'Tis the Season: A Collection of Mimi's Christmas Books

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'Tis the Season: A Collection of Mimi's Christmas Books Page 44

by Mimi Barbour

  “You’re blushing. The devil must have gotten into your personal things.”

  “Yep! And that’s all I want to say on this subject. It’ll teach me to zip up my belongings.”

  Laughing, Jesse stood and wandered over to the entertainment center and turned on some music. With only the Christmas lights on, the room had a sensuous glow. Add the soft music and Belle began to feel tension building inside. What’s he up to?

  Jesse picked up the bottle, topped his own glass and approached hers. “More?”

  “Sure.” By now her body’s trembling made speaking difficult. Sipping more wine to try and lighten up, Belle watched him move. Not a good idea if she wanted to remain cool.

  “Have you talked to Kim today?” A change of subject seemed appropriate for someone whose insides were flying around like seagulls en mass taking off in the airstreams.

  “Yeah. She sent you and Layla her love.” Jesse stopped moving and stared at her pointedly as he continued. “And she hoped things were working out between us.”

  “And? What did you tell her?”

  “That I enjoyed having you girls live here and I’d be an idiot if I let you leave.” He strode toward her, his hand reaching. “Dance with me.” Husky, inviting, his voice lured her on.

  Without any conscious intention, she replaced her wineglass on the table, stepped into his waiting arms and was lost.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  As they swayed, steps matching perfectly, the radio played songs from the past. Jesse happily surrendered himself to Belle’s warm embrace. The scent of her perfumed hair brought his body temperature up and his resistance low. She was the sweetest thing he’d held in a long, long… long time.

  The arm she placed around his neck was close to his lips. Temptation such as he’d never known before attacked brutally. Not wanting to fight the feeling, he kissed her skin softly and waited for her to reject his advance. She didn’t.

  Instead, she sighed and arched closer. Without any hesitation, Jesse let her hand go and wrapped both arms around her body which was now glued to his. Bending his height over her, he nuzzled her neck and she twisted, giving him better access. Then he trailed his hand up and down her back as the music carried them to heaven.

  Never before had he… His eyes flew open. A song began to play, an old Elvis song he’d heard years ago at another dance—another time. Memories instantly flooded. He remembered feeling this same kind of aching love just before he’d had his heart ripped to shreds.

  Mari’s name clanged in his head but he wouldn’t make that mistake twice of saying it aloud. Face it, the girl he’d held in his arms back then hadn’t been the same as this woman who held him enthralled now. As deeply as he’d loved his teenage sweetheart, she’d left and broken his heart. And as much as he’d mourned her, she’d never returned.

  Even without Kim’s nagging, Jesse had accepted the need had come to move on. His brain had known it for some time. Guess he’d just waited for the right girl to make it worthwhile to cut those strong ties.

  Suddenly, Belle shifted, started to pull away, and he realized he’d come to a full stop and hadn’t said anything. He scooped her close again, whispered her name and heard a distinct sobbing moan.

  “Oh, Jesse.”

  “Belle, I want to kiss you so bad, baby. Let me.”

  She turned her head, her action the permission he’d longed for. He dove in to taste and lick while his hands wandered her back, her hips and the cutest butt he’d ever been fortunate enough to have at his mercy.

  Whimpers of enjoyment let him know she liked his advances. Being encouraged, he again moved his attention to her neck where his lips played tribute to every inch of her incredibly soft skin.

  “Jesse, I love how you make me feel.”

  In a voice unlike his usual sound—husky almost rough, he asked. “How do I make you feel?”

  “Like a woman.” She placed a tender kiss on his lips and gazed into his eyes so he could see her hunger and her truth. “You make me feel like a woman. And it’s been such a long time since… No. That’s a lie. I’ve never felt this way.”

  Her words travelled deep inside to a place in Jesse’s soul. A warm, loving place where she now ruled.

  Jesse growled his pleasure because words wouldn’t form. He picked her up, waited for her legs to circle his waist and carried her to his bedroom. On the way, her lips tackled his, letting him know she liked this direction, promising him a night of intense delight. Carefully, he maneuvered them to the bed and with their mouths glued in passion, he followed her down.

