Are you sure about doing that? I have experience with car bombs from my time in the Marines.” Brody keeps surprising me.

  “Maybe Brody should do it.” Rebel says but this time he has no hostility towards me, so I know he is just trying to be cautious.

  “There’s not much space between the ground and the bottom of the car. I thought I would fit better. You can check out the motorcycles. They’re more accessible to you. Can we open the back doors to get light under this car?” It all makes sense in my head. I am the smallest of us all, so I go in the tightest spots.

  “You d
o understand we could all die here if there’s a bomb attached to this car and you make a mistake.” I just look at Rebel like he must be kidding me right now. I guess he thinks he’s just going to mansplain everything to me.

  “Yes, Pop. I understand, and I will be careful. I don’t want any big booms today.” I glare at Rebel and say in the most sarcastic voice I can.

  “Just be careful smartass.” Rebel tells me. I look at Brody and he has opened the back door and is already looking at one of the bikes. I walk around the car and look for anything out of place or hanging down. I see nothing unusual. I get on my back beside the car and carefully edge my way under the car. No way would Brody have fit under here. I look at as much of the undercarriage that I can. I am seeing nothing out of the ordinary, no wires hanging down or explosives, not even a tracker. I scoot myself out and make my way to the back of the car and scoot myself under again. Nothing. I do the other side the same way and there is nothing. I move over to the front doors and inspect it closely then do the same with the other three. Nothing. I go to the front of the car and look around the hood and then to the back by the trunk. Nothing. Brody has walked over by me and Rebel is beside him.

  “There’s no explosives and no tracker that I can find so far. I still need to open the trunk and hood of the car. There is still the possibility of a pressure bomb under the front seat. Need to check the radiator and motor as well. They may be tracking the car through GPS.” I update the two on my progress.

  “One of the motorcycles has a tracker on it. The other one is clear. I’m going to push the bike outside and try to start it. Rebel, do you have the other keys? I don’t know if the keys I have fit it.” Rebel hands Brody the other set of keys.

  “I need the ones for the car.” Rebel hands me the keys. “Rebel go outside with Brody. Safety first.” I smile at the two, but they say nothing and head outside. I carefully make my way through the car, including the trunk and the motor. I check under both front seats and just as I am about to shut the front door I hear the motorcycle start outside. I shut the door on the car and walk out front and Rebel is gone. Brody is standing there looking down the drive. Rebel is nowhere in sight. I walk over to Brody.


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