Idol Urges

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Idol Urges Page 6

by Ruby Bassett

  “Gloria, is this some kind of sleazy dive in the basement of a dry cleaners?”

  “Relax,” Gloria answered. She pushed open the door at the bottom of the steps and Wendy’s breath caught in her throat.

  She scanned a beautiful oasis. The lights were low, but it wasn’t dark. People lounged on cushions and low sofas spread around the large room. Sheer fabrics draped from the ceiling, along with strings of glistening beads. Soft Asian music added to the exotic mood.

  “It’s Eastern month,” Gloria said in her ear. “I liked English castle month better. The suits of armor were cool.”

  Groups of people and couples of different ages sat close together, chatting and laughing. This was exactly what Wendy expected. She’d spend all evening talking to some guy that she may or may not end up liking. He may or may not end up liking her. She could possibly get him into bed tonight, or maybe his car. More likely, she’d strike out and end up wasting her time when she could be home getting a good night’s sleep. She sighed. Gloria would never forgive her for leaving now.

  Wendy spotted the bar. A drink would ease the pain.

  She and Gloria went over to the bar and a handsome bartender approached.

  “Hi, Jim, this is Wendy.”

  “Oh, the new member.” He extended his hand.

  “Hi.” Wendy shook his hand. “I’ll have a gin and tonic, Jim.”

  “Oooh, sorry. I guess you don’t know all the rules yet. No alcohol.”

  “We’ll have that fizzy punch you make,” Gloria said.

  “Two fresh fruit punches coming up.” Jim pulled out glasses and pitchers.

  “Okay, Gloria. No alcohol? Well at least there are snacks.” Large bowls filled with candies sat on the end of the bar. Wendy reached out for a handful.

  Her hand froze in midair.

  Those were not candies.

  Chapter Six

  Packaged condoms of every color and texture filled two bowls. A third bowl overflowed with feathery things, and the last held a variety of plastic rings.

  “Come on, let’s have a seat over there. You’ll have a good view.” Gloria carried two drinks in her hands and directed Wendy over to a sofa by the far wall.

  “Gloria, you didn’t tell me everything about this place.”

  “Yeah, but you’ll forgive me.” Gloria nodded to the opposite wall.

  When they had entered, Wendy hadn’t looked behind her. If she had, she would have noticed a wall with a large plate-glass window. Behind the glass were four people, maybe five, all naked and.…Well, they might all be having sex, some certainly were, others were involved in some way. It was difficult to tell with the blur of bodies.

  Wendy stared straight ahead, unable to remove her gaze. Her mouth hung open.

  “You haven’t even tasted your drink. Jim uses fresh fruit,” Gloria said.

  Wendy inspected the untouched drink she held in her hand. “Are they expecting me to do that?” Wendy pointed toward the window.

  “Oh, gosh no. That’s only for people who are into that stuff. The main rule here is that you don’t do anything you don’t want. Of course, if there’s something you’ve never done, you’re welcome to try. There are private rooms for most people.” Gloria turned in her seat to say hello to someone she knew.

  Desperation had driven Wendy to this club. She would have done anything for some wild sex. But now, faced with the reality of where she found herself, her confidence disappeared. The tiki’s effect had worn off completely.

  She had come to her senses.

  Her Chemistry grade wasn’t worth losing all control. She put her drink down on the table and gathered her purse.

  “Gloria, thank you for bringing me here, and giving me this opportunity. But I don’t think this is for me.”

  “Listen to me. How many times have you been sitting in class frustrated? How many times have you been alone in your room trying to work on a paper and been distracted enough, you had to stop and satisfy yourself?”

  Wendy hated to admit it, but it was true. She twisted her purse strap in her hand and gnawed on her bottom lip. Maybe now was her chance.

  “I know you. You need this. Just relax and try it out. See what happens. No strings attached, just plain fun.” Gloria patted her knee.

  Wendy took a deep breath, picked up her drink, and scanned the room. She was here, she might as well see what developed. And the next day, her mind would be free to focus on the test.

