Naked Vengeance

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Naked Vengeance Page 6

by Sophia Rae

  “Look,” he said in a calmer, yet still irritated voice. “We need to work together here. First of all, we have to be completely honest. I really don’t mean to be so hard on you, but it comes with the job. If you want to stay alive and figure out who killed your dad, then I will have to remain the asshole you think I am.”

  Eve nodded. “Fine. I can do honesty, so long as you can. Do you have it in you to be up front with me at all times?”

  “I’m dying to pull this car over, pull you onto my lap and bury myself in you until you’re out of my system. How’s that for honesty?”

  Eve refused to look over. She felt his glare on her for a second before he turned his eyes back to the road. She didn’t know what scared her more, his bluntness or the idea he might actually pull the car over and…and…

  “What, no snappy comeback?” he taunted.

  “If you think I’m coming with you so you can ‘bury yourself in me’ as you so eloquently put it, you’d better think again.”

  “The least you could do is offer a lap dance for my troubles,” he muttered.

  Eve ignored him and his immature comments. Anything from her would only add fuel to the fire he seemed to have going on in his pants. It couldn’t compare to the raging inferno she had going on herself.

  This sexual tension and banter had to stop. For a year, she hadn’t allowed anything to come between her and her father’s killer—not even her job with the FBI. So why did she now allow all of her priorities to get jumbled?

  Nick drove for about forty minutes before pulling into a hotel lot, just in front of the main entrance. Eve sat in the car while he ran in to check on the availability of rooms.

  If this were some bad movie, the hotel would only have one room left with a single bed. Wouldn’t that just top off her day?

  “We’re in luck,” Nick said as he climbed back in the car. “There’s a room around back with two double beds.”

  “How lovely.”

  “Don’t pout, darling. We’re on our honeymoon.”

  Eve looked over at Nick, who had an actual smile on his face. “Excuse me?”

  “Well, I told the front desk we were on our honeymoon and we didn’t want to be disturbed for any reason. She eyed me funny when I had the request for two beds, but I told her you snored.”

  Eve rolled her eyes. “You think pretending to be honeymooners will divert the baddies?”

  Nick parked the car and turned to face her. “Look, until we know what we’re dealing with, I’ll do whatever I can to keep you safe. If that means playing your husband, then I will and you’ll go right along with it. Got it?”

  Eve stared into his intense eyes. With his face only inches from hers, she couldn’t help but remember the way he’d kissed her, held her, touched her. The start of a five o’clock shadow covered his jaw line and chin. Funny, she thought, it hadn’t scratched her earlier.

  Now, though, she ached to run her fingers along his face. To feel that rough, ruggedness under her skin. Or better yet, along her inner thigh.

  “Eve,” Nick said. “Do you understand me?”

  “I’m the dutiful wife.” She smiled sweetly. “Got it, babycakes.”

  She couldn’t be sure, but Eve thought she saw a smile spread across Nick’s face as he got out of the car.

  Without wasting any time, they gathered their luggage and found their room. The summer heat proved to be unbearable. Eve sighed with relief when they stepped over the threshold and into the air conditioned room.

  “I don’t know,” Eve stated from the doorway. “I’d always imagined my wedding night in a little fancier place than this.”

  Thick beige paper lined the walls, gaudy floral prints clung to the bedspreads, and a simple cherry desk sat tucked into one corner with a matching cherry television stand across from the first bed. The tacky striped curtains were pulled shut, blocking out the late afternoon sun. Eve dropped her suitcase on the second bed and went to let some light in.

  “No,” Nick said without turning around.

  “This place is dark and smelly. I want some light and air in here.”

  In two strides, Nick grabbed her hands and jerked them from the curtains. “I said no. We don’t want people to see in.”

  Eve knew she shouldn’t open the curtains for precisely that reason, but she’d kept her eyes on the rearview mirror and she knew nobody had followed them. Still, it probably wasn’t a good idea. Damn him for being right—again.

