Immortal Rapture: Immortal Heart

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Immortal Rapture: Immortal Heart Page 18

by Magen McMinimy

  “How’d it go?” Alistair asked, lifting his gaze from the book in his lap.

  “It was a war zone… Makyle was there.”

  “Impossible,” Zarek boomed. “We would have sensed him.”

  “Be that as it may, he’s back in the Middle World. I would recognize his magic anywhere.”

  Alistair furrowed his brows. “Then he has found a way to cloak himself… Isabelle perhaps.”

  “I knew it was a mistake giving that human our immortality,” Zarek groaned.

  “But she isn’t human… never really was. A changeling obviously interfered with her line generations ago.”

  “I suppose so. It matters not… If Makyle is back in the Middle World, then so is the child.”

  Josiah sighed. “The child is likely with his father. I believe we need to leave him be… We can watch and if he becomes an issue, we can step in then.”

  Zarek narrowed his eyes on Josiah, but Alistair spoke up. “He’s right, Zarek. The battle over the child has cost us enough.”

  “What exactly has it cost us?”

  “I know emotions are not part of our design, and still I can see that this situation has cost us our sisters and our brother.”

  Zarek huffed. “The Fae have weakened us, but I have no desire to argue this issue with the two of you. I will agree to let the child be for now… but Makyle must be punished for turning his back on us.”

  Josiah and Alistair both dipped their chins in agreement. Though neither knew what form of punishment was befitting a betrayal such as Makyle’s.

  “We will make our way to the Light castle at dawn and collect Makyle. We will also lay out the rules of the child… As long as they keep control of his powers, we will leave him to be raised by his father.”

  “Fine,” Josiah agreed. “I will see you both at dawn.”


  The group landed and rushed through the castle’s entrance where they were met by Kat and Juliette.

  “Thank you,” Kat breathed as she rushed Kale, slamming her lips to his. “My boy okay?” she asked.

  Kale grinned. “I’m fine, Kitten. We all are.”

  “Good, Holly is trying to heal Marie up in Uriah’s room. I think she might need some help.”

  Izzy and Bain exchanged uneasy glances.

  “What’s the matter?”

  They lifted their hands in the air, showing off the iron cuff bracelets they were sporting.

  Kat bit her lip. “I recognize that.”

  Kale took Izzy’s hand, turning it to inspect the lock and spring. “I got this.” He pulled a small pin from his pocket and began to pick the lock.

  “Seriously?” Bain chuckled. “Are you really trying to pick the lock?”

  The bracelet sprung open and hit the marble floor below.

  Izzy laughed. “Are you really surprised that Kale can pick a lock? ’Cause I’m not.”

  Kale grinned and picked Bain’s lock. Bain and Izzy rushed up the stairs to see to Marie, while the others dispersed to their separate corners of the castle. They were all exhausted and pleased by the outcome of the night. They had rescued two of their own and hadn’t lost a single member in the process.

  Izzy knocked lightly on Uriah’s door, only entering after he called for them to come in. Holly lifted her gaze to Bain. “I just can’t heal others.”

  “I got it.” Izzy smiled and moved to sit next to Marie, who was wearing one of Uriah’s t-shirts and a pair of shorts. Izzy cupped Marie’s face and began chanting, calling on the spell she’d used to heal Uriah. Marie let out a deep breath as the bruises and welts began to disappear from her bare legs.

  Holly smiled as she watched Izzy heal her sister. Walking to Bain, she wrapped her arms around him to squeeze him tight. No one spoke as the room filled with magic, and a calming balm fell over all within the four walls. Izzy leaned forward and kissed Marie’s forehead.

  “I love you, little sister.”

  Marie smiled. “I love you too.”

  Izzy nodded and stood. “Get some rest, I’ll check on you in the morning.”

  “Thank you, Iz.”

  Marie said goodnight and waited for the room to clear of everybody but Uriah. He sat next to her, but silence fell.