  Belle’s hands quickly worked at the buttons on his shirt so he could remove the article. He stopped her from taking off her own silky blouse. Her haste delighted him, making him chuckle.

  “Honey, let me,” Jesse said. While she watched, he undid one button, kissed the skin hello and moved on down till he reached that last one at her waist. Once she lay open to him, he leaned back to look at her breasts snuggled inside a pretty lace bra. Hardened nipples poked at the material as if seeking freedom. And he intended to grant their request.

  “Baby, you’re beautiful. God! Such soft skin.” Hands trembling with need, he searched and released the back snap and then gathered the soft mounds tenderly.

  His lips began loving her, his tongue licking, his lips kissing until her squirming made him remember the rest of her writhing body.

  Arcing upward, Belle thrust her sensitive, pulsating body against the hardness in his jeans, and Jesse couldn’t stop from grinding downward. Belle’s moans of joy in this ploy convinced him she wanted more, a lot more. How a guy was supposed to prove his worth as a considerate lover in these circumstances, he couldn’t fathom. Going slow was killing him and obviously not what Belle wanted either.

  He snaked his hand toward her jeans, undid them and eased his way inside. Holy hell! The woman was soaking wet. Fantastically dripping wet! Hot and drenched and ready.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Belle loved that Jesse took his time for foreplay. Regrettably, in her estimation he’d worked his way up to sixplay by now, and she couldn’t stand it much longer.

  Over two years had passed since she’d been in a man’s arms, kissed and caressed, and her ravenous body wanted none of the gentle loving that Jesse so reverently showered her with.

  Healthy and very needy, she wanted it hard and fast. The orgasm that hovered just on the brink, close but not quite, was one she was quite frantic to reach.

  Since he’d taken her further in her chance to attain a real climax than she’d ever been before, it was desperation that drove her on to being bold.

  Gasping, breath choppy, interwoven with whimpers and moans, she begged. “Please Jesse. Now! Please!”

  As if he heard the plea, he reached for her wetness and drove his finger inside. Her body enfolded the intruder lovingly and the crest inched even closer.

  Now totally frantic, she pushed against him so she had sufficient room to remove her jeans and was exultant to see him doing the same. He seemed to have greater difficulty so she finished first and lay back to watch the big man disrobe clumsily, endearingly clumsy.

  In his haste, he’d gotten his jeans twisted and had some difficulty straightening them. Hearing his sighs of disgust made her grin and feel delight that he wanted her so badly that he couldn’t control his frenzy while stripping off his clothes.

  A chuckle must have broken loose because when he stood naked before her, his incredible male physique aroused, he shook his head teasingly and said. “You think it’s funny that I can barely stand or think coherently for wanting to be inside you?”

  Oh my lord! Belle melted. “Come here, Babe.” Her arms rose invitingly. She wanted him buried so deep that she could finally wave goodbye to the loneliness that had been her constant companion for far too long.

  Breathless, she welcomed him back, consumed by the emotions he’d built so passionately. His kisses were the means by which to taste him, to feel his need. As he drew her breath fr
om her body using the seduction of his lips she gave up all sense of restraint.

  Straddling her, he entered slowly at first. Then he moved with increasing fervor. She wrapped her legs around him and held on for the ride. Sweet pulsations began to form, threatening release. Stronger and stronger until she became so aroused that the sweat poured from her skin. Stimulated beyond bearing, she whimpered.

  Unable to stop herself, Belle urged Jesse on and he followed her lead at once, his groan of contentment proof that he loved the way she moved.

  All the while he thrust into her willing body, his hands held her face. His mouth travelled from her cheeks to her lips and then to the sweet spot on her neck that guaranteed a reaction.

  As if he couldn’t help himself, he shifted to stare deep into her eyes. Without a doubt, she knew he could see into her hungry soul. For the first time in her life, she left the way open and let another in.