  “Fine,” she muttered.

  Nick went back to his suitcase. He pulled out a Glock, checked the clip, and set it on the nightstand between the two beds. Eve only saw two colors in his bag, blue denim and black.

  “Fancy wardrobe you got there.”

  When Nick said nothing, Eve walked over and flopped, belly down, onto her bed. The shabby comforter reeked of smoke. Eve pillowed her arms under her head and looked toward the wall, where a large, flower garden print hung cockeyed on the stained wallpaper.

  Now what? Should she come clean and just tell Nick she was FBI? Maybe then he wouldn’t treat her like a distressed damsel. Of course, he also would hightail it out of there and leave her to face this monster alone. She really hated that Grady knew her well enough to know she needed help. She also figured he had to know she would never admit that to anybody.

  When Eve’s eyes started to burn due to lack of sleep, she let her lids fall. Even through the smoky scent and crabby company, she allowed her body to relax. Nothing could be done right now and if she didn’t take care of herself, she wouldn’t be able to face whatever came next.

  “You hungry?”

  Nick’s low, smooth voice jarred her from her thoughts as she teetered on the brink of sleep. Eve rolled over to face him, only to find him standing at the edge of her bed. He loomed down at her with his hands on his hips, lips thinned, jaw muscle tight. The signature black tee stretched across his well-defined chest and shoulders. For a second, Eve wondered what would happen if she patted the bed in an invitation. Would she have the courage to follow through? Would he even be interested?

  Yes to both, she thought, without any vanity on her part.


  “Sorry, what?”

  “I’m going to get us something to eat. What do you want?”

  Eve laughed at her previous thoughts. When she swung her legs to the side, Nick took a step back until he bumped into his own bed. He continued to glare as she came to her feet.

  “Where are you going?”

  “There’s a McDonald’s about a block away.”

  Eve wrinkled her nose. “I don’t really like hamburgers.”

  “Then get chicken nuggets,” Nick suggested as he ran a hand over his face.

  “I don’t think it’s really chicken in those things.”

  “Are you for real?”

  Eve jerked back in shock at his raised tone. “Excuse me?”

  “Either you’re hungry or you’re not. I’m leaving in thirty seconds with or without your order.”

  “Fine, get me a fish sandwich. Plain. No fries and a diet.”

  “Great,” he muttered as he stalked towards the door. “Deadbolt this door behind me and don’t open it for anybody but me. Got it?”

  With a salute, Eve grinned. “Yes, master.”

  Nick slammed the door behind him. Did he think she was an idiot? Like she’d let Joe Blow inside if he knocked. Did Nick really think she had no common sense? Obviously.

  With a few minutes to herself, Eve thought now would be a good time to grab a shower. Once she’d stripped and adjusted the temperature of the water, she stepped under the pelting spray.

  The hotel soap she used didn’t smell too bad, she thought as she rinsed the suds from her skin. A jasmine scent. After a quick lather of complimentary shampoo, Eve rinsed her hair as well.

  Just as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body, she heard her cell phone ring. Still dripping wet, with her hair clinging to her damp shoulders, Eve stepped out of the b
athroom and grabbed the phone from her shoulder bag she’d left by the door.

  Probably Nick, she mused. Eve shook her head as she pictured him at the McDonald’s counter, her order forgotten.

  “Hello,” she answered as she walked to her suitcase to dig out some clothes.

  “You ran from me.”

  Eve’s hand froze on the zipper of her luggage. “Who is this?”

  “Your biggest fan.”

  “Really? Why do you say I ran from you?”

  “You’re not home right now.”

  Chills crept over her bare skin. “How do you know that?”

  An eerie laugh came through the receiver. “I know everything about you. I even know when you’ll die.”


  Nick juggled the plastic bag and two large drinks. He couldn’t dig out the key card so he kicked the door, by way of knocking, with his dingy boot.

  “Open up. It’s me,” he yelled.

