Mine on Christmas

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Mine on Christmas Page 15

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Yes, I think you’re right,” I said excitedly.

  I grabbed each of her legs and put them over my shoulders as I dove into her delicious body. It was a perfect position. I’d never thought of it before, never imagined it as a position that would work but there she was. Her body exactly at the height of my head and I could tease and please her as if I was carrying her around in front of my face.

  All I knew was that we were definitely going to be coming out to the pool house more often and using these bunk beds. She grabbed my head and wrapped her legs tight around me as I devoured her. The angle gave her leverage to push her heels into me as she thrust her hips and soon she was screaming out in excitement.

  “Hold on,” I ordered as I grabbed her ass and held her in front of my face as we walked to the other room. I had to let her slide down my chest a little so I could see where we were going and I felt her dripping cum down my chest. It was a new feeling and one that I would eagerly like to feel again very soon.

  “Oh my gosh, I’m going to slide off of you,” she said and held on tight to me.

  “You’re slippery, I like that.”

  “I’m dripping all over you.”

  “I like that too,” I groaned as I set her down on the bed in the other room. “It means that I’m doing something right. If you weren’t dripping wet then I would think I was doing something terribly wrong.”

  Oh, how I loved her wetness. The sweet taste of her body fueled me and I wanted more and more of it. I couldn’t get enough and dove right back into licking her as soon as she was on the bed.

  Her moans powered me. They fueled me to go more and more. The louder she got, the more energy I had. The harder she held onto me, the more I wanted to make her scream. Making love to Niki was amazing and I was on a high of energy every time we were together.

  “Come here, I want you inside of me,” she said sweetly as I looked up from between her legs.

  There was no way I was denying her what she wanted. That smile, that sweet voice, I would have given her anything she wanted at that moment.

  I grabbed the condom from my back pocket and put my phone on the table next to the bed. As I was about to open the condom I looked back at the phone and saw that I had eight missed calls. It seemed really weird that I would have so many missed calls. It was late in the evening and normally once business hours were over there weren’t too many important things that were going on.

  “I’m sorry, I need to see what’s going on,” I said as I grabbed my phone.

  I returned Matthew’s call while I continued to take my pants off and open the condom. Whatever was going on, it wasn’t about to stop me from making love to Niki. I could touch base with him and then I was getting right back to the job I had in front of me; the task of making her legs shake from orgasms.

  “It’s fine,” she said and grabbed a blanket from the bed to wrap around herself as she moved up to where the pillows were.

  “Hey, Matt. What’s going on?”

  Matthew told me that the Japan deal we were working on looked like it was going to fall through. The company was getting cold feet and really needed me over there to smooth things over. But we were a week away from Christmas and I couldn’t just take off and leave my kids, or Niki.

  By the time I hung up the phone with Matthew I was flustered. I hated to lose such an important deal, but there was no way I was going to leave this close to Christmas.

  “What’s going on?” Niki asked as she sat up in bed and motioned for me to come get under the blanket with her.

  “A deal is falling through. I should go to Japan and try and save it, but I can’t leave the kids this close to Christmas and Samantha is busy with her family.”

  “I could stay with them. I mean, I’m not a parent or anything like that but if they were okay with it, I’d be happy to stay. Aren’t they out of school soon?”

  “Yes, they just have two days left and then they are off until the first of the year. I don’t know. It seems weird for me to ask you to stay. All your business is in town.”

  “I have a ton of work that still needs to be done on the party and I will need to go into town a lot. But I’ll be here every night. I’ll make sure they get fed and I’ll make sure they are safe. Plus, you didn’t ask me, I volunteered.”

  I really did need to go and close this deal. It was important to our company and necessary for so many other things we had coming down the line.

  “Okay, I’m considering it. Let me talk to the kids and see how they feel.”

  “Plus, it will give me time to finish all the party planning on my own. Then maybe I can surprise you a little bit.”

  “Surprise me?” I asked a little worried about what this surprise would be.

  “Yes, with the party. You have been really involved in everything. It might be nice for me to finalize it without you here so you could be surprised by the end result. Plus, if you weren’t home then I would feel more comfortable with starting all the decorating early. Actually, we should start it already. I can’t believe it’s only a week before Christmas and you don’t have any decorations up.”

  “What are you talking about? I have those snowman chairs,” I laughed and grabbed Niki tight. “I’m texting the kids now to make sure they are alright with me going on this trip. I’m sure they will be. Thank you for volunteering to stay. I’ll leave you the jeep keys and money for anything you guys need.”

  “When do you need to leave?” she asked and slid over onto my lap. “And where is that condom?”

  “I’ve got time,” I said and grabbed the condom and rolled it quickly over me before Niki took over.

  She wrapped herself around me and I held onto her as I leaned back onto the pillows. She was in control of the ride and held onto my legs as she thrust on top of me. Wow, I loved watching her take control like she was doing.

  “I’m going to call your family and find out why they aren’t coming,” Niki said in the midst of riding me.

  “It’s fine. It doesn’t matter,” I replied trying not to bring my family into this intimate moment between the two of us.