  Belle reached her release first and the contractions of her body ensured that Jesse didn’t last much longer before he pulsated with satisfaction also.

  Her sighing moans of pleasure were lost in Jesse’s groan of delight. His body mashed against hers one last time and then he lowered himself over her and muttered words that made her smile happily—words she’d never forget.

  “Sweet Jesus. That was the best.”

  Chapter Twenty-six

  The night passed in cuddles, laughter, another round of lovemaking and finally sleep. When Belle woke early to realize Jesse still held her tightly, she wiggled her way from the warmth of his arms and crept to her own room. After slipping on her pajama shorts and short t-shirt, she crawled in next to a still sleeping Yaya.

  Wide awake now, she recalled the night before. Details flooded, bringing with them an aching need to go back to Jesse and let him appease her returning desire.

  Smiling, she had no doubt he’d be more than happy to look after her predicament. The man had an insatiable appetite that delighted her. Tingles flared in her stomach. Without thinking, she rubbed the soft skin and thought of how much it had delighted him when his calloused carpenter hands had stroked her so gently.

  “Mommy, I’m hungwy.” Yaya had her timing down perfectly.

  “So am I, little girl. So am I.” When Belle giggled, Yaya crawled over her so that she lay on top like a warm wriggly blanket. Holding both Belle’s cheeks in her tiny hands, she kissed Belle good morning and then nestled her face under her mother’s neck.

  “Mama, do we have-ta go back home today? I’ll weally miss Jesse.”

  “I think we should, button, but why don’t we have our breakfast first and make our decision later? We’ll see what Jesse has to say. Okay?”

  Tumbling off her mother in a hurry to get to her hero, Yaya yelled, “Goodie! I can stay, Jesse.”

  “Hold it, young lady. That’s not what mama said. Get back here. We have to wash and brush before we go running around.”

  Chastised but not defeated, Yaya bounced through her morning preparations and scooted out into the kitchen ahead of Belle.

  For some reason shyness descended, clinging to her like a tampered-with spiders web.

  She made the bed, fiddled in the room and redid her makeup to match the blouse she changed twice. Finally, fluffing her hair and swallowing her reserve, she made her way down the hall to the open doorway of the kitchen. She watched Jesse who had Yaya giggling and counting her colored cheerios, a game he’d instigated, and that she loved to play.

  As if he sensed her there, Jesse looked up and his smile widened. Soft lustful glints shot spark through the grey eyes that lured her to him, enticing her to walk into the arms he’d opened.

  She sent him a loving smile and gave her head a slight shake, sending him a message that all lovers instinctively understand. Not yet. Let’s play this slow.

  Chagrined, his smile fading slightly, he rubbed his hands on over his thighs, sat down and then leaned his elbows on the table. “Good morning, Belle.” His words were innocent, but Holy Hell, his tone sent shivers zipping all over her body while her breasts instantly stood to attention. The big jerk knew exactly what he did to her; his delighted grin was proof enough.

  Adding a pronounced wiggle to her stride, she entered, smiled her adoration and when he shifted in his chair and covered his groin, she experienced a wave of delight. Aha! Two can play the same game.

  Layla, obviously sensing the adults’ attention had wandered away from her, broke into the silence. “Mama, what are we going to do today?”

  Turning away from the temptation to go over and plunk herself down on Jesse’s knee, Belle retrieved her fruit salad and some yogurt from the fridge and joined them. Once she’d sat down, Jesse’s hand reached for hers under the table and the world promptly became wonderful.

  The big guy waited for her to speak, an invitation in his eyes that she couldn’t ignore. “I think Jesse wants us to spend the day with him.”

  When Yaya let out a shout of approval, Belle interrupted. “But first, we must go home. I haven’t checked my e-mails for some time and there could be messages. Then I need to wash some clothes and tidy the place. Once we have our chores finished, we can play. Okay?”

  Jesse hesitated before he agreed and Belle knew something was coming. Something she’d have to deal with carefully.

  First he cleared his throat and then he spoke, his voice gentle. “I have to go and pick up my cell phone at Phil’s office and I wondered if I might take Layla with me for the ride. It’ll give you time alone to get the work done that you want to do.”

