Steel (Devil's Fury MC 5)

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Steel (Devil's Fury MC 5) Page 15

by Harley Wylde

  I made a few stops on the way back home, intending to surprise my sweet woman. She’d run herself ragged since Coral had come home, and it made my gut twist every time I caught her scanning her surroundings. I didn’t know how long it would take for her to feel safe again. Even when I’d taken her to the doctor to confirm her pregnancy, her gaze had darted around as we’d walked into the building. If Patrick Mulligan wasn’t already roasting in hell, I’d kill the fucker all over again for what he’d done to Rachel and Coral.

  I found a parking spot partway down the main strip in town and pulled in. All my stops were along this road, and there was no point in re-parking every other block. I’d just haul it all with me and leave the car here. The maternity shop was the closest so I ran in there first. Rachel wasn’t showing yet, but I’d caught her wistful expression as we’d passed this store the other day. To say I looked out of place was an understatement, and the woman behind the register looked ready to bolt at any moment.

  Browsing through the racks, I selected two tops and two pairs of pants I thought my wife might like. It was the dress in the window I most wanted. I found it on the back wall and dug through until I found Rachel’s size. The day would come when suddenly nothing fit right, and I wanted to make sure she was at least a little prepared. The woman had given me the greatest gift in the world and I was damn sure going to keep her as comfortable as possible.

  I lay the purchases on the counter and the blonde tucked her hair behind her ear, her fingers shaking so hard she looked like an addict in need of a fix. After over thirty years in the Devil’s Fury, I’d gotten used to the way people reacted to us. It was either flirtatious smiles, or fear.

  “Relax. I’m just shopping for my wife. You’re not in any danger,” I said in what I hoped was a soothing tone. I’d sooner cut off my nuts than hurt a woman, but she didn’t know that.

  “Wife?” she asked, her gaze darting to my left hand. I held it up for her to see the ring. Hoping to set her more at ease, I showed her the screensaver on my phone -- Rachel and Coral. “Your daughter is cute.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled. “Can’t wait to find out if this one is a girl or boy. I think my daughter is hoping she’ll get a sister.”

  She gave me a smile, and the tension in her body eased a little. I paid for the items and walked out. My next stop didn’t require me to carry any packages. Meiling had told me the spa in town had a special for pregnant women. I booked an appointment for Rachel and paid in advance. All she’d have to do was show up. It was the last shop that was the most important.

  Sweet Treats was bustling as always, but I’d placed my order in advance. I walked over to the pickup counter and gave the girl my name. She lifted the lid on the box so I could inspect my purchase before leaving. Everything was perfect.

  I was careful going home, so I wouldn’t toss the bakery box on the floor. I’d barely cleared the gates before a woman ran in front of me with Doolittle chasing after her. The kid had taken the house Griz offered and had decided to stay for the time being. The girl he’d rescued, however, was another matter. I hoped he got wise and shook loose of her sooner rather than later. There was something that wasn’t adding up about her story, and I’d started to wonder if maybe a boyfriend hadn’t abused her at all. If she’d made that shit up, I was going to personally escort her ass out of here. Too many women were in trouble out there for a bitch to lie about being in the same circumstances just to get her way.

  Putting them out of my mind for the moment, I drove the rest of the way home. At one time, my house had been a refuge of sorts, but it had been empty. As I pulled into the driveway, I smiled at the changes Rachel and Coral had brought to my life and home. Flowers flanked the porch. A rocking chair sat to the left of the door. Coral had left her hoop and ball in the grass, and it looked like Victoria’s rope toy was there too.

  As if merely thinking of her had conjured my woman, she stepped outside. I got out and hadn’t even closed my door before her arms were around me.

  “I wasn’t gone that long,” I teased.

  She gripped my beard and tugged me down closer, her voice lowering. “Isaac, I’m pregnant and a raging mass of hormones. When my clit starts throbbing and I get all hot and wet, I need your cock. Not in an hour, right that very moment.”

  I had to admit, it was a perk of her pregnancy I’d enjoyed quite a bit. Except for the times she was insatiable. I’d gotten creative on ways to get her off after my dick decided he was done for the day.

  “Is that right?” I asked. I slid my hand up her bare thigh and under the hem of her dress. “Should I just bend you over the car and take you right here and now?”

  Her eyes dilated and her lips parted. The pulse in her throat raced. I didn’t think she’d ever actually want to be fucked in public, but the idea of it certainly turned her on. Her gaze scanned the area but I laughed and smacked her ass.

  “Inside, beautiful. I got a few things I need to carry into the house, then I’ll take care of that little problem you’re having.”

  “I-I…” She looked around again, and I wondered if maybe she’d become more adventurous than I’d thought.

  “Unless you need me to take the edge off right now?” I asked.

  She swallowed hard and nodded. Well, fuck me sideways. I slipped my hand back under her dress, the hood of the SUV hiding us from the waist down. I groaned when I realized the little vixen wasn’t wearing panties.

  “Such a naughty girl. No panties?” I brushed my fingers over her slit. Yeah, she was fucking soaked. “Did you play with this pussy while I was gone?”

  She shook her head so hard I thought her neck might crack. “No. I didn’t. I swear.”

  “Spread your legs, Rachel. Let me in.”

  Her thighs parted more and I was able to work my fingers inside her. She moaned and her eyes slid shut as her head tipped back. The move made her breasts thrust out, and her hard little nipples taunted me through the top of her dress.


  “How far you willing to go, beautiful? No one’s looking right now, but you know damn well that could change any moment.”

  “Anything. I’ll do anything, just make me come. I need it. Need you. I hurt, Isaac.”

