The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 46

by Vera Quinn

  “This just keeps getting better. We need to pick up that woman from your camp and then we need everyone back to the clubhouse. Cap is meeting us there. Cap’s had to call in some backup. We have people coming in from out of town and hopefully with a fresh perspective they will see something we’ve overlooked.” More people brought into this could mean more people hurt by it. I look at Kaden for his response to that.

  “Rebel, anyone that’s brought in from somewhere else still needs to follow the laws. We are not going to have a blood war in our small towns. This needs to be contained.” Kaden is firm with what he’s saying. Rebel isn’t accepting what Kaden says. Rebel stiffens his stance and faces Kaden.

  “Sheriff, we all have family in our small towns. How do you like your sons being able to buy drugs at school? Do you trust Laura to go to the grocery store with your sons without having someone watching out for them? What about Jilly when she’s in town? How about Charlie and Mrs. Gladys? Do you lose sleep because you’re worrying about your family? What about kidnapping, killing and arson going on in your county? We all need to work together and quit fighting against each other. This needs to stop now!” Rebel’s voice has raised since he started his tirade. I know Kaden’s hands are tied and he is in a tough situation. Kaden being the sheriff, is used to doing things by the letter of the law, this time it’s just not possible. He has a choice to make. He has said that he has made his choice but now he needs to prove it. Kaden looks at me.

  “Let’s get this woman out of here and get the county vehicles out of the middle of the roads. Mrs. Sadie said old man Potter is going to have feed deliveries for his silos. I swear these people out here know everyone’s business.” Kaden says in a calm voice. I know Kaden and the Demented Revengers are going to butt heads many times while we are hunting the Hell Keeperz MC. Kaden looks at the deputy. “Get those four-wheelers unloaded.”

  “Did Charity give you anything that you think we can use or give you a lead on a name?” Rebel asks me.

  “No, she didn’t. By the time we arrived at the camp we had time to shower, eat and then I left before she was even up this morning. The longer it takes us to get back to her the more I become nervous. What if the Hell Keeperz went in from another direction?” I ask Rebel. I have a bad feeling and I know it has to do with Charity. I walk over and pick up my shotgun and walk back over by Rebel.

  “Are you still believing what she told us? I think she was feeding us just enough truth to gain our trust. She knows more and as soon as we get her back to the clubhouse she is going to tell us.” Rebel has the same gut feeling I do.

  “The only thing I can tell you is that her story didn’t change the entire time we were together, and I don’t think that she is going to willingly stay at your clubhouse.” I hear the four-wheelers start up and it is not long before the deputies have them to us. I mount the first one and put my shotgun in the rifle holder. “When we get there don’t forget Charity has a shotgun.”

  “Whose bright idea was it to give a woman a shotgun?” Rebel asks being a smartass. He laughs at his own words. “I won’t be asking if Charity wants to stay. We’re not running a bed-and-breakfast. It’s for her protection as much as anything else. She will stay.” Kaden walks over by the deputy that brought up one of the four-wheelers and addresses him.

  “We have backup coming. I want the three of you out by the road. Keep the cruisers and the truck and trailer out of the middle of the road but be alert. Rebel, which of your guys is going to ride the other four-wheeler?” Rebel motions for Sin to get on the other four-wheeler. Rebel walks to the one the other deputy brought over for him. “Once we get into the woods, there won’t be good phone reception. I am taking a few of the radios. Watch for the Hell Keeperz to come back. You’re in charge, Stenson, until I get back and do not argue with the Demented Revengers. Just do your job.”

  “I understand Sheriff.” The deputy walks back to the cruisers and Kaden turns to look at Rebel.