  “Don’t do this.”

  He lifted is gaze to hers. “Do what?”

  “Don’t let guilt eat at you, because I swear to God, Uriah, I will kick your ass. This was not your fault, and I am not a wilting flower. He didn’t do anything to me. He only had his servants beat us. I’m healed now, but I’m tired. And all I want is to see Makiah and then curl up in bed with you. Got it?”

  Uriah couldn’t help but smile at her. “I love you.”

  She grinned at him. “Damn right you do. Now go pry Makiah from whoever has him and get your ass back here so we can get some sleep.”

  Uriah kissed her deeply before pulling back and slipping out the door in search of his son.

  Marie sighed and moved to the bed. Pulling the covers back, she crawled under the thick fabric, only to sit back up a couple of seconds later as Uriah entered the room with a sleepy Makiah in his arms. He handed the baby to her, then changed and slid into bed next to her. He leaned in and peered over at his son as he blinked slowly, but kept his gaze locked on Marie.

  With a final blink, Makiah fell into a deep sleep. Marie looked from him to Uriah. “No matter how crappy any given day may seem , if it ends like this , it will always be a perfect day for me.”

  Uriah pressed his forehead to hers. “I couldn’t agree more, little nymph.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Makyle woke to the press of magic. Rising from the bed, he made his way to the window and pulled back the thick drapes. He dipped his chin at the three black figures silhouetted by the rising sun. Turning from the window, he dressed quickly and made his way through the silent halls of the Light Fae castle. He would miss calling this place home. He knew it was fleeting, but in the short time spent in the company of the Light Fae, he felt more complete than he had in all the centuries spent in the Underworld.

  Pushing through the castle doors, Makyle stopped in front of his brothers.


  Alistair sighed. “You’ve made a real mess, Makyle.”

  Makyle smiled. “I did what I had to.”

  “You see no wrong in what you’ve done? Still so arrogant that you can’t admit that you made an egregious error?” Zarek nearly growled.

  Makyle narrowed his eyes. “You and I both know what this is really about, Zarek.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Envy. Yet another emotion you pretend doesn’t affect you. We all know that I am different.”

  “Different? No Makyle, you think you are better than us,” Zarek snarled.

  “Enough,” Josiah boomed. “It makes no difference. We were all slated to rule the Underworld together, to decide together… You have been making decisions on your own for some time now, starting with the human Isabelle. We’ve let it slide because mostly the decisions have not weighed or affected us. The decision to take Jelena and the child was not yours to make. You knew that we believed as a collective that he belonged in the Underworld.”

  “And you were wrong.”

  “That’s what is comes down to.” Alistair sighed. “You believe us to be wrong all too often. That’s what makes you different… You see even our roles differently than we do.”

  Makyle sighed. It was true, he saw everything differently now… Maybe he had for a long while.

  “So what now?”

  “Where is Uriah?” Zarek asked.

  Makyle narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

  “Because we know the child is with him and a conversation is in order.”

  “The child is off limits. I will fight, I will die, and I will likely take at least one of you with me, if you don’t leave him be.”

  Zarek snarled. “Get the warrior; I am done playing games with you.”

  Alistair stepped forward. “Stop this. M
akyle, we are not planning to take the child. But there are rules to his staying in the Middle World. Get Uriah, he needs to understand those rules so we aren’t forced to return for him.”

  “You can relay the message to me, and I will deliver it… I will not bring him to you, and you will not set foot in that castle.”

  They all seemed to sigh at the stubborn nature of their unruly brother. However, they laid out what was expected of the warriors and what they expected of the child.

  “Wait here and I will go speak with Uriah. In case any of you were wondering, your nephews name is Makiah.”

  Zarek nearly rolled his eyes; the child’s name didn’t truly matter. “And Makyle,” he called after his brother as he headed into the castle. “This is all contingent upon you returning with us.”

