The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 61

by Vera Quinn

  “We have a problem. Faith is missing. Brody and Charity thought she stayed at our clubhouse when they went home. We thought she was at Brody’s house with them. Charity texted her every day and checked in with her and Faith lead her to believe she was here at the clubhouse.” Rebel looks at me. “Faith stopped texting back a few days ago when Charity insisted they needed to go dress shopping for the wedding, which is supposed to be the end of next week. We have searched the clubhouse, and I questioned everyone, and no one remembers seeing Faith since the night before we left the bunker.” Chief is looking at me closely.

  “How the hell does a woman just disappear, and no one notices it? We were supposed to be protecting Faith.” I’m outraged but I catch myself. I need to keep my rage to myself. I have no ties to Faith. I catch Shine with a smirk on his face, until he sees that I see and then Shine’s poker face appears. I’m pissed everyone keeps looking at me. I’m not the one that should be in question.

  “Con, I’m going to tell you this once and only once. You touch Faith a day before she turns eighteen and you will answer to me.” Chief surprises everyone standing in our small circle. “My Baby Girl was young when she got mixed up with the likes of Devil, and I thought she was too young then, and I still do.”

  “What’s it to you? You’re not her blood, but I have no intention of touching Faith at all and you don’t even like those two Connor girls anyway. Every time I heard you talk to either one of them you were a complete asshole to them both.” I give back to Chief. He’s nodding his head back and forth and looks at Shine. Shine smirks at Chief.

  “Give it to him old man or I will.” Shine tells Chief. Shine and Chief haven’t always seen eye to eye, but lately the hostility seems to be gone, and they have formed a friendship. That is the best thing for both the Demented Revengers and the BlackPath MC’s.

  “If you have some great wisdom just give it to me so we can form a plan to find Faith.” I stare Chief down, but he never flinches.

  “You two need to remember why we’re here tonight. Just keep your voices to a quiet roar. Brody should be here soon and then we will see what everyone has come up with. Brody has had some of his investigator associates looking at Faith’s messages.” Rebel gives us all a reminder of why we’re here. We are celebrating the life of Brain. We lost him when he was trying to keep Charity and Faith safe and he lost his life in the attempt. Brain was Chief’s tech guy and brother. The BlackPath MC provided a memorial since his family would not let any of us attend his funeral, but the Demented Revengers wanted to pay Brain respect by celebrating his life.

  “Con, I don’t dislike Faith and Charity. I respect the two sisters because they have a survival instinct that is rare, and they are also loyal to those they care about. I was being hard on the two of them because that is the behavior they respond to the best. They have been conditioned to it, and they needed to listen to stay alive. Being nice isn’t anything they would respond to because they weren’t accustomed to people being nice to them. We didn’t have the time for us to show them we were trustworthy. I used what I had and knew they would respond to, simple as that. I don’t usually explain myself, but I see that Faith has gotten under your skin already.” Chief stopped to size me up or catch a breath. “Just remember eighteen is the magic number and if you were a man with patience, which I know you aren’t, then I would say twenty-one. I think that little hellion might be exactly what you deserve so you can grow some damn patience. Are you feeling me?” I don’t know why anyone here thinks I have no patience. I’m a man of many kinds of patience, just so no one pisses me off or no one is after one of my loved ones. Then I realize what I just thought. Faith Connors is nothing to me.

  “No worries, I’m just worried about the girl. I don’t want to attend another funeral because of this war between the Demented Revengers, and the Hell Keeperz. Faith doesn’t deserve it.” I feel foolish trying to explain. I don’t even understand the situation. I need a damn drink.

  “You made Chief’s point over the last few minutes.” I look at Shine and wonder why he is siding with Chief, he’s my brother.

  “Go ahead Shine and tell me how that is.” I know I am being sarcastic and Shine will call me on it later.

  “You first called Faith a woman but then when you were reminded of her age, you changed it to girl. Faith is under your skin and all Chief is saying is to not step over any lines until she is of age. In other words, keep your dick in your pants, and your hands off. You know it’s the right thing to do.” Shine tells me. I think about what Chief and Shine have told me and even though I am fighting this thing inside myself they’re right. I don’t like being told what to do but I know this is what is best for everyone. So, I say the only thing that comes to me and it’s a little too close to the truth for my likings, but I can’t lie to my brother. I don’t like discussing feelings and sharing my personal thoughts. I have a cock and not a pussy.