  “Rebel, I already told you I was on board with getting the Hell Keeperz MC out of our county, but I won’t put any of my deputies at risk. If this plan goes south, then I will lose my job, and I can’t afford that. My deputies are young and just starting their families. I will not jeopardize their jobs. I will not ask any of them to do anything outside the law. That means that you need to keep your voice down around them, so they don’t overhear anything they shouldn’t. I can’t guarantee their silence, and I will not ask them to lie. I have a lot to lose. One being my pension and the other my medical insurance, which Laura needs right now, so get off my ass.” Kaden looks like he is trying to keep his temper in check. “My deputies are as loyal to me as your club is to you, but I will not ask any of them to stand with me. Let’s drop it and get to the camp.” I start my four-wheeler and start back in the direction I came from this morning. I hear the others behind me, but I don’t look back. I need to watch for hanging limbs and anything on the path I walked this morning. We travel carefully and slower than I like, but I am relieved when the camp is within seeing distance. I check out the cleared area around the cabin and I see nothing out of the ordinary. I park my ride and turn it off. The others with me do the same. I listen to the surrounding noises and it’s too quiet. We don’t say anything between us, but I see Kaden walking around the outer perimeter of the campsite. It’s then I realize I don’t hear the hum of the well pump. It’s never a loud noise but earlier this morning I heard it when I was walking away from the campsite. Rebel signs to Sin to walk the opposite perimeter of the one Kaden took. I watch Kaden and Sin as they disappear from my sight. Rebel signs to me that we should approach the cabin. We do, and we try to quietly go up the steps to the front door. It creaks, and I hold my breath. I step up to the door with Rebel right behind me. I try to open the door and it’s locked. I reach above the door and find where I left the key this morning and take it and unlock the door. I throw the door open quickly and go into the room and to the left and Rebel does the same but going low and to the right. Charity is nowhere to be found. I rush to the back room and I hear Rebel opening the back door. I fling the door open and still no Charity. I walk into the bathroom and it is empty. Charity has either run, or the Hell Keeperz have gotten to her. I walk back to the front room and I see Rebel is holding some papers and Kaden is reading over his shoulder. They must have heard me coming into the room. They both look up and neither look happy.

  “What the hell happened here Brody? You were supposed to get Charity back to the clubhouse and protect her, not fuck her. Charity’s on the run.” I grab the note from Rebel and I know I have fucked up, while I am reading it. I have screwed something else up with another woman. I should come with a damn warning label. I read through quickly the first time, but I sit in one of the chairs and read it slowly again to take it all in.


  I know what we had between us was only a physical attraction. I know I’m not good enough for you in the light of day, in the real world. I won’t contact you again, so please, don’t come after me for more answers. Message has been received loud and clear. I got what I asked for. Everything I told you was true. I didn’t lie, but I did omit some of the things that haunt my dreams at night. I will make sure all the things I borrowed from the cabin are returned as I said. I may be poor trash, but I am not a liar or thief. I will stand by the one thing I have left, my word. Have a good life. You deserve it. Thank you for the best night of my life. I will cherish it.


  Damn, I feel like an ass. I look up at Rebel and Kaden and they are waiting for my response. I don’t give them one. Kaden is holding the other paper.

  “What do you want to know? Just spit it out already. Did Charity and I have sex? Yes, we did, and we are both consenting adults and it was consensual, so keep your opinions to yourself. Anything else you want to know then just ask. What’s that paper you’re holding Kaden?” Kaden and Rebel can’t make me feel any worse than I already do. I never meant to make Charity feel beneath me. I don’t know where she even
came up with something like that. I thought I was saving us both heartache in the future. I was just being honest. Isn’t that what women say they want. I don’t even know how a healthy relationship with a woman exist these days. No, I don’t mean that, Charity and I do not have a relationship. It was a one-night stand and I have done nothing wrong. Charity assured me she only wanted one night.

  “Start where you thought it was alright to fuck a woman that we need information out of. You knew that she didn’t want to cooperate and return to the clubhouse with us. Why couldn’t you just wait to fuck the woman when we got her back to the clubhouse? That way we get answers and you get pussy.” I stand to my feet and start at Rebel. Charity is not just pussy. I hate the thought of it. I want to pound Rebel’s face. Kaden grabs me.

  “Rebel, watch yourself. Brody isn’t like that, he’s no biker. You know most men don’t fuck their way through a town. Never caring if the women are hurt in the process.” Rebel doesn’t like what Kaden has said and I can tell by Sin’s facial expression that he doesn’t either.

  “The Demented Revengers members like to fuck, we’re men, but the women are always willing, and they come back for more. At least we don’t give the women false hope and lie to them to get them to drop their panties. Is there something wrong with that Sheriff?” Sin says with a smirk.

  “I can remember a time when we all used to hit the town looking for a piece of ass for the night. The difference here is that Charity may have had answers that would help find the location of the Hell Keeperz MC. That will save lives. What’s done is done. We need to get back to town and find another way to locate them.” Rebel says. Rebel and Sin walk out the front door. Kaden looks at me.

  “Are you alright, Brody? Does this woman mean something to you?” Kaden is watching me closely.