  Okay, now this was a big deal. Could Belle let Yaya out of her sight so soon? Should she?

  Yaya clapped her hands, gleefully adding, “Mama. Can I go with Jesse? Please? I’ll be a good girl.”

  Belle looked from one begging face to the other. Yaya’s lit with innocence. Jesse, not too stupid, knew her struggle. He’d asked for her trust and they both knew if they were to have a future it was a line that eventually needed to be crossed.

  Taking her time, she realized that the thought of Jesse looking after her most precious beloved didn’t frighten her. Since her baby had been snatched from under her very nose, a horrible bubble of fear and distrust had begun to form inside like a cancerous growth. But picturing her baby with this man made it dissipate. It would be fine. She trusted him.

  “Sure. Yaya would love to go with you.”

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Sometime later, driving with Layla firmly ensconced in the truck’s back seat in her car chair, Jesse enjoyed her performance. The little munchkin only knew a few lines of a nursery rhyme, and so she sang it over and over.

  Once again, he checked the rear-view mirror and watched her for a second as she held her baby doll in her arms, rocked it back and forth and serenaded.

  While she kept herself amused, he revisited the important conversation with Belle that had allowed Layla to be with him this morning. When he’d asked permission to bring her with him, he’d known it would be a test.

  The day before, shopping at the mall and taking in the movie, not for one second had Belle let Layla out of her sight. She’d either held her in her arms or they’d clasped hands. Once, when the little girl had stepped away to get Jesse’s attention, agitated, Belle had raised her voice to chastise her. “Don’t let go of Mommy. You have to hold my hand all the time.”

  Being a happy little soul, Layla shrugged and said, “Sowwy, Mama. I’ll be careful.”

  Mollified, Belle had seen him watching and she’d sent him an apologetic look. He’d smiled at her, knowing her fear had nothing to do with him and everything to do with the nightmare she’d suffered the day before. One thing he’d figured out by her behavior, if they were to have any kind of a relationship, Jesse had to know she trusted him with Layla.

  When it came time for her to sneak away and get Layla’s baby doll, he could see the anxious way she acted. Finally, he offered to get the present and hide it in the truck then meet the other two in front of the movie in twenty minutes. P
assing over sufficient money, she’d blessed him with her eyes and smiled her relief.

  The singing from the back had stopped and the sudden silence caught his attention. Once again he checked the rear-view and he cleared his throat softly, rather than letting the hovering laugh erupt.

  Stopped at a red light, the vehicle next to him had a small boy sitting by the back-door window closest to his truck. The shenanigans of the two children, keeping themselves amused, delighted him. In the naughty way of kids everywhere, Layla, tired of serenading, was now making faces at the kid in the car next to them. Sure enough, Jesse could just make out the grinning boy’s cheeky tongue sticking out also.

  If his heart hadn’t already opened a special niche for this precious kid, he knew that every minute they spent together she was becoming far too important. As it was, he couldn’t imagine her not being a part of his life—her and her mother.

  “Jesse, can we buy my mommy a Christmas pwesent? Like we talked about yesterday?”

  “Sure, sweetheart. I’ve asked my friend, Phil, to bring my phone outside to the car so we won’t have to get out or find a parking spot. Then we can go to a store and you can find your mom something nice, okay?”

  “Okay! How come Mr. Phil has your phone?”

  “I dropped it yesterday at your uncle’s place when I went to pick you up.”

  “Oh.” The silence lengthened and Jesse thought she’d been satisfied. He should have known the little chatterbox had more to say. “Is Uncle Jack sick, Jesse?”

  “What makes you ask that? Did he act sick when you were with him?”

  “He cwied when I said I wanted to go home to you and Mommy. I felt sowwy for him so I told him I’d stay with him a bit longer.”

  “Did he scare you?”

  Again she took her time to answer. Finally in a timid voice she said, “No. He didn’t scare me. He looks like my daddy’s picture. So I knew he liked me.”


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