  “Yes, I figured as much.”


  Uriah woke to a light rap against his door. With a groan, he reluctantly slipped out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans. He opened his door to see Makyle standing before him. Uriah brows furrowed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Makyle shook his head. “Can you step out here so I can have word?”

  Uriah glanced back to Marie snuggled in bed with Makiah next to her, before stepping out and closing the door quietly.

  “What’s up?”

  “My brothers are here.”

  Uriah felt panic suffuse him.

  “Don’t, they aren’t here for Makiah. They’re here for me, but they do have a message for you.”

  Uriah arched a brow. “What is it?”

  “They will leave Makiah in your care… Yes, I know, very thoughtful of them. As long as you monitor and control the gifts he gains. Raise him right, keep him in line, and you won’t have to deal with my brothers ever again.”

  Uriah blew out a heavy breath. “They are threatening me with the one thing every parent fears.”

  Makyle clasped Uriah’s shoulder. “You can do this.”

  Uriah nodded. “Not alone, but with Marie and my family, Makiah will grow to be a good man.”

  Makyle smiled and nodded. Uriah studied him briefly, his eyes widening with understanding.

  “They’re taking you… We will fight for you.”

  Makyle shook his head. “No, you will not. Part of the deal hinges on me leaving with them. All you need to do now is go back in that room and take care of those within it… And when Izzy wakes up, you make sure to let her know that I expect her to be strong and remind her that I… I love her.”

  Uriah sighed, but nodded. He watched Makyle turn and disappear down the hall before returning to his room. Sliding back into bed, he watched Marie sleep. She stirred slightly as Makiah kicked and his arms stretched out above him.

  Marie peered through cracked lids. “He did good, slept most the night.”

  Uriah nodded. “Yes, he did.”

  “Why are you awake?” she asked sleepily.

  Uriah leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Makyle stopped by… he had a message for me.”

  “Oh yeah? What was it?”

  “His brothers are no longer after Makiah.”

  Her lids flew open, gracing him with the full sight of her beautiful, tanzanite eyes. “Are you serious? That’s fantastic.”

  Uriah nodded and smiled sadly.

  “What’s wrong?”

  With a sigh, Uriah explained the price of Makiah’s freedom. “He gave himself up.”

  Marie bit her lip. “I wish there had been something we could have done, but Makyle knew there was going to be consequences from the very beginning. Still, he did what he believed to be right. Try not to feel guilt over this. I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of him.”

  Uriah kissed her softly. “I couldn’t do this without you, you know that right?”

  “Mmm, you bet I do.”


  Samira woke from yet another nightmare. Pulling back her sheets and lifting up her shirt, she peered at the welt forming on her hip. With a heavy sigh, she gingerly rose from her bed and headed into the bathroom. Flipping on the light, she pulled her shirt over her head and turned her back to the mirror. Twisting, she looked over her shoulder at the bruises that had formed all over her back.

  It wasn’t just the physical manifestation of the dreams that was eating away at her… it was the one being beaten in the dreamscape. Ever since Makyle’s blood touched her tongue, she’d been having dreams of him. With a groan , she made her way to her dresser. Pulling out a loose sweater and a pair of jeans, she carefully dressed herself and slipped on a pair of flip-flops. Reaching for the black business card on her nightstand, she grabbed her phone and dialed the number written in block letters.

  “Uriah? It’s Samira.”

  “Samira, are you okay?”

  She sighed, reached for her purse, and headed down the stairs. “Can you meet me at Desert Oasis?”

  “Of course, is everything all right?”

  “I’m not sure.”


  Marie shifted in bed to look at Uriah as he pulled a pair of black cargos on and reached for a black thermal. “That looks like work clothing.”

  He bent over and kissed her forehead. “It is.”

  “Who was on the phone?” she asked, sitting up in bed and reaching for the lamp on her nightstand.

  “Samira, she needs to see me.”