  “I don’t even know Charity, but there’s something about her. I need to find her and apologize to her. I never meant to make her feel like less. Rebel’s right, we need to get back to town and find us a lead and check those cell phones out. There may be a problem, we didn’t use a condom and Charity didn’t know if her contraception was still protecting her. I was supposed to get her one of those morning-after pills for her to take. I guess I’ll have to cross one bridge at a time.” Kaden doesn’t argue with me. We walk out the door together and Rebel and Sin are waiting for us. I lock the door and walk to my four-wheeler. I look back at the cabin. Somehow, I feel empty inside just walking away, but that is exactly what I am doing.

  Chapter Twelve


  I am finally at the highway and I have been walking in the shade of the trees. I hear a car coming and I see that it’s close, so I step out on the highway. The car is in the far lane and I turn to face it and the woman inside the car is smiling. I don’t like hitching a ride, but it’s what I need to do, so I will take the chance. Right now, the only thing on my mind is to get back to our little community and get my chance to grab Faith. The woman puts the car window down and slows down, so she can talk to me as I am walking. “Hello there! Have you had car trouble or something? I know most people in these parts, but I don’t remember you. I’m Sadie Wilson, but most people call me Mrs. Sadie or just Sadie.” I see the lady sizing me up the same way I am sizing her up.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Sadie. I’m just passing through, on my way home. My car broke down up this road. I pulled it into a church parking lot and left a note on it, so they wouldn’t have it towed. My dad owns a tow truck, so he can come and pull it home. This morning, I left my phone at my friend’s house, I was in such a big hurry, so I couldn’t call anyone. I’m on my way to Pittsburg to meet my family in town. We live way out on Couch Mountain.” I try to keep my lies as close to the truth as possible. I don’t like lying and I am not experienced at it nor am I good at it. A church parking lot is believable because in this part of the country there is a church every five miles. “Oh, and I am C.C.”

  “Well C.C., Pittsburg is a good forty miles from here and Couch Mountain, about another fifteen miles from there. If you want, I can give you a lift to Pittsburg but from there I’m going to Mt. Pleasant. Just maybe you’ll see some of your family in Pittsburg or I’ll loan you my phone to call them. Out here phone reception is hit and miss. Almost everyone out here has landlines still because of the service issues. There’s a country store right up the road here and I’ll stop and buy us a cold pop if you’ll go in and get them.” We both smile at the same time. Mrs. Sadie is a sweet woman. I know she knows I am lying but she is not going to question me. I like that.

  “Sounds like a plan.” I walk around the car and I hear her unlock the doors. Mrs. Sadie doesn’t trust me completely, but I am hoping she warms up to me. She’s sticking her neck out by giving a stranger a ride. How long can it take to go forty miles? I open the back door and put my duffel bag in the back seat and then move to the front door. I open the door and get seated and as soon as I am inside Mrs. Sadie puts her foot down on the gas and I am thrown back in the seat and I am scrambling to get my seat belt snapped. I look at Mrs. Sadie and she is looking at herself in the rearview mirror. She has it cocked sideways so she can see her face and she is dabbing her lips with a Kleenex. I brace myself with a hand on the door panel. What have I gotten myself into? I might be the one risking my life.

  “I don’t think this color of lipstick works for me. What do you think? The saleslady said it was the popular shade this year. It’s Flentie Beauty. The saleslady said it would light my husband’s fire, but it was more of rolling on the floor laughing.” I look at Mrs. Sadie and notice the purple lipstick she is wearing, but who am I to judge? I’m wearing clothes that don’t even belong to me and none of it matches, in the slightest. Not that I am some fashionista or whatever. Never thought I would ever use that word even just in my thoughts. It makes me smile and relax a little, but I wish the woman would watch where she is driving. Fortunately, there is no traffic around. I was lucky Mrs. Sadie came along.

  “I thought it was just purple.” Mrs. Sadie laughs at me.

  “Lipstick is never just anything. It’s what gets attention to your face instead of your boobs or derriere. It’s like a good pair of heels. It distracts. Now my husband may have been laughing but as soon as I told him if he didn’t want to find out what this lipstick would look like on his dick later then keep laughing and that shut him right up.” My mouth drops open and I cannot believe this sweet woman just dropped that on me. I start to say something, but I stop. I don’t know anything polite to say to that. “Oh girlie, don’t look so shocked. Surely you know what sex is.” Mrs. Sadie starts laughing louder. “I have shocked you. When a woman gets my age, I get to say anything I want to. It’s my welcome to old age, but I say screw that, I am like a fine wine, I become sweeter to the taste with age.” I still don’t know what to say. “Lighten up girlie. You are way too serious.”