  Her gaze fell on a cluster of men at the end of the bar. She tried to envision which one to hook up with. She shook her head. She needed a cigarette.

  “What are you looking for?” Gloria asked as Wendy had her head stuck in her purse.

  “A cigarette! I’m desperate!”

  “You quit last year. Besides there’s no smoking in here.”

  “Great, no smoking, no drinking.” Wendy pulled her hand out and it held the idol.

  “Oh, cute. What’s that?”

  “This is the tiki I was telling you about. Some crazy lady pushed it on me.”

  “You really think this works?”

  As Gloria plucked it out of her hand, there was little doubt in Wendy’s mind. The same feeling came over her. Heat bubbled through her. Her body vibrated with need. Now when she studied the cluster of men at the bar, she didn’t hesitate to stand and approach them.

  She strode up and stood staring at a man with dark hair and tan skin, a one day’s growth of beard shading his square jaw.

  “Hello?” he said turning to face her.

  “Hi.” She knew she needed to end up in one of those private rooms with him between her legs. But she was clueless as to how to get there.

  “I’m Nick.”

  “Wendy. I’m new here.”

  “Oh, I heard we had a new member.” He took her hand. “Am I going to be the lucky guy to introduce you to our club?”

  “I guess so.”

  “You want one of my friends to join us?” He indicated the other men standing right behind him.

  “Oh, uh.” Both fear and excitement surged inside her. A dream nudged the back of her mind. At that moment, Gloria ran up and put the idol back into the hand that wasn’t in Nick’s.

  “You’re right,” she whispered in Wendy’s ear. “Go get ‘em.”

  “Come on, Nick, give her a break. It’s her first time here. Or are you not man enough for her,” one of his companions at the bar said.

  Nick only stared into Wendy’s eyes, ignoring the remarks from his friend. He led her toward the back. On the way, he dipped his hand into the bowl and pulled out an entire handful of condoms. The idol’s heat poured from the one hand that held it through her body and into Nick’s. He guided her to a door that stood ajar.

  “If you see one partially open that means it’s available,” he explained as he held the door open for her.

  Inside a queen size bed with crisp linen sheets sat in the middle of the room. Low lighting reflected off cream colored walls adorned with framed landscapes. If it weren’t for the enormous mirrors hanging over the headboard and on the ceiling, it would look like an ordinary hotel room.

  “Now, how do you like it?” Nick held her close in front of him. He tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “The room is fine.” Wendy said barely above a murmur.

  “No, how do you like sex?”

  “Oh, I uh…”

  He didn’t wait for her to say anymore. The heat from the idol dimmed compared to the way Nick trailed his hand down her neck, across her shoulder and caressed her arm.

  “What’s this?” He held up her fist, clenched around the tiki.

  “Just a…a good luck charm.”

  “Wendy, you’re going to get lucky without it.” He took it from her hand and placed it on the small table next to the bed. “Here, little fella. You watch.”

  The desire didn’t abate when she let go of the idol. She still needed this man to satisfy what her body screamed for. She started working on Nick’s belt and zipper.

nbsp; “Whoa! Slow down, we can use the room as long as we want.” Gently, he held her by the nape of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss.

  His lips were hot and his tongue explored her mouth slowly, each sensuous stroke seemed to take a lifetime. But when he pulled back, she hadn’t had enough.

  He unbuttoned her blouse with excruciating care, finally slipping a finger under her black silk bra. Using just the one finger, he tortured her nipple until it was hard. Her moans and her hands gripping at his chest did nothing to urge him to move faster.

  “I can’t take much more.” Wendy thought she would die without release soon.

  But Nick only shushed her and continued his slow discovery of her body. He peeled off her jeans and she stood in only her panties and bra, but still the fire from inside her body lit up her skin as he stared at her.

  “You are beautiful. I want to see it all.” He deftly unfastened her bra and slid her panties down to her feet. She kicked them off and he boldly admired her. A wicked grin spread across his face.