  Marie’s brows furrowed. “Is she okay?”

  Uriah shook his head. “I’m not sure, but I’ll be back soon and fill you in.”

  She smiled and nodded. “You want me to come with you? I’m sure Izzy will take Makiah.”

  “No, stay and sleep.”

  He kissed her tenderly, flipped off her lamp, and slipped from the room.

  Once through the portal, it didn’t take long for Uriah to spot the fiery hair of the former genie. With it pulled back in ponytail, he instantly noticed bruises on her fair-skinned neck.

  Uriah took the seat next to her on the plush leather couch in the lobby of the resort.

  “What the hell happened to you?”

  She sighed. “I don’t know… Every time I fall asleep, I dream and wake up with bruises. Where is Makyle?”

  Uriah shook his head. “He left with his brothers over a week ago.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Around the time the dreams started.”

  Uriah shook his head. “What’s going on?”

  “I think he’s reaching out to me in my dreams. Wherever he is, they’re torturing him.”

  “How do you know?”

  She laughed sardonically. “Because, I see it when I sleep, and I wake with the marks of his punishment.”

  “Fuck,” Uriah breathed. “Come on,” he said, standing and taking her elbow to help her up. He led her to the portal and back to the Middle World. For the first time in many, many years, Samira’s feet hit the soil of her homeland.


  Makyle hung from the barbed straps that had held him captive for the past week. The lowest levels of the Underworld were the last place he expected to find himself. His brothers had come up with an interesting punishment. Two days in each level at the mercy of those who dwelled within it.

  Lifting his head, he peered at the massive ogre who stood before him, a meaty fist once again swinging at his face. Closing his eyes, Makyle called on the faces of the people who calmed him. Visions of those who gave him the strength to survive. Every time he wished for death, golden eyes and fiery red hair reminded him that what resided beyond this domain was worth fighting for. When it wasn’t the golden eyes of his infuriating genie, it was the spitfire, sapphire gaze of his little Izzy or, and this one pained his heart, it was steel and jade mismatched eyes. He would survive to see each of them again.

  With a final crack to his face, everything went black and the pain washed away.

  “Makyle, this is not where I expected you to end up… not the destiny I wove.”

  Makyle’s eyes opened to the bright, flowing white figure of Lachesis. �
��Lachesis, what’s going on?”

  “Oh, you, my boy, are knocked out. It seemed the perfect time to come see you.”

  “You are going to twist my one moment of relief with your game of words.”

  Lachesis grunted. “Everyone likes to ruin my fun.”

  “I don’t have time for your fun. I just want quiet.”

  “Fine then, I will be quick. She will soon know, and they will come. Make sure you collect the blood of a Valkyrie before they take you from the Underworld. Your Izzy is the key to getting it to your sisters. Jelena will know what to do.”

  “Cryptic,” Makyle grumbled. “Why am I doing this?”

  “Because one more destiny must be restored.” With a wink and a smile, Lachesis faded out, leaving Makyle with a chain and vial hanging from his neck. He sighed and tucked it under his tattered shirt.

  Also By the Author

  I hope you enjoyed this book! If so please consider posting a review, it’s a great way to help others find a good book to enjoy!


  Half-Blood Princess

  Blood Claim: Book 1

  Resurrection Stone: Book2

  Shadowed Memories: Book3

  Dark Soul: Book 4

  Echo’s of Silence—Abel’s Slayers: Half-Blood Princess Book 5

  A Witch’s Mark—The Guardians: Half-Blood Princess Book 6

  Bound By Destiny—the Guardians Part 2: Half-Blood Princess Book 7

  Last Surrender: Book 8

  North American Pack

  Primal Hunger

  Primal Calling

  Immortal Heart

  Immortal Blood: Book 1

  Immortal Craving: Book 2

  Immortal Promise: Book 3

  Keep an eye out for the rest of the Brothers stories!


  © 2013 by Magen McMinimy

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


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