  “Alright. The lipstick works for you. It matches your personality.” It’s the only thing I can come up with. This crazy woman has me stunned. I have never heard a woman speak like this before. I see the small store and Mrs. Sadie pulls into the parking area. Mrs. Sadie hands me a twenty-dollar bill.

  “Would you get me a cream soda and some chips? Doesn’t matter what kind, I’m not picky. Get you whatever you like. They have some nice deli sandwiches made up. You should try one, honey, you look a little on the skinny side, but with curves. You don’t want to lose those curves, so you need to feed them. Those curves will land you a good husband. We have to use what we are gifted with.” This woman keeps shocking me with the way she talks. It’s like she has no filter at all. I think I could be friends with this woman once I get used to her straightforwardness.

  “I’ll do just that. I’m not looking for a man to keep but I don’t think there is a woman alive that doesn’t like a little bit of attention as long as it’s the good kind and not the bad.” I take the twenty dollars and put my hand on the door handle.

  “You do have a good head on your shoulders. This should be an
entertaining trip today. Thank goodness, I need the distraction and the second half of this trip is going to be boring except for my surprise.” Mrs. Sadie says with a half laugh. “I’m going to shock my dentist with this beautiful lipstick too. We dated back in high school, but the man still has a tight ass on him and he doesn’t wear his jeans up above his waist yet, I hate that crap along with socks and flip flops and fanny packs. Those are signs that show you have given up. This girl has a lot of living yet to do.” She finally takes a break to breathe. I have never met a woman that talks so much. “Go on girlie. I have a date to put more images in my spank bank.” I look back at Mrs. Sadie.

  “I don’t want to sound like some naïve little girl, but what the heck is a spank bank?” Mrs. Sadie’s smile gets bigger.

  “Oh honey, to only be young again. My Donald and I have been married for thirty-eight years and to say that our martial relation gets slow from time to time is a major understatement. We both have physical limitations. We’re on the more mature side of life. We can’t just screw like bunnies anymore and sometimes a little mental motivation helps, if you know what I mean.” Mrs. Sadie winks at me again and I can feel my face getting red. I am no prude but talking about sex to a stranger, especially a lady that is older than my parents, is not something I am comfortable with. Why did I ask the question?

  “Well then, a cream soda and chips. I’ll get in and out in a flash.” I don’t give her time to say anything else. I take my seat belt off and open the door. I hear her laughter as I walk away from the car and towards the small store. When I open the door, I hear a bell go off. It sounds like a cow bell. I see an elderly man sitting in a chair behind the counter. He looks half asleep. He opens one eye to see who I am but closes it back after he gives me the once over. The place smells clean but everything in here looks old. There is a real wood floor and all the shelves are made of wood and look like they have seen better days. I go to the back of the store looking for the drinks and what I find is three refrigerators. I am confused but I step up and open one. This refrigerator has a few gallons of milk, orange juice, eggs and tea. I close the door back and move to the next refrigerator. I open the door and I see different drinks and I find the one I want and the cream soda for Mrs. Sadie. I shut the door and open the door to the next refrigerator. I find bottles of water and made up sandwiches. I grab one of the sandwiches, it doesn’t matter what kind, I need it, so I have energy to keep moving until I can get to Faith. I hate using someone else’s money, but I just need to swallow my pride and accept the generosity of the sweet woman. She’s a little strange but very kind. This store may be a little old, but I like it. I don’t feel out of place here and it has character. The man up front couldn’t care less if I am dressed in clothes that don’t fit correctly. I don’t feel eyes on me with every move I make. I smile at that thought. Everywhere I have ever gone I have felt watched and ridiculed for how I appear and not for the person I am. My parents always told me that I didn’t fit, not so much in words, but by their actions. My older sister, Hope, was the picture-perfect child. She followed the rules and was friendly to everyone. When the other adults from our community would come and visit, she was the first one welcoming the visitors. She always had a smile on her face and she minded her manners. I on the other hand was more interested in just going outside and playing with the other children. Then when Faith was born, I watched over her because when she was younger she had one illness after another. I just never fit in with the plans my parents had for me. Hope was bequeathed before she was sixteen and married to Sam by eighteen. She joined his other three wives. I knew by then that I would not be following in the example Hope and my mom before her had set. I am brought back from my thoughts when I hear the elderly man at the front clear his voice. He is standing now and is right next to one of those old-fashioned cash registers, it makes me smile. I see the chip display and grab a bag for Mrs. Sadie. I make my way to the front of the store and put everything on the counter. “Good afternoon, sir.”


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