  “Unbutton the top of your dress. Let me see those pretty tits.” She gasped but quickly worked at the buttons. The material gaped and I saw the creamy mounds of her breasts spilling out of her bra. “Show me.”

  She tugged her bra down and I lowered my head, taking one of her nipples into my mouth. I sucked on it hard, giving it a slight nip as I drove my fingers into her deeper. Rachel cried out, her pussy gripping me as she came. I yanked my fingers free with a growl and lifted her into my arms. Fuck the shit in the car.

  I stalked up the porch steps and into the house, kicking the door closed behind me. I set Rachel down and spun her to face the wooden door. She grabbed at her dress, pulling it up over her hips. I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever pulled out my cock as fast as I was now, but within seconds I was buried balls deep inside her, thrusting hard. I held onto her breasts, locking her in place as I fucked her.

  A second orgasm hit her, pulling me under as well. I grunted as my balls emptied, my cum filling her up. Panting for breath, I leaned my forehead on her shoulder. “Fucking hell, Rachel. You’re going to kill an old man.”

  She giggled and her pussy squeezed me.

  “Think that’s funny? You come out there teasing me like that again and I may damn well fuck you right out there in front of everyone.”

  “Sorry, Isaac. I’m just so…” Yeah, I knew exactly what she was. A horny pregnant woman who got cranky if I didn’t get her off when she needed it. “It wasn’t like this before. It’s your fault.”

  “How do you figure?” I pulled out of her, but held her dress up so I could watch our mingled release slide down her thigh. Hottest thing ever.

  “You’re the one who showed me how great sex was, how amazing you could make me feel. Is it any wonder I want to experience
that all the time now?” She turned to face me, reaching up to cup my cheek.

  “No, beautiful. I like you wanting my dick that badly. Just not always a good time and place.”

  She bit her lip. “Isaac.”

  “You still need to come, don’t you?”

  She nodded. I couldn’t help but laugh a little. In the last few weeks, her sex drive had kicked in and now the greedy little thing wasn’t satisfied without five or six orgasms. I’d created a monster, but the best kind.

  “Go get naked. I really do need to get that stuff from the truck.”

  I smacked her ass as she ran off, then I zipped up my pants and brought in her gifts. I put the bakery box on the kitchen counter and left the maternity clothes on the table. When I got to the bedroom, she’d stripped down and lay in the center of the bed -- starfished. Her hungry gaze landed on me, and I knew I’d give her anything she wanted, whenever she wanted. If it sent me to an early grave, at least my headstone would have something interesting to say.

  I removed my clothes and got onto the bed, caging her between my arms. She was so fucking beautiful, so sweet. And until I’d showed her how amazing sex was, she’d been pretty damn innocent. Now she was pulling her tits out in the driveway and begging me to fuck her.

  “You’re amazing,” I said softly. “Beautiful. Passionate. A great mother. Kind-hearted and thoughtful. You’re the whole package, darlin’, and I’m damn lucky to call you mine.”

  “Love you, Isaac.”

  I kissed her soft and slow. “Love you too, beautiful.”

  If someone had told me a few months ago I’d be lying here with my naked wife, I’d have laughed in their faces. I didn’t know what or who put Rachel in my path that day, but I owed them one. Or a few hundred. She was everything I’d always wanted and thought I’d never have, and I’d spend the rest of my life making sure she never regretted choosing me. Her, Coral, and our unborn child were my world, and I’d die to keep them safe, just as I knew my brothers would protect them if anything ever happened to me.

  She was mine, and I was never letting her go, even if I had to march straight into hell to keep her by my side.

  Dedication and Acknowledgments

  This one is for all those who have rescued an animal from the side of the road, a shelter, taken in a senior pet, or just made sure a lost little furbaby found their way home. Thank you! To that little creature, you’re a hero, and that makes you a hero in my eyes too.

  * * *

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for taking the time to read Steel. I know there are millions of books out there, and I’m honored you picked one of mine. If you have a moment, I’d be forever grateful if you’d leave a short review or rating at the retailer of your choice, or over at BookBub. And yes, I do read my reviews every few months. I like to see what people liked or disliked in each of my books.

  Little Victoria was inspired by a senior dog we adopted last year. During our months of house hunting, my kids fell in love with her while we were touring a house on our list. The owners decided not to sell their home, but they let my kids have Buttons. She’s a spoiled rotten little princess, who hates to get her paws wet. And she snores.

  Steel’s book wasn’t quite as dark as Dingo or Dragon, but just like the other Devil’s Fury men, he’s not above causing pain and suffering to protect those he loves. I’ve wanted to write his book for a while now, so I’m glad I got the chance. To some, his story is light and not all that violent, but I know some of you probably cringed when he got his hands on Patrick. What can I say? My guys have a hard exterior, a squishy inside when it comes to women and kids, and a strong sense of justice -- their version at any rate.

  Until next time…


  Harley Wylde

  Harley Wylde is the International Bestselling Author of the Dixie Reapers MC, Devil’s Boneyard MC, and Hades Abyss MC series.

  When Harley’s writing, her motto is the hotter the better -- off the charts sex, commanding men, and the women who can’t deny them. If you want men who talk dirty, are sexy as hell, and take what they want, then you’ve come to the right place. She doesn’t shy away from the dangers and nastiness in the world, bringing those realities to the pages of her books, but always gives her characters a happily-ever-after and makes sure the bad guys get what they deserve.

  The times Harley isn’t writing, she’s thinking up naughty things to do to her husband, drinking copious amounts of Starbucks, and reading. She loves to read and devours a book a day, sometimes more. She’s also fond of TV shows and movies from the 1980s, as well as paranormal shows from the 1990s to today, even though she’d much rather be reading or writing.

  Harley at Changeling:




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