  “I don’t know if she is a damn woman or a child, but I know my cock isn’t getting close to her ever. I won’t hand my balls to any female. I’m going to get a drink and salute Brain and then get on my bike and go straight back to Tyler. The only time I will be back is on club business.” I don’t wait for anyone’s reaction. I walk over to Lil and give her a hug, and I see Cap is over close to the bar talking to Cue Ball. I approach the two men and they both turn to look at me. “You two want to help me give a salute to Brain?”

  “Let’s do it the right way.” Cap says. We have buried a few of our brothers since I have been with the Demented Revengers MC, more than I want to think about but we do it the same way every time. Cap walks up to the bar and tells the man behind the bar what we need. He starts yelling at prospects to the bar and handing out trays of alcohol to every biker in the room. This is usually only for Demented Revengers MC members but tonight every member of every club here will be participating, everyone else can look on but we don’t include them, not even prospects. As soon as Cap sees everyone has their shots in front of them he looks to Shine. “Do you want this one Shine?” Cap is trying to show Shine respect for his new place in our club, but I know Shine will not take Cap’s place on this one.

  “It’s all yours.” Shine says so everyone can hear and they all understand the respect Shine is showing Cap, and every man respects him for it including me. Rebel comes towards us and takes Shield’s place. I look at Shine, so he can take my place, but he shakes his head no. He understands this is important to me. I owe Brain for taking care of the Connor sisters. I look at Cap and he stands tall and raises his shot glass.

  “Tonight, we celebrate Brain’s life. It is the Demented Revenger’s custom to give a brother a three-shot salute” Cap looks solemn. He started this tradition and he goes on with the salute. “Life starts with tears mixed with innocence. A brother is born. We salute Brain with the finest Anthem for the life he began. Salute.” Cap downs his shot, and we all do the same. I look at Rebel for his salute is next. Rebel stiffens his back and raises his shot glass in the air.

  “We never know the unknowns of life. A man becomes a brother with the test of loyalty, discipline, and gaining the trust of his family. Only doing this with balls to the wall and for this we salute Brain with the Rock That Bites for the endurance that he showed. Salute.” Rebel raises his shot and we all drink. I step up but look at Shine to make sure he hasn’t changed his mind. Shine just nods his head.

  “Time is something that we never get back and we never know when it’s up. A brother was lost to his family and we all mourn a great brother and friend. We salute Brain with Pappy.” I raise my shot glass and every brother follows my lead. Chief steps up to our circle and he hasn’t taken his shot yet.

  “We’ll miss you brother and we’ll see you on the flip side. Salute.” Chief says and drinks his shot. It’s fitting that Chief has the last say. I put my glass on the bar and turn and leave. If I come back to Quitman, then I need to have my head on straight and I know of only one way to do that.

  Chapter Two


  I have been in a cat and mouse game since I left the armory bunker. I know I wanted to spread my wings and prove to myself that I’m a capable woman like Charity, my sister, but I noticed I had someone or some people following me as soon as I snuck away in the middle of the night. There’s a group following me, but I am not as worried about them as I am the man that is playing a cat and mouse game with me. I know he is never far away, but he never approaches me. How do I know it is a man? It is just a feeling? Even though I am only seventeen, I knew the only way to smoke these people out was if we used someone as a decoy. That had to be me. I have been careful, and I kept in touch with Charity for three days, but I knew it was time to cut my lifeline to Charity and Brody off. I know I shouldn’t worry my sister and her fiancée, or Brody could be her husband by now. The guilt I feel is almost unbearable at times. Charity doesn’t deserve to worry about me. My thoughts are a jumble, and that is a luxury that I can’t afford right now. I know it’s time to find a place to hide and sleep. I would love a hot shower and a bed but that is also something else that can’t happen. I need to stay off the grid. I found a place to hide to get some sleep this afternoon, so I can travel without being detected in the dark of night. It’s an old feed silo right outside of town. The location isn’t the best since I have asthma, but it will have to do. I have my inhaler in case I have an asthma attack. It’s just a chance I will need to take even if it’s foolish. I walked into town to get water and a few things I needed to restock on and I also had to pick up a burner phone and then I found a library, so I could use their Wi-Fi to activate my phone.