  “Now your turn.” Nick held out his arms inviting to be undressed.

  Wendy tried to take her time as Nick had, but her frantic desire wouldn’t allow her. She revealed his broad chest and thick arms. His flat stomach tapered to his boxers. She peered up at him, her eyebrows arched.

  “Go ahead,” he said.

  Wendy pulled them down and his enormous erection jutted forth. Tentatively she reached out and encircled his cock with her hand. It was warm and hard, and would cure her of her longing.

  “Not so fast.” He eased out of her grip. “Turn around. I think that should be a good way to start. Face the mirror.”

  Wendy focused on her reflection. Her pert breasts were pale compared to her tan skin, and her thatch of brown curls already glistened with moisture.

  Nick pulled her against him so the hard length of his shaft pressed against her back. One hand came around and cupped her breast, while the other dove down into her sex.

  She shut her eyes as his fingers worked magic and she moved her hips in time to his massage. One finger dipped inside to gather her molten liquid he used to polish her clit.

  “No. Open your eyes. Watch what I do to you. See your face and mine.”

  Wendy forced her eyes open and the wicked smile was gone from his face. Instead, intensity shone through his heavy lidded expression. He dipped one finger, then two, inside her. Slowly moving in and out, stroking her inside. His other hand encircled her areola and sent shocks of pleasure through her.

  “I think it’s time,” Nick said.

  He reached over for a condom. Before Wendy knew what was happening, he had bent her forward slightly and pressed the tip of his cock against her opening.

  He teased her, rubbing his knob against her. She let out a sigh and fell forward, bracing herself on the edge of the bed. Her hands fisted the sheets and she rocked her hips.

  He plunged forward and Wendy jerked her head up, but a smile tugged at her lips. He pulled out and entered again, filling her completely.

  His fingers worked her clit, and his other hand trailed along the inside of her thigh sending ripples of energy through her body. Her sheath fit snuggly around him, her flesh pulled taut.

  She caught her own expression in the mirror and barely recognized herself. The lines on her forehead vanished, the crease between her eyes—evaporated. A small satisfied smile sat on her lips. Images of other positions, other people, all swam through her head. As she climbed higher toward her orgasm, she made up her mind to come back to the club.

  Her release came, surging through each limb. Her arms trembled to hold her up from the bed. Her knees buckled and she pressed back against him for support. Her body seized Nick’s. He followed, pouring himself out.

  Panting, they collapsed to the bed.

  “Maybe we should get up. I don’t want them to change the sheets if they don’t have to,” Wendy said.

  Nick laughed. “I’ve never thought about that.”

  “I’m a hotel maid. Well, and I go to school—” Wendy began to explain.

  Nick held up a hand. “We don’t always share personal information here. I hope you don’t mind if I don’t tell you where I work.”

  “No that’s fine.” Wendy paused. “That was…”

  “Don’t say it. I could tell you enjoyed it as much as I did. I hope to see you back here. This is a place to live out your fantasies. You helped me live out one tonight. Please let me return the favor.”

  They didn’t speak as they dressed, and pulled the sheets off the bed. As a courtesy, Nick explained. The maid, who he assured her was very well paid, would be around to remake the bed.

  They said polite goodbyes as they entered the main bar area and Nick rejoined his friends.


  Wendy breezed through the test. The problems—amazingly simple problems—were the same kind of questions she had struggled with on the practice test the previous day. Now with the cloud lifted from her mind, thanks to Nick, she no longer labored over them.

  “Done already?” her professor asked as she got up to hand in her paper. The three others who had failed still sat chewing on their fingernails and breaking their pencil points.

  “Yes, sir. I think I just had a bad day last time. Thank you for the opportunity to retake it.”

  She bounced out of the classroom. Maybe letting her passions take hold would be okay now and then. Going to that club would be the ideal way to let them loose. One day she’d have time to go to a boyfriend’s house, meet his parents, have a relationship. For now it would be sex, pleasure, a clear mind, and A’s on all her exams.