  After a few seconds, he kicked the door harder. “Eve, unlock the door.”

  Nothing. A trickle of fear tingled down his rigid spine.

  Just as he started to bust in the door, the deadbolt clicked and the door opened a crack. He nudged his way inside, kicking it closed behind him.

  Eve crossed the room with her back to him. Her bare back. She wore only a thin, short white hotel towel. A mass of wet fiery red curls hung past her shoulders. God, why did she look so damn good and…virginal in a white towel?

  “I got you two fish sandwiches in case you get hungry later. I don’t want us going back out if it’s not necessary.”

  Nick sat the bag of food on his bed and the cups full of diet soda on the night stand. When he looked back around, her back still faced him, her head bent and her shoulders sagging.


  After a moment, she turned around. Her face had lost all color, now matching the towel. Dark circles lined her eyes. With one white-knuckled hand, she clutched her towel together and held onto her cell.

  Protective instincts kicked in on high alert.

  “You got a call.”

  Eve nodded.

  “What did he say?”

  “He knows I’m not home.” Eve went over to rummage through the bag for her sandwich. “He said I ran from him.”

  “Did he say anything else?”

  Nick watched her hand squeeze the paper around her food. Good, she used her fear to fuel her anger. That would keep her sharp and more alert. It would also keep him from consoling her, because God knew if he had to hold her right now…

  He really wished she’d put some clothes on.

  “He said he was my biggest fan and that he knew everything about me.” Her emerald eyes came up to his. “Including when I’m going to die.”

  Nick muttered a curse and sat on the edge of her bed. “How long did he talk?”

  Eve shrugged a slender, naked shoulder. “Maybe thirty seconds or a little less.”

  “I’ll still see if I can get a trace on all your incoming calls.”

  “I doubt it,” Eve said as she unwrapped her fish sandwich. “It said ‘Unavailable’ on the caller ID.”

  “He didn’t indicate that he knew where you went or that you were with me?”

  “No, so I’d say he doesn’t know, or he would’ve bragged about it.”

  Nick nodded in agreement.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?” Eve asked with a mouth full of food.

  “Yeah, I’m just taking a minute to think.” Nick rubbed his forehead and sighed. “You need to call the club and tell them you quit.”

  Eve raised one perfectly shaped brow. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You heard me.”

  “I’m not quitting. Don’t even suggest it. If I’m making someone this nervous, then I have to be close.”

  “That’s precisely why you’re not going back. You’re getting too close and whoever this person is won’t back down. He’s already killed before and who knows where those missing girls are. I can take over from here.”

  Nick hated the lost look that came over Eve’s face, but she had to understand her life hinged on their every move. This wasn’t a game.

  “You can’t go back,” he said in a softer tone.

  “I have to,” she insisted. “You can sit in the back of the club and watch everything. I just need to get more information. The owner is really starting to like me and I think with a little more time, he’ll trust me.”

  Nick shook his head. “I don’t like it. I don’t like you being in the forefront like this. There has to be another option. Just let me think for a minute.”

  “It’s the only way and we both know it. Unless you can grow breasts and learn to work a pole, I’m the answer.”

  Nick hated when she made sense. Hated it even more he had to go along with this insane plan if he ever wanted to gain closure on this case that had haunted him for nearly a year.

  “If I see any sign of trouble, I’m jerking you out of there,” he finally said as he dug into the paper bag for his own sandwich.

  “If there’s trouble, then I need to be there. How can I get inside his inner circle if I run all the time?”

  “I’m not going to argue. I will let you work, but if anyone so much as breathes wrong, you’re out of there. I can go back after I get you to safety.”

  “I don’t need you to rescue me,” Eve clarified as she tossed her sandwich aside and came to her feet. “I was doing just fine on my own. This whole plan of you protecting me is stupid and unnecessary.”

  “For your information, I don’t like trying to guard a spoiled brat who always thinks she can get her way.”