  “Yes, it matters. You are throwing this party for them. I’m going to go find out why they aren’t coming. I’m just letting you know. I don’t like that they are canceling when you are doing all this work.”

  “Can we talk about my family later,” I groaned as I held onto her and she continued to move on top of me. “This isn’t the best time.”

  “Okay, but I’m disappointed in them,” Niki said as if she knew my family personally and I laughed at how serious she was about it. And the fact that we were talking about my family while she was on top of me and I was thrusting inside of her.

  “If it’s just me and the kids I will have a great time. The party is for us now more than anything. I’m not inviting work people but I do want the cousins invited. And I will be disappointed if none of my family come but I’m not going to worry about it.”

  “That’s a good attitude,” she said and reached between my legs to hold my balls as she continued to thrust on top of me. “I’ve always wanted to try this.”

  “Yes, that is good. Keep doing that,” I groaned and closed my eyes hoping that she did not bring up my family while she was holding me in her hands like she was.

  We didn’t talk much for the next hour. She rode me, then I flipped her over and slid inside of her. I even tugged on her hair a little as payback for the way she had sucked on my balls. The delicious sex we had would be on my mind every single day I was away from Niki. In fact, I was going to be thinking about her a lot in the next few days.

  Somehow I had to get up the nerve to ask her on a real date. Maybe even talk about what things might look like after the Christmas party was over. I was starting to have real feelings for Niki and I couldn’t wait to see what would come next for the two of us. At the very least we were going to have to try dating like normal people did; that would be fun.

  We stayed up all night long making love in the pool ho
use. It was a fun little getaway and allowed her to be as noisy as she wanted without worrying about the kids overhearing us. Niki was really noisy when she was having an orgasm and I loved that, but I didn’t think the kids were going to like it.

  In the morning I had to sneak out of bed and get showered and packed for my trip. I was taking Matthew with me but touched base with Samantha to see if she could field questions from Niki while I was gone.

  “I’m only going to be gone for four days,” I said to Niki, Jackson, and Jenna when it was time for me to leave. “Niki, are you sure you’ll be alright taking the truck back into town? If not, just pay for the week and I’ll take it in later.”

  “Yep, I’m fine. Going to drive that bad boy back to town this morning. Jackson agreed to help me load it up with the wine and come with me into town to carry it up to my apartment too.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I totally forgot about that. Thank you, Jackson, that’s nice of you. Maybe Jenna wants to come into town with your guys too?”

  “I’ve got plans. Sorry, Dad,” Jenna said and gave me a hug before heading up to her room.

  “Okay, well I’m going to take off. Call me or text if you need anything and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Don’t worry about the time difference. I don’t care, any time of the day, you call if you need anything,” I said to Niki before giving her a hug.

  Since Jackson was standing there I didn’t kiss her but she probably wouldn’t have let me if I wanted to. Even the hug was greeted with her pushing me away and trying to keep it as professional as possible.

  “See you soon,” she said.

  “You two have fun driving into town. Be safe please and send me a text when the truck is dropped off safely. Have a great couple of days and fun with the final decorating for the party. I can’t wait to see it.”

  Chapter 14


  “Are you ready to go into the city with me?” I asked Jackson as we watched his dad pull out of the parking lot.

  “Let’s do it.”

  We found a dolly to help bring the cases of wine up from the wine cellar and load them into the U-Haul. It took us almost an hour but we worked together well and had them loaded and ready to go without Jenna’s help.

  I was incredibly nervous about driving the truck into the city. I knew that Thomas would help pay any bills that might happen if I ran into something, but my fear was much more than that. I was terrified that I would run into a person or cause some sort of major accident.

  “I don’t know why people like wine,” Jackson said as we pulled out of the driveway and onto our first road. “My dad let me taste it once and I think it tastes horrible.”

  “You’re right. Don’t ever drink alcohol,” I said with a smile. “It all tastes terrible. You don’t want to try it.”

  He chuckled a little and then went quiet. Traveling into the city with a teenage boy that I hardly knew wasn’t the best plan I’d ever had. He basically played on his phone the whole way and barely looked up enough to see where we were or how much longer we had before we got to my house.

  I didn’t mind the silence though and since Jackson didn’t ask for the radio to be on, I left that off for the drive too. There was so much to worry about when driving a big truck. I had to check the mirrors constantly to see if people were coming up next to us. One time I thought I was clear and was trying to get into the other lane, but there was a car that had snuck into my blind spot.

  “Hey, Jackson, can you keep an eye out over there for cars? I can’t see very well and I’m going to merge in that direction.”

  “Sure,” he replied and looked out the window for me.

  We worked much better as a team and managed to navigate our way into town. I dropped him off at the front of my building with all the wine and the dolly and then had to go drop the truck off about a mile away.

  It took me nearly an hour to get the truck dropped off and I didn’t have Jackson’s phone number, so when I arrived at the front of my building and saw Jackson gone as well as the wine and the dolly, I was nervous. He didn’t know where I lived. He had no idea which apartment was mine and no way of calling me.