  I make my way back to the silo and I crawl into the empty musty place. I hope I covered my tracks, so no one can follow me. I sit on the floor of the silo, and I pull some peanut butter and crackers out of my backpack and my bottle of water. I eat the small meal slowly. I put the wrappers back in my pack and pull out my vitamins and take them. I also pull out my toothbrush and use the last of this bottle of water to brush my teeth. I’m sure to cover up where I spit my toothpaste out of my mouth with the remains of grain on the floor. I get up and walk over to the other side of the silo and sit down and put my backpack under my head, so I can get as comfortable as possible. I know I should be getting the precious sleep I need, but it’s hot, so I take my shirt off, and I’m left in a tank top. I lay back down and my mind wanders.

  I miss Charity, but I know she is safer with Brody. I wonder if Charity and Brody are married by now. They were supposed to be married by the end of the week I left. I wanted to stay, but I knew I needed to use the confusion of everyone leaving the bunker to get away undetected. I hated the thought of missing Charity’s wedding or missing one day of her pregnancy, but this way, Brody and the Demented Revengers MC can concentrate on keeping Charity safe. The last week we were at the armory bunker together every time we were let outside I felt eyes on me. I mean I know the Demented Revengers MC, was watching us to keep us safe, but I felt an evil watching me, and it sent chills down my spine. I couldn’t shake the feeling. That and the fact I couldn’t take my eyes off Con, anytime he was close to me is the reason I put my plan in motion.

  The community where I was raised had leaders that were crazy, my Pop, being the leader. I know Pop isn’t walking this earth anymore, but his legacy lives on by the other men in the community and then there is the matter of the Hell Keeperz MC. They wanted me when Pop traded Charity in my place. I just hope they’re following me and not still watching Charity. I know unless the community is put down completely that neither Charity or I will be safe, and neither will Charity and Brody’s child. The community lets no one escape unless it’s under their terms and they get a big payoff. They want Charity back under their thumbs but for some reason they want me more. I haven’t figured that part out yet. All Pop said was I was trainable, but I don’t think he was telling me the entire truth. I have asthma and even though, I have learned to live with it, it is a weakness. When Pop said trainable, he meant that I could give my husband children and teach the children to dedicate their lives to the community. My asthma made me less pleasing since I could give it to my children and the community only wanted strong healthy children. There was something more and I hope when I get where I’m going that I get the answers I’m looking for and form a more solid plan of how to cut the community off at the knees. I just need to stay one step ahead of the people following me and figure out who they are. I’m going to a home I never knew. It’s the place the community was located when I was conceived. I have been putting together memories I have of stories that were told when I was a small child and bits and piece of things that I overheard when I was a child and then when Charity was gone. The last week I was at the bunker when Charity and I would have time alone I would ask Charity about the things she remembered. Never giving too much away. I just played it off as flashes of memories and Charity would give me information. I was always asking questions as I grew up, so this came to no surprise to Charity I would be asking questions.

  Then I formed my plan. Saltillo is a small community right on the edge of two counties in northeast Texas. It’s a small place with one gas station, post office, and an adult sex toy store. I googled the place and if you blink, you might miss the place except for XXX, yes, the real name of the of the adult store. Not very original but I guess it works to get the message out what it offers to its customers. It has taken me two weeks to get here. I have doubled back and went in circles but always catching glimpses of Hell Keeperz MC cuts or one of the people from the community. I rest during the day and walk at night. I only go into stores when it’s necessary, and I stay off the grid. I cover my tracks, and I have taken these douchebags in circles. The only person I have seen that I know for sure is my Ma. That shook me to my core and I hid. I don’t know why I let her scare me so much, maybe because she married one daughter off for a price, she traded another one off to a motorcycle club to do with as they pleased, and then there is me who she kept feeding drugs to make me have asthma attacks, and she was ready to marry me off for a price. I know my Pop had his hand in it, but I cannot as a woman, even think of not protecting your children. I would die for Charity’s child, so I can’t imagine if it was my own. I just don’t understand it and, I don’t know how she could be a part of it. It’s like a haze lifts in my head and I get the feeling that my Ma had more of a hand in it than any of us has thought. My Ma isn’t a follower except for my Pop, so who is she following now? Or are they following her? I know a lot of the men are dead now, is my Ma the newest threat? I rub my eyes to try to focus on the questions I need answered, but I know I need my sleep. I can’t let myself fall prey to this group again. I can’t keep from yawning. I’m still so very hot, but I’m fighting my sleep to try and figure a few things out in my head. My eyes close and I start to drift but then the image of Con, slips into my head. I will not let that biker consume my thoughts and then my tired body wins and that is the last thought I have before I fade to sleep.