  Eve glared down at him. “Since we’ve established we don’t like each other, why don’t you take me back to my apartment so I can resume my life?”

  “What life? You’ve given it up. What the hell are you going to do if you find out who killed your father?”

  Eve ignored his question. Nick wasn’t quite sure he really wanted to know the answer.

  Nick stood up, coming within inches of her, and smiled. “Whether you like it or not, I’m going to help you. I’m going to do what I think is best. No risk is worth your life.”

  Eve stared up at him like she wanted to argue, but how could she argue with the truth? He made a vow to himself—he would not let Eve get hurt. No matter what he had to do to prevent it.

  Eve stared up at him with those deep green eyes, unpainted face and a look of trust. Damn it, why did she have to put herself out there? Couldn’t she just let the authorities handle the investigation? How the hell would he ever live if something happened to her?

  Nick had a sinking feeling. Eve Morgan had inched her way under his skin and in no time at all had become much more than a job.


  The edge of the bar bit into Nick’s back as he nursed the same stale beer he’d had since he arrived. Three hours ago.

  Eve had danced twice now. And both times, he’d nearly busted out of his Levi’s. Damn, that woman could move. All the women were popular with the audience tonight, but something about Eve stood out. She had a way of making a man think she only danced for him. The eye contact, the slithering across the stage, the sinful grin she would pass out to no specific man. Oh yeah, teasing came naturally to her and he’d become just as pathetic as all the other men in this smoke-filled room.

  With only one more routine to go for the night, Nick couldn’t complain. There hadn’t been anything out of the ordinary so far, but that didn’t mean he’d let his guard down.

  His eyes roamed from table to table. Same old, same old. Just men drinking, cursing, and enjoying a damn good show as far as he was concerned. And smoking, he added. They all seemed to smoke. He didn’t need to light up a cigarette—he’d inhaled at least three whole packs second-hand.

  “Her name is Eve, but she’s never volunteered her last name. She’s pretty private.”

  Nick’s ears perked up at the male voice behind him. He remained still while two men discussed “the
hottest dancer they’d had in a while”. Nick sipped on his warm beer, patiently waiting for a name of some kind.

  “She may be a good candidate,” one said.

  “We’d get a pretty penny from her, no doubt,” the other stated. “The boss likes her, and you know how much money he gets from those high-class men for a woman that looks like that.”

  “She has one more set to do, then I’ll bring her back to the office to talk. I’ll set up an appointment.”

  Nick didn’t like this. Not one bit. But before he could go in the back and drag her out of the smoke-filled pit, she popped back up onstage. This time she wore a starched white nurse’s uniform that started just above her nipples and ended right below her sweet, round bottom. White garters peeked out from beneath the costume. Thigh-highs accentuated her long, toned legs. Spiked white heels marched down the stage as she started the routine.

  Nick needed a good shot of whiskey to set him straight. Unfortunately, he needed to stay sober.

  When Eve’s hand went to the top of her uniform, her eyes darted over to his. She licked her sinful red lips as she drew the zipper down over her perky breasts. The costume fell to the stage, leaving Eve in a sheer white bra and thong that matched her garter and hose.

  A virginal stripper—any man’s fantasy.

  Nick tried to look around the club for anything suspicious, but his eyes kept betraying him when they focused back on Eve. Damn her for taunting him. He saw her naughty grin after she’d shed her outfit. She was paying him back for that kiss he’d instigated.

  Maybe he should instigate another if he got a show like this.

  Nick’s erotic fantasy came to an abrupt halt when a short, pot-bellied man moved along the outer wall, heading toward the dressing rooms. Eve had described the shady-looking manager well enough. Nice comb-over, Nick thought as the man disappeared behind the stage.

  Nick waited and sure enough, after Eve finished dancing, she appeared moments later following the man back to the office.

  A silky red robe covered her white lingerie. Nick only stared at her as she passed. That’s right, he thought, don’t look at me now. She wasn’t stupid. She had to know he didn’t like this.


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