  Panic filled me as I rushed into the building in hope that he had just moved into the lobby. My building was old and not at all secure, but we did have a little lobby that Jackson could have sat down and waited for me in.

  To my utter dismay, he wasn’t in the lobby. I was freaking out. I couldn’t call Thomas because he was likely somewhere over the ocean at that moment. I couldn’t call Matthew because he was with him. I didn’t know Samantha’s number and I had no idea who else I could call.

  Nearly in tears, I dialed Alana and asked if she was home.

  “Yeah, I’m upstairs with Jackson; we are trying to find a place for all this wine.”

  “What?” I screamed into the phone and then hung up and hurried upstairs to my apartment. I flung the door open and there was Jackson working with Alana to arrange the cases of wine in the small hall closet we had. “I was looking everywhere for you,” I said as I gave him a big hug.

  “Well, I was waiting for a long time. Alana asked who I was waiting for and then told me she was your roommate. So she helped me bring the wine up here.”

  “I told him he shouldn’t go with strangers but he said he wasn’t afraid of me,” Alana laughed.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was really worried that I’d lost you. Or maybe you’d sold the wine and were using the money to run away from home.”

  “You’re funny,” he said.

  “Thanks, I really was worried though. Let’s exchange phone numbers. Oh, and put your sister’s number in here and Samantha’s too if you have hers.”

  “Sure,” Jackson took my phone and started adding phone numbers into it for me. “Is my car still down in Chinatown?” I asked a little worried that it had been towed by now.

  “Yep, that’s where I was. I took the train down there to add some more money to the meter. You’re good until nightfall now. So what’s going on? Your text was a little confusing,” Alana said and then looked at Jackson as if I couldn’t talk in front of him.

  “My dad bailed on us and went on a business trip. Niki is staying at the house to make sure we don’t die,” he shrugged as if that was really why I was there.

  Part of the reason I was staying at the house was to make sure the kids were okay. But realistically they were teenagers and probably better at taking care of themselves than I was. I was planning to use most of my time for party planning and I really wanted to go through the old boxes from Christmas when the kids were younger so I could use those decorations on the Christmas Past tree.

  “Yeah, basically,” I agreed as we finished putting the wine away. “So Jackson, are you feeling like the subway or would you like to walk?”

  “How far?”

  “It’s pretty far. I think two miles from here to the car.”


  I didn’t argue with him and he looked a little surprised as I switched my shoes to some tennis shoes. We said our goodbyes to Alana and left the dolly there for the time being. The last thing I wanted to do was carry that thing through New York City as we walked to the car.

  The walk was nice. Jackson and I didn’t really talk but he was busy looking around at the city instead of texting on his phone so that felt like a win for me. It was nice just walking and not having to fill the emptiness with conversation.

  We got to the car, loaded it and then started back on our drive to his house. Overall I don’t think Jackson and I said more than a few sentences to one another but it was a good ride and I felt like we had bonded a little.

  How did you even bond with a teenager boy? I wasn’t sure, but sitting quietly and not bothering them on a long drive seemed like a good place to start.

  When we got back to the house Samantha was there and I was so relieved to see her. She had the baby with her and she was making dinner with Jenna.

  “I invited the Steermens to come o
ver for dinner,” Samantha said, and Jenna got instantly excited.

  “Grandma and Grandpa are coming here?” Jenna asked.

  “Yes, I thought it might help Niki with the party planning for the past tree if she got to talk to your mother’s parents.”

  “Oh, yes, I’m so excited. They are coming to the house? I don’t have any change of clothes or anything like that.”

  I should have grabbed some clothing while I was at my apartment, but I’d totally forgot. Instead, I was so wrapped up with the wine and the car situation that I returned back to Thomas’ house still wearing the same thing that I’d had on the day before.

  “I’ve got clothes,” Jenna said. “I bet you’d fit into them just fine. But also, Grandma and Grandpa won’t care if you just wear what you have on. They aren’t stuffy or boring Grandparents. They are nice and fun.”

  “I would love a shower and to change. Do I have time for that?” I asked Samantha.


  Jenna handed the baby over to Jackson. He held her but looked really uncomfortable while he was doing it. I followed Jenna up to her big closet room and together we picked out a casual outfit for me to wear at dinner.

  “My dad has a really cool shower. You can use that if you can figure out how to turn it on. I’ll try to help you but it’s really complicated.”

  “I think I’ll be able to figure it out,” I said without letting on that I’d actually been in that shower before and had seen her father turn it on. How awkward would that conversation have been?

  I’d never dated anyone who had kids. Not because I was against it but because men my age that were married were still with their wives. They usually didn’t get divorced until a little older and I wasn’t used to dating men that much older than I was.

  Not that Thomas and I were dating. We were just two adults hanging out and having fun together. Maybe after the party was over he would ask me on a real date but I wasn’t holding my breath for that. He had a lot going on in his life and dating his party planner was easy now since I was coming to his house all the time. But once I was back in the city and he was out at his house it wasn’t likely that the two of us would find time for one another.


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