  Chapter Three


  The ride back to Tyler did nothing to calm my nerves and the bad feeling that is nagging me. The scenarios of what could’ve happened to Faith keep playing on a reel through my head, just like a damn movie. I know I am more invested in Faith than I should be. She’s not my concern but I can’t just stand by and let her get hurt either. I park my bike in front of our clubhouse and the place looks deserted. More of the brothers must have been at the Quitman ceremony than I thought. The damn gate was manned by two prospects. I need to talk about that with Shine. The Demented Revengers MC is still at war, we can’t just leave our clubhouse unprotected. I walk into the clubhouse and I see four patched members, but they’re being entertained by Sizzle. Sizzle is one of our newest club girls. She was a stripper at Peek a Boo, one of our strip clubs until she hooked up with Slinger, one of the brothers at the bar enjoying the show. She’s riding that pole like it’s the last cock in fifty miles and she is a bitch in heat. Any other time I would take in the show, but it isn�
��t any other time. I see the rest of the club girls spread around the room. It seems like there are more hanging around these days. I’m not sure I like it. The more strangers around the clubhouse the more chances of us being betrayed.

  I make eye contact with Red and nod my head towards my room. A smile appears on her face. Red is the woman here that is most unlike Faith in any way. Her double Ds, thanks to a boob job, and plump ass are to my liking. The deep red hair, that I’m sure is fake goes along with the fake eyelashes and nails and she is barely wearing clothes. That’s the kind of woman that I’m drawn to, normally. She knows the score and has been around and educated on the way our world works here. She doesn’t have a shy naïve bone in her body. Not that I hold it against her or any of the club girls. Everyone serves their purpose and Red has done her due diligence in servicing me many times, along with many of the brothers. Red is my plan to get my mind off Faith, but club business comes first. We need to protect our family always. I turn back toward the bar.

  “Slinger go stand guard at the front gate. We don’t leave prospects to guard the gate alone. Lantern you take one of the prospects and walk the perimeter and leave the other one with Slinger. Are there any other prospects here beside the one behind the bar?” I wait for the brothers to look at me and nothing. Sizzle is eying me with a smile on her face. There has been a problem ever since Cap stepped down as President of the mother chapter of the Demented Revengers. The brothers have always known Shine would be our President when Cap stood down, but for some reason the older members still don’t look at me as Vice President. I know to keep this position that I need to earn their respect, but what I won’t tolerate is disrespect, and this is blatant disrespect. I look at the old jukebox in the corner that we always get our music from. We’ve had it worked on more than a dozen times in the last year but like Cap, it’s part of the club and always will be. I don’t think another minute I take my 9mm out from its holster and I fill the jukebox with bullets until it quits playing. I’ll have to fix that or get my ass handed to me by Cap and Shine. Every eye in the place is on me. I eject the clip and replace it with one of my spares. Never taking my eyes off the men at the bar. “I said to move and that means now. I will no longer take any disrespect from anyone of you and this is the last time that I will repeat myself and we will be talking about this in the morning.” Each of the brothers is trying to measure my determination. I’m the jokester of the club, but this is damn serious. Our clubhouse has been attacked twice in the last two years, and the clubhouse in Quitman has been attacked too. If we want to come out of this war alive then we all need to take our jobs seriously. Slinger is the first one up on his feet and Sizzle has gotten herself down from the bar top. I have half a mind to take Sizzle in my bed with Red. It’s not like Slinger would object except for the part where he doesn’t get to watch. Sizzle and Slinger aren’t exclusive and half the time Slinger, acts like he doesn’t even like the female except she is down for anything and that includes to let Slinger watch while she fucks any of the brothers or two or three.


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