  She jumped down the last two steps. Then she spotted Franco.

  He leaned against his car, a single stem in his hand—a bright red flamingo flower. He wore a boyish smile and tight-fitting jeans low on his hips. A cotton t-shirt stretched across his chest. How was she supposed to spend the day with him after what she had done last night?

  She giggled at the phallic bloom, and the tightness in her chest eased when he winked as he presented it to her. No overly romantic long-stem roses that would put her on alert, make her edgy about a relationship. Franco knew her well.

  “Hey, how did it go?” He held the car door open for her.

  “Good. I’m sure I passed and maybe even got an A.” She accepted the silly flower with a smile and quick peck on his cheek. At the same time, it reminded her of what lay hidden just under his zipper fly.

  “Excellent, then we have something to celebrate.”

  Blood rushed to her cheeks. He got her hot even without the idol. But he wanted more from her than she could give. She couldn’t waste her time with all of his courting. Not when she could go to the club and get her fix quickly without leaving anyone with a broken heart. Like Franco would end up.

  “I’ve got the keys. Let’s go check out my new kitchen.”

  He drove carefully for someone with a reckless type of car. He draped his free arm around her shoulders. Tucked snugly in his side, she allowed herself a few moments of envisioning herself as his girlfriend—going to family parties, having a date for New Year’s Eve, having great sex.

  But those things took time, time she didn’t have. And now that she discovered what the idol could do, she wasn’t about to throw that away. She was going to live out some of her fantasies, no commitments, and then glide through her classes getting A’s and keeping her scholarship. She couldn’t ask Franco to wait for her. Besides, he wouldn’t want her if he knew.

  “We’re here.” Franco pulled up to a shuttered restaurant at the end of a dead-end street. The red paint had faded and the roof was missing a few shingles. Yet, it had charm and, she imagined, at one time had probably been a welcoming site. The patio on the side sat on a cliff with the ocean below.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said.

  “Yeah, it needs some cosmetic work, but the structure is sound. My sister’s husband is going to do the repairs for us and let us pay him back once we get started.”
He rattled a ring full of keys. “Come see the inside.”

  He unlocked the door and held her hand to lead the way into the dark restaurant. Dust had settled on the surfaces, but the tables and chairs appeared to be in good shape.

  “This could be great.” Wendy admired the tall ceilings, and paneling of deep brown wood.

  “The kitchen is back this way.”

  She followed him through the swinging doors and waited as he flipped on the lights. The bright fluorescents flicked to life, and steel work tables and shelves of appliances came into view.

  “I think some of these things can be used.” As he inspected the gadgets, Wendy wandered around.

  She remembered watching him cook at her house. His skillful hands flew through the motions. He had enchanted her with the way he tasted each ingredient before using it.

  He might be only a dishwasher at work, but he could be so much more.

  “You’re taking a big gamble. The restaurant business is risky,” she said.

  “I can always get another dishwashing job. But this is a chance I won’t pass up.”

  “You’ll be busy getting it started. I can’t imagine you’ll have time for anything else.” Why did her voice have to sound so meek?

  He laughed. “I never thought you would worry about someone being too busy.”

  His infectious laugh made her smile. “You’re right. I’m the last one to talk. This place is great. I’m sure you and your family will make it a success.”

  “You know,” Franco moved toward her. “We’ll need waitresses. We’ll pay better than the resort, and you could work in the evenings and take regular daytime classes.” He closed the space between them. Wendy’s skin prickled from the energy he emitted.

  “I think we should go.” She backed away and rubbed her arms.

  “Sure, I’m done here. I’ve got some great cheese and olives for the picnic.”

  Wendy sighed. He was handsome, he was sexy. She already knew he was good in bed, or at least under a tree. He was kind and gentle, but he had expectations.

  “Franco, I like you. And I’m sorry if I sent the wrong message. But I can’t be a waitress here. I have so much work for school and I don’t want anything to get in the way.” Her chest constricted, and, damn if tears didn’t burn in the backs of